Everyone said not to waste Mythril on stamina refreshes at the point I'm at (88 Stamina)

. I am doing the thing where I clear one stage on Heroic by burning the RW for 2 rounds then backing out. The problem is outside of the EXP dungeon day I feel like most days there's been an event going on that is eating most of my Stamina; like with the current FFV and FFVIII events going on since I'm a newer player I didn't have any of those characters so I was going through and grabbing all of them and their MCs which isn't leaving me a ton of time/stamina for other stuff, especially since I'm still trying to get through the Classic dungeons which folks also recommend so I can get more Stamina shards. I've been trying to prioritize running the EXP dungeon on that day but other than that I feel like I haven't either the real life time or Stamina to focus on other stuff. I kind of have a feeling lack of orbs for skills/hones are probably what's holding me back the most right now, especially since I have no control over relic pulls (short of $30 for an 11 pull which is absurd pricing lol).
Right, if I'd been playing for 6 months or whatever it'd be a different story, but I just don't have the existing stockpile of characters and items and whatnot yet.