I remember having severe problems clearing tower of babel, can't wait to steam roll those fuckers.
It is SUCH a steamroll!
Good combination of nostalgia and power tripping!
I remember having severe problems clearing tower of babel, can't wait to steam roll those fuckers.
I remember having severe problems clearing tower of babel, can't wait to steam roll those fuckers.
Babel event done. Funny how when this event first came around it was so brutal with the 4 boss fight then Golbez crazy ass. Took me quite a few tries before I beat it.
It is SUCH a steamroll!
Good combination of nostalgia and power tripping!
I should put up my carry CoD again just like the first time around! (not actually gonna since Yun is more useful for Titan)
Yup, feels so good getting some sweet sweet justice >It is SUCH a steamroll!
Good combination of nostalgia and power tripping!
Babel event done. Funny how when this event first came around it was so brutal with the 4 boss fight then Golbez crazy ass. Took me quite a few tries before I beat it.
The days we were proud about our Warrior of LightWell...
Personally don't want Dark Knight Cecil, just a regular one will do.
Gumi, please T-T
Two Dualcasts is probably enough, especially since we've entered the "everyone has innate dualcast" and "WoL 6* soon!!!" period.
2 is Definitely enough. I made 2 Dual Casts when Ludmille came last summer and havent needed more. One DC for Cecil and one for Refia. Of you need another healer in 10 man trial, use Y'shtola. I did use Ysh & Ref in Titan trial so its good to have 2 healers anyways.
So, this week FF XIV raid, next week probably Mog King so Brave Frontier? (June 9)
Then first story event June 16 to coincide with enhancement batch 3 (that will include Elza, perfect since it's week 2 of Brave Frontier), and we'll be 11 days away from the anniversary!
Would be crazy to get Brave Frontier part 2 and Elza enhancements + WoL and Tilith 6* + potentially Ramza enhancement the same month. And of course our first story event.
June will be interesting!
Running off to nearly late to work, so going to shorthand this...
And so on....
Everyone on Exvius-GAF called it correctly![]()
Can't see this as I don't have Twitter :-(
To paraphrase:
Gumi Dev: Here's a pic of us working on shiznit that you've been asking for!
Random BE Gamer: If it's WoL 6* I might just cry!
Gumi Dev: Better grab your tissues then!!
Edit: If we get Ramza enhancements this week I'll immediately +2 his chant, it feels good to have all the crysts already.
Everybody wants WoL. But I wonder how big a game changer he truly is. If I remember correctly, he was still on par with Cecil on his 6* awakening in JP. Only when his enhancements came that he truly became the God of Tanks.
The real game changer would be Ramza's enhancements.
Everybody wants WoL. But I wonder how big a game changer he truly is. If I remember correctly, he was still on par with Cecil on his 6* awakening in JP. Only when his enhancements came that he truly became the God of Tanks.
The real game changer would be Ramza's enhancements.
What setting do I need to change to be able to feed 4* units to themselves? I turned off unit protection but that didn't help. I need to get rid of some of these FFXIV characters.
It's going to be a big changer for me, I lack a strong breaker, highest I have is Ramza's 40% but it's either ATK or MAG, WoL combine both at 45% (and also DEF/SPR)Everybody wants WoL. But I wonder how big a game changer he truly is. If I remember correctly, he was still on par with Cecil on his 6* awakening in JP. Only when his enhancements came that he truly became the God of Tanks.
The real game changer would be Ramza's enhancements.
Everybody wants WoL. But I wonder how big a game changer he truly is. If I remember correctly, he was still on par with Cecil on his 6* awakening in JP. Only when his enhancements came that he truly became the God of Tanks.
I don't understand why HP damage is capped at 999 in the arena but MP is not. Rem's siphon delta almost always drain the entire MP from all units, which basically means you already lost the match. Yet another example this game fails to adjust and balance abilities between pve and pvp.
WoL would have made all the difference in this trial being able to cover the role of AoE tank and a breaker. 30% break just doesn't cut it, when are they gonna bring Noctis to JP level dammnit.
That's only for the break, still need that AoE cover baby, I'll also take Ling but she's​ gone.Thats a perfect example for flipping a coin to know what you desire. Started with WoL only ro realize you want JP Noctis.
When unit protection is turned on, each unit is automatically locked as it's summoned. Turning it off just means units you summon after that point aren't locked. So you'll need to manually go into each of their status screens (View Units ->) and unlock them.
To paraphrase:
Gumi Dev: Here's a pic of us working on shiznit that you've been asking for!
Random BE Gamer: If it's WoL 6* I might just cry!
Gumi Dev: Better grab your tissues then!!
Everybody wants WoL. But I wonder how big a game changer he truly is. If I remember correctly, he was still on par with Cecil on his 6* awakening in JP. Only when his enhancements came that he truly became the God of Tanks.
The real game changer would be Ramza's enhancements.
Dang. 4 rainbow blooms short of getting Y'shtola to 6*
Thanks. Guess I may as well turn it off and lock them manually instead.
Everybody wants WoL. But I wonder how big a game changer he truly is. If I remember correctly, he was still on par with Cecil on his 6* awakening in JP. Only when his enhancements came that he truly became the God of Tanks.
The real game changer would be Ramza's enhancements.
Edit: Was thinking of Black Cowl next... but would I get more out of Blade Mastery vs Black Cowl at the moment? Pimping out my 'landu now is kinda fun. :3
Keep an eye out on the Daily Specials that you can buy with Gilthere was a Rainbow Bloom the other day. Hopefully you end up getting some more soon though.
Love that the Tower of Babel has returned, looking forward to going through that again with my new team. Revenge time.
Considerably more. I don't know the exact loadout of your Orlandeau, but looking at a likely setup (Genji Blade + Excal, Black Bandana, Demon Mail, 2x Ruler Ring, Large Sword Mastery, ATK+30%, Dual Wield, ATK+15%), replacing the ATK+15% with Blade Mastery gets you an extra 66 attack, whereas Black Bandana -> Black Cowl is 16.
So I'm looking on the unit calculator to make a perfect evasion Ling. Is she still the easiest to 100%? I'm seeing i can get to 105 by just equipping her with Ring of Lucii, 20 sided die, Vampire cloak, and a single Evade materia.
Noctis looks tougher to gear up, and I'm not even sure which other characters can be built for 100%. I think Chizuru and Lightning maybe?
Those yeah. My Noc has:
- 3x Quick Assault
- Assasin's Vest
- Kiyomori
- Swordbreaker
- Ring of Lucii
Rest item slots:
- Jeweled Ring
- Dual Wield
- Black Cowl
With Golem attack is "whopping" 615.