My favorite game of all time is... well I think maybe in past I'd have said Chrono Trigger, but since Wii I'd say Xenoblade Chronicles. I put 200 hours into that game before I beat it on PAL version. I lost track of how many hours I've put into it in US copy. I've not beat it there, and need to get back to it actually, because I'm trying to jam as much stuff I can do in it (relationships, quests, etc) before I beat it. I did that first time sort of. But without a guide. This time I'm looking stuff up and doing as much as possible. That game literally owns my soul.
Darn, these off topic get me going! haha
Bit off topic here, but currently playing Yakuza 5 on the PS3. Im currently not buying any new games and trying to get through the backlog of games that I have. Got 3 PS3 games left, Yakuza 5, Ni No Kuni and Nier. After that I've got Metroid Trilogy and Xenoblade Chronicles left to play on the Wii (I bought it at launch! With the red controller that came with it). I've actually not played Chono Trigger yet either but have the DS version waiting for me to play. Looking forward to that (as well as Xenoblade).
Back on topic...
-Daily pull today was Guy.
-Got my 3rd Dual Wield![]()
I'm also in a bit of a dilemma with what to pick up from the Mog Shop now...
As of right now I have 52467 Fish.
I haven't picked up:
- MP +15%
- ATK +15%
- Trust Moogles
- Any Purecrysts
MP +15%
I think I'll give this a miss, I have 0 held, but I have 12 of Tellah (plus I hardly equip MP plus much).
ATK +15%
Having second thoughts about picking this up, I own 2 already, plus I have 1 ATK+ 30%, Seal of Destruction, Power of Creation and 3 Quick Assaults (with one more on the way).
Trust Moogles
I'm not going to bother with the 1% ones but thinking about if I really need the 10% one. Currently my single unit I'm getting to 100% is another Shine, which is at 30%. I could just take a hit and wait longer for the extra 10% to build up.
I'm leaning towards ignoring all the above and going for one of these...I currently own 1 Power and 1 Tech. Maybe I could pick up 1 Support or one more Power?
What do you guys suggest?
Did anyone skip the Trust Moogles this time and go for a Purecryst instead?
Is this global?![]()
1300 lapis, 1 of each Giancryst, 8 tickets, two 5% moogles.
Currently playing: Dragon Quest Heroes 2/Cosmic Star Heroine/Persona 5 and CoD MWR.
Heroes of the Storm consumes my life for the most part, though I love anything from Blizzard (which is why I love Heroes so much, it's like Blizzard Smash Bros).
Darn, these off topic get me going! haha
Bit off topic here, but currently playing Yakuza 5 on the PS3. Im currently not buying any new games and trying to get through the backlog of games that I have. Got 3 PS3 games left, Yakuza 5, Ni No Kuni and Nier. After that I've got Metroid Trilogy and Xenoblade Chronicles left to play on the Wii (I bought it at launch! With the red controller that came with it). I've actually not played Chono Trigger yet either but have the DS version waiting for me to play. Looking forward to that (as well as Xenoblade).
I know that feeling. I've banned myself from buying games as well until my backlog is done (except for Tekken 7 lol). I also have Yakuza 5 on the list. You get it as the free ps plus game that month? I played Yakuza 4 (also a free ps plus game) and absolutely loved it. Was so happy when 5 was the free game. I've played the first chapter/arc but then I got distracted again lol. Will get back to it at some point.
Also have Chrono Trigger on my list.
Man there is too much to play lol.
I'm actually playing that atm for the Overwatch crossover event. Need that skin for the Korean Gamer Waifu! It's the first moba I've actually played myself and it's surprisingly fun. I've been using the guy from Starcraft with the two laser swords (his name eludes me atm). I like that he can take hits but dish out some decent damage.
1300 lapis, 1 of each Giancryst, 8 tickets, two 5% moogles.
Bit off topic here, but currently playing Yakuza 5 on the PS3. Im currently not buying any new games and trying to get through the backlog of games that I have. Got 3 PS3 games left, Yakuza 5, Ni No Kuni and Nier. After that I've got Metroid Trilogy and Xenoblade Chronicles left to play on the Wii (I bought it at launch! With the red controller that came with it). I've actually not played Chono Trigger yet either but have the DS version waiting for me to play. Looking forward to that (as well as Xenoblade
That's why I do these haha. Sometimes the thread can get a little stale when there's little going on in the game so I think it helps keep the thread a little more active. I'll keep doing it for the next weeks, see how it goes.
Also have Chrono Trigger on my list.
Man, I don't know if it's just burnout from having too many grinding events, or disappointment from banners, but I can barely make myself log in to this game and burn stamina right now.
Man, I don't know if it's just burnout from having too many grinding events, or disappointment from banners, but I can barely make myself log in to this game and burn stamina right now.
I still need to complete the Kefka fight, haven't even tried it again since my first joke run, so there's that I guess. New login rewards look good, hope we have some exciting news coming up on content this month, or at least WoL 6*.
So, Sunday Off Topic Question (week 3 lol).
Overwatch talk got me wondering:
What kinds of games do y'all like to play, outside of JRPGs and Gacha (if you even like gacha lol)?
What games are you currently playing outside of Brave Exvius?
If you have one what is your favourite game(s) of all time?
1300 lapis, 1 of each Giancryst, 8 tickets, two 5% moogles.
The twist on the ol' 'sharp knees would not bang' meme didn't give the sarcasm away? Hmm. Guess I better start breaking out that /s tag...
OMG! Gau does exist! Got him on my daily pull. :O
Get the power and support cryst. And maybe the 10% moogle too. The rest are not worth it.
I know that feeling. I've banned myself from buying games as well until my backlog is done (except for Tekken 7 lol). I also have Yakuza 5 on the list. You get it as the free ps plus game that month? I played Yakuza 4 (also a free ps plus game) and absolutely loved it. Was so happy when 5 was the free game. I've played the first chapter/arc but then I got distracted again lol. Will get back to it at some point.
Also have Chrono Trigger on my list.
Man there is too much to play lol.
:O Definitely would be curious to know what you think of Xenoblade once you get through it. We got the red controller as well, but we bought it when it first came out in Japan for that.
Also surprised not having played CT. :O That was the shit on the SNES. Played and beat it there. But also played it on PS. Kind of want the DS version too just because. (Hated Chrono Cross though, ugh.)
Yeah I have Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X waiting to be played. I actually started Xenoblade Chronicles just to see what it's like, but was playing something else at the time. I remember being really impressed at the scale of the game, but more so how it used something like the Materia system of Final Fantasy 7, so got quite excited over that. Looking forward to getting into it properly. That's cool that you bought those versions though and liked it so much! Wonder how long it will take me to finish haha.
Get rid of the elemental resistance plus Materia and slap in some HP, MP, etc. Alongside equip heavy shield + force shield.
Arsha's Talismans will fix the HP issue + giving some DEF & SPR. I dont have MP stuff for ability slots so EResistances will be there.
We have X. I played a little, but I have a really hard time getting into it. So I'm not far into that game at all. I want to play it... but it's just hard to get into for me.
You'll finish at... well depends on how distracted you get by quests, realizing quests can pop up in places at different times, etc. XD That's what had me going the first time.
XC and XCX are amazing games, and I got a switch for the main purpose of XC2, not to say i don't like BotW mind you, it too is an amazing game.
Bought everything in the Moogle King shop worth a damn. (Everything except the poop materias and that beret thing). Still have almost 300k of currency. Thinking I will get 4 of the Crysts and then use whatever I have left over by the time the event ends to get 6* mats. Cryst wise..Power/Support/Tech?/?
They are different beasts, and I've finished both of them. I like the mech play and seamless world map of XCX, but the music is somewhat of a turn-off. XCX has more of a sci-fi and techno slant to it, while XB leans much more heavily towards a high-fantasy angle. To me, the sci-fi with a high-fantasy slant is more appealing than a pure techno fantasy. Not to say that one is bad, just that they scratch different itches. Some people will appreciate that, others will find it to be an annoying distraction. Looking forward to XB2, that's for sure.
Refia or Luka's TM fixes that. Lot of MP and SPR on a single item. I only have one equipped(Other three are DC, EHS, and HP+), but it takes care of all my issues. Combined with a Soluna Ring(If you have a C.Luna), Refia becomes a mana bot. since you should have 400+ MP and 5% Refresh. Won't need to worry about any other piece providing it and focus on pure defense.
Really hoping this week's banner and event is something good and not grindy. Either Eileen or 6* Tilith/Maxwell sounds nice.
cant seem to do the no ko mission on the espers
gonna start finishing the one hit KO team and go for that
cant seem to do the no ko mission on the espers
gonna start finishing the one hit KO team and go for that
Use my ling... will take FOREVER >.> just bring a unit that can hide
Tuffy what's your in-game name? I'm not sure if I have you on my FL yet, but I could use a power Ling for a few things.
Hmm, don't see you on there, if you ever have some open slots, give me an add - 014,414,382
ill make one~ have to wait a few hours though, @ work vs memu bot etc
It's interesting on what JP's current update regarding Rainbow rate.
They increased the rate from 1% to 3% on Rainbows. That's a very good thing.
But....they lowered the chance of getting the banner 5* unit from that Rainbow to 33% instead of 50%. This is a bad thing for chasing specific 5* units.
I'd still take the 3% Rainbow rate over the lowered 33% banner unit anyway.
So for a new player, should I just be rushing through the story asap, or grinding events?
Slowly going through this colloseum, taking forever and finally made it to a rank. Hopefully the rewards get better, as I got a recipe for high potion for the b rank clear. Big whoop, like I'll ever make those.
Have you not played CT either?! :O
Also, the trash events and lack of banners means there's nothing interesting to discuss. Also all optimization and numbers talk is straight up boring because only a select few will be able to do that stuff anyways.
Oh yeah, I still need to complete Persona 5 so I rather spend all of my spare time on that.
Bought everything in the Moogle King shop worth a damn. (Everything except the poop materias and that beret thing). Still have almost 300k of currency. Thinking I will get 4 of the Crysts and then use whatever I have left over by the time the event ends to get 6* mats. Cryst wise..Power/Support/Tech?/?
Aww, good luck.
Honestly I would have waited for Ramza enhancements but when I saw the video I linked earlier I just wanted to go for it. For Ultros I'll definitely wait though.
Beat the new story stuff today, got Titan. Can't find the energy to do the event anymore tho...i wouldn't mind some character updates at this point.
Gumi: YOU WANT THOSE? LOL!!! Here's more random trash we made up for a banner you'll enjoy pulling on for two weeks. No, you can't have your 6* WoL or Garland. Deal with it. /shades