Well, back from vacation, trying to get caught up on stuff in the game.
-Finally got my Y'sh from points, only running Pro since the beginning of the Ifrit event. With all the stupid TM moogles I had for Shards of Genius, she's already at 85% TM.
-Orlandu still doesn't impress me, I've been using a ton of him from friend units on the Tactics event farming. I did 3 10+1's to get bonus units and hopefully snag him, but no dice. I got enough bonus units now to just grind the event though, so that's good.
-Did get a "troll" rainbow Dark Fina in one of those 10+1's, which was one of my most wanted 5* bases that I missed on-banner. Pretty excited about that.
-These 1% moogles were a mistake, it just feels so chintzy. I would rather they just kept the 10% expensive and rare like always, and for these and the 5% ones to not exist.
-Really burnt out on grinding events. I hope the next 2-3 are just the "Clear and done" type, or better yet - the Chinese New Year variety, which should be the gold standard of events moving forward.
Congrats to all of you dudes that got your Orlandus, btw!