Finally added a section on my personal spreadsheet for the game listing out all of my elemental/Imperils etc to get ready to do the Magicite Dungeons finally. Without trying to make this post too long can any experts who have already done and are familiar with the dungeons help me pick what to choose for my free relic on the mythril CT pull, as well as the gem CT pull which I'm now debating on doing (especially if Raines is that baller for the MD's).
I'm going to mostly only list BSB+'s for the sake of trying to make this semi-readable, but I'll include some SSBs mostly for Imperils/en purposes or if it's noteworthy in some other way (like if it pairs well with a BSB I have), but I'm not going to list say Mog's Earth SSB, Hope's Holy SSB or Marach's Fire SSB. That said, the notable elemental stuff I have:
enDark: Gabranth SSB, Gaffgarion BSB
Imperil Dark: Rufus SSB
Dark SBs: Rufus SSB, Sephiroth OSB, Edea BSB, Kuja OSB, Gabranth BSB, Gaffgarion BSB
enEarth: Maria BSB, Rydia BSB
Imperil Earth: Nothing
Earth SBs: Maria BSB/OSB, Rydia BSB, Bartz USB
enFire: Terra SSB, Steiner BSB
Imperil Fire: Locke BSB, Steiner SSB, Thancred BSB
Fire SBs: Krile OSB, Bartz USB, Locke BSB, Terra SSB/OSB, Sephiroth OSB, Steiner BSB, Thancred BSB
enHoly: Cecil USB, Basch BSB, Minfilia BSB, Agrias SSB
Imperil Holy: Edward BSB, Beatrix BSB
Holy SBs: Ceodore BSB, Cecil USB, Edward BSB, Locke BSB, Celes BSB2, Beatrix BSB, Curilla SSB/BSB, Basch BSB, Minfilia BSB, Agrias SSB/OSB, Ramza BSB1
enIce: Edea BSB, Lulu SSB
Imperil Ice: Laguna SSB
Ice SBs: Celes BSB2, Edea BSB, Laguna SSB, Lulu SSB
enLightning: Reno BSB, Raijin BSB, Lightning BSB2/USB
Imperil Lightning: Laguna BSB, Lightning BSB2
Lightning SBs: Reno BSB, Laguna BSB, Raijin BSB, Ashe BSB Lightning SSB/BSB2/OSB/USB, Rapha BSB
enPoison: Quistis BSB
Imperil Poison: Nothing
Poison SBs: Quistis BSB/OSB
enWater: Edge BSB, Gogo (V) BSB, Paine SSB
Imperil Water: Nothing
Water SBs: Edge BSB, Gogo (V) BSB, Bartz USB, Paine SSB
enWind: Fuijin SSB, Fang SSB, Alphinaud BSB
Imperil Wind: Faris SSB, Zack BSB
Wind SBs: Bartz USB, Cloud OSB, Zack BSB, Fuijin SSB, Freya BSB, Alphinaud BSB
So what would be my best options to choose for the relic on both of the CT banners? On the mythril banner I only have Aerith, Beatrix and Yuna relics. It seems like my best options would be maybe: Sarah, Fuijin, Larsa, Vanille or Y'shtola which are all medicas except Fuijin which I know is supposed to be good, and I think pairs well with her SSB that I do have? In terms of Medicas as a point of comparison right now my "best" medicas are Relm BSB (which is my only Last Stand source outside of Minifilia SSB so I usually use her) along with maybe Penelo USB. I technically have Medicas in all realms but 11, but a lot of them are questionable such as I only have Y'shtola's Cura medica for FF14. Also my only stock/bubble/whatever Medica is Yuna's SSB, so Y'shtola's BSB is appealing here?
For the relic selection on the gem draw my default inclination is to say Raines based on how good he apparently is, but I'm open to suggestions. At a quick glance the others that stick out to me are maybe Sephiroth BSB (this is the future-proof one IIRC?), Papalymo (I have his SSB and I think I have all of the other Maria clones, but don't know that I need more Fire options?), Agrias (waifu purposes plus I have her SSB/OSB, but I likely wouldn't do this since I have so much other Holy stuff), or maybe one of the FF11 options? My only FF11 relics are Lion USB and Curilla SSB/BSB, I'm not sure if maybe Lion's BSB would work well with her USB, or if it's worth grabbing Shantotto's BSB or something? Also maybe worth noting I have zero Chain SBs.