Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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2 pull today:

Daily pull: Gaffgarion. I have him already but dupe is still great.

1 ticket pull: Rainbow immediately,,,,, and then....


My daily pull was gold (!!), could it turn to rainbow!? it would not.

But hey, I got my seventh Ignus. Yay? (No yay.)

Daily was a gold..... no wait!!! Turned to rainbow!!!! Holy shit!


Are you kidding me????

This is exactly why I would never do that New Years deal that everyone says that JP got that gave you 3 guaranteed rainbows for 10k lapis.
I know that feel. :/

If we get a guaranteed 5* pull (hah!), then I'll spend the 5k Lapis. If not, no way. Not interested in getting my heart broken x3 in a single sitting.

Part 2 of Let's Make Cecil's LB Great is now complete.

I'm just under 14/15 LB. Almost there!

Rainbow pulls are really really rare aren't they? can't count how many rerolls I've done and have only ever gotten 1 and it was a Xiao.
They are extremely rare, despite what those lucky people in ExviusGAF might lead you to believe.

Best of luck to you!


Any Mog events soon? I need 6* mats

Maze is random, but I'm surprised at how many 6* mats are dropping from the nodes from the 3rd floor and deeper.

fucking christmas mogcakes. There i said it.

Come on man....

I wouldn't **ever** bet real money against it not being come kind of holiday mogcake. Would be a sucker's bet for sure.

GF and I took half-price + 2 tickets today: all garbage, including 1 troll gold. There's always tomorrow to look forward to, I suppose.

Really surprised at how generous the Maze is being this time around. At the current pace, it's looking really likely that I'll be able to finish everyone on my lengthy backlog by the end of the event, at least until I finally pull a Chizuru or a Mercedes at least.
So, I decided to use my mom's Amazon Gift Card on this banner, plus several more 10+1 pulls because my per diem from my last business trip to San Fran came in (and I have another scheduled for Austin in a few weeks) and I wanted a Christmas present; however, I'm going strictly F2P for a long while.

I ended up with Noctis, another Lightning, several Chorizos and F1s, and Equip H Shield for Refia. And dupes of other units worth TM farming (Gaff, Snow, Zidane, Xiao, Miyuki...), meaning I've got nothing to do but TM farm for a long, long time.

They definitely changed the 3* rates. I was actually happy to get that last Penelo to get her TM.


Yesterday you said you might have a theory on the maze but needed more testing. Anything come of it?

Oh yeah, forgot about writing about that. Silly vacation.

Current status is: upgraded from "crazy Lyrian theory" to "possibly plausible".

In English: Sample size is too low to be conclusive, but high enough to reasonably say that it would be difficult to explain what I'm experiencing as pure coincidence. Plus, in my limited testing so far, I have not found any results that have fallen out of bounds from the current theory... yet.

So.... at this point, I think there's enough here to explain what I'm seeing and ask Exvius-GAF to see if they can duplicate the same experience. That said, there are a lot of uncontrolled variables that could cause unexpected outcomes to occur.

The theory: The seed for the random door generation is time-based (and possibly device based as well). In a very broad sense, if two different accounts start the maze at the exact (within 1 second) time, they get the **exact** same maze. This allows one account to act as a sacrificial lamb for to give the main account a second chance at picking the right door on a given floor. This doesn't guarantee successes in the maze, but will generally allow each run to reach an average floor in the maze higher than normal.

Possible confounding factors:

-- Seed may be partially device based (GF and I both are using Galaxy Note 5s). Therefore, cross-platform (ex: Android vs. iOS) or two different Android devices might not work. Needs testing.

-- Does an emulator (Nox/Memu/Andy/etc.) count as a different platform for seed generation? Can multi-emulation sessions have start buttons for the maze pressed fast enough to synchronize their runs?


-- Have not seen a moogle show up during a test run yet (I've seen it on solo runs). If the same maze appears on both accounts, wouldn't the moogle show up in the same place at the same time on both accounts? Unless the moogle is just a locally rolled dice chance for the game to point out one of the correct doors on a given floor and is not generated by the server at maze generation.

-- So far in my observations, if Account 1 gets a door right, the same door is right for Account 2. If Account 1 gets a door wrong, Account 2 can advance by choosing other doors. *** Have not tried to intentionally lose on both accounts at the same time (GF reasons).

-- If Account 1 gets to the final room, Account 2 follows the same path to get there as well. **However**, the final choice is rolled differently for each account. (In other words, even though the same path reached the end for both accounts, the final door decision is independently rolled from the first 4 rooms). Very strange observation, but I've duplicated this with the GF witnessing this multiple times already -- usually choosing incorrectly, but that's to be expected at 50% success versus 66.7% success in previous rooms).

If anyone wants that can dual wield accounts (preferably in the same physical location), please feel free to add in your thoughts and experiences about this.


now sabin's counter and cyan's evade will be more rarer tms lmao

those 2 are good tms for arena D:


So it was 20% for fang as well last banner

Thought about that too. Even for CCIE, pulling that Rydia she wants is going to be a real pain in the ass now. In general though, all those Shantottos and other used-to-be-common-as-hell (relatively speaking) TMs on trash units just got a lot rarer.

Haven't been hard trolled by Noctis in the arena... yet. /knocks on wood

But, damn, he is annoying as hell to defeat in the arena.


I still haven't seen any of those shy, pop-up Moogles yet...

They are quite rare. You might see one, if you are paying attention, once every 10-15 runs.

One important note though on the moogle. Seeing one only works in that room ONLY. All bets are off after that. (In other words, if you see the moogle on the left door in a given room, the left door in the next room could just as easily be the wrong choice.)

Never seen the moogle appear more than once in a given run.


i havent seen a decapitated moogle head too...

I only choose right all the time XD, im having good results with it. 20 star quartz so far.



My daily pull was gold (!!), could it turn to rainbow!? it would not.

But hey, I got my seventh Ignus. Yay? (No yay.)

I know that feel. :/

It was probably better for you that it didn't to turn to Rainbow and still ended up with Ingus.


If anyone wants that can dual wield accounts (preferably in the same physical location), please feel free to add in your thoughts and experiences about this.

Hmm very interesting. Yeah I'll do some testing tomorrow (1am here lol) and let you know if I get similar results.


I only choose right all the time XD, im having good results with it. 20 star quartz so far.

First time the maze was around, I tried to choose my own path and then just went straight forward. Did poorly, as a result.

This time, I'm just going all lefts and in a day an half, I've already blown away my results from the first week easily. At least a dozen quartz, 10ish LB pots and tons and tons of SCs and 5/6* awakening mats.

I'm not using mine as lead until I get him to at least match my Greg's 850 atk.

Btw, i think your Noctis is the only one here in GAF capable of getting 900 atk. Since you're the only one with Demon Rain.

I'll hit up the unit calc in a little while to see how I can accomplish that, thanks bro!

2 ramzas and another karl cooking in the oven as soon as I'm done with 3 chiz for another Blade Mastery


Phew at those rates on this banner.

Chiz and Mercedes (2.5%) are barely more common to draw than Noctis (1.5%).
Of the following TMs, which should I prioritize? So far, I have Excalibur, Romandan Pistol, Gungnir, 2x Dualcast, Dual Wield, and Minerva Bustier.

Genji Glove (26.7%)
Dual Wield (55.2%)
Blade Mastery (1.1%)
Power of Creation (1.2%)
Ring of the Lucii (0.1% lol)
Bracer (2 Gaffs)
Sakurafubuki (3 Miyukis)
Seal of Destruction
Save the Queen
Champion Belt
Kaiser Knuckles
Aegis Shield
Magi Staff

... trying to think of the best way to optimize moving forward. I almost feel like, despite the lack of efficiency, I'd rather farm the singles (PoC, Ring of the Lucii, Genji Glove) over the holidays along with a Chorizo and Miyuki.


Of the following TMs, which should I prioritize? So far, I have Excalibur, Romandan Pistol, Gungnir, 2x Dualcast, Dual Wield, and Minerva Bustier.

Genji Glove (26.7%)
Dual Wield (55.2%)
Blade Mastery (1.1%)
Power of Creation (1.2%)
Ring of the Lucii (0.1% lol)
Bracer (2 Gaffs)
Sakurafubuki (3 Miyukis)
Seal of Destruction
Save the Queen
Champion Belt
Kaiser Knuckles
Aegis Shield
Magi Staff

... trying to think of the best way to optimize moving forward. I almost feel like, despite the lack of efficiency, I'd rather farm the singles (PoC, Ring of the Lucii, Genji Glove) over the holidays along with a Chorizo and Miyuki.

Genji Glove
Blade Mastery
Power of Creation
Dual Wield or Bracer


Of the following TMs, which should I prioritize? So far, I have Excalibur, Romandan Pistol, Gungnir, 2x Dualcast, Dual Wield, and Minerva Bustier.

Genji Glove (26.7%)
Dual Wield (55.2%)
Blade Mastery (1.1%)
Power of Creation (1.2%)
Ring of the Lucii (0.1% lol)
Bracer (2 Gaffs)
Sakurafubuki (3 Miyukis)
Seal of Destruction
Save the Queen
Champion Belt
Kaiser Knuckles
Aegis Shield
Magi Staff

... trying to think of the best way to optimize moving forward. I almost feel like, despite the lack of efficiency, I'd rather farm the singles (PoC, Ring of the Lucii, Genji Glove) over the holidays along with a Chorizo and Miyuki.

for either your gilgamesh or noctis. Sakurafubuki and blade mastery are crucial.

You already have 1 dual weild, so another one or genji glove are secondary now. Focus all your rng on sakura and BM
I honestly had no idea mercedes could become such a beast, I thought she's obsolete except for her TM as well as maybe supporting tidus in the future.

That is some nice stats for a base 4 to reach, she's very viable for people who had 5 star base DPSES elude them. You would still have to invest quite some time with TM farming, but the payoff would be worth it in my opinion if you never pulled a 5 star base.

Speaking of which, if any of you guys aren't on my list , tell me and i'll try to clear a space for you. I have a good noctis that will hopefully be of use to you in the future. I don't care if you have a level 1 rain as your leader, exviusgaf always have each others back <3. Just give me a heads up and make sure to put GAF in your PM.
I don't think I ever added you before. 176 560 599 is my code. ExviusGAF UNITE <3

[ ] seasonal-based banner. so instead of Dracu Lasswell, Black Cat Lid, Demon Rain, and White Witch Fina (all FFBE originals btw), think Santa's Helper Chizuru, Candy Cane Charlotte, Pirate Ice Queen Mercedes, etc.
I... I'd want all of those! O_O

fucking christmas mogcakes. There i said it.
Honestly, I forgot that the Halloween event was Reaper and got it mixed up with the great bake off. I had PTSD and couldn't fathom why anyone would say that it was a good thing for Christmas event to be a clone.


Is Gilgamesh supposed to be the next trial boss? Apparently his reward is an even better katana than Miyuki's? Might have to chase down a Chizuru after all for her TM...


Sorry edarkness, I didn't see that you put your number but I added you just now, I added you as well adawg :).

No problem, man.

I think I'm gonna try to get this mace for CoD. I'm gonna take a powerful friend unit to help with this. Who would you guys recommend? I see Blazed has a badass Noctis and there's a badass Gilgamesh on my list as well. My group most likely will be:

CoD 6*
Refia 6* (no dual cast)
Cecil 6*

I'm thinking about who else would be good, but I don't have any other 6* units built up, but I"m working on Bartz and Chizuru right now. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. :D


No problem, man.

I think I'm gonna try to get this mace for CoD. I'm gonna take a powerful friend unit to help with this. Who would you guys recommend? I see Blazed has a badass Noctis and there's a badass Gilgamesh on my list as well. My group most likely will be:

CoD 6*
Refia 6* (no dual cast)
Cecil 6*

I'm thinking about who else would be good, but I don't have any other 6* units built up, but I"m working on Bartz and Chizuru right now. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. :D

If it's for DPs , I think a badass gilg would be better for his divider. Just make sure you don't kill the head first though. Chizuru would be nice as well instead of Maxwell if you can include her.


Is Gilgamesh supposed to be the next trial boss? Apparently his reward is an even better katana than Miyuki's? Might have to chase down a Chizuru after all for her TM...
Might be, in JP they say it was hard. Only time will show how hard it is Global. Best Katana in game...


I guess I am weak in the mind (I can never step into a Casino), I bought the largest pack of Lapis again.

I accidentally clicked on single summon instead of multi summon (500 Lapis).


For the curious minded .. I spent about 550 USD on this banner alone :(


I guess I am weak in the mind (I can never step into a Casino), I bought the largest pack of Lapis again.

I accidentally clicked on single summon instead of multi summon (500 Lapis).


For the curious minded .. I spent about 550 USD on this banner alone :(

I'll be honest, that's a lot of money. But at least you got what you wanted.

Ultimately, as long as you enjoy the game, it's worth it.


I guess I am weak in the mind (I can never step into a Casino), I bought the largest pack of Lapis again.

I accidentally clicked on single summon instead of multi summon (500 Lapis).


For the curious minded .. I spent about 550 USD on this banner alone :(


I guess I am weak in the mind (I can never step into a Casino), I bought the largest pack of Lapis again.

I accidentally clicked on single summon instead of multi summon (500 Lapis).


For the curious minded .. I spent about 550 USD on this banner alone :(

Congrats!! One of those beautiful mistakes.

However, holy shit balls!

Main - Vivi. The flaming piece of trash from the dumpster fire.
Alt - Mercedes. :O I'll be curious to try her out. Will cactaur level her after I finish capping out Sazh.


I guess I am weak in the mind (I can never step into a Casino), I bought the largest pack of Lapis again.

I accidentally clicked on single summon instead of multi summon (500 Lapis).


For the curious minded .. I spent about 550 USD on this banner alone :(

For me:

Daily - Bartz (Dupe)
Ticket - Charlotte

I don't know what I expected.


Professional Schmuck
Day 8 without the lapis I purchased. they sent the one apology email saying they were working on it and then nothing. Seeing a few mentions of the same thing happening to others on Reddit and in the reviews. Pretty sad they can't just fix it like a reputable company.


I guess I am weak in the mind (I can never step into a Casino), I bought the largest pack of Lapis again.

I accidentally clicked on single summon instead of multi summon (500 Lapis).


For the curious minded .. I spent about 550 USD on this banner alone :(

Wow, that's over $700 CAD. Insane

And here I am debating getting a PS4 right now because I think they're still too expensive around $350.


Daily - Gold Rakasha
Ticket - Ludmille

I guess I won't worry about spending trust moogles on dual cast now that I have like 5 ludmilles


Day 8 without the lapis I purchased. they sent the one apology email saying they were working on it and then nothing. Seeing a few mentions of the same thing happening to others on Reddit and in the reviews. Pretty sad they can't just fix it like a reputable company.


Seriously. I don't get what is so hard for them to give you the lapis you paid for. FFS. They don't mind squandering your money though. Without you having lapis of course.


It is weird how I can contemplate and think (still thinking) whether should I get Mario Run for $10 yet dump $500+ on this game .. lol

FYI, I won a $500 iTunes gift card at my Company D&D so all is now gone :(


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Ticket: Hayate (new), family reunited my Chizuru should be happy
Daily: Shadow (lol)
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