What's the release order of units getting 6 stars / enhancements? Trying to prioritize who should get Gigangtuars first.
WoL > Agrias > Ramza (Enhancements) > DKC (enhancements)?
What's the release order of units getting 6 stars / enhancements? Trying to prioritize who should get Gigangtuars first.
WoL > Agrias > Ramza (Enhancements) > DKC (enhancements)?
What's the release order of units getting 6 stars / enhancements? Trying to prioritize who should get Gigangtuars first.
WoL > Agrias > Ramza (Enhancements) > DKC (enhancements)?
Even if you have a lot of Dual Wield, looks like it's a good idea to get Abel (3*), his TM is a 82 ATK dagger with Dual Wield included, seems perfect for Setzer.
I'm looking at reddit wiki and it don't get much better sadly.
What's the release order of units getting 6 stars / enhancements? Trying to prioritize who should get Gigangtuars first.
WoL > Agrias > Ramza (Enhancements) > DKC (enhancements)?
Also, enhancements take a lot of materials that you most likely won't be able to obtain in the first month...or multiple months in regards to Agrias/DKC's upgrades.
Yeah. Won't it take a couple months just to +2 Ramza's Hero's Rime?
Also, Visceir, do you have any insight at all into Orlandeau's TM - if it's still relevant on any characters in JP? Trying to decide between Moogle-ing Orlandeau or Gilgamesh...
The highest tier enhancements mats can only be gotten via events and are limited, so you have to pick and choose who you want to enhance since you'll always have a limited amount. And yea, you won't be able to +2 Ramza the first month.
I think people still use Orlandu TM for arena since it can do more dmg than the usual 2x999 with DW, but other than that...not really. It might be nice on Firion until he gets enhancements.
You need a tank in there. I'd go with Cecil, refia, ling, orlandu and olive if I were you.
Cecil does barfira round 1, focus round 2, provoke round 3 then rinse & repeat the rest of the fight. You can skip a focus or provoke for an emergency backup heal but never barfira.
Refia does Embolden first round, dual cast curaja the rest of the fight. If you get a break, recast embolden.
Ling breaks all the time. I don't like ling there, I'd prefer someone else like wol but I don't know if you have him. If not, bring a noctis friend.
Orlandu and olive chains with your friend unit.
I dit it with wol/Cecil/olive/Gilgamesh/refia and a noctis friend. You should be able to do it.
Daily Orlandu!!!!!
I'm kidding it was Bedile.
Yesterday, ended up with 3 groups of Chocobos for the day. The morning one had 3 red. Evening ones had 3 black and the second group consisted of one black and two red.
Do the color Chocobos make a difference? For reward or anything? (I imagine their attacks differ, like in Tactics.)
. Still, I played enough of the Ifrit Raid to get all of the units including 4 Y'Shtollas from pulls,
Unfortunately, I think I used up all of my rainbow luck getting the Y'shtollas,
Yes. Yes you absolutely did.
Yes. Yes you absolutely did.
So, question. When you have a unit like Orlandu with say Lightning Stab. It's not listed under Magic. Does the damage off that attack go strictly on ATK? Or is it worth having MAG as well for it?
I should have asked this a long time ago, because it relates to Yun as well with Blazing Heart.
Lightning stab is a physical attack. Blazing Heart is also a Physical Attack.
Physical Attacks relates with ATK and enemy's DEF.
Man, there's a surprisingly large difference between 30% break and 45% break. Got around to trying ELT Ifrit and he would occasionally kill people when I was using Noctis breaks, but no one even went below half health when I just let Ling break constantly.
WoL's 6* upgrade can't come soon enough.
EDIT: By the way, I know dual wield gives you two chances to break on attack skills, but does it do the same on non-attack breaks? Wondering how necessary it'll be for WoL.
I've been Gacha clean for over a month, but today's my birthday and TGCid fever is itching.
Everyone remind me how bad the rates are for 5* before I make a mistake and spend more money... I need to stay F2P...
I've been Gacha clean for over a month, but today's my birthday and TGCid fever is itching.
Everyone remind me how bad the rates are for 5* before I make a mistake and spend more money... I need to stay F2P...
All you need to know: Click here
The power of incremental percentages
Just think how ridiculous Ifrit would be if he required Barfiriga/Flame Guard (70% resist) instead of Barfira (50% resist). He would be annihilating teams left and right with only a normal exhale of his breath if 70% resist was needed to make his attacks even manageable for ELT-level teams.
Dual Wield grants two attempts at a break **IF** the break has a physical damage component to it. So Ling's dances = no, single target breaks (like Power Break) = yes.
I guess that's a no for WoL then? His new ones are just AoE debuffs with no damage.
The rates are garbage as all hell and you definitely don't need the guy. Don't spend money on nothing.
All you need to know: Click here
The rates are garbage as all hell and you definitely don't need the guy. Don't spend money on nothing.
Just hit 1.2 Mil, claim Y'shtola, chuck the Shard TM into her, think I can get some more so do a raid pull... And they give me another Y'shtola XD
Her TM stacks right? Thinking if it'll be worth keeping a second of her around just in case