You can skip the story if you don't care to watch it. If/when the time comes that you want to awaken an ability on a character you like, you're going to be regretting not getting the just-above-zero-effort crysts that come from this event. Especially since you don't TM macro, ability awakenings are going to be a proportionally larger power upgrade for you.
To each their own, but leaving the crysts on the table seems like a really bad idea to me.
I don't know. The enhancement system is way too grindy and doesn't seem worth it to me. The crystals take up an insane amount of space for something that may or may not be used. I guess I can see the idea of having them around "just in case". I looked at the enhancement system when it was first announced and on the Japanese site to see some of the future enhancements for characters and the whole thing seems underwhelming to me.
Working through the awful story...ugh. I don't even want to think about it.
I don't know. The enhancement system is way too grindy and doesn't seem worth it to me. The crystals take up an insane amount of space for something that may or may not be used. I guess I can see the idea of having them around "just in case". I looked at the enhancement system when it was first announced and on the Japanese site to see some of the future enhancements for characters and the whole thing seems underwhelming to me.
Working through the awful story...ugh. I don't even want to think about it.
Oooh all kinds of good stuff! Did a daily for the first time in a while, CoD... boooo. Probably gonna pass on this one since there are good ones coming finally (though I do have Tilith already)
Didn't get to do a whole lot of the new story mission thing yet but I like what I've seen so far. Slept for 2 hours last night and then had to take my wife (Bunches) to the ER at 2am and we were there for 17 hours cause she had to get her appendix removed suddenly. All is well and back home finally, time for some sleep!!!
I'M LOSING IT!!! I never thought I'd see the day. And perfect time to to cap this dude in one go.
After 8 months of chasing this bastard. He's finally here!! Noctis, welcome!!!
Enhanced Rikku will be more broken than Ramza, mark my words.
Enhanced Rikku will be more broken than Ramza, mark my words.
Swimsuit Majin Fina:
Ultima +1: Decreased MP cost (Large)
Ultima +2: Ignore Target Magic Defense (Large) aka ignore spirit, Increased Number of Hits (Med)
Retaliate +1 Increased chance to activate (Small)
Retaliate +2: Chance to increase Magic when Retaliate Activates
Physical Fall +1: Decreased MP Cost (Med), Magic & Spirit down
Physical Fall +2: Increased Attack, Defense, Magic, and Spirit Down (Small)
Tornado Kick +1: Ignore Target Defense (Large), Prishe Special gains All Elements Imperial.
Tornado Kick +2: After using Prishe Special, use Prishe Special for 1 more turn
Will of Life (Reraise) +1: Increased duration (Large)
Will of Life (Reraise) +2: Increased duration (Large)
Teni Muhou (Passive) +1: MP Up
Teni Muhou (Passive) +2 Increased Attack & Spirit while equipped with a claw weapon (Small), Increased Attack & Spirit with a Hat
Swimsuit Fina:
Instant Cure +1: Chance to Heal increased (Small)
Instant Cure +2: Heal Amount Up (Very Large), When taking physical attacks, chance to increase Spirit
Raise +1: Amount of HP Revived Increased (Large)
Raise +2: Amount of HP Revived Increased (Large)
Cheer +1: Decreased MP Cost (Med)
Cheer +2: Attack & Defense Rate up (Med)
Double Dice +1: Increased MP Cost (Very Large), Increased Chance to deal High damage (small)
Double Dice +2: Increased MP Cost (Very Large), Low Damage decreased (small), High Damage Increased (Very Large)
Bloody Card +1: Decreased MP Cost (med)
Bloody Card +2: Damage UP (Very Large)
Quick Gamble +1: MP Up, Increased chance to evade certain types of physical attacks (Med)
Quick Gamble +2: MP up when equipped with a throwing weapon
Mix +1: Adds more more usable abilities
Mix +2: Adds duration (small)
Tidal Wave +1: Damage Up (Med)
Tidal Wave +2: Increased number of hits (small)
Drive Boost +1: Increased Attack when equipped with a Claw/H2H weapon, Increased MP when equipped with a Light Shield
Drive Boost +2: MP and Attack Up (Med)
Stonefall +1: Damage Up (Med), Decreased MP cost (Med)
Stonefall +2: Damage Up (Med),
Swordsman +1: HP Up, Attack Increased when equipped with an Axe
Swordsman +2: Attack Up (Large)
Doublehand +1: Attack up (Small)
Doublehand +2: Attack up (Small)
Overflow +1: Decrease MP Cost
Overflow +2: Damage Up (med). Multiple Cast Damage up (Med)
Meteor +1: Number of Hits up (Med)
Meteor +2: Damage Up (Med)
Passive +1: MP up
Passive +2: Magic up (small)
whew this reddit drama
good thing we have tuffy's ling for solo carries
Priceless.Gacha Fina's LB
whew this reddit drama
good thing we have tuffy's ling for solo carries
Gacha Fina's LB
Do you have Warrior of Light? In 2019 when his enhancements roll out
Didn't get to do a whole lot of the new story mission thing yet but I like what I've seen so far. Slept for 2 hours last night and then had to take my wife (Bunches) to the ER at 2am and we were there for 17 hours cause she had to get her appendix removed suddenly. All is well and back home finally, time for some sleep!!!
Almost done with the event, only 2 map left but please tell me there is a T4 support cryst in the last map since I only got one and I saw in the Japanese version that there were 2 of them.
Almost done with the event, only 2 map left but please tell me there is a T4 support cryst in the last map since I only got one and I saw in the Japanese version that there were 2 of them.
Yes I got the one from The Gathering map and saw the next one not having it so I hoped the last map would have "Woods of Miasma", gotta look the JP wiki now.
whew this reddit drama
good thing we have tuffy's ling for solo carries
Scroll down, and the link to the woods of miasma is there... remember the event is the gathering, and theres a world called the gathering, i linked the main page~
Meh, you can get subs without the help of that community. My channel even have more subs than most of the usual people that post their videos on reddit. (BECAUSE I HAVE THE BLESSING OF EXVIUSGAF, THE BEST COMMUNITY)
When i was just starting i posted my videos on the sub too, but my posts were deleted 2 times and said "fuck reddit, im going to do it myself" and here i am...
Some of these Gathering missions really aren't working for me. Like some that start with LB kills, I just can't get my LB by then. Getting most of the Giancrysts I can though and all abilities and gear.
Daily pull was trash again. I'm probably gonna just pass on this banner for now since my luck has been awful.
He's promoting himself, quick ban him >.>;![]()
How much atk is the earth sword?
CG Fina doesn't look that different rip.
Some of these Gathering missions really aren't working for me. Like some that start with LB kills, I just can't get my LB by then. Getting most of the Giancrysts I can though and all abilities and gear.
Daily pull was trash again. I'm probably gonna just pass on this banner for now since my luck has been awful.
For LB crystals make sure you are solo targeting to kill the enemies. Daily pull was a Camille. Meh. 31 pulls 2 Camille and that's it. On to Anniversary as I will be skipping the BF banner if that's next.
Enhancement system is not underwhelming. It's extremely worth it. In many cases, the effects you gain from it are close to 2x what you're getting right now out of characters. Ramza gains twice his effectiveness as a buffer for example while characters like Randi are powered up even further than that.
Do you have Agrias? Bringing enhanced 6* Agrias along with your Orlandeau enables you to set up in-party Divine Ruination chains, so you can bring non-Orlandeau friends for later trials (Wilhelm, Ramza, whoever).
Do you have Firion? Best budget chain capper after enhancements, easy to gear, elementally diverse.
Do you have Warrior of Light? In 2019 when his enhancements roll out, you're going to be glad you can immediately enhance him because that's where he gets truly insane, not necessarily his 6* base form.
7* hasn't even been implemented in Japan yet, so you're going to be waiting for a while on that. Don't you have Ace as well, or am I thinking of someone else? Enhanced Ace is very, very solid. And you never know who's going to pop out of a random rainbow.
It's the last I'll say on it, not trying to tell anyone how to play the game, but...
Its just incredible all the lore the Zoldaad saga has in this game... compared to Olderion and the previous continents...
Gumi can made an entire zoldaad spin-off game with all the lore and characters we have here.
Yeah there is so much focus on Zoldaad, but it's pretty much the last event about it I think.
That's rather unfortunate. I used his strategy and unit to do the Wilhelm ELT missions and I always made use of whatever the big macro thread of the moment was. ¯\_(ツwhew this reddit drama
good thing we have tuffy's ling for solo carries
whew this reddit drama
good thing we have tuffy's ling for solo carries
Damn I missed this drama earlier. Never paid attention to Mcgillby's links/attempts to self-promote but I understand why he was banned.
Kinda gross to see him then throw a tantrum and remove all his content.
Anyway, I really need to try this Titan trial before it goes away. When does it end? Next week?