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I wonder when they're gonna finally have the game working correctly on iOS9. So many black boxes...
I don't like this concept of today only quest :| hopefully they don't get out of hand with these
I'm pretty sure it was 155 quests yesterday and still 155 quests today even with the Selphie quest added.
Why DeNA.
(Like really, why couldn't all 3 have been Event quests, heh)
I found Shell + Carbuncle trivialized P1, but i got done over by Sap in P2 which killed BartzBonus battles done. Had to S/L a couple times on Necrophobe because I ate too many AoEs before I could get mitigation up.
I found Shell + Carbuncle trivialized P1, but i got done over by Sap in P2 which killed Bartzso didnt get a chance to exploit Wind and missed Mastery.
Might give it another go for the Scarletites but new event and a few classics left to clear still.
I'm one orb away from being able to create Full Break. Is it worth the orbs, or are they best saved for something else?
I'm one orb away from being able to create Full Break. Is it worth the orbs, or are they best saved for something else?
The cursed Blue Mage at that. Between level 50 and 65 he gains 28 points of magic. Of course Kimahri gains 29It turns out Gilgamesh is secretly a mage.
There is more to a character than their stats
So I now have the ability to create either Full Break or Odin.
I know that Full Break is the golden child of 5* abilities (stacking with Breakdowns and whatnot), but I've noticed that lots of bosses now are resistant to break/down effects and I think I read that break effects have no effect on bosses in the future?
Reading up more topics on Reddit, and some people have sworn by Odin. I've never used Death effects myself so I can't really comment on it.
Is it worth it? Or is Odin the more future proof option? Or should I go with a third option and use Orb Conversion to make more hones of 4* abilities?
I didnt bother healing which helped my damage output a lot. My setup for mastery:I think I do not have enough skill honing to beat +++
Ruinga and tundaja is 4 uses, firaja and waterja are 6. Valefor and Carbuncle have only 1 uses.
I seem to have either enough dmg and not enough protection, or the other way around.
I haven't even honed my Full Break to Rank 2 and I still bring it to many, many encounters. Do it. It's an excellent ability.
I didnt bother healing which helped my damage output a lot. My setup for mastery:
Gilgamesh - Wind Jump R3, Double Cut R4
Bartz - Bladeblitz R2, Tempo Flurry R4
Lenna - Diaga R2, Shellga R1
Rydia - Carbuncle R1, Shiva R4
Terra - Ruinga R2, Waterja R3
RW Lunatic High. Relics for Bartz and Terra. Was quite lucky to get my mitigation up during phase transition. Bartz Soul Break was a big help due to the Sap damage but overall he went down like a sack of spuds. Mako Might on Lenna was a must though to have regen ticking. Party was almost all dead toward the end so the haste buff (and slow on boss) helped lots!
Are there daily quests again today? I did them the last two days except for the + ones since I'm still a scrub and can't do those yet. Barely played the last week to be honest, Fallout 4 is pretty much owning my soul right now.
Yep three under event quest. The FFIV daily is the best daily to run (though the highest HP mobs of any day at +)...well heroic and + at least.Are there daily quests again today? I did them the last two days except for the + ones since I'm still a scrub and can't do those yet. Barely played the last week to be honest, Fallout 4 is pretty much owning my soul right now.
Get out! Mog is amazing! He can be a pretty good white mage/dancer combo and his unique SB can be really useful. I can't wait for his MCCondolences on having to use Mog.
What's your setup? Boon + Carbuncle + a bunch of AoE really made it easy for meThe Nec-probe battle is pissing me off. I *can* beat it, it's just the RNG is just screwing with me.
Get out! Mog is amazing! He can be a pretty good white mage/dancer combo and his unique SB can be really useful. I can't wait for his MC
What's your setup? Boon + Carbuncle + a bunch of AoE really made it easy for me
"Ok, time for my free relic draw, tap tap tap, let's get done with it", rainbow orb, WHAT THE FUCK.
Day 1 player, my first free 5* relic, I'm part of the elite now.
I still refuse to believe this is possible, the most I ever got since launch was 1 or 2 three star crappy items![]()