Daily - Snow
3 golds, all off banner. Gumi plz.
Me last week. I know the feels!
That's me every week lol.
Daily - Snow
3 golds, all off banner. Gumi plz.
Me last week. I know the feels!
Finally finished up fully enhancing my Ace. Did also the ultros trial straight away to make sure I had rod mastery available for him. Feels good to have a unit all powered up. Will probably be subbing out some materias for papalymo TMs once I get around to redeeming raid coins though.
Finally finished up fully enhancing my Ace. Did also the ultros trial straight away to make sure I had rod mastery available for him. Feels good to have a unit all powered up. Will probably be subbing out some materias for papalymo TMs once I get around to redeeming raid coins though.
There is that ExciusGAF playbook, but it's more headed toward newcomers.GAF, coming back to play after 3 months... what should I get from this event??
Also, is there a "come back faq"???
Just going to leave this here![]()
Heres my video of Elza 6 stars, with enhacements, i thank C-Murph for his help with his awesome elza enhaced
So today i woke up and i saw this
Maybe is a very low achievement (that it is), but i means a lot for me, when i started making videos back in october to help gaffers in the maxwell trial, i didnt even though that i will got so many subs, i am really very grateful of this community, every one of you are really awesome. I thank OP for putting my channel on the first post, i thank Shouta for being an awesome mod in our community and letting me spam the links of my videos xD... and thats it, this community is amazing, its a year together and i hope we all keep going together for another year.
Thank you all!
Let's put it this way. You just pulled a unit that had a 1 in 400 chance of appearing. If you're going to chase Tilith, know that you're going to need to roll almost the rough equivalent of another rainbow in the same banner to get her.
I'm going to point you to RIGHT HERE for the current real-time anecdotal compilation of pull rates.
Tilith there obviously has pull bias in her numbers. But normalizing against the standard gold rates and the reasonably accurate results for Karl and Seria, you are looking at the listed 1.58% chance of pulling Tilith.
Could it happen? Sure. It happened to me this week. Tilith and a Rainbow. It is likely to happen to you? Very unlike. Whatever you decide, be at peace with not pulling her before committing anything more than a daily to it.
I would do dailies and if you don't luck out by then, make a judgment call on the last day on how hard (if at all) you want to chase the faux-rainbow.
So I do have a Refia and a Luka ready to go, but have been using Y'shtola cause I am still working on the TM for DC (Now that I have Genji Glove to work on it might take longer). Are they just that inferior to Tilith?
It all depends on the situation really, a DC Refia is powerful stuff too, Tilith is sorta like the Ling of healers though. Also note 2 things that none of the Tilith guides I've seen mention... her moves are abilities and as such can still "cast" while silenced, that and there are a few trials that have rewards for not using curative magic, which being abilities don't fall under.
edit Nothing stops you from taking it a little slower and using both Tilith and Refia either... (or dual healer situation period)
Did my free 10+1 in JP and got 2 Golds and 8 Blues. My luck has run out!
Tilith is strong, but the ffx anner is better..Just don't know how hard to pull. I don't really have a solid healer atm. I have to do off healing with Cecil to keep up while using Y'shtola.
Just don't know how hard to pull. I don't really have a solid healer atm. I have to do off healing with Cecil to keep up while using Y'shtola.
Just don't know how hard to pull. I don't really have a solid healer atm. I have to do off healing with Cecil to keep up while using Y'shtola.
Rates can definitely be rough if they really do the dick move and put Wakka as a 4* though >.>;
Did my free 10+1 in JP and got 2 Golds and 8 Blues. My luck has run out!
I can't imagine they'll actually do that. There's no precedent for it, and "raising" a unit to a higher base serves no purpose except to dick people over. Gumi pulls some shady stuff but a move like that is indefensible. I'd more expect them to shuffle the banners around to fit another pre-existing 4* in there, or create a new 4* unit and shove them in. Raising Wakka would also leave the banner without a 3* unit, which seems unlikely since we are already having one of those.
Where do you go to get the free pull? I must be daft. Well, that and I can't read Japanese.
Heres my video of Elza 6 stars, with enhacements, i thank C-Murph for his help with his awesome elza enhaced
So today i woke up and i saw this
Maybe is a very low achievement (that it is), but i means a lot for me, when i started making videos back in october to help gaffers in the maxwell trial, i didnt even though that i will got so many subs, i am really very grateful of this community, every one of you are really awesome. I thank OP for putting my channel on the first post, i thank Shouta for being an awesome mod in our community and letting me spam the links of my videos xD... and thats it, this community is amazing, its a year together and i hope we all keep going together for another year.
Thank you all!
Same here. Maybe it is because of internal time zones. Nearly everytime i can't access the new banner because of this...always funny when the summon section is empty.
Edit: checked it. Yep timezone bug. Switched it to Tokyo and got my shadow, sabin, tellah, raksha, that fairy thingy, other stupid blues and the dog from the current banner and a gold blue haired waifu. Guess i lucked out with my fina pull.
Oh hey, it's Lady_Hero!![]()
Bwa haha.
Lady Hero is backreally thought she had quit or something.
Big Congrats to Lyrian for Tilith and StrikeNinja for Vargas!
I had Tilith from last go round and I cannot pull a banner unit to save my life this time. Im not even doing dailies, Ive resigned to using my Lapis on refreshes as its the cheapest way to achieve my goal (getting everything good from MK).
Thank the Metal Gods for showing in numbers up this time!
Congrats on Tilith!I missed the continuity joke in the final panel the first time I read it, but it made sense once Reddit explained it to me, lol.
Metal gods still evading me, but can't complain (too much) because of my solid pulls on the banner this week.
Video watched.
Makes me grumble a bit more that I still need 2 more Power T4s for Madness Rush +2. And then C-Murph showed up on my friends list while burning energy in the event. Rush +2 is absolutely disgusting.png.
Wouldn't it be more worthwhile paying the 100 lapis for the ore and buying 3 of the 4 needed at least? You'd also get 600 vs the 85? or whatever rank xp too
Got Tillith and Elza. Pretty happy about that, how good is Elza?
Got Tillith and Elza. Pretty happy about that, how good is Elza?
only getting to buy 3 T4 crysts a piece from mog king is brutal
keeping these damn things in stock sucks
Got Tillith and Elza. Pretty happy about that, how good is Elza?
Whoa. I'm like Youtube famous now!
I've been trying to get enough to master the Ravaging Blow... But I only have 2 of what 6 needed?
Kinda pissed. Been running Chamber of the Wise for Support GC since 13:00 and didn't get a fucking single one. WTF. I'm sitting at 15 Healing GC though... Fuck. Wasted 1200 lapis on that shit. I think its broke...lul
I've never had this happen before.
Oh and Lyrian, to answer your question, yes I have refreshed a few times. The generous nature of the rates does encourage me. That way I can get things done quicker. And I'm worried its a fluke! I've had multiple metal God runs in a row which helps.
-- 1) Have you refilled on this event because of the generous currency rates? If so, how often have you refilled? [none, a few times, many times]
-- 2) If you have refilled, is it because you believe that the rates are an unintentional fluke (Ex: Gumi was lazy as this event is a literally copy of the first event and didn't think about adjusting currency rates) and are trying to take advantage of them?
-- 3) If future Mog King events were just like this, would you want to refresh there as well? What if all future events were like this? At what point would you consider these generous rates to be "the norm" and would stop refilling because they will always be this good?
-- 1) Have you refilled on this event because of the generous currency rates? If so, how often have you refilled? [none, a few times, many times]
-- 2) If you have refilled, is it because you believe that the rates are an unintentional fluke (Ex: Gumi was lazy as this event is a literally copy of the first event and didn't think about adjusting currency rates) and are trying to take advantage of them?
-- 3) If future Mog King events were just like this, would you want to refresh there as well? What if all future events were like this? At what point would you consider these generous rates to be "the norm" and would stop refilling because they will always be this good?
2 and 8 is only 10... which means you only got one rainbow? Your luck really is gone!
Where do you go to get the free pull? I must be daft. Well, that and I can't read Japanese.
Nope. =(
There's an additional tab for JP. Click on that to bring up free summons and it'll be there along with the free monday summon.
Totally forgot to do this until earlier!
Didn't get much from it but I did pull the other 5* base from the CG Fina banner? I'm not sure of the name. Any thoughts on that character?
Totally forgot to do this until earlier!
Didn't get much from it but I did pull the other 5* base from the CG Fina banner? I'm not sure of the name. Any thoughts on that character?
Kunshira? The Espeon knockoff?
To be fair to Kunshira, Espeon can't talk, walk on two-legs, wield swords and rods with their mind. =P
For DKC build after enhancement, how do we build him?
Still DW? Are we supposed to heal in-between of those soul eaters?