Nine's jump is 450% + 260% jump modifier
thats 450% * 5,2 = 2340% jump damage.
Reberta max jump damage is 1800%
Reberta's Max ATK is 990
Nine's Max ATK is 970
You tell me
edit: Actually, Reberta would make an awesome analysis video, i will pull her lmao, but for what i saw... i think that jump damage-wise, she is not better than Nine. In every other department, obviously she outclasses the 4star dragoon... but dammit we are talking about dragoons! i Want to use her for jump!
Dammit gumi!
Game is up on iOS. Signing in now.
Edit: Looks like there will be a $35 discount on the $100 lapis bundles on Amazon. And we are getting a free summon every day from 5/12 - 5/22. Woot!
Edit: Looks like there will be a $35 discount on the $100 lapis bundles on Amazon.
Only for new customers, alas.
What does that mean?
Gotta say what you got for you free summon while I'm updating.
Edit : nevermind it's starting tomorrow.
Hoping for a Dark Fina or another Trance Terra but it will just be more Hopes and Alma's. Hell I'll even settle for a second Greg, need more Genji Glove.
Which stam version of the awakening event should I run for 4 star awakening mats or does it not make a difference? Figure it's probably time to start burning stam on awakening the rest of my team ready for the sotf fights.
Ok so I have updated Molt on chizuru,and continued farming for supports crysts in the chamber.
But I have enough for high tide (mid), is that worth it or does it only increase full rate on her?
I usually stick to Pro for better drop rates and rarer materials, especially when I need more Holy Crystals which I'm always lower on than anything else.
I'll do a couple of runs and show you what I get:
Run 1
Lucky Seedling
Hard Rock
Heaven's Ash x2
Talmonite of Life
Sacred Crystal x2
Bizarre Box x2
Deepsea Bloom
Holy Crystal
Fury Seed
Esper's Tear
Run 2
God's Reliquary x3
Holy Crystal x2
Brilliant Ray
Fury Seed
Wicked Drop x2
Dragon Heart x2
Sacred Crystal
corrected and now is 990,6 atk
I need to test her (so that means i need to pull her lmao) but i think that her best damage should be crimson death buffed.
450% * 4 = 1800% jump damage.
It would be very similar to Nine's damage full equip.
Even in turn capitalize (nine's jump is 3 turns, Reberta is 1 turn first skill, 2 turns jump = same 3 turns)
Ah thanks, yeah looks like I should run pro then for more mats per stam bar. The 20 stam is kinda costly after all.
Nothing the past 30 minutes. May have to restore via title menu when I get home. Ugh!!
Yes thank you! Finally got it working. Maybe just network congestion on my end.Yeah bit costly, only 5 more, but more guarantee for rarer and more dropsso worth it in that sense I think.
Hmm damn, you tried closing the process, then reconnecting to your WiFi and trying again?
Yes thank you! Finally got it working. Maybe just network congestion on my end.
Hmm , this 11.99 bundle is really intriguing. What do you all think? Worth the price? Wouldn't mind that aATK% materia as well as the gems.
Yes thank you! Finally got it working. Maybe just network congestion on my end.
Hmm , this 11.99 bundle is really intriguing. What do you all think? Worth the price? Wouldn't mind that aATK% materia as well as the gems.
Yes thank you! Finally got it working. Maybe just network congestion on my end.
Hmm , this 11.99 bundle is really intriguing. What do you all think? Worth the price? Wouldn't mind that aATK% materia as well as the gems.
Hey free summons, neat.
Regarding Reberta, I just read up on her on Reddit, and I think she's way better than the original assessment. It's rare to have 3 imperils on a DD user. usually you have to waste that spot on a unit that's not good for much else like Seven. Also, if you have another character that can imperil dark, you have some great potential with this new dragoon. Jump seems like the most useless facet of her kit, and I'm fine with that. She has what I wanted - other damage skills that you can use besides jump. Some AoE, some ST, good modifiers, and a good set of base stats. Also she and Noctis both have that mp/hp recovering jump now, which could lead to some fun shenanigans at thresholds.
Think I'll do a few 10+1s here. That mage looks good too, though with 2 Dark Finas I'm not sure I'd use him a lot. Always good to have options though.
I think the general consensus is that it's not worth it. Check out this breakdown for more details.
poach is literally better
reddit did the math and it translates to roughly 500 lapis per ticket
so you basically have to weigh it against an full NRG refresh and your chances of dropping those crysts in the vortex
overall probably a bad bundle. the daily bundle looks decent though at 300 lapis for a ticket
I want both the new units if only for TMs/Collection but if they aren't limited I probably won't do more than a few dailies unless I get enough TM moogles to insta get them.
Game is up on iOS. Signing in now.
Edit: Looks like there will be a $35 discount on the $100 lapis bundles on Amazon. And we are getting a free summon every day from 5/12 - 5/22. Woot!
Yeah shes a great niche support dps
pisses people off since its a 5 star unit. if she was 4 star her rating would be much higher even though she has a decent kit
AoE imperil for 50% and decent damage is quite nice. And im not sure why that guy missed that she can use elemental event swords like Vernard to synergize with fire
Or fryevias Needle... but you woukd just use Fryevia then lol
oh we arent worried about you
youll probably get them both from the free pulls
Agreed that she has a kit more suited to a 4* base, but I still think there will be a time where she's an MVP unit.
Tomorrow? Dragoon packed with Dragon killers and raid starting that has one big ass dragon.
Shame that this is still a thing
Come... the fuck on Gumi
Daily Lani. Daily Gilbert. Daily Fang.
I really did want Sozhe for the lols.
Question for the masses. Which of the two is BIS for your healer (Refia/Yshtola) taking into account you are using the Auto Refresh materia from the Fat Chocobro:
Great Mage Robe - 20% mp
Vestment of mind - 3% mp per turn.
I'm interested to see what you guys are using. I'm about to finish up the VOM today.
Question for the masses. Which of the two is BIS for your healer (Refia/Yshtola) taking into account you are using the Auto Refresh materia from the Fat Chocobro:
Great Mage Robe - 20% mp
Vestment of mind - 3% mp per turn.
I'm interested to see what you guys are using. I'm about to finish up the VOM today.
Can we talk about ability upgrades? What are you all doing? Strategy? Cost? Guide? This shit is taking up so much room in my slots.