Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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I'm watching the tek_maki stream on twitch and he's $500 in with no Noctis. Didn't pull a Mercedes until he was over $300 in. This game....


Took a look at my stats and it shows:

Total Login Days: 168
Total Consecutive Login Days: 168
Total Units Obtained: 1154
Total Units Archived: 195

Rainbow Crystals: 3 (Exdeath, Terra, Snow)

I thought I did more pulls...


Took a look at my stats and it shows:

Total Login Days: 168
Total Consecutive Login Days: 168
Total Units Obtained: 1154
Total Units Archived: 195

Rainbow Crystals: 3 (Exdeath, Terra, Snow)

I thought I did more pulls...

I mean your total units obtained will likely depend on how much you've pulled via FP. :p

Mines around yours and I didn't FP pull at all, so I guess you could be the same?


I mean your total units obtained will likely depend on how much you've pulled via FP. :p

Mines around yours and I didn't FP pull at all, so I guess you could be the same?

Heh, I did a bunch of basic Friend Unit pulls over time, so I guess I haven't pulled as much via the normal portals as I thought. If you've never done a Friend Unit pull, then you must have a lot of Friend Points saved up.


Nah, started in soft launch and gonna stay until the anniversary at least!
When I'll get Orlandu on my first daily, I'll laugh at all I wasted on Greg and Noctis.


Heh, I did a bunch of basic Friend Unit pulls over time, so I guess I haven't pulled as much via the normal portals as I thought. If you've never done a Friend Unit pull, then you must have a lot of Friend Points saved up.

I've been at the cap for quite a while. xD

I just value my time more than I value the tiny rewards you can sometimes get from FP pulling. It's just so tedious getting rid of all the shit you don't want from the pulls.




This game is tearing us apart



I know right :( sad to see. I'm lucky with the units I have now so haven't got the urge to 11 pull anymore (well until they bring in FF7). Don't you dare go!


Nah, started in soft launch and gonna stay until the anniversary at least!
When I'll get Orlandu on my first daily, I'll laugh at all I wasted on Greg and Noctis.

luckily you are my friend so our orlandus will elemental chain the fuck of all of our enemies.

But, honestly, Noctis in arena is top tier. We need to see him in harder trials, but his skillset is very impressive. Really really top notch unit.


Units obtained is misleading, as it's going to count all the gigantaurs and FP unit pulls in that number.

But, for comparing purposes:

Days played: 169
Consecutive played: 169

Units obtained: 4770
Units archived: 225
Rainbows: 3 --> Luneth, Elza, Ramza, in that order all within the BF/FF3 banner window.


Power creep is so real in this game.

5* units with good spells/abilities (like Hope), with 300ish ATK/MAG are so mediocre these days already.



A 10+1 and 11 tickets.

10+1 Got me Mercedes, 3 Charlottes(new), and Rosa(new).

The tickets got me my 4th Cecil, 2nd CoD, 2nd Kefka, 2nd Cerius...

Not terrible but the best of the best still elude me!

Still got 7k lapis and 11 more tickets if the dailies fail to provide Chiz. Or Noctis lol, havent seen a rainbow ever. Playing since August.

Congrats man! Glad to see someone else here get Noctis. :)

For me, every day that goes by without a 5* gets more and more depressing. I'll stick with the game another few months, but if the trials continue to get harder (and I don't manage a 5* base) I might be forced to quit the game. We'll see how it goes, I haven't given up yet. Still, playing since launch and being without a 5* base is getting to be pretty frustrating.

Remain positive.
Remain positive!

That's what I keep telling myself.

Me too. lol

Man I was really hoping for you. Oh well, we still have great units, just not the BEST units...


Power creep is so real in this game.

5* units with good spells/abilities (like Hope), with 300ish ATK/MAG are so mediocre these days already.

I have to say this:

ANY MAGE with Ring of Lucii is a juggernaut. Lets not mention ExDeath and Majin Fina because those 2 animals with that ring reach godlike status.


Checked if I had enough mats to awaken my second Chizuru, and I'm glad I did otherwise I would have to wait for the Christmas event to do it.


Valentus, I'm just taking a break. Please don't delete me

I didnt delete chilly and i will not delete you. You 2 are my favorite persons of this community. Take your break, relax, just do another stuff, and come back when you are fully charged again.

ExviusGAF will be waiting for you


So rerrol attempt 20. Exdeath not considered a good starter correct?

Honestly... reroll until you get noctis. Even if all the other units are crap. If you get noctis you are good.

Noctis even at low level can carry your scrub rain and lasswell. Contrary to other 5stars that needs build to be powerfull.
Honestly... reroll until you get noctis. Even if all the other units are crap. If you get noctis you are good.

Noctis even at low level can carry your scrub rain and lasswell. Contrary to other 5stars that needs build to be powerfull.

Gottcha. This is going to be a long painful process isn't it? lol

Question. I don't remember if my main FB account was ever linked to this game when I tried it briefly months ago. When you try to link to a new account does it have you confirm it or does it just link the right away?
Noctis get!!! Thank freaking god. Last two rainbows have been trolls. Thank u rng!!

Pulled third medius which was my guaranteed 4 star. Pulled 2nd hayate.2nd Kuja. 7th Leo. And 4th charlotte. Refia will have an aegis shield eventually lol.


I've been at the cap for quite a while. xD

I just value my time more than I value the tiny rewards you can sometimes get from FP pulling. It's just so tedious getting rid of all the shit you don't want from the pulls.

Heh, I know exactly what you mean. The only reason I started pulling from the Friend Unit group was to try and get a few of the Killer materia and the HP 10% materia. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have even bothered. Those units aren't even worth selling.


Totally agree, and then Noctis will be buffed in 6/7 months too.

Do you mean enhancements or him getting bumped up to JP Noctis? Do we have confirmation of that? All I've seen is the email someone on Reddit sent to Gumi asking about an upgrade to JP Noctis and they basically said "no comment."


I'm actually really curious what everyone's rainbow crystal pull rate has been. I've only pulled two rainbows the entire course of the game. It's a stupid low chance. I'd be so upset if I rainbow pulled and it wasn't actually a 5 star base unit.
My rainbow drops,

1 - Lightning
1 - Luneth


Full disclosure I have spent a few hundred bucks so there have been many, many pulls.


Totally agree, and then Noctis will be buffed in 6/7 months too.

Do we know this for sure?

Do you mean enhancements or him getting bumped up to JP Noctis? Do we have confirmation of that? All I've seen is the email someone on Reddit sent to Gumi asking about an upgrade to JP Noctis and they basically said "no comment."
Yeah, they gonna screw us like not giving us stacking for certain materias?


Do you mean enhancements or him getting bumped up to JP Noctis? Do we have confirmation of that? All I've seen is the email someone on Reddit sent to Gumi asking about an upgrade to JP Noctis and they basically said "no comment."
He's definitely going to be buffed to current Japan standards when the moment comes. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. The only reason we're seeing these nerf's are because, if they released him in full-effect, he'd overshadow all of the current characters (and several of the upcoming ones) due to his power level. Hell, even nerf'd he's reaching that level for many.

I wish I had him, jealous of all those that do.


He's definitely going to be buffed to current Japan standards when the moment comes. It wouldn't make sense otherwise. The only reason we're seeing these nerf's are because, if they released him in full-effect, he'd overshadow all of the current characters (and several of the upcoming ones) due to his power level. Hell, even nerf'd he's reaching that level for many.

I wish I had him, jealous of all those that do.
Yep I agree, plus they'll want people to pull for him once again, too.


Gonna take a break from this.

I'm burnt out, and stuff going on in my life just has me completely drained in general.

If anyone who has me added ever needs to make space on their friendlist feel free to remove me.


Seriously, what the fuck am I supposed to do here? Even with the Moogle trick I rarely go more than 2 steps deep without ending the maze.

The fact that I need 30 of these things makes me not want to bother at all. I guess I just wait months for them to give a large one out for arena or grind Cecil on the gravestones for hours.
I did 10 runs and only made it to the end once (got 3 star quartz). I was never good at this event.

Oh god you can still get Star Quartz? K I think I'll stop having any expectations of getting LB pots here, my roommate having gotten 5 already made me think it was viable.


I got that bug again where my quoted post aren't highlighted on mobile, it's really confusing.
You think they upgrade his TMR too? That never been done before. Then again they can do anything.
Gumi removed that spear earth key completion reward from everyone's inventory and changed the angel earrings description multiple time, so they can edit items.


Bit late to the party but I've summoned 1757 units and had 3 rainbows. 2 were before 5* bases were a thing though so I don't really count them (Firion and CoD). My first in the 5* era was Ramza, today (man it could have been Noctis, so sad, but happy nonetheless).


what happens when you reach the last room?

I managed to get to the room where there is only 2 doors to choose from about 3-4 times but everytime it seems I selected the wrong door , because I only get a gigantuar at the end


Saw reddit talking about how Gumi could "balance" Orlandu, welp I'm starting to get scared.
what happens when you reach the last room?

I managed to get to the room where there is only 2 doors to choose from about 3-4 times but everytime it seems I selected the wrong door , because I only get a gigantuar at the end

Yes it means you picked the wrong room, should be 3 minituars.
I would prefer the Gigantuar though personally x)
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