Daily: Maria
44 tickets and 20k Lapis and NOT ONE SINGLE RAINBOW not even a troll. That's July to now and I can't even get a troll rainbow. How the fuck does anyone get them? Spending 500 bucks I guess. We are officially cursed, Chrono ;_; I am 2k lapis from being able to do one last 10+1 pull. I actually barely even got one Mercedes at the end of all those pulls lol! Also, a gold was Bedille, this thread title made me think I'd be safe from him haha
Ahem, anyway, my defensive mechanism is apathy so I'm actually calm but just sad thinking about it because I feel I'm truly never getting a 5* base. Even if they do the Japan fix, it won't matter if I can't get a single rainbow. I know, RNG means I could get one at any moment but when you've been playing since July and haven't seen one... well, most of you don't know what that's like.
That all said, I had enough pulls to not get all complete shit and actually got a few things that make me quite happy and I'll carry on hoping this will make my team strong enough with a whale friend to beat trials for now.
The Silver Lining:
1. By far the pull that made me happiest, the one thing I prayed for a gold to turn into if it couldn't go rainbow: REFIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more Lenna soon! I already have Dual Cast ability too

I can't wait to get her in the lineup because every damn strategy you guys put up involves here as healer haha I was always feeling inadequate with Lenna.
2. I got Chorizo! Finally! I pulled for her in her first banner but couldn't get her but this time...I got three! So three blade masteries

How many should I keep versus fusing to learn it faster? Keep 2? or all three?
3. Like when I went hard for Lightning, I got a bunch of great TM units that I otherwise wouldn't. Chief among them two more Zidanes

So three DWs eventually. I got more Cecils...I have 5 of them now.. good lord, how many Excals should I keep? I'd love to fuse some into the one I've been farming to speed it up. I also got another Miyuki.
As for new stuff, after Valentus was showing me how to gear a unit and I said I don't have any of that stuff... two Gaffs for Bracers and a Hayate for a Black Cowl

I also got one of the guy that has growth egg plus a Celese that I kept this time for the Minerva Buster. Another shantotto too.
Oh, almost forgot, last pull gave me Bartz too who I know got his 6* recently. Was he any good outside that suicide MP restore exploit?
So all in all I got a lot of good stuff I'm just bummed that all those pulls didn't yield a single rainbow. As bad as I want Noctis, I'd love Gilg, Luneth, Light, etc. Also TMs can only make you so happy when it takes ten years to learn them haha Especially with constant interruptions though I think Nox is doing a little better lately.