Currently at 1,009,000 points for Ifrit Raid and still can't even beat ELT.
I'm sure I'll get Y'shtola but I was really looking forward to that Moogle...
Still happy with all these 10%/10% ATK/HP & 10% Res TMs I've gained though.
I also have Refia w/ DC. Is Y'shtola better than her or is she a waste of my Gigantuars?
Also have a Tilith. Just trying to gauge whether or not she is worth investing anything into.
I'm sure I'll get Y'shtola but I was really looking forward to that Moogle...
Still happy with all these 10%/10% ATK/HP & 10% Res TMs I've gained though.
I also have Refia w/ DC. Is Y'shtola better than her or is she a waste of my Gigantuars?
Also have a Tilith. Just trying to gauge whether or not she is worth investing anything into.