9S is worth it.Well damn.
I'm actually at a point where I might not pull on this NIER banner at all, because of how bad the rates are going to be. I don't even know if 9S is worth it.
It will likely take 80 tickets or so just to get a single 9S unit.
And with those 80 Tickets, I could be pulling AFTER rate ups instead, and probably get one or two rainbows.
This whole situation is depressing.
Everyone's saying Eve TM is crap. But then we find out it's +1000% def after entering threshold.
For characters that can attack multiple times per turn, when using [Store] or similar abilities, the damage increase from [Store] will now apply to all attacks past the first one.
So Ulrica and Heltich are getting 6-stars
On Veritas awakenings.
Dark Veritas is getting a 1H weapon, DH trait. His 1-hit attack that imperils is getting a damage boost and grants him Killers for Beast, Human, and Dragons. Impact is getting a big damage boost and now imperils all elements in addition to MP reduction. His chain attack is getting the standard buffs.
Fire Veritas is getting two Large damage increases to Full Charge Stomp but no activation enhancement. So uh, that might be really powerful, lol. His Attack buff is getting a duration and potency upgrade too. Incoming 5 Turn 100% ATK/MAG? He also gets a new skill called Double Axe, it seems
Light Veritas gets a Heavy Armor ATK/MAG up traits and can use Saint Buster for 1 turn at the start of a fight. Increased Killer damage on traits, Ultima buffs, Saint Shot getting damage buffs, and increased imperil turn effect.
Water Veritas gets a similar Heavy armor trait but for MAG/SPR. Also gets a 100% Water Imperil counter on physical hit. AOE Silence/Confuse attack gets a SPR down and changes to a new attack called Psycho Skewer next turn. Water's Ability Unlock is getting duration and buffs to the abilities you unlock too. The defensive buff is getting a magic damage cut added which is new, I think. Up until now it's only been all damage or physical damage.
Earth Veritas gets HP/DEF with heavy armor and HP Regen. Guardian, is getting buff similar to what EV got in GL. Inflame Process (100% Provoke) is getting some kind of interesting parameter change effect and a a 2 turn damage cut making EV like Wilhelm and Gabranth
Wind Veritas gets HP/ATK and a bunch of killers when equipped with heavy armor. All the jumps are getting damage increases too.
Oh shit, the 4* unit on CG Lid banner will have a 130ATK Fire Axe. That new Dual Axe for Fire Veritas just got a little bit more interesting now.
Pretty hype week for JP.
Also, just saw they are giving away a free Doublehand materia there
I misread that, it's actually an accessory that gives Doublehand, so whoever was playing when they gave Doublehand materia on the Mog King just won the lottery and now has 100%ATK of free stuff basically...How do we get it?
Event Equipment
キリアンのスカーフ: [Accessory] 20 ATK, +10% Fire Resist, Gain: [りょうてもち技法]
→ [りょうてもち技法]: Doublehand
Anything from 100% to 124% will still be trash because we can achieve that with buffs that will be up the entire fight regardless. That shit needs to be 200%+ to be relevant.we dont have movesets for Eve and A2 yet right?
Outside of the on crappy TM im not sure we need to freak out just yet
His TM needs to be +100% def or higher to even be worth talking about though
I misread that, it's actually an accessory that gives Doublehand, so whoever was playing when they gave Doublehand materia on the Mog King just won the lottery and now has 100%ATK of free stuff basically...
Anything from 100% to 124% will still be trash because we can achieve that with buffs that will be up the entire fight regardless. That shit needs to be 200%+ to be relevant.
Ehhh I could see a use
The 100% -124% party buffs are rare and take up a valuable unit slot
Its all about your team build and whether or not this TM has a place. It sucks that its DEF only. I would have preferred a lower modifier if it covered both
Like say 80% Def/Spr when HP drops below 50%. That would be pretty cool for any unit and would allow you to build more offensive teams and use less support units
I got 3 9S in 5 pulls, but in reality I know my luck in this game is really bad lul
I dont think it's a good idea to equip a threshold materia on an offensive unit. Offense unit like Fryevia has little to no def/spr/hp as their stats are focus on atk/mag. Even if it triggers these offense units will most likely still die. If you need def materias, it's better to equip Patriotic Recall as it gives Def/HP without any condition.
These threshold materias are more suitable to supports and tanks like Zarg and Wilhelm, in case they're losing their tanking duties and the def-up on threshold will help them survive as their def/hp are naturally high.
lol yall already know its gonna be some trash like 30%
if yiou were gonna fuck us iver gumi, at least make the TMs pretty good... annoying
Hot damn this is exciting for my JP account! I managed to snag that DH materia during that MK...I misread that, it's actually an accessory that gives Doublehand, so whoever was playing when they gave Doublehand materia on the Mog King just won the lottery and now has 100%ATK of free stuff basically...
Anything from 100% to 124% will still be trash because we can achieve that with buffs that will be up the entire fight regardless. That shit needs to be 200%+ to be relevant.
Booyah. That gives me a reason to run DKC now. Although Aileen is going to be ready much faster than him. Can DV work okay with her too? Just pleased to finally have some really good DPS units after Luneth was my only for a long time.
The NYC Fan Fiesta in Oct is open for registration- http://fan-fes.finalfantasyexvius.com/ny/
Too bad I am going on vacation the day before =/
The NYC Fan Fiesta in Oct is open for registration- http://fan-fes.finalfantasyexvius.com/ny/
Too bad I am going on vacation the day before =/
Summon simulator for Nier Banner here:
TLDR: If you get ONE 9S in 80 pulls, consider your luck good.
Summon simulator for Nier Banner here:
TLDR: If you get ONE 9S in 80 pulls, consider your luck good.
Summon simulator for Nier Banner here:
TLDR: If you get ONE 9S in 80 pulls, consider your luck good.
Wew. 1st 10 pull got 9S, 2nd 10 pull got 2 A2's and an Eve. 23 10 pulls later to get 2B.
Not sure how to feel.
Sort of. All units that use it move to the center, but the time between DW hits that determine how easy it is to perfect chain is dependent on the unit's unique casting animation.
Some units are extremely easy to perfect chain, like Wakka, and some are impossible.
Not to interrupt another round of Summon Simulator Chicken Little, but here's a quote from Reddit that might be of relevance to people looking at the 2x-100x 9S loadout for 10-man trials or whatever:
So 'make any two units into chainers!' seems to have a condition. Some units have really lengthy/weird attack animations. Caveat emptor.
Not to interrupt another round of Summon Simulator Chicken Little, but here's a quote from Reddit that might be of relevance to people looking at the 2x-100x 9S loadout for 10-man trials or whatever:
So 'make any two units into chainers!' seems to have a condition. Some units have really lengthy/weird attack animations. Caveat emptor.
oh weird so this is a skill that uses individual attack animations?
Somewhat like Bladeblitz, assuming I'm reading things right. Unit moves to the center front of the enemy's area then does their attack animation. With Bladeblitz, the attack's frames are the unit's own normal attack frames. With the 9S TM it's likely that they do their animation and then at the end, the frames of the 9S TM attack begin - Ultima Sword from Orlandeau's TM works this way. This is speculation on my part though, so don't write it in your journal.
Yeah that's how I interpreted as well. Which makes chaining dual wield a lot more difficult. This just re-enforces my mindset of going for just 1.
A2's Great Sword is kinda nice as its non-elemental, but it sounds like Gumi is basically just giving us that +125 atk Loto(Erdrick) sword from the DQ event with AOE attack added on. And that was just a normal event sword gotten from a Mog King. So in some sense, this is kinda disappointing.
I sure hope that AOE attack is really nice. It seems like its Beast Lord from the game, the swords lv4 move was "Beast Roar/百獣王の咆哮", it was kinda a forgettable move that didn't really add anything, so I think it'll just be a more powerful Bladeblitz.
Daily was Trey. Ok screw this banner I'm done. I bet money I'll pull Victoria or EV off-banner while getting Nier units anyway.
Global exclusive Nier TM's were as bad as I'd dreaded. The obvious guess of Eve's would be 110% def to match his brother Adam's 110% atk buff, no? Is A2's greatsword a passive 20% def or is it auto-protect like Save the Queen? Passive would at least make it a little nicer. The atk also should have been 130 instead of 125.
LOL at the summon simulator. I did a single 11x on Nier and got DV. Yes, that please!
2 A2, it's legit