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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


I didn't know that there was going to be a crystal banner so I spent my last 50 mythril on banner 5... Only got Gladdy's Burst :(

Got a few good relics from 30th event overall though... Thunder God, Shout, Holy Blade, Brutal Blast, Octoslash, Jokers Wild, Life Crystal
So what's the next banner everyone is saving for?


I've got to string some mythril together for Aranea's debut...

I'm planning to pull for Aranea too, and after that probably the upcoming Turks banner for FF7. I can beat all content in the game right now and I have pretty strong CM teams for most realms, so my interest is less in aiming for power relics than in cool characters and/or banners with the least amount of potential dupes.


So what's the next banner everyone is saving for?


I've got to string some mythril together for Aranea's debut...

In ~2 months or so, there's a triple whammy of X > FFT > IX back to back. All 3 are high quality banners.

The upcoming XV is pretty good as well with Prompto and Nocts stuff. Areana's stuff is okay.


In ~2 months or so, there's a triple whammy of X > FFT > IX back to back. All 3 are high quality banners.

The upcoming XV is pretty good as well with Prompto and Nocts stuff. Areana's stuff is okay.

Glad I read this. I was about to pull on banner 5 even though 3 of the possibilities would be dupes, but now I'm going to save it. Thanks for the info!


I did 10 refreshes on the Dark Orb phase which I figured would be enough. I'm still missing 9 items which very importantly includes a MC3 lode, and I've gotten zero golden knights all day with my natural stamina and I'm on my 3rd refresh in the last few minutes with still no knights. Kill me now.

2 dupes, one already reforged, the other edeas Ssb imperil that I totally forgot I already had

The new one was a robe for matoya that is a boostga faithga major Regen which will come in handy for the I torment. I was going to pick Sarah's bsb robe for the torment now I may go for something else

I:. Useful for torment
I: not useful for anything now

Iii, iv, v, vii, x, xiii, xiv already have
Vi don't need
Xi already beat torment
Ix have agrias dupe of this

So basically viii, xii, fft. Fft almost purely for the stat boost for Cid.

I think I'll hold on this in case we get a tomrnet next week and it is I. Highly unlikely on both counts I think.

I finished with 166k extra chips. Lots of refreshes.



Yshtola USB
Terra OSB (dupe)
Mustadio SSB (dupe)

Definitely getting Kain's Lance, just dunno who to get for the other yet.

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Tempted to get Sarah or Minwu due to low FFI and FFII synergy but Vanille's is also good, especially since I just got her Convalescene. Hmm...

Don't really need the others.


Fujin's BSB is really good. It's a little annoying to cap unless you have her EnWind LM or her EnWind SSB and Wrath, bit it's still quite strong.

Meanwhile I can't decide between Ayame or Palaymo or Sabin for the other banner. At all


All other things being equal, I'd say:

1) Fujin
2) Larsa
3) Vanille
4) Beatrix
5) Yuna

I'm thinking I need yshtolas burst to at the least compliment Noctis' usb, ya?

Actually it's probably the last thing you'd want since you'd need to go out of your way to avoid overwriting Noctis's stoneskin at a bad time.


I went 3/11 with 2 junk SSB's and Ashe's OSB. Don't think I'll get much use out of the OSB, but it's cool I guess. I don't know what to select. I don't really need any of the items, so I'm mostly choosing for CM's or future content. I guess it's between Sarah, Fujin, Vanille and Larsa.


Fujin's BSB is really good. It's a little annoying to cap unless you have her EnWind LM or her EnWind SSB and Wrath, bit it's still quite strong.

Meanwhile I can't decide between Ayame or Palaymo or Sabin for the other banner. At all

Let me decide for you: Papalymo
All other things being equal, I'd say:

1) Fujin
2) Larsa
3) Vanille
4) Beatrix
5) Yuna

Actually it's probably the last thing you'd want since you'd need to go out of your way to avoid overwriting Noctis's stoneskin at a bad time.

Oh. I thought it would just keep up stoneskin for a longer interval.


I have fuujin and kain. Not sure what to pick!


Let me decide for you: Papalymo

The only reason he's not a lock is because I don't have his OSB as well.

Having Raines and Maria BSB/OSB has kinda spoiled me for not having that combo on my other potential DPS (it's the reason I picked Kain, have his OSB already). My only other Ice BSB is Edea, there's still no new FF11 banner in JP. Sabin is a fav character (who admittedly is on the next banner).

I'm torn, man.


The only reason he's not a lock is because I don't have his OSB as well.

Having Raines and Maria BSB/OSB has kinda spoiled me for not having that combo on my other potential DPS (it's the reason I picked Kain, have his OSB already). My only other Ice BSB is Edea, there's still no new FF11 banner in JP. Sabin is a fav character (who admittedly is on the next banner).

I'm torn, man.

You don't need much else other than his BSB. Enfire, Boost w/ CMD 2, then spam CMD 1. Doing 6 hits at cap damage is amazing every time. LD for moderate dual cast and you could be doing ~120k per turn.
So after all the draws are said and done I'd give this Fest a 6/10. No super lucky breaks for me this time.

I know, it's hard... Sarah's does boost holy damage I guess...
And I'm already going utilitarian with my choice of OK's BSB in the first selection. I want to pick something I like. And both my draws from the selection banners were 1/11 super old SSBs. :/

I think I'm gonna go for Sarah. I've wanted her BSB for ages.


Wow, after the fest luckies and the changes to the CT banner i have almost all the selection relics. The only 4 i don't have are Minwu, Prishe, Y'sh, and TGC.

I don't care about Minwu or Prishe's, so it's between Y'sh and TGC. I have tons of good healer bursts already, but most either don't get a dualcast LM2 or don't have their Legend Dive yet. Sarah does get a dualcast LM2 though, and I also have Vanille's instant entry burst and she has a dualcast LM2. I could just go with one of those 2 as my dualcast healer.

Meanwhile, I don't have any relics at all for TGC and would love to have something for him,
but his burst is not as good without his osb for the cast speed buff.
2/11 on Crystal Tower

Tidus BSB
Rosa BSB - dupe

Not too bad of a pull. I have Tidus OSB so its nice to have enwater on him now. Now to decide what relic to choose.

Sarah BSB - I have no medica and minimal synergy so it would help out.
Kain BSB - Would be nice for another relic for my physical lightning team.
Krile BSB - Only have Terra SSB/OSB for Fire Team.
Yuna BSB - I have her USB. Would be nice to have both on her and matches her LD more.
Prishe BSB - Need FF11 synergy. Will try torment before choosing relic.
Orlando BSB - Have nothing for him. Tactics synergy is pretty much a loaded Ramza and Agrias.

I already have Terra/Aerith/Fujin/Beatrix/Larsa and Y'shtola


I ended up missing 1 spirit mote on the roulette. Hope that doesn't bite me in the butt.

Crystal Tower - 3/11 - Irvine SSB1 (dupe), Edea SSB1, Krile BSB (dupe)

If that was Edea's BSB I'd be so happy. As it stands, this pull sucks.

For choice: Larsa, Yuna, or Fujin? How important is Astra in upcoming content?


I wouldn't recommend TGC BSB even if you have his OSB, definitely not without. It's just too slow. Slow as in, too slow to ramp up and start doing damage. The damage itself is not that impressive, you're better off just spamming his OSB because fights don't last that long. Torments are kind of an exception, but also not really, so eh. There's just better choices.


Does it lock us into choosing the BSB relic immediately after we do the 11x draw, or can we go back and play the game and then choose the BSB later?


Does it lock us into choosing the BSB relic immediately after we do the 11x draw, or can we go back and play the game and then choose the BSB later?

You can choose later.

CT pull 1/11. Aurons BSB2. This is good, and we just got the Fire Samurai skills.

Chose Larsa as my freebie.


Holy crap!


I think this might be the best pull of my ffrk career! 5/11, 2 6*, and only 1 dupe (3rd Ovelia hat).

Wakka's ultra is my first water imperil and my first pentabreak, all wrapped in one nice 6* water+ ball. Hopefully i can get some Tidus stuff to use with it in the next X event.

Pecil's osb is my 2nd 6* holy+ sword, and i have both his bursts including his enHoly so I now have two paladins that can enHoly > osb!

Iris' burst is another great healer burst that i'm very happy to get. It's almost a straight upgrade to Y'shtola's though, less entry heal but Astra included with Stoneskin. Now i need to look up if Iris gets a dualcast LM...

I suppose I can just take Y'shtola's burst anyway, I'll have a healer burst in almost every realm! Only missing II, III, V, XI, and Tactics.
That wasn't bad!

The gem banner got me Larsa BSB and Cloud OSB, and the Crystal Tower banner got me Leila BSB and Desch SSB.

I picked Maria and Fujin.

Still have 35 mythril in the bank too. Overall, this was a fantastic fest, especially due to elemental coverage and beating all of the Magicite Dungeons during it. The highlight was undoubtedly Axis Blade/11 with 2 minutes to go on one of the fest banners, but I'm solid in every element now; I have Butz USB and Cloud USB; and Ysh is my go-to healer.

For future needs? Ice imperil (when?), healer bursts in (II, III, IV, V, X, XI, and XV) ... plus Chains (beyond wind) and LMs.


1/11: Jecht SSB

Poor result but it has CM potential and is +dark armor. Not a total loss.

Took Larsa BSB which is the reason I pulled in the first place.

Fest result is uneven overall but I got some nice stuff. Maybe I'll get lucky on the DU banner next week.
I have to wait until Dissidia starts to get the last remaining Mythril needed for my CT pull, so I have a day to mull things over.

Have: Kain, Krile, Aerith, Beatrix, Yuna, Larsa, Vanille
Don't Have: Sarah, Minwu, CoD, Terra, Fujin, Prishe, Y'shtola, Cid

Not really interested in Sarah, Minwu or Terra.

CoD is a maybe. On one hand, Radiant Shield is always nice and I'd think she could be useful for the Light/Dark Magicite dungeons. On the other hand, I already have Alphi with his RS SSB + his BSB.

Fujin is one I've wanted for a long, long time now. I'd probably have her replace Alphi in my Instant Mages team of BSB Onion, BSB Alphi, Faithga / Cid-RW user Papalymo, Wall Tyro, BSB Vanille. She lack's Aplhi's EnWind, but should make up for that with the stacking RES debuffs.

Prishe seems decent. However, I just got Zell's BSB (and already had both of his SSBs) so I'd likely just stick with him if I need a self-buffing NE DPS Monk.

Y'shtola is mighty tempting, but after failing to get her on multiple occasions I have a ton of great healers now: Fully LD'd BSB Vanille, BSB2 Yuna, BSB Larsa, USB+BSB Eiko, USB+LM Relm, BSB Rosa.

I have Cid's OSB, so combining that with his BSB might be nice. Then again, he might just be better off OSB spamming with a Beatrix/Laguna buddy for imperils. FFT is also going to be on ton of upcoming realm luckies.

I have Orlandu's BSB and OSB and I never use the BSB. Or almost never.

On the other hand, Sarah (the OG Princess) is a bard and the BSB is MBlink. Ysh is also Ysh, and a fully dived Ysh is beastly.

I picked up Sarah's who knows how long ago, and if I need two healers, it was Sarah/Relm before I got Ysh's BSB and dived her.

I also gave Sarah Allegro com Moto, because why not.
Final haul from fest banners, aside from dupes which was most of what I pulled:

Vaan OSB (whatever)
Seifer USB (whatever, I guess a native Fire+ sword is kinda cool)
Rosa BSB (blargh)
Gau SSB (blargh)
Reynn SSB (seriously?)
Zidane USB (cool!)
Rinoa BSB2 (seems decent)
Deuce BSB (awesome)
Lightning USB (most desired item, makes up for everything else!!!)
Iris BSB (very cool)
Ayame BSB (gem selection pick)

Cloud of Darkness BSB will be my pick from the Crystal Tower selection, but I'll wait until after the dungeon update lucky draw, just in case. Or, I don't know, I might take Sarah's BSB instead.

FF11 CM. Wasn't as bad as I was expecting I guess. But my FF11 relics are really good. Most annoying thing was dealing with Petrify.

250. Delita's time to shine!



Lol, the gem only banner gave me 1/11 Warrior of Light osb, my 3rd 6* holy+ sword. This game loves giving me holy stuff, my holy options are so stupidly stacked.

I'm super torn on the gem selection though. I can't decide between:

Seph burst1. Piercing cmd1 is sexy, especially if i LD Seph for his Trance that gives ATK+50%/DEF-50% and x3 cast speed.

Vaan. Obvious reasons. Loses luster in Magicites though.

Ayame. Got her osb from the XI event we just had. Just pulled Squall's burst2 from the fest though.

Edea. Ice version of Maria burst, which dominates Hydra for me. Magic is also better vs Fenrir due to his pblinks.

Snow. It's an Ice+ light armor with ATK for Squall.

Lulu. It's an Ice+ light armor with MAG for Rinoa, plus it will give me an actual SB to use with Lulu's LMR that i got from the last X event.

Laguna. Imperil Lightning, which i don't have currently.

Zack. My favorite FF character, and it's Imperil Wind on a character other than Zidane, who I would rather use enWind > osb instead of imperils even though I just got his ultra.

Another thing about Sarah to note is that once the stacking Bard boostga and faithga skills get released, Bards become much more sought after in general. Plus, her BSB is the only healer BSB with AoE magic blink to date, and her CMD1 is the only instacast single heal command with an additional buff. (High Regen.)


Lol, the gem only banner gave me 1/11 Warrior of Light osb, my 3rd 6* holy+ sword. This game loves giving me holy stuff, my holy options are so stupidly stacked.

I'm super torn on the gem selection though. I can't decide between:

Seph burst1. Piercing cmd1 is sexy, especially if i LD Seph for his Trance that gives ATK+50%/DEF-50% and x3 cast speed.

Vaan. Obvious reasons. Loses luster in Magicites though.

Ayame. Got her osb from the XI event we just had. Just pulled Squall's burst2 from the fest though.

Edea. Ice version of Maria burst, which dominates Hydra for me. Magic is also better vs Fenrir due to his pblinks.

Snow. It's an Ice+ light armor with ATK for Squall.

Lulu. It's an Ice+ light armor with MAG for Rinoa, plus it will give me an actual SB to use with Lulu's LMR that i got from the last X event.

Laguna. Imperil Lightning, which i don't have currently.

Zack. My favorite FF character, and it's Imperil Wind on a character other than Zidane, who I would rather use enWind > osb instead of imperils even though I just got his ultra.


My vote would be for Zack if you have Cloud USB, otherwise I'd choose Edea. This is assuming you're focused on clearing magicites. It's part of that Maria-Papalymo-Edea trinity that has withstood power creep.
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