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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


Thanks you, but I actually just finished it lol.

I thought it was all over when 4/6 got confused and I was the only healer for about 25% of his HP. I have no idea how we managed to pull it off. A confused Cyan dealt the final blow.

There was no ice dps, just OSB spam from a Lightning and one of those characters from WoFF, plus the Cyan BSB and a Vaan.

Still felt like mostly luck to me, TBH.

Well glad you got it. One thing we can all agree on is that it was one of the harder events. As someone said, we got it out of order so..


Well glad you got it. One thing we can all agree on is that it was one of the harder events. As someone said, we got it out of order so..

Besides the MP, it felt standard to me, but it's possible I got lucky with the other bosses, too. I have TGC's OSB, so I wouldn't be surprised if that made Proud Clod much less of an issue. It's only a couple events ahead, but I do remember Bahamut Sin being ridiculous because of it being ahead of the festival at the time. I was still kind of a new player then, though.
Beat Jump Start with this:


Vanille BSB, Setzer BSB, Bartz DEF Boost SSB, Golbez BSB for own DEF and MAG Boost and Tyro Wall SB.

Think I can beat Apoc+? Open to maybe spend a few Mythrils refresh to start with full SB like Jump Start if needed. Don't think I can master because I ate at least 4 or 5 Ultimate Retaliatory Strike in JS I think. Um... At that point it might be a big headache for 1 Power and 1 Earth Crystal. It's more for keeping my "completed everything but Parade Float" streak but I would still lose my "Mastered everything" streak so I'd still be bothered. Maybe I won't care that much once it's gone? Just really happy to not have to wait 5 months+ for the 5* Motes.
Beat Jump Start with this:


Vanille BSB, Setzer BSB, Bartz DEF Boost SSB, Golbez BSB for own DEF and MAG Boost and Tyro Wall SB.

Think I can beat Apoc+? Open to maybe spend a few Mythrils refresh to start with full SB like Jump Start if needed. Don't think I can master because I ate at least 4 or 5 Ultimate Retaliatory Strike in JS I think. Um... At that point it might be a big headache for 1 Power and 1 Earth Crystal. It's more for keeping my "completed everything but Parade Float" streak but I would still lose my "Mastered everything" streak so I'd still be bothered. Maybe I won't care that much once it's gone? Just really happy to not have to wait 5 months+ for the 5* Motes.

With a couple mythril spent you can absolutely clear apoc+. Just hope you roll good buffs so it doesn't take too many mythril.

That said, I'd skip it since it's just a crystal, and once you've spent one mythril you're committed to keep spending until you win


I should use my motes


I never go look at that, but I noticed the other day I have like 300 of one thingg and 500 of another, but 0 of a third (3star)

I was like... really? There's no way *I* did anything to only spend certain motes. It's gotta be a lopsided output, which if I'm right, sucks.


I never go look at that, but I noticed the other day I have like 300 of one thingg and 500 of another, but 0 of a third (3star)

I was like... really? There's no way *I* did anything to only spend certain motes. It's gotta be a lopsided output, which if I'm right, sucks.

It's probably Vitality (Green).

It's used on every single character.


Maybe consider switching out Vaan? The -MAG debuffs in his BSB aren't helping you here because all of Proudclad's damage is physical. Do you have any other worthwhile debuff BSBs?

Also, this doesn't help if you don't have her BSB, but when I was on the cusp of mastering this fight, it was switching out Vanille for Y'shtola that pushed me over the edge.

Vaan still brings value stacking the defense breaks and using thief's revenge for damage. It causes Orlandu's OSB to do more damage than it has any business doing on 220. I think I'll add a second healer in place of Tidus like Anustart suggested, but keep Vaan for defense breaks in place of the entrust.

I have cat girl's BSB, but she's not maxed out. I should work on that. I need orb fest for the xp.


When people start putting Draw Fire and other abilities like that in their strat for the slight improvement in survival, I assume that a 20% weakness combined with good SB of that element is, overall, huge. Think I saw one person here doing it without lightning but he had great SBs that I am lacking. Might try a Dark Team today and see how it goes.

That was me doing Imperil Holy + Holy OSBs. And yea, I have OK VoF, Ysh Wall, and 3 Holy OSBs, although I used Ysh for her BSB instead of the wall, I RWed that. And OK still died even with that short window of mob dmg. I didn't want to act like it was super realistic or anything, just that if you had enough Holy or Dark OSBs to maybe try that instead.
That was me doing Imperil Holy + Holy OSBs. And yea, I have OK VoF, Ysh Wall, and 3 Holy OSBs, although I used Ysh for her BSB instead of the wall, I RWed that. And OK still died even with that short window of mob dmg. I didn't want to act like it was super realistic or anything, just that if you had enough Holy or Dark OSBs to maybe try that instead.

You did a great job too! For now I am happy enough about beating the Jump Start with abilities and no big damage SB. Apoc+ might be doable but not sure that I have the time to try again and again tomorrow. Too bad all my OSB and a bunch of my BSB are Wind. I guess that the next event will be easy at least.


You did a great job too! For now I am happy enough about beating the Jump Start with abilities and no big damage SB. Apoc+ might be doable but not sure that I have the time to try again and again tomorrow. Too bad all my OSB and a bunch of my BSB are Wind. I guess that the next event will be easy at least.

Yes sir Cuth, I tell you what, If you suck at the next jumpstart, then you're allowed to quit.

I'm all excited to bring my wind team!

Currently planning Zidane, Alphi, Thancred, then throw in some combination of Lenna, Relm, Eiko, Tyro, and Ramza for their medicas and USBs


Any of you guys consistently use one of the calculator sites. The one I am looking at it appears to be fairly popular, but what I like about it, is that it saves all your stuff.

Also, I looked at my motes. Ya, Vitality is what I need. I guess I also need spirit.


868 dex
382 wis
215 bravery


22 dex
46 wis
274 bravery


25 spirit
32 dex
2 vitality
25 wis
25 bravery

and uhm, 30 Monk motes.
I think it's vitality 5 star for jump motes. Which with the dexterity or whatever we just got should boost people's 5 star diving further along if going that route.

I got Cloud's OSB and that's it. I do have awesome gear for IX so I'm not too worried.


One hour left, but I did it - Jump Start done and mastered.

TGC's OSB hitting for 50k and Lightning's OSB hitting for 100k, and it still took soo many SRs..

Lasers doing 1k+ damage/hit, even with Protect, Wall and Tyro's OSB buff up is absurd.
Hey look at that! 20 100 gems of shit in a row! Will I beat my streak of 46 without anything? Just give me Celes BSB2 in 100 gems Thursday and all is forgiven! Who am I kidding, streak will keep going during VI and Summerfest.
Jump Start was really easy. RW Shout, then Cloud Finishing Touch was doing 90k / hit, Zidane with Mug Bloodlust was doing 99k Meo Twisters. Just kept spamming those along with Luneth BSB and Cid (VII) BSB


Yeah jump start was cake. Had zidane, luneth, onion, tyro and ysh.

Could have dropped tyro and brought cid or fang for quicker battle.
Had so many debuff stacked ultimate attacks did about 1000k damage.

Had mug bloodlust, zidane burst commands, multi break, tyro burst commands and magic break, plus wall and proshell.
I don't even think he used an ultimate attack on me, I can't be sure. After I got all the buffs and debuffs up and ready to go, he was dead in like 2-3 rounds and Luneth BSB (using Thunder God Might RM) kept interrupting him anyway.
For the first time since Parade Float, I couldn't complete an event. I feel so defeated, :(. After the boss released it's limit my team simply got crushed. Even with Wall + Protect + Full Break + Hyper Break + Lion's Atk/Def BSB + Atk Breakdown CMD, it was still overwhelming. I was so dejected that I didn't even attempt the Jump Start (that comes back later though, right?).

I've been busy all week and only had time in the last few hours to try the battles. Damage seemed fine w/ Kain's BSB, so I MIGHT have figured something out with more experimentation.

I couldn't get a good group together to finish the A+ MP, either. Overall, today was just a total disaster.


Ran my ff8 characters through so daily and was poised to beat ff8 ifrit mote cm, but as soon as I was in i realized my error. Forgot my fire resist accessories. Even with that I almost downed him. He going down once I can pick my edea rw again.

Also picked up Tifa lm1.


MP was easy. I wanted to run a mage team but it's so hard to find one when you're doing public raids. And even if you write "mage meta only" there are enough idiots that join with physical characters... :/ So I ended up using Beatrix and Tyro. And damn Beatrix is so good. I mean I have everything for her but Guardbringer makes her even better. The best thing is it's so easy to reach the 4hits. Wall, Protectga and her BSB cmd1 is enough.

I was so dejected that I didn't even attempt the Jump Start (that comes back later though, right?).

Eh, I guess you could say it comes back but Japan is still waiting for another FF XIII event. So it will be at least 7 months until that.
Image filled post incoming.

First off, a 5* from the 100 gem pull! Garnet BSB2, not a dupe. Very nice.

220 raid. Debuffing was key, along with having water/ice spells for when he lights himself on fire. Took two tries on this because my first group didn't have Sentinel's Grimoire, and while we made a valiant effort anyway, we just couldn't hold out.

180 CM. Get mitigation up asap because he hits hard and fast. If you can survive the first couple of turns in good shape, and you have Beatrix BSB and/or Vivi BSB, you're good. Pretty straightforward battle.

220. Another straightforward fight. Brought physical wind team and went to town. Stick Mako Might on your healer because you're going to want a healing BSB up from the beginning. I need to wait on stamina to recharge before I have 60 for the Jump Start but I'll bring this same team. Fang up first for the additional imperil, then Luneth and Cloud let loose.

Have Jump Start and 220 raid to do still, beat 220 normal and CM.

For Sky Thingy I had

Cloud, OSB wind
Garnet, OSB, backup heals, shell
Arc, Insta pBlink, main heal, protect
Irvine, Pentabreak, FB, PB

Was pretty easy with that party. Counting out SBs, I should be fine for Jump Start.


Jumpstart was done on first try. Alphi wind blade was doing 40k a round.

D140 was the hardest of the 3.
D180 done with Cid mission.
D220 was easier for me than the two before it.

D160 raid was cake.
D220 raid took 3 or 4 different groups but the final group had 3 Agrias and 1 Beatrix, along with four healers . I brought my Eiko for reraise but nobody ever got even a last stand to hit. Slow fight though, that tree had Breaks and Imperil 3 Holy and the Agrias OSB was only doing 30-40k dmg.

Oh my pull was a 4star dupe I already have at rank 7.

Took Firion deep enough for his first legend materia.


I don't want to speak too soon but I think they fixed the game for Android phones. Not a single stutter so far.

Edit: there are small stutters when I use Ultra Cure an at the beginning of some animations, but nothing too serious. The difference is night and day, wow.
I was a bit worried about these bonus battles since I have no wind based BSBs, but I was able to make it work with some choice wind SSBs, Vaan's BSB, and Bartz's much maligned OSB.


Event done. Was laughably easy compared to last event, though my IX synergy is pretty strong. Vivi OSB and Beatrix BSB for CM, Zidane enWind SSB + OSB, as well as Luneth BSB, for Apoc. I'm really happy they're letting end game bosses be vulnerable to interrupt again, Luneth BSB gets to shine once more!


I was a bit worried about these bonus battles since I have no wind based BSBs, but I was able to make it work with some choice wind SSBs, Vaan's BSB, and Bartz's much maligned OSB.

But Bartz's OSB is awesome: ranged OSB with four elements, what's not to like? The multiplier? Eh, it's still awesome


I've been really really really busy and didn't realize the first Jump Start went away last night :(

Not a huge deal since somewhere way down the road it'll come back, and it's not like I clear endgame content with any consistency anyway, but still annoyed out of principle. I wonder what happened with that Men of the Hour LD, surprised I still haven't seen that pop in.
I don't want to speak too soon but I think they fixed the game for Android phones. Not a single stutter so far.

Edit: there are small stutters when I use Ultra Cure an at the beginning of some animations, but nothing too serious. The difference is night and day, wow.

Same old same mega stutter once per fight or so for me. You got a recent update of the game or OS?


So, I'll google it (or maybe it's in the game under help or something) but how exactly does this LM work again? I guess I paid zero attention when I read the update.

My question actually is what's the difference between main and sub? do you get a less beneficial percentage or something on the sub?

Like I said, I'll google it or look for myself if nobody sees this or has quick answer.

Edit: Google didn't really have much other than planning out who to fully dive.

But checking the in game help, for anybody else who doesn't know off the top of their head. It seems like the Main and Sub is not that big of a deal. You can have both, but some won't stack where as only the Main materia will take effect.

Also, I'm a little late to the party on this, but I guess diving a character in with 5star motes can yield the exact same results as getting a LM off a weapon? Seems unusual way to do it.
So, I'll google it (or maybe it's in the game under help or something) but how exactly does this LM work again? I guess I paid zero attention when I read the update.

My question actually is what's the difference between main and sub? do you get a less beneficial percentage or something on the sub?

Like I said, I'll google it or look for myself if nobody sees this or has quick answer.

Edit: Google didn't really have much other than planning out who to fully dive.

But checking the in game help, for anybody else who doesn't know off the top of their head. It seems like the Main and Sub is not that big of a deal. You can have both, but some won't stack where as only the Main materia will take effect.

Also, I'm a little late to the party on this, but I guess diving a character in with 5star motes can yield the exact same results as getting a LM off a weapon? Seems unusual way to do it.

No difference between main and sub. Also the LM you get from weapons have different effects than the ones you get from 5* diving.


No difference between main and sub. Also the LM you get from weapons have different effects than the ones you get from 5* diving.

Ah makes more sense then on the weapons vs motes.

Just did a d160 raid, as the raid leader, got 4 4star motes plus a Major Wind Orb, that's a nice haul.

I guess I could farm 4star motes, but I don't think I need very many of the Bravery ones. I could also go hard on the daily today, I need fire orbs like crazy.


Any place with a good list of legend materias, how useful they are and what characters have them?

The only one I know that's super hyped is Tyro's which increases buff by 10 secs which would make continuous wall without LS or Wrath.


Any place with a good list of legend materias, how useful they are and what characters have them?

The only one I know that's super hyped is Tyro's which increases buff by 10 secs which would make continuous wall without LS or Wrath.

I googled LM a few mins ago, the first or second result has a great write up and list of some of the best.

It hypes the Dualcast LM. I think it was written in January, so look for that.

There's several other guides as well. It's so much to digest, that I'm only going to pay attention to it when I draw a LM for a character or when I unlock something on someone I'm already fully diving in.

For example, Firion is my best equipped and stat-raised character (other than O Knight) so I'm diving him all the way in regardless.
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