Iam going to finally focus for healer. I have all the units needed for these tms. Bolded TM's Iam missing. Ability slot 3 is for Dual Cast
Refia 6 Star max potted
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Golden Staff +19ATK+9MAG+48SPR
Left Hand: Force Shield +40DEF+8SPR+10%Fire/Ice/Lightning
Head: [B]Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep[/B]
Body: [B]Minerva Bustier +47DEF+45SPR+30%Fire/Ice/Lightning/Wind[/B]
Accessory 1: [B]Arsha's Talisman +20%HP+10%DEF+10%SPR[/B]
Accessory 2: [B]Arsha's Talisman +20%HP+10%DEF+10%SPR[/B]
Ability 1: Equip H Shield Can equip Heavy Shields
Ability 2: [B]Hill Digger +10%ATK+30%HP[/B]
Ability 4: Melody of Life +20% Elemental Resistance
Esper: Carbuncle HP:3200 MP:5700 ATK:1800 DEF:3200 MAG:4300 SPR:6000
Total Stats: HP: 6351 MP: 376 ATK: 216 DEF: 316 MAG: 195 SPR: 450
- I have 2 Black Cowl's in use and only 1 Hayate 0%
- I have 5 Celes for 1 MB
- I have 4 Ella's for 2 AT
- I have 2 Guy's for 1 HD
- Carbuncle is not finished (1* 25 or so)
- I have only 1 Force Shield (Can you buy more with SQ?). Maybe use other shield depending situation. Or grind 2nd MoL (I have 3 Garne'ts at 0%).
Man this is looking good.