4*No 3* units in this event. Tho Seria feels like 2* unit and same for Karl.
God damn they really are trash tier units so I thought they were 3* lol!
4*No 3* units in this event. Tho Seria feels like 2* unit and same for Karl.
What, we will already be able to get the Raven Manteau pretty soon? But I'm missing SO MUCH keys, gotta go back to get everything *-*
I'm on Aurora keys but only did the required ones so far.
(EDIT : nevermind someone clarified it's still far away)
For people who don't know what it does :
Xon's ability is +50% only (and I don't have Xon T-T)
What, we will already be able to get the Raven Manteau pretty soon? But I'm missing SO MUCH keys, gotta go back to get everything *-*
I'm on Aurora keys but only did the required ones so far.
(EDIT : nevermind someone clarified it's still far away)
For people who don't know what it does :
Xon's ability is +50% only (and I don't have Xon T-T)
Alt daily: Cinque the fucking waste of space
This gold or higher shit banner is bullshit. Karl and Seria aren't even that good anyway, why the hell are they gold? Plus, pulling a gold on banner is like winning the lottery already.
No bonus units blows. Maxwell's trial can't come soon enough. Hopefully I can actually pull off summoning Diabolos this time. -_-;
Each ennemies has 2 loot table, one "normal" and one "rare", for example T3 and T4 crysts in the Chamber of Gems are on the "rare" loot table so it means more of them with this.I'm still confused about this. Does that ability mean that if an enemy, say, CAN drop either a beast meat or a heaven's ash, +100% would guarantee the heaven's ash? Or does it force it to drop both? Or am I misunderstanding this entirely?
Also, does this have any effect on Awakening dungeon with Holy/Sacreds? I never really read a definitive answer on it.
Do have a question, how do yall run JPN accounts? Nox? Just something I've always wondered.
Do have a question, how do yall run JPN accounts? Nox? Just something I've always wondered.
I have Japanese iPad and iPhone still. Sadly, I'm running English versions of the games on them. Because my IP is in Japanese.. if I made a Japanese Google account, yall think I could download the JPN one on my iPad too? Or does it only allow one BE per device?
I have Japanese iPad and iPhone still. Sadly, I'm running English versions of the games on them. Because my IP is in Japanese.. if I made a Japanese Apple account, yall think I could download the JPN one on my iPad too? Or does it only allow one BE per device?
Edit: Because brain dead today. Though I might have a JPN apple account i don't remember
Exactly what i'm doing, though i have a german iphone with an canadian, us american, phillipian, swedish, japan and german account. No Problem switching between the accounts. Sometime the creation is rough cause of payment method. Most of the time it is enough to lock out of your id, click a link directing to a free app in f.e. swedish itunes and you can creates a swedish account without choosing a payment method.
There are 0 Problems running global and jpn be on the same device.
I'm contemplating building my second Tilith and using her as a team buffer. The biggest thing I'll miss in replacing Refia with Tilith is Embolden's 5-turn duration. However, with two Tiliths I can use one for full healing every turn while the other does Celestial Light every other turn and a Rainbow Veil / Affectionate Aura in-between. A second Tilith would also be nice on turns when Prism Heal or Goddess's Revelation is needed.
I'm thinking a team like this could work:
Tilith 1: Healer
Tilith 2: Buffer
Tank (Cecil / WoL)
Breaker (Ling / WoL 2)
I usually bring a friend Orlandeau along, since Noct has Excalibur and benefits from the Holy Imperil. This team's biggest drawback is, obviously, that I don't have any chainers. I suppose I'd boot Noct if I ever get one (or when Enhanced Agrias hits global in 5 years, lol).
Haven't tackled dling the JPN one yet. Doing work. Because I should stop putting it off. Ugh. But is there a different way to reroll on JPN one? I thought I remember hearing to reroll was some backwards way. But then again maybe I'm thinking of FEH or something.
You have to use 2 devices, at least I haven't figured out a way to do it with 1. But you make a password on the first one and it gives you the transfer ID and password on a screen. Go to the other device and input that stuff in the menu, and it transfers and you can restart the other fresh. It's definitely more tedious than the Facebook thing, but in the end a better system.
Edit: Just had a reroll with Orlandu and Flame Veritas, but no CG FinaThat would have been a perfect starting team.
I was actually gonna reroll until I hit that barrier. Not got a second device :/
Got Eiko but would have preferred Waifu Fina. Eh, may set up my emulator I guess. I kinda like the GLB way since I could just chill on the sofa at least lol
Is now a good time to start a JPN account or something?
/shrug You get 2 11 rolls and 8 tickets to start which is nice, but I am only doing it because I refuse to refill on this event because of how much currency I am getting and should be able to get everything with no effort so I have nothing to do in game for hours. Figured why not.
Alkez, dunno to be honest. Just been something I've thought about for a while jumping into. One at least work on my Japanese since.. well it's fading. And two just because.
I hope you are all ready for the news spam we will get tomorrow, do we expect a new banner this week?
Ooo, interesting. How long does this "offer" last for? Might try this tomorrow.
Is now a good time to start a JPN account or something?
/shrug You get 2 11 rolls and 8 tickets to start which is nice, but I am only doing it because I refuse to refill on this event because of how much currency I am getting and should be able to get everything with no effort so I have nothing to do in game for hours. Figured why not.
Whats the team for? Trials? I used to do this kind of theorycrafting a lot, but most of it was wasted time. The hardest contents are usually trials, and they usually always have some sort of gimmick that forces a character/set of characters in your party, so it's tough to stick to a main team. This sounds nice for general mitigation/slow damage type stuff though.
I only have 2 rainbow units: Noctis and Delita. I don't own any strong chainers and my only strong finishers are Noctis and Firion. The majority of my damage always comes from Noctis and my friend unit, so I've never been able to make a 1-turn KO team. :/Might also want to build a 1RKO team of full buffing/damage too. I always keep one of those around for grindy events and bosses.
Personally, I'm unlikely to really play it since I can't read it at all and this game is a bit harder to coast by on the JPN with no understanding of the language than others. Instead I'll just be using it get the pulls out of my system when the urge to tank my mains resources arise or kill time when my main has no NRG.
How are you getting 2 11 rolls? I only got 5k at the start :(
I'll download the JP version too, should be fun to see what could happen.
Noctis + Cecil + DC Refia have been the cornerstone of every single, non-arena, team I've used since pulling him last year. I unsure if I can handle the Echidna or Ultros trials yet, but I've beaten everything else the game has thrown at us.
The main reason for the post is because Tilith should be a great upgrade over Refia. However, I couldn't figure out a way to make up for the loss of 45% ATK/DEF from Embolden. Tilith has a 40% all stats buff skill, but it only lasts for 2 turns vs Embolden's 5. It doesn't seem possible to have her be both the healer and buffer in tough content all by herself. Then I pulled a second Tilith and had the idea of using both.
I also want to figure out how to use my new Delita and will be pulling for Rikku, so who knows how much use this proposed team would actually get. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I only have 2 rainbow units: Noctis and Delita. I don't own any strong chainers and my only strong finishers are Noctis and Firion. The majority of my damage always comes from Noctis and my friend unit, so I've never been able to make a 1-turn KO team. :/
A new surge for JP~ Haha. You going to reroll Syn? Or take it like a man? I'm still debating. x_x I could technically do it.. just seems like lots of work.. but you know..
A new surge for JP~ Haha. You going to reroll Syn? Or take it like a man? I'm still debating. x_x I could technically do it.. just seems like lots of work.. but you know..
I'll reroll a few times, if it gets boring I'll just unistall and forget I ever thought about having fun about rerolling for the sake of reroling lmao.