Everybody, I want to know what you really think about the current rates though.
Like seriously, are you happy with them?
Are you going to be playing a year from now if they never give us better rates? Are you going to keep spending money on Lapis at these rates?
I've been lucky in the past so I think even getting a "standard" rate this coming week would be a disappointment for me. I'm going to spend a lot of resources so we'll see how it goes.
I think Gumi is planning to make all future banners have two 5* units (with maybe a few exceptions to drum up excitement) and they will hold off on the 3% rate so we appreciate it more when it does happen. In the mean time people will strongly resent them, including myself. I've bought two bundles in this game so far and I won't be buying the reruns that are coming in a week.
Whether I'm playing in a year depends more on luck than Gumi's decisions, but if I get to a point where I can't beat most of the content I will stop. Right now I'm a minnow/sardine who can clear basically everything (didn't do Aigaon but only because I haven't tried). The lapis rates have always been shit and even with the "half-price" bundles I've been reluctant to buy them. I get them more to reward Gumi for the time I spent than the direct lapis I get from them.