Man Called Aerodynamics
I have the 5* motes to full legend dive Maria but I'm not sure I want to pull the trigger. For mages I've already dived Cid Raines and Y'shtola.
So what's the next banner everyone is saving for?
I've got to string some mythril together for Aranea's debut...
So what's the next banner everyone is saving for?
I've got to string some mythril together for Aranea's debut...
In ~2 months or so, there's a triple whammy of X > FFT > IX back to back. All 3 are high quality banners.
The upcoming XV is pretty good as well with Prompto and Nocts stuff. Areana's stuff is okay.
In ~2 months or so, there's a triple whammy of X > FFT > IX back to back. All 3 are high quality banners.
I'd like to know which BSB to get as well. I actually have most of them and was trying to decide between Fujin, Beatrix, or TGC.So we go with Fujin's bsb if we don't have it as our freebie ya?
My heart says Sarah's BSB, my mind says Fujin's BSB.
I'm thinking I need yshtolas burst to at the least compliment Noctis' usb, ya?
Fujin's BSB is really good. It's a little annoying to cap unless you have her EnWind LM or her EnWind SSB and Wrath, bit it's still quite strong.
Meanwhile I can't decide between Ayame or Palaymo or Sabin for the other banner. At all
All other things being equal, I'd say:
1) Fujin
2) Larsa
3) Vanille
4) Beatrix
5) Yuna
Actually it's probably the last thing you'd want since you'd need to go out of your way to avoid overwriting Noctis's stoneskin at a bad time.
Let me decide for you: Papalymo
The only reason he's not a lock is because I don't have his OSB as well.
Having Raines and Maria BSB/OSB has kinda spoiled me for not having that combo on my other potential DPS (it's the reason I picked Kain, have his OSB already). My only other Ice BSB is Edea, there's still no new FF11 banner in JP. Sabin is a fav character (who admittedly is on the next banner).
I'm torn, man.
And I'm already going utilitarian with my choice of OK's BSB in the first selection. I want to pick something I like. And both my draws from the selection banners were 1/11 super old SSBs. :/I know, it's hard... Sarah's does boost holy damage I guess...
You don't need much else other than his BSB. Enfire, Boost w/ CMD 2, then spam CMD 1. Doing 6 hits at cap damage is amazing every time. LD for moderate dual cast and you could be doing ~120k per turn.
Does it lock us into choosing the BSB relic immediately after we do the 11x draw, or can we go back and play the game and then choose the BSB later?
Lol, the gem only banner gave me 1/11 Warrior of Light osb, my 3rd 6* holy+ sword. This game loves giving me holy stuff, my holy options are so stupidly stacked.
I'm super torn on the gem selection though. I can't decide between:
Seph burst1. Piercing cmd1 is sexy, especially if i LD Seph for his Trance that gives ATK+50%/DEF-50% and x3 cast speed.
Vaan. Obvious reasons. Loses luster in Magicites though.
Ayame. Got her osb from the XI event we just had. Just pulled Squall's burst2 from the fest though.
Edea. Ice version of Maria burst, which dominates Hydra for me. Magic is also better vs Fenrir due to his pblinks.
Snow. It's an Ice+ light armor with ATK for Squall.
Lulu. It's an Ice+ light armor with MAG for Rinoa, plus it will give me an actual SB to use with Lulu's LMR that i got from the last X event.
Laguna. Imperil Lightning, which i don't have currently.
Zack. My favorite FF character, and it's Imperil Wind on a character other than Zidane, who I would rather use enWind > osb instead of imperils even though I just got his ultra.