Ariana TM Get... Whatever its called.
Ariana TM Get... Whatever its called.
Removed some friends. Some haven't been in on almost 2 months. (I've kept Chilly.. because... it's not yet time..)
I think if we make it to OT4 and/or the Emperor banner and he's not back then it's time.
I was hoping for a surprise Cloud banner announcement this morning so I could blow all of my resources for the 3rd time without getting a good character and then I could finally quit the game
Just used the 6 or so Tickets we got for trash.
Okay thats kinda brutal - this banner is a serious trap. Makes sense considering its limited and many hardcore SoM fans will go all out on this one...still....brutal.
If you're already planning to quit, does getting Cloud even matter?
If you find yourself not having fun anymore, I doubt 1 single unit can change that.
I have done hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pulls without a 5*. Been playing since soft launch. I go into arenas and every single team I face has at least one or two 5*s. It's just disheartening. I am going to give it the old college try one more time, be if a cloud banner, Orlandu or FFX banner and if things don't land, then I'm done. I can't stand the rng.
So yeah, the minor victory of one unit and satisfaction that the game doesn't solely exist to crush me would keep me playing
Crappy pulls today although I got a 3rd Popoi which at least lets me get plenty candy.
I just want Randi ;_;
Hey thanks for this list. I just need 3 more mystic ores and then I can awaken my Exdeath again. After that I'm gonna farm candy thanks to the help of all of you Exdeath units. And hopefully I can get enough candy for the materials I need to awaken my Luneth too. I'm contemplating if I should do the SoM event on PRO or ELF.I just do entrance. But I'm not really sure how common they are. I do entrance for tm farming so when I'm clearing out my material slots there's usually some extras.
Here's the list of where to find them. Thinking about it you get extra items based on a units TM percentage, so I've probably been getting them that way. I would suggest going to the cheapest place on the list and farming them that way. Siren's Tower would probably be good as you can steal them and they can drop them.
I want Randi more. I have 11 Popois and 3 Primms.
This one turn kills without any chaining, I don't you need any more than 350 attack or magic with chaining/diabolos
See that GREY LOCK.
Tap it so that it is YELLOW.
Man people should lock their units.
I have done hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pulls without a 5*. Been playing since soft launch. I go into arenas and every single team I face has at least one or two 5*s. It's just disheartening. I am going to give it the old college try one more time, be if a cloud banner, Orlandu or FFX banner and if things don't land, then I'm done. I can't stand the rng.
So yeah, the minor victory of one unit and satisfaction that the game doesn't solely exist to crush me would keep me playing
Yun LB seems to deal a lot of damage. Is grinding his LB worth it? Also the only way for a 5*/6* to grind efficiently is by taking pots right?
Also...82 days all...
Lol I have 3 Popoi and 1 Primm. I feel your pain.
I am now going to brain dump a bunch of characters I look forward to being in Brave Exvius:
- Blue Mages (Quina, Strago, Quistis, etc.)
- Squall
- Sephiroth
- Beatrix (FF9). She should be OP
- Jecht (FFX)
- A Red Chocobo (why the heck not)
- Seifer
- Zell
- Aranea Highwind
- Zack Fair
Vagrant Story collab and take my money.
Also, Mystic Quest because why not.
Im having a change of heart about primm. Shes amazing as a mage. Her saintly beam bits hard and her heal reaches curaja levels. She might be recurrent un my f2p setup
Also i bought the tiara. My refia feels like a Queen now.
Yeah thats the way to go
They are just really rare. You can basically only get the big ones from Arena summons and arena board completion rotations
Also...82 days all...
Her spells are skills not magic, so dual cast does nothing for her. Equip H Shield is good for her though if you have some Charlottes.On Tilith is it worth it to fully pimp out in SPR gear? I just got Equip staff & Magi staff TMs for her, and working on a Dualcast & Minerva Busier now. Want to have her primed for 6* upgrade. I have an Alma too, if it would be better to use her TM robe.
Are we talking "better than Exdeath" amazing, or "better than you'd expect" amazing?Im having a change of heart about primm. Shes amazing as a mage. Her saintly beam bits hard and her heal reaches curaja levels. She might be recurrent un my f2p setup
I will now brain dump some Quality of Life changes I wish they'd make to this game:
Crystal Changes - Gold Crystals always give a 4 star base unit, Rainbow Crystals always give a 5 star base unit.
Repeat Function - Remember and re-do unit actions between battles in Explorations and even remembered between different Missions.
Summons - Make Summons do respectable damage. Scale their damage based on the character using it (Ramuh from MAG stat, Ifrit from STR stat etc.)
Claim All Dailies - Give us a Claim All button for Daily quests, so we don't have to accept them one at a time.
11 Ticket Pull - Allow us to use Summon tickets multiple at a time. Big batch pull of them, maybe guarantee a 4 star base too.
Banner Units - Roughly DOUBLE the appearance rate of banner units. I want MOST of the units I pull for a banner to be units FOR that banner.
Can you talk a bit more about your Primm build? I've found her kinda useful but had given up on her as a legit member of my A squad.
Are we talking "better than Exdeath" amazing, or "better than you'd expect" amazing?
Sure, heres my build
Fuck I just lost an Arena match because of some Death spell that killed four party members in one attack. What the hell was that ;_;
Nah there was a skull in the spell animation and my guys just fainted, except Seven who's probably immune thanks to being awesome.
Golem Staff equipped unit doing Blade Blitz or something similar AOE damage = stoning your units prolly.