Taking A2/2B down for now. Would yall prefer a 50% bonus unit or a mag carry in Fry w/ring of lucii, TT, or Dark Fina?
Jesus. Fry without dual cast and ring of lucii can one shot the elt boss lol. After being spr broken ofcourse.
Sharing a 936 mag T.Terra that can one shot the ELT boss as well.
Feel free to add me if you haven't already, 874 578 971
Sent.,.Sharing a 936 mag T.Terra that can one shot the ELT boss as well.
Feel free to add me if you haven't already, 874 578 971
Got two slots available
Got two slots available
Well... Have internet at new place as of now Yay.
[JP] So started with the 5 Step program for Sephiroth.
Step 1 - Rainbow outside of guaranteed Moogle. Lightning. Well, I don't even have her on GL so I guess that's okay. Do have quite a few 5*s to work on now.
Step 2 - A Rainbow is also there. Get Refia which is cool. I might work on her as my healer over bikini Fina. I feel comfy using her, but will end up needing a DC. But the Rainbow ended up being.... *cue up One Winged Angel*... Sephiroth!! Whelp! Is there a good reason to continue? I was 400 short of 25k but now I don't feel the need to have to go farm that now. Thoughts?
Well, there's the increased Rainbow rates and step 3 is a guaranteed Rainbow. So if you're looking to fill out your roster, it might not be bad?
Is there anything else worth it beyond that point?
I guess my problem at this point is I've no Cactaur and a boatload of stuff to level. Did manage to cap out my tank though during Raid which was good. Got to work on Reberta, Mercedes, AIleen, Refia, Fohlen.
I dunno what to fill out my roster with at this point. I have CG Sakura, Tidus, OK, Camille, Wilhelm, and bikini Fina ready for my group. I feel like there's something I'm missing. But yeah.
Is there any other unit that provides physical damage mitigation, via tm or the unit themselves, or is it just pod 153? Kind of frustrating if it's just on a limited unit.
Top class buffer, debuffer, and healer but those aren't guaranteed so it's kind of a crapshoot if you do the next few steps.
Also, the cactuar dunes are unlocked for 2 weeks in JP so you can do that as much as you want or you can do the mystery labrynith. XP vortex also has a higher tier that gives a lot of XP for like 20 EN but you need the XP items like the Growth Egg to really make it shine.
More units have general damage mitigation now but I don't think anything else has just physical mitigation (meaning it stacks with general) yet.
Step 4 ... You get an extra gold and 2 5*?
Damn that sucks. I'm fine on GL ofc, but in JP I don't have 9S and I wanted to test out your strategy, albeit to a lesser extent as I only have Gabranth who's DM is 40% as opposed to EV's 54%. May have to try my other strategy of spamming reraise every turn.
You get the on banner gold and double 5* rate on every crystal.
Ahh. Person I left out is Agrias capped at 6*. Been using her for Full Break.
Mmm I see Cactaur Dunes is up. Going to have to get on that train. Went to FF7 event and it was blank. I guess I'll just do Dunes today and hope tomorrow to see what the FF7 event is. (I can't remember. Last 24 hours has been a whirlwind...) Have the EXP hat on Sephiroth right now when I run stuff. I know Cactaur won't help it, but will probably do a combo of both.
Step 4 ... You get an extra gold and 2 5*?
Edit: I mean... I could get another Sephiroth along the way, but I dunno if that's a good idea. Or needed really.
Change your device to JP time to get the FF7 event to show up.
Damn that sucks. I'm fine on GL ofc, but in JP I don't have 9S and I wanted to test out your strategy, albeit to a lesser extent as I only have Gabranth who's DM is 40% as opposed to EV's 54%. May have to try my other strategy of spamming reraise every turn.
My 4 tickets got me 4 Saras. Put up a 1k+ mag Ace with full status invulerability.
[JP] The new Madam's House thing might be my favorite thing in FFBE. Possibly because I got to just naturally discover it myself without any guides or possibly because it felt much more meaty than I had expected.
It all gets triggered by just a random NPC in an inn, that opens up a new spot on the map and going there leads you to this house. Getting inside the house you get some flavor text and some story, you get challeneged by Madam, the owner of this establishment, and of course get absolutely wrecked by her in the fight.
Eventually she'll lead you to the basement of the house where it turns out the house was built on some ancient ruins. The ruins will be an explorable area with quite tough monsters roaming around and some valuable chests here and there, unlike most roams you don't get a map straight away, but get access to the map of the level once you've discovered the totem with it on the map.
The dungeon has multiple levels and once you've made a couple levels deep you'll get some more story and some basic puzzles to do.
Once you make it all the way to the bottom there's a lvl 100 boss with 100 mil hp which is probably nearly impossible to beat for the majority of the players as of now. Fortunately enough the Madam will be there the first time around and take care of the boss for you. You'll still have the option to go back and beat the boss for that extra mission reward though.
Once done with all that the Madam gives you access to the season2 vaults.
Going by the house screen there will be many more ancient ruins levels unlocked under that house and I'm guessing the mission reward for beating that lvl 100 boss will grant you the key for that once they get added to the game.
OOooff what an an awful pull.
I was having an awesome day, so I figured I'd do a YOLO pull. I have the lapis, and there just aren't that many units coming down the pike that get me really excited.
That was.... not a good pull.
Oh well. Back to the drawing board with lapis. Wheeee!
How do I kill this Heim guy? It's like he resists everything.
You double cast Ultima with a 900+ MAG Dark Fina/Beach Fina/Trance Terra.How do I kill this Heim guy? It's like he resists everything.
Infinite LB Rikku was MVP and infinite LB Earth Vertias was useless because the boss hits so hard his mitigation didn't even matter even when it was up together with the PHY mitigation from the pod.
Did you manage to get the new Ariana unit? She has it I think...Damn, not sure I have any units with Ultima. Guess I'll have to keep an eye out for friend units that can kill it.
Did you manage to get the new Ariana unit? She has it I think...
Yea no problemo! Curious how she does just cause so post your results.Yeah I did. Guess I'll give her a shot then. Thanks!
She is quite good especially with enhancements! Definitely glad I have her. Once TT gets her enhancements she may get less use but chaining Ultima with dupe DF is quite funThis is one of those days I'm so fucking glad I pulled Dark Fina back in the Orlandeau banner. I knew all the salt I produced that day was going to pay off someday.
I'm so sorry for being disappointed in you back then my beautiful girl.