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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Professional Schmuck
Everyone be sure to go to menu achievements to grab your ring recipes

Monarch's Ring - 40 trophies
Stats: DEF+5, SPR+5, ATK +10%, MAG +10%, DEF +10%, SPR +10%

Domination Ring - 50 trophies
Stats: DEF+5, SPR+5, HP +10%, MP +10%, ATK +10%, MAG +10%

Ruler's Ring - 60 trophies
Stats: DEF+5, SPR+5, HP +5%, MP +5%, ATK +15%, MAG +15%

Ring of Dominion - 70 trophies
Stats: DEF+7, SPR+7, HP +30%, MP +30%, ATK +50%, DEF +50%, MAG +50%, SPR +50%

jeeeeeeezzzzuussssssss fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

oh btw these all eat your hero rings!


The rates aren't changed, you all just got lucky this time. I had the same feeling during the Noctis banner when I got Noctis and Ramza in three pulls. The other side of the coin sucks though, ~35 pulls this time just to get a single freakin Shine and nothing else.


Okay got:
Dragon Killer
Undead Killer
Armor Break

75 SP left.

Oh thanks for the reminder Panther! So much new content, spent most the day using NRG on the story, using orbs, maxing Odin, seeing the new changes, failing at the 11 pull and tickets etc.

Got the recipe for Monarch's Ring, Domination Ring and Ruler's Ring.
To get these new rings going I need massive amounts of light megacrysts. I currently have 5. Anyone know where the most efficient place is to get them?
Just so everyone knows you can skip one of the 40 ATK nodes on Odin as it doesn't put you past the next amount to add to your unit. Use the 30 points for something else.


10 + 1 = trash, ftg
Jack *new
Seven *new

Btw, says I need 10 more quests for Ring of Dominion, is that about right? Completed all the quests so far.

Wait, I just realized this. No banner units. Srsly?


Just so everyone knows you can skip one of the 40 ATK nodes on Odin as it doesn't put you past the next amount to add to your unit. Use the 30 points for something else.

Dammit :( few mins too late, I grabbed all the ATK, what a con haha. Damn, so it's totally pointless? :( I think I could have gotten Lance if I skipped that too, didn't realise.

Here we go!


Congrats to everyone who got a 5* or shines. Especially to Chrono. Your luneth with will be a great enrichment to your squad. Mine is a staple since i got him from his banner.

So...pls tell me that we soon get something i can use my new marie on. Kinda sad that i didn't got olive, well a couple more dailys. Now back to saving for Tidus or Eileen.....untill then i will just go the usual route and snatch my friend gaf units to make my life easier.
Hoping I can pull at least one Shine on dailies. Fortunately, we've got 2 weeks for that! Now I've got some manageable TM farming to do...

Dark Fina
2x Leon


Because of this round's insane luck, I'm going to toss some Amazon coins at TM refreshes -- also some Gumi GL 2.0 goodwill.


Warning: Incoming wall-of-text.

Did the free 11 pull and got a rainbow: Marie!!


Nothing terribly exciting after that, but did get a gold Leon.

Still, very psyched to get Marie!

I didn't read up a lot about Marie until now (since I was, more or less, on a temporary break from the game), but it seems like she's a really great support unit. Best in-game currently, actually, which means she should be future-proof for a while. Nice pull!

Got a rainbow in my free 10+1 pull

5* Ace is mine

Good luck all, please share your pulls!

That pull is Ace.



do 1 ticket pull and actually got Olive.

Good luck to you guys as well.
Congrats on the Olive (and being the first here to presumably get her?).

She looks like a beast, I think I want her.

On my free 11 pull I got a 5 Star Dark Fina!!!! So pumped. I feel like my team is pretty set now once I level everything? I'll still need to do equipment, I'm basically only doing store bought and hitting the optimize button, but my team is:

5 star Cecil
5 star Dark Fina
5 Star Bartz
5 Star Chirizo
4 Star Refia

I currently have 7 summon tickets. Is the feature banner worth pulling on?
Congrats on the Dark Fina!

I actually really want her, not just for her power but she has a really nice sprite too. Maybe one day...

that's insane...


*edit* AND dark fina gosh y'all!
And another! \o/

Oh shit, here we go GAF:


Rainbow Crystal!



Second Donkey Kong Country. I ain't even mad. Dual Wielding Deathbringers!
Haha, a nice TM is always a positive side to a dupe pull. Glad to hear it worked out for you.

I didn't get a rainbow on my free 10+ pull. I did get a rainbow on my first ticket on the new banner ...and it was a Luneth. Still very happy.
I joined the Luneth Club today too. No complaints here either.


Did my free pull. Only notable is a Zidane.

Used up my 30 tickets and got the following:

Leon (where were you last banner)
Shine x2
Chizuru x2

oh and this gal

I'm jealous!

As I'm going through these previous pages, I keep reading the potential of Olive and how Godly she is. My need for her increases...

Omgggggg! I've been playing since soft launch and never seen a 5* and thought the free 10+1 was finally gonna be my chance. Did it and got all blues and a Hope. Decided I was just gonna waste all my tickets in frustration and ended up pulling Dark Fina and Olive back to back with my first two tickets!!
That luck, haha.

Congrats on the double rainbow pulls, and great ones at that!

Used my only 4 tickets I had on Olive banner.


Wow indeed. O_O

Praise the end of troll crystals! !\°o°/!
It's amazing.

This is also amazing.

Decided to support the game and buy some lapis for the first time and got Marie!

So I went all in with my Lapis I've been hoarding since the beginning of the game, several tickets, and I got these units: (leaving out the boring ones)

Shrine x4
My first Refia
My first WoL
My first Ludmille
Several Shera
My first Mercedes
Congrats on the Marie! Also, those other pulls. Just a great 10+1 all around. Nicely done!

Welp, free 11 pulls :


I can hear Chilly screaming.
Is that the sound I hear? Been wondering about that.

Did the free multi and got my first Chiz and WoL. Then did my daily and got Dark Knight Cecil. Is he any good? Wiki says he's bleh until enhancements.
He's amazing with enhancements, so you did good. You just have to be patient until his moment comes.

Also, congrats.

Got a Rainbow... Delita..
Better than none, but sure hope i got a Zidane in that free multi. But nope.
All craps.
Congrats on the Delita, sorry about the no Zidane though. Kind of insane how a 3* base continues to elude you, but I'm sure you'll get one eventually. Try to hang in there.


Sooooo, I cant get no shines....
But that rainbow!

Omg to know that i will get something good was great

Nooooo, no olive or noctis :(((((

Well at least it was for free and my first gafgarion...yay.
Congrats on the rainbow.

The crystal change is amazing, since there's (less) disappointment now when you see a particular crystal. It's much needed, that's for sure.

I feel so dirty
How could something so wrong, feel so right?



The days of a dead Arena Cecil blocking 10 hits are now over.

Seriously, this bothered me more than it should have, but I'm glad to see it be changed.

2 Hours ago I pulled my 10th! Snow wtf?
Ok I got 3 new units from free pull too \o_

Wow, nice pull. Congrats!

Here I go...

First Eleven pull was absolute garbage. It was the free one. Only gold was the guaranteed gold. And it was WoL. My 8th or something.


Eleven pull number 2:


Did some more pulls after that. The highlights are a second Shine, and my first Agrias.
Congrats man. :)

Valentus.....I secretly admire and hate you at the same time lol. Congrats on breaking the 1k barrier!
We're all secretly jealous of Valentus. It's okay to admit it.

Did my free 10+1 pull and got Marie :)

Was so psyched when I saw that rainbow knowing the new rules!
Congrats on the Ma-

After I get Marie from my free pull I go and use tickets to get Shines tm...2nd ticket I use and rainbow!


Best exvius day ever!!!!!!!!!

Congrats man, that's just insane.

Oh damn, did the half-price pull and landed a Gilgamesh. I'll take it!
As well you should, he's great.


80 tickets and 2-11 Pulls...

Got my first Rainbow ever....Marie.....

Still don't have a DPS. Only have Chiz and Firion since soft launch

Didn't even get a single Zidane. I did get 5 Shines but idk man....

I might be done
You say you're almost done, but I have a feeling things will change for you soon.

(Yes, I cheated and already read future posts from you, but let's pretend I'm a prophet who sees upcoming events before they happen.)

Free pull:

Emperor seems OK.
Flare, but with no water abilities to take advantage of it.
Starfall, cannot be dualcasted
At least his TM is sick.
Emperor is an extremely solid pull. I know everyone is talking about Olive this and Olive that, but he's still a great character. Congrats!


My Free 11 Pull:

-- Rydia x 2
-- Bartz x 3
-- Lani
-- Sabin
-- Krille
-- Guy
-- Garnet
-- Gaffgarion

I wasn't expecting much, but what the bloody hell :/

Sorry man.

Did a 10+1 on Lapis. :( What a waste. I should just give up.


First Agrias but wasn't worth the 5k for. I guess this is why I just haven't done any up until this point. Maybe I should just not anymore.
Sorry to you too. :(

holy crap no more 99 materials cap!!!

Here is my video of testing Olive with UNLIMITED POWER

Its my first spoken video, so dont judge or mock me D:
One word: Broken. DAMN!

I rage pulled GAF. I raged and whaled hard. This is my seventh 11 pull on this banner. No rainbows until this one. Don't EVER EVER EVER chase rainbows. They are so god damn rare. Count your blessings when you get one.

Glad to see you finally earn that Olive, sorry it took so much for you.

But hey, it all worked out in the end!

Just did a few more pulls for some Shine's and got a 2nd Dark Fina...what the actual fuck is going on today?
Can I have that 2nd Dark Fina? Please. :eek:

I got Marie!! :D


So I burned my NRG to get lapis from missions so I had enough for a 5k pull....

An update of where I was at before this:

  • F2P
  • Playing since soft launch
  • 200+ tickets at least
  • 10+ 11 pulls at least
  • Never received a 5*

Today I used my free 11 pull + 5k lapis and all 81 tickets I had saved up and did receive my first 5*, but it was Marie...still without DPS beyond Chiz and Firion

So, after doing the missions to get just enough lapis to do another 11 pull, I ripped it and there were TWO rainbows...wtf....

  • Emperor
  • Olive

I am excited, but also like well SHIT I just spent all of my lapis and I have 40 more units than I have slots and now I need to level up these people and just feel overwhelmed haha. Anyway....yay.

I have 3 stored up 10% moogles...should I give them all to Olive or give them to Shine (I pulled 5x of them today) and then let Olive use the lightening hammer til I grind her gun up?

Guess I am not quitting
See, I knew it would all work itself out! Congrats, I'm truly happy for you. :)

Wish I had screenshotted my 10+1 free pull:

Didn't get much noteworthy.
-Shadow, Cryan, Vivi, (the usuals)
-Agrias (My 6th, I feel the game is punishing me for having wanted her so bad)

Anyways since this update I figured I'll actually clear some content instead of the TM farming I've been doing for the last two months.

Didn't get a lot of Crystals but I'm at 30+ tickets so I'm ready to waste it all and have my heart broken again.
Congrats on the Emperor. Nice to see a range of rainbows being pulled this day.

GUYS. I caved. I spent the 5000. No Shines.

But but but... Olive AND Dark Fina (!!).

I wonder if something is up with the pull rates today?
I want both of those, congrats man. Not bad for 5,000 Lapis spent!

Stated this on the Discord chat but I got trash in my free 10+1. Then I spent 10 tickets and got myself 2 Shine's.

I had 8.8k or so and eventually cracked and did a 10+1. All crap, literally, no banner units and most units TM were not worth farming. Got a Ludmille at least, so I'll fuse him to my 4 that have been baking and I'll have Dual Cast today, so at least a small victory, right?

Got aggravated and just liken Gilgamesh banner I began rage ticketing.

Went from 20 tickets to 3 and still no banner units.

3.8k Lapis and 3 tickets left, from 8.8k and 30.

Figured it's too late now and was going to spend my last 3 tickets and go back to TM farming.

Next ticket comes up Rainbow. Oh snap, no more troll rainbows right?

Opens up...



Decided to 10 pull after all these reports, saw a rainbow and prayed to rngesus and...

OLIVE-U get.

Damn you guys are lucky charms. 3rd 5 star base, joins the ranks of ramza and stealth nerfed randi.
So many Olive, brings a tear to my eye.

So happy for you guys.

it worked!
Just according to keikaku. (TN: Keikaku means "planned").


Grats Chrono, Luneth is a great free dual wield unit!

Today seems pretty lucky for the majority of gaf. Hope the rest of you get some luck in the upcoming days.

I did one 10+1 on the new banner and got a few of the little red and white dude. I'll probably do one more at the end of the banner and try to nab the 4* base, that TM is hot.

Still excited at getting my first Leon today. Gilgamesh is going to get a nice new toy someday.
Thanks man, I'm happy for sure!

Not sure if I should/shouldn't try for Olive. I want to try for Gilgamesh, but seeing Valentus and his Olive...


Only notable units from the free 11 were Seven, another Exdeath, another Terra and Hope. The rest was trash.

I suppose it will be nice to have 2 Exdeath, but the terra I will likely just fuse to my other one for TM.

Seven is decent isn't she?


hahaha god dammit. I just pulled a roy on my jpn account. I really need to start playing it, but it would take so much to catch up. Also i can't figure out what would be the best team to use

Onion Knight
and a healer? But which one since i don't have refia or tillith.

Shouta may you can help me?

Thanks chrono :)

I think it's finally time I gave in and TM farm/ macro this game. When the new update macros come out I hope somebody posts them. I'm gonna research how to get this all going.
Damn I want Fencer but I doubt she'll be back any time soon

I did FINALLY get Chizuru from the 11 pull

Also, I'm seeing that Mercedes is back in the new Rare Summons? Correct?


Thanks chrono :)

I think it's finally time I gave in and TM farm/ macro this game. When the new update macros come out I hope somebody posts them. I'm gonna research how to get this all going.

the jp version macros work for TM farming now since its very similar to the japanese version now.


So I did my daily pull and 14x tickets (for Olive/Shine)


Exdeath (Dupe)


Shera (New)
Shera (What?)
Shera (Huh!?)
Shine (New!)
Shera (You serious?)
Shine (Wha!?)
Shera (No way)
Lani (The chain is broken)
Shantotto (Definitely broken)
Jack (No chain here)
Shera (The chain returns?)
Leo (Nope, no chain)
Kuja (Dupe)
Jack (Dupe)

Happy about the Shine x2, but no Olive. Now I'm tempted to use my Lapis. >_<


I'm a f2p person or something. I did 20 pulls today total. This includes my 10+1 and my 9 tickets. The notables were:


Warrior of Light



I don't think I'm allowed to complain ever.


sparkle this bitch
Got kind of the shits end this morning.

10+1 Produced nothing but Luka. Rest were all base 3 and more useless ones like Freya.
Used 10 Tickets + Daily, I managed to get a Shine and Leon.

So 22 pulls - 2x Luka, 1x Shine, 1x Leon, 5x Shreena


I'm a f2p person or something. I did 20 pulls today total. This includes my 10+1 and my 9 tickets. The notables were:


Warrior of Light



I don't think I'm allowed to complain ever.

Brilliant! :) nice one on getting Emperor, and Warrior of Light will be coming back ontop soon, got a fantastic tank there and Chiz will be dealing some serious damage.

Got kind of the shits end this morning.

10+1 Produced nothing but Luka. Rest were all base 3 and more useless ones like Freya.
Used 10 Tickets + Daily, I managed to get a Shine and Leon.

So 22 pulls - 2x Luka, 1x Shine, 1x Leon, 5x Shreena

Nice one that you got Shine! Didn't get anyone decent in the 24 pulls I had today, wasn't good.


sparkle this bitch
Nice one that you got Shine! Didn't get anyone decent in the 24 pulls I had today, wasn't good.

Yes and no, I know now what my issue has been with the game. I haven't been able to replace... really anyone in 3 months. Ling is the closest option, but even that is limited.
GAF WTF. I feel like such a jackass. I downloaded NOx and made my own script to run earth shrine and it took me about 15 minutes. I can not freaking believe how easy this was to set up. WHY DIDN'T I JUST DO THIS MONTHS AGO!?!??! I'm such an idiot for thinking this was something I was highly against. I equated it to hacking or using a cheat device. I'm an idiot.


Brilliant! :) nice one on getting Emperor, and Warrior of Light will be coming back ontop soon, got a fantastic tank there and Chiz will be dealing some serious.

Thanks for all your input. Oh and for your ExDeath. I was mopping the floor in the vortex with his dual cast. I got tons of candy!


Congrats to everyone's pulls!

Glad to hear there's a macro fix which I'll setup when I get home. I'm going to hold off pulling too much until people choice banner happens.


Warning: Incoming wall-of-text.

Chrono my hero! I was super busy at work all day so I haven't been able to check the thread at all until right now and that provided a very nice recap of today's festivities! So much Olive, congrats everyone that managed to get her!

My daily and 10 tickets were total garbage, nothing even TM worthy.

But my free 10+1:

Proud owner of a David Bowie and finally Agrias! Already have 2 Champion Belts so Snow isn't great, but that's more than I was expecting to get for free! Sadly my wife's was a dumpster fire, she got Mercedes #6 and #7 and all blues.
Hey GAF, I've got a question regarding finisher units. Of course I doubt I'll ever get 2x Orlandu but I'm hoping for a second Chiziru.

In JPN I gather some top finishers are Firion w/ enhancements and Cloud?

Now, using Global rules (no stacking doublehand?) who would rule the roost?



I know as if today I just made my Firion obsolete, but looking towards the future. Olive enhancements... yikes!


Hey GAF, I've got a question regarding finisher units. Of course I doubt I'll ever get 2x Orlandu but I'm hoping for a second Chiziru.

In JPN I gather some top finishers are Firion w/ enhancements and Cloud?

Now, using Global rules (no stacking doublehand?) who would rule the roost?



I know as if today I just made my Firion obsolete, but looking towards the future. Olive enhancements... yikes!

Olive and cloud can get 300% doublehanded cap... Cloud is better then olive, then everyone is in a distant third
Just saying I can't wait until we get those raid type events in GL. The ones where I can just keep grinding and get rewards. Shiiieeet!

Speaking of, Shouta, if you see this, are any of the units good in the current JP event?

Chrono man congrats. luneth is a fucking incredible pull. Jealous!

No rainbows for me.
Olive and cloud can get 300% doublehanded cap... Cloud is better then olive, then everyone is in a distant third

So in regards to finisher units she is 2nd only to Cloud if she was in JPN right now? She is already, non-enhanced, better than Firion from JPN?

You also factor in Cloud not being able to stack doublehand right? Maybe I'm wrong but I get this impression that in JPN you can equip a unit with multiple doublehand materia.

That's crazy. So glad I pulled her today. If I also had a Noctis I could probably not pull for the next 6 months lol.

So excited to see what she can do once Ramza gets enhanced and he becomes my HP/MP/100% stats boost battery.

As a F2P I feel like I hit just the right 5* base units to set me up for a long time.

Waiting for WoL upgrade next.


So in regards to finisher units she is 2nd only to Cloud if she was in JPN right now? She is already, non-enhanced, better than Firion from JPN?

You also factor in Cloud not being able to stack doublehand right? Maybe I'm wrong but I get this impression that in JPN you can equip a unit with multiple doublehand materia.

That's crazy. So glad I pulled her today.

I think Olive is on par with Cloud when we consider GL's limitations.

Right now, we can get Olive to 1175 max atk. If we add JP's current materia and acc like Cloud's and Elfried's, both Cloud and Olive will have around 1.3k to 1.4k atk in GL.


Olive and cloud can get 300% doublehanded cap... Cloud is better then olive, then everyone is in a distant third

Randi will be better than Cloud. Assuming enhancements come like they should.

Just saying I can't wait until we get those raid type events in GL. The ones where I can just keep grinding and get rewards. Shiiieeet!

Speaking of, Shouta, if you see this, are any of the units good in the current JP event?

Chrono man congrats. luneth is a fucking incredible pull. Jealous!

No rainbows for me.

Current Raid event is just the art contest winners. Their kits aren't great but might have edge case usage. A few of them have TMs that are worth getting.
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