I'd actually bring up inventory, yeah. I'm sitting at 300 and contemplating upgrading when SSBFest hits.
List looks okay, although it's missing some stuff like guns. I'd also go for 3 best mage armor (bracers/hats/robes) per realm. On that note, for stuff like that and light armor, if I have 2 4*s I don't combine them because it's better for 2 goobers to have a 4* RS than 1 goober to have a 4*+ RS.
The main problem with a simple list is, some equipment start weaker but are better fully combined to ++, and you only have 1 or 2 of them so you can't fully combine it yet (and may never will lol gacha). In other words 'best now' vs 'best ultimately' can have different answers.
Right, it's hard to make a like a definitive list, but that kind of helps. Looking through my stuff, a couple of quick questions that I think will help me a lot, in part because I just don't even know who uses some of this stuff:
-Everyone can equip daggers right? With that being the case should I hold onto more than 1-2 daggers for a realm if I'm lacking in say swords?
-How many thrown weapons should I keep per realm, just one? (Drowning in FF3/6 thrown weapons for some reason) Along the same lines, what about Hammers, Harps, Guns and Bows? I don't even know who the hell uses Hammers. Just one per realm on all of those as well?
Looking now it seems like I'm getting stuck in that I have a million weird 3* weapons like Harps and Bows and I don't even know who uses this shit or how many I should keep. It's a pain but I can generally manage the other stuff in terms of daggers/swords/armor. Just knowing what I should do or keep with all of the off the wall stuff would help a bunch.