In Dissidia, we learn that Golbez is the one who made the flower. He plants this flower in a place where Laguna will find it. Golbez knows Laguna doesn't care two bits about flowers, but stages it so that Firion will have that flower. Firion has the flower, and he shares knowledge of it with Lightning. Lightning, influenced by the flower, turns on Cosmos, and leads the crusade to seal the Rift. Who leaks the Rift's location? The Cloud of Darkness, after she meets LAGUNA, after he has come into contact with the flower. How is CoD alone to do this? Golbez is busy running interference with ExDeath to allow Laguna and CoD some alone time. Also, who joins Lightning's crusade? Kain, after he's KO'D most of Cosmos' team so they'll revive next round. Who puts this idea in Kain's head? Golbez. Who does Kain share this idea with? Tifa and the WoL. WoL, Cosmos' personal retainer, agrees to "yielding the round" and lets Kain do as the plan dictates. When ExDeath could have joined Garland and company to stop Lightning and team from sealing the rift, Golbez delays him again. After the Rift is sealed, and all of the warriors KO'D, the WoL is almost defeated by the Manikins, forcing Cosmos to act on his behalf and save him, shocking her into action. Basically right after this happens, Golbez goes and sees Cosmos, and convinces her to commit suicide to facilitate the warriors' acquisition of the Crystals and escape from World B. Then, during the last cycle, Golbez personally oversees Cecil's quest to acquire his crystal and advises Onion Knight in gaining his and therefore indirectly aids Terra in gaining hers. Meanwhile, Sephiroth gets wise to Golbez' game, tries to steal the rose, but plays into Golbez' hands doing so, bringing the WoL and others into contact with the rose. The rose is also brought into contact with Zidane and Cloud, and Cloud shares it with Terra, who then turns it into the world full of everyone's favorite flowers idea, which becomes the hope the heroes rally to, with their crystals, post Cosmos' death and on their way to defeating Chaos. The deaths of Cosmos and Chaos, orchestrated by Golbez, move the Great Will, Cid Lufaine, to break his covenant with the Divine Dragon, Shinryu, and release the warriors from World B.