Wow, well that was a crazy catch up on pages since yesterday....
Too busy at work to be able to check GAF and post, but didn't get Noctis on daily pull, forgot who I got, I think I'll use a few tickets nothing more.
It's been crazy seeing how hard people have been pulling for Noctis!! I mean, I'm really enjoying FFXV and I'd really like Noctis for his Arena skills, sweet animations and generally being a relevant character due to XV, but I'm not going all out. Will be be replacing anyone in my current team? No. Will I need him to progress further with something? No. Will I eventually get him with Daily pulls or tickets as the game goes on? There is a chance to, I mean I got Lightning, Warrior of Light, Chiz all on random daily pulls. So I'll see how it goes, but I've been very lucky with my team and will stick with them for a long time with no 11 pulls for quite a while!
-Congratulations to everyone lucky enough to have pulled the Prince though!!
-I've added a few of some newer members too by the way.
-Still trying to finish the story then will do a lot of the Maze for a Burst Pots.
-Oh and CCIE it's sad to see you wanting to take a break

Total Login Days: 168
Total Concecutive Login Days: 158
(But it doesn't show Rainbows anywhere does it?)