Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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The only two rainbows I've pulled, since starting day 1 of global, were Chizuru (from rerolls) and Ramza (who took literally all of my resources at the time - every last bit of lapis and all my tickets).

On a scale of 1 to 10, my trouble with trials so far has been somewhere between 0 and 2.

Do daily pulls, foster and grow a large pool of units with a mix of useful-now, useful-later, and useful-situationally. Use tickets to obtain 1~2 instances of a unit with a valuable TM (hi Ludmille, Gaffgarion, Snow). Spend Lapis on TMs to bulk up your Attacker Prime unit, followed by valuable utility TMs (Doublecast), defensive TMs to go on your healer (Equip Shield, Aegis Shield, Minerva Bustier), then double back to work on your second attacker.

A lot of these TMs are arguably more "future-proof" than the units we're equipping them on. Shouta was just talking the other day about finishing his Champion Belt for Prishe. Katana Mastery looks like it's going to be relevant for ages. And normalized 3* rates have put Zidane in a lot of pockets lately.

Do I wish I'd pulled Elza, Luneth, Gilgamesh, Lightning, and/or Noctis? Hell yeah. Am I at a grievous disadvantage for not having done so? Hardly, nor does that look to change in the near future. Play smart instead of spending hard - but if you spend hard, don't kid yourself that you did it because you need 5* bases to clear content right now. You're pulling 'cause you want a shiny new toy. That's fine! That's why a lot of us are playing. But go into things with a clear head so you don't get taken advantage of.

I mean, Valentus is going to carry us all on his shoulders anyway.


Does anyone have a snapshot of the moogle on the door? I've been keeping an eye on the doors and have yet to see him
Panther posted this a few pages back:
It's pretty obvious when there's a moogle there. Sometimes he's standing next to the door, but it's hard to miss in any case.
On the other hand, I just checked out Noctis in JP and uh, he's kinda cray cray.
We better get those buffs someday!

Squall and across, you guys have the right mindset. Can't let stuff like this get to you, and nothing in the game so far requires units like this. Your time will come eventually (even chrono's!), and it will be all the better knowing that you persevered for it.


I don't think they'll buff Noctis down the line in Global. You guys might get a Global exclusive that's equally as strong or get other units that are buffed up to his level though.
Alright guys, help me decide the new priority for TM farming please!

DW x3

Excalibur x5 (how many should I keep?)

Sakarafabuki x2

Blade Mastery x3

Viking Axe

Rising Sun

Minerva Buster

Bracer x2

Black Cowl

MAG 30% x2


Growth Egg

There are a few other good ones like Aegis Shield and Ribbon but know those are lower priorities than most of what I listed.

Right now I have the first DW in the 90's so will finish soon and the first Excal almost at 50% so those two will stay in. I currently have Rising Sun, Sakurafabuki, and Omnirod in but thinking Rising Sun and for sure Omnirod are lower priorities than the new haul.

So besides the one DW and Excal, what should I prioritize for the other three spots first for TM farm? The other two DW and another Excal? Black Cowl? Bracer? all those seem like top priorities. Even Rising Sun is because Chizo and CoD are my two DPS unless Mercedes is a better choice than CoD but doubt that since CoD has other utility.

Thoughts? Would appreciate input!


Sigh, I rage pulled again, but I got Noctis.

$200 flushed down the toilet for this kid. On the bright side, I "completed" my first TM, by merging the dozens of Charlottes I got. I still have 2 additional Chartlottes.



Alright guys, help me decide the new priority for TM farming please!

DW x3

Excalibur x5 (how many should I keep?)

Sakarafabuki x2

Blade Mastery x3

Viking Axe

Rising Sun

Minerva Buster

Bracer x2

Black Cowl

MAG 30% x2


Growth Egg

There are a few other good ones like Aegis Shield and Ribbon but know those are lower priorities than most of what I listed.

Right now I have the first DW in the 90's so will finish soon and the first Excal almost at 50% so those two will stay in. I currently have Rising Sun, Sakurafabuki, and Omnirod in but thinking Rising Sun and for sure Omnirod are lower priorities than the new haul.

So besides the one DW and Excal, what should I prioritize for the other three spots first for TM farm? The other two DW and another Excal? Black Cowl? Bracer? all those seem like top priorities. Even Rising Sun is because Chizo and CoD are my two DPS unless Mercedes is a better choice than CoD but doubt that since CoD has other utility.

Thoughts? Would appreciate input!

what unit you want to power up?


GUYS, guys! I pulled a rainbow!!!

Pulled her off a new account....second troll crystal.

Took the spoiler off cuz it was directing to photobucket.


Damn, 2x Chizuru with DW and Kazekiri wind chaining just wrecks everything, should've done this sooner for arena.

Just slap some HP materias for them+petrify immunity accessories and slap CoD and refia with them for good measure. Arena should be easy for a long time after that and if no DW, it still deals insane dmg.

2x Shantotto's will be interesting when her 5 start upgrade comes along <.<
what unit you want to power up?

I guess Chizo makes the most sense, right? Units worth using are:






Cecil (haven't leveled him up because working on LB)

Mercedes (Worth using over CoD? Guessing no)



everyone else is only useful for TM besides Arc, Lenna, Kefka, and Garnet which I don't need because I have ExDeath and Refia now. I have WoL in my party and his level maxed out so prioritize him as a tank over Charlotte unless she's be THAT much more useful than him right now in which case I'd have to level her. DPS seems to rule the world in this game and is what I'm lacking so I'm guessin I should prioritize them first and Chizo hits harder than CoD so yeah, thinking Chorizo? What say you?


Panther posted this a few pages back:

It's pretty obvious when there's a moogle there. Sometimes he's standing next to the door, but it's hard to miss in any case.

Thanks, I was worried I would miss him. Nearly impossible to miss.I think I've ran the maze at least 20x today and don't recall seeing him once.


Got my first TM today.
Rizer's. :(

Just went to do Zadehl Westersands - Sandy Plains to get the bonus lapis. Go to enter... auto exit as if I finished. WTF. Means I wasted 7 NRG to not get all of them done.


I guess Chizo makes the most sense, right? Units worth using are:






Cecil (haven't leveled him up because working on LB)

Mercedes (Worth using over CoD? Guessing no)



everyone else is only useful for TM besides Arc, Lenna, Kefka, and Garnet which I don't need because I have ExDeath and Refia now. I have WoL in my party and his level maxed out so prioritize him as a tank over Charlotte unless she's be THAT much more useful than him right now in which case I'd have to level her. DPS seems to rule the world in this game and is what I'm lacking so I'm guessin I should prioritize them first and Chizo hits harder than CoD so yeah, thinking Chorizo? What say you?

This might take some time for you to farm...

Chizuru 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK
Left Hand: Sakurafubuki +98ATK
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Minerva Bustier +47DEF+45SPR+30%Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind
Accessory 1: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Accessory 2: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Ability 1: Equip Axe Can equip Axes
Ability 2: Blade Mastery +50% ATK Katana
Ability 3: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 4: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5100 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 4836 MP: 220 ATK: 747 DEF: 292 MAG: 187 SPR: 256
This might take some time for you to farm...

Chizuru 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK
Left Hand: Sakurafubuki +98ATK
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Minerva Bustier +47DEF+45SPR+30%Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind
Accessory 1: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Accessory 2: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Ability 1: Equip Axe Can equip Axes
Ability 2: Blade Mastery +50% ATK Katana
Ability 3: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 4: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5100 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 4836 MP: 220 ATK: 747 DEF: 292 MAG: 187 SPR: 256

1. You agree that's the unit I should focus on first, right?

2. I don't have Equip Axe so I can hold off on Viking Axe it seems for now and just have her equip two katanas in the meantime.

So I should right now be farming:

Blade Mastery
Black Cowl
Bracer (or swap this for Minerva Buster? or can do another Sakuarfabuki at the same time)

Although I kind of want to keep going on Excal because it's nearly 50% already. Speaking of, how many Excaliburs do I want to keep for the future? I have 5 Cecils so any you don' think I need I can fuse to learn one faster. My first DW is real close to being done so can swap that for another of these soon too unless I should just replace DW with another DW. Also, is there a need for three DWs? You only have two DPS units at one time and a tank is better off using a shield in the other hand I'd think.


This might take some time for you to farm...

Chizuru 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK
Left Hand: Sakurafubuki +98ATK
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Minerva Bustier +47DEF+45SPR+30%Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind
Accessory 1: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Accessory 2: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Ability 1: Equip Axe Can equip Axes
Ability 2: Blade Mastery +50% ATK Katana
Ability 3: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 4: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5100 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 4836 MP: 220 ATK: 747 DEF: 292 MAG: 187 SPR: 256

I don't have enough Lani's units...


1. You agree that's the unit I should focus on first, right?

2. I don't have Equip Axe so I can hold off on Viking Axe it seems for now and just have her equip two katanas in the meantime.

So I should right now be farming:

Blade Mastery
Black Cowl
Bracer (or swap this for Minerva Buster? or can do another Sakuarfabuki at the same time)

Although I kind of want to keep going on Excal because it's nearly 50% already. Speaking of, how many Excaliburs do I want to keep for the future? I have 5 Cecils so any you don' think I need I can fuse to learn one faster. My first DW is real close to being done so can swap that for another of these soon too unless I should just replace DW with another DW. Also, is there a need for three DWs? You only have two DPS units at one time and a tank is better off using a shield in the other hand I'd think.

Finish Excalibur first since you're halfway done and drop Black Cowl or the second Bracer for now. A second Dual Wield, Blade Mastery, Sakurafabuki (GUMI PLS), and Bracer along with the Excalibur looks like a great batch to work on.

Also make as many Excaliburs as you can. 10 would be optimal considering no one can wield more than 2 at this point in time.


Sigh, I rage pulled again, but I got Noctis.

$200 flushed down the toilet for this kid. On the bright side, I "completed" my first TM, by merging the dozens of Charlottes I got. I still have 2 additional Chartlottes.


I did that for gilgamesg....didn't get him. Won't burn money again


Professional Schmuck
It's really the best I could have expected.

1. Chiz instantly becomes my first legit DPS.

2. Hayate for that SWEET Black Cowl action for CoD

3. Another Golbez in one day? HMMM. Meteor though.

4. VIKING AXE FUCK YES lemme learn about Mercedes

5. Another DualWield, another Maxmillian?

When I closed my eyes and pressed PULL the only thing I imagined was a useful pull with some good TMs. Very, very pleased.

Gonna go get that refund for last week now. :)


Professional Schmuck
Zidane, Hayate, Mercedes, and Chizuru.

That's a good pull considering you actually got lots of useful stuff from it.

All things considered, that's a really nice utility 11 pull. Way better than my pulls today, that's for sure.

I think so.

Holy shit Panther!

Don't stop till you get noctis or Greg.

seriously i'm so pleased. i know i'm not allowed to get a 5* base for w/e reason on this account, that's fine. this will freaking do. this will do!
For people that think they have bad luck, rzesh on twitch has done 43 11-pulls with no Noctis. He's gotten 4 rainbows on stream and they were DKC and 3 trolls. Completely ridiculous.


I feel like we talk about getting your first 5* like losing your virginity.

"Some people give it up when they're young for cheap floozies like Delita, but if you wait, I'm sure you'll meet an Orlandu someday who's going to make you feel like the most special person in the whole world."


For people that think they have bad luck, rzesh on twitch has done 43 11-pulls with no Noctis. He's gotten 4 rainbows on stream and they were DKC and 3 trolls. Completely ridiculous.

Watching his stream right now, pretty crazy. Thankfully he has a lot of donators...


Professional Schmuck
I feel like we talk about getting your first 5* like losing your virginity.

"Some people give it up when they're young for cheap floozies like Delita, but if you wait, I'm sure you'll meet an Orlandu someday who's going to make you feel like the most special person in the whole world."

i actually LOL'd

some day i'll pop my cherry.


For people that think they have bad luck, rzesh on twitch has done 43 11-pulls with no Noctis. He's gotten 4 rainbows on stream and they were DKC and 3 trolls. Completely ridiculous.

jesus christ...

Hey,I actually just got into his stream and the next pull he did git him noctis :p. Still, so much lapis... I feel bad for him
I feel like we talk about getting your first 5* like losing your virginity.

"Some people give it up when they're young for cheap floozies like Delita, but if you wait, I'm sure you'll meet an Orlandu someday who's going to make you feel like the most special person in the whole world."

cheap floozie?

Delita is a high class unit! how dare you good sir
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