Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Thanks, mine is 320,965,072.

Currently sharing my best, a non-TMed Luneth. Hope to share a beefed up Noctis soon.

I got a "user not found" message. You sure your ID is correct? I tried 3 times.

It is weird how I can contemplate and think (still thinking) whether should I get Mario Run for $10 yet dump $500+ on this game .. lol

FYI, I won a $500 iTunes gift card at my Company D&D so all is now gone :(

In that case, you really didn't lose anything and there's nothing to feel bad about.

Just think that you won a Noctis in your D&D instead lol.


We really get hosed compared to our jpn counterparts.

Watching this guys stream and he's only level 63, but gets max 103 energy. Their beginner maze is only 8 energy vs our 10. They also have a intermediate or expert version which is 15 energy, which gives out a lot better rewards. In one maze for 15 ngr, he got 4 gigantuars, 2 med turtles and 1 lb pot. The maze is available every weekend too, wt fudge!

Why does gumi make global so grindy when jpn players get nearly everything handed to them....???


If it's for DPs , I think a badass gilg would be better for his divider. Just make sure you don't kill the head first though. Chizuru would be nice as well instead of Maxwell if you can include her.

Alright. I'll see if I can get Chizuru to cap over the next couple of days. I heard that elemental weapons aren't very good for that fight. Is it all elemental weapons or just weapons of a particular type (i.e. fire, ice, thunder, etc.)? I don't know if I have any good non-elemental katanas for her.

Thanks for the advice. I hope I can take this trial down.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Grats for your new hat for Shadow :D

Thanks - cant wait to finally be able to use Throw on every unit. Soon....soon.
We really get hosed compared to our jpn counterparts.

Watching this guys stream and he's only level 63, but gets max 103 energy. Their beginner maze is only 8 energy vs our 10. They also have a intermediate or expert version which is 15 energy, which gives out a lot better rewards. In one maze for 15 ngr, he got 4 gigantuars, 2 med turtles and 1 lb pot.

Why does gumi make global so grindy when jpn players get nearly everything handed to them....???
The japanese version is older and further along - and they spend much more money on the game. Dont know why anyone would expect version parity at this point. Japan also had those grindy event in its first year - so thats nothing Global exclusive.


Alright. I'll see if I can get Chizuru to cap over the next couple of days. I heard that elemental weapons aren't very good for that fight. Is it all elemental weapons or just weapons of a particular type (i.e. fire, ice, thunder, etc.)? I don't know if I have any good non-elemental katanas for her.

Thanks for the advice. I hope I can take this trial down.

Safest are Light and Dark Elements since it doesn't resist any of the 2.

Best is Dark since one of it's limbs is 50% weak to Dark.


Alright. I'll see if I can get Chizuru to cap over the next couple of days. I heard that elemental weapons aren't very good for that fight. Is it all elemental weapons or just weapons of a particular type (i.e. fire, ice, thunder, etc.)? I don't know if I have any good non-elemental katanas for her.

Thanks for the advice. I hope I can take this trial down.

Elemental weapons are a disadvantage except for holy and dark. If you have an op gilgamesh then he should have a sakurufubuki and a deathbringer/excalibur as his weapons most likely. I think you can do it without chizuru as well with your party and an op gilgamesh, but make sure to take MP items with you in case the gilg runs out of mp before finishing Antonella.

Good luck, you got this :).
Rerolling in this game is brutal. Got my second rainbow in two full days of rerolling. Yesterday it was Xiao. Today it was Garnet.


Rerolling in this game is brutal. Got my second rainbow in two full days of rerolling. Yesterday it was Xiao. Today it was Garnet.

Dont worry. It wasn't easy when this game was in soft launch (7 months ago). There was a pool of 5 units that were considered "best" at that time. Those units were:

- Bartz
- Exdeath
- Cecil
- Vaan
- Cloud of Darkness (CoD)

During the time in one reroll you had to collect 500 Lapis for 1 summon. All of those were base 3* but gacha was not "fair" for those units as its now balanced. Took me 30ish rerolls to get one of those and it was Vaan.


Well, I'm a f2p player and I was pretty much ready to quit like so many others. While I have enjoyed the game, the never ending grind has become a little overwhelming. I have made my peace long ago that I would never get a 5* base, as that is a right deserved for the whales themselves. It's just that Exvius is too much of a commitment, and I'm not sure what I get out of this game. Even playing this game as purely maintenance can take up to an hour of your time.

Before I deleted the app for good, I decided to do a cheeky daily pull just to validate my decision to quit. No doubt I would get Beadle or something, thus validating my decision to leave this game forever.


Just when you're out they pull you back in.


Before I deleted the app for good, I decided to do a cheeky daily pull just to validate my decision to quit. No doubt I would get Beadle or something, thus validating my decision to leave this game forever.

Damn. Making me want to do a daily now. Congrats.


I guess I am weak in the mind (I can never step into a Casino), I bought the largest pack of Lapis again.

I accidentally clicked on single summon instead of multi summon (500 Lapis).


For the curious minded .. I spent about 550 USD on this banner alone :(

wow, congratz!

Is Gilgamesh supposed to be the next trial boss? Apparently his reward is an even better katana than Miyuki's? Might have to chase down a Chizuru after all for her TM...

The next trial boss is Io. Its a multi fight trial just like Great Demon.

The reward is the Demon Mail (55 DEF 10 ATK heavy armor. 20% dark resistance)

heres a video of the trial

It is weird how I can contemplate and think (still thinking) whether should I get Mario Run for $10 yet dump $500+ on this game .. lol

FYI, I won a $500 iTunes gift card at my Company D&D so all is now gone :(

yeah, this game is addictive as fuck

First to 900? Btw not me, but someone on my friends list.

Daily: Krile
Ticket: Duane

Only one can get to 900 noctis infernal armlet. I think the only 2 on gaf that can do this is zera and acerac

We really get hosed compared to our jpn counterparts.

Watching this guys stream and he's only level 63, but gets max 103 energy. Their beginner maze is only 8 energy vs our 10. They also have a intermediate or expert version which is 15 energy, which gives out a lot better rewards. In one maze for 15 ngr, he got 4 gigantuars, 2 med turtles and 1 lb pot. The maze is available every weekend too, wt fudge!

Why does gumi make global so grindy when jpn players get nearly everything handed to them....???

Like a ex-gumi employee AMA last month... its square enix decision. They want to do better bundles and summons, but Square Enix has the last word.

Rerolling in this game is brutal. Got my second rainbow in two full days of rerolling. Yesterday it was Xiao. Today it was Garnet.

It will payoff. Dont give up, you got this.

Well, I'm a f2p player and I was pretty much ready to quit like so many others. While I have enjoyed the game, the never ending grind has become a little overwhelming. I have made my peace long ago that I would never get a 5* base, as that is a right deserved for the whales themselves. It's just that Exvius is too much of a commitment, and I'm not sure what I get out of this game. Even playing this game as purely maintenance can take up to an hour of your time.

Before I deleted the app for good, I decided to do a cheeky daily pull just to validate my decision to quit. No doubt I would get Beadle or something, thus validating my decision to leave this game forever.


Just when you're out they pull you back in.

Seriously, if you going to quit, give your account to chrono xD... doesnt matter your other units, only Noctis matters xD


i havent seen a decapitated moogle head too...

I only choose right all the time XD, im having good results with it. 20 star quartz so far.

Saw one Moogle yesterday! I've done way over 40 runs or so I'm sure, lost count. But Valentus I'm going with your method and seems to be doing well so far luck wise :).

Congratulations Chinner!

Daily was GOLD....Hope
Used one ticket...GOLD....


(My first one! Which means I can get a Bracer).

But this was far more exciting!!




Just ran into a 4 Noctis 1 Cecil party lol I would hate to know what amount of money that human threw at this game.

I really don't understand this kind of people. They spend a lot to get 4 or 5 Noctis. Then when Orlandu comes, they'll do the same and bench all Noctis. Eileen and Tidus comes, they do the same. Kinda stupid even if they're filthy rich.


Woo, Noctis to 100! Needs more TMs to make him a super beast, but he's still amazing. Also got a standard size ATK pot from the arena tickets, yay! Daily was Lenna, which gives me 5 of her to TM whenever I get to it. Though if I'm going to use Tilith, is that even worth it?


Just lost my arena win streak to a 4 Noctis + Cecil team

I had them down to 1 Noctis and Cecil with low health and my team was full health and then Noctis used fire flask and elminated my entire team. Put everyone to sleep, paralyzed, diseased and stoned the 1 person that isn't protected. They should rename the move from fire flask to horseshit. It's disgusting 1 character can eliminate an entire team while you watch being unable to even make a single turn
Just my arena win streak to a 4 Noctis + Cecil team

I had them down to 1 Noctis and Cecil with low health and my team was full health and then Noctis used fire flask and elminated my entire team. Put everyone to sleep, paralyzed, diseased and stoned the 1 person that isn't protected. They should rename the move from fire flask to horseshit. It's disgusting 1 character can eliminate an entire team while you watch being unable to even make a single turn

Thankfully I was able to beat that team pretty easily but yes that move is bullshit. I had one yesterday stop everyone except 1 unit but they were never able to finish any off before it wore off and I killed them....the fact that even a ribbon doesn't stop it is horseshit needs changed.


I really don't understand this kind of people. They spend a lot to get 4 or 5 Noctis. Then when Orlandu comes, they'll do the same and bench all Noctis. Eileen and Tidus comes, they do the same. Kinda stupid even if they're filthy rich.

Orlandu is horrible in arena


Professional Schmuck
1. Daily -- GOLD! HOPE! :| my 2nd.

2. Ticket -- BLUE! CHARLOTTE. My millionth. Equip shield at 16% now.

3. Arena reward! GIANT MAG POT! And exdeath maxed on mag pots now. 483 MAG with no TMs.

4. Lapis: NOPE. Went ahead and emailed them again on day 8 in addition to dropping in a 1 star review.

5. Current quest: busy today w fam so mainly TM'ing as both Rising Sun and DualWield get achingly close. Also leveling Chiz on the side. No rush since I can't deck her out yet anyway.


sparkle this bitch
Noctis from 1 5, to 100 6
Chizzy at 85 right now. I should be able to get Snow up to 5 max and cap off a few others
Daily pull.... blue Charlotte. Gets her TM up to 45% for me, I suppose.

Ticket pull.... gold..... turns to rainbow!!!!!


That is the second Ingus troll rainbow in the past two days for me. Motherfucker!!!!

Guess it's a TM day, since I now have over 20 gigantuars stockpiled from the maze if I ever pull something worthwhile to use them on.
Orlandu is horrible in arena

I doubt people are paying all that money just for arena....if so I would imagine the person that pulls until they have 4 Noctis will do the same for Orlandu....Tidus etc. it's insane to me and something I don't think I will ever comprehend.


Woo, Noctis to 100! Needs more TMs to make him a super beast, but he's still amazing. Also got a standard size ATK pot from the arena tickets, yay! Daily was Lenna, which gives me 5 of her to TM whenever I get to it. Though if I'm going to use Tilith, is that even worth it?

Only if you can / will get Equip Staff TM.


I don't know who to give MAG pots to, Exdeath is already maxed and mage in general just sucks.
Got a second Exdeath at 6* but I would never bring it to hard trials anyway.
Other solution is to give those to units with hybrids attack but Bartz is not amazing and I'll never pull Noctis anyway.


I don't know who to give MAG pots to, Exdeath is already maxed and mage in general just sucks.
Got a second Exdeath at 6* but I would never bring it to hard trials anyway.
Other solution is to give those to units with hybrids attack but Bartz is not amazing and I'll never pull Noctis anyway.

Two maxed Exdeaths take a lot of hassle out of the arena. Focus/Meditate then double double meteor. Only Base 5*s and Cecil survive turn one. Unless it's a whale you can focus down the higher HP ones with other units. Mostly one turn arenas for me. Max two turns. Really worth the lack of hassle it brings.


Two maxed Exdeaths take a lot of hassle out of the arena. Focus/Meditate then double double meteor. Only Base 5*s and Cecil survive turn one. Unless it's a whale you can focus down the higher HP ones with other units. Mostly one turn arenas for me. Max two turns. Really worth the lack of hassle it brings.
My second Chizuru is almost ready and I almost can one turn everything in the arena already, I'll see but my arena team will be Chizuru/Lightning/Chizuru/Exdeath/Refia in a few hours.

Once again I'm really sad how quick my Dark Knight Cecil became irrelevant :(
He needs his enhancement super early to make up for being the most disappointing base 5*


Daily pull.... blue Charlotte. Gets her TM up to 45% for me, I suppose.

Ticket pull.... gold..... turns to rainbow!!!!!


That is the second Ingus troll rainbow in the past two days for me. Motherfucker!!!!

Guess it's a TM day, since I now have over 20 gigantuars stockpiled from the maze if I ever pull something worthwhile to use them on.

wait, in the last 2 days you pulled 2 rainbows and BOTH of them are ingus??????



Such a good TM weekend. Excalibur, sakurafubuki and third dual wield done. Now doing moon sword and save the Queen.

Daily pull was my 12422432 Charlotte. Free ticket was Duane lol
Such a good TM weekend. Excalibur, sakurafubuki and third dual wield done. Now doing moon sword and save the Queen.

Daily pull was my 12422432 Charlotte. Free ticket was Duane lol


Im working towards my first sakura my self as well as two genji gloves

After that its going to be another sakura and excalburs
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