A friend of mine came back to FFRK after a year. He had a real shitty physical/magical team. His strongest spell was Quake and he was using a bunch of 3 star abilities. His cloud was capped at level 50. Most of his party was 50-62. I told him to pull on Orlandu Banner. He has like retaliate at r1. Double cut at r2. No Life Siphon. No Full Break. No Dismissal. No breakdowns.................lol
He gets Orlandu and Agrias BSB on his first pull! That son of a bitch LOL. He never played tactics and asked me if they're good. I told him, those two are going to carry you until Ultimate dungeons. He has no hastega, medica, boostga or wall. He doesn't even run a healer.
His team all ran unique soul breaks lol. It was Cloud, Tidus, Rinoa, Terra and Lightning.
I told him to do the FFT event to get Agrias and Orlandu and rofl stomp everything for a while. I replaced his Cloud and Tidus since he's got really outdated relics and put T.G. Cid and Agrias.
I told him that he got the best pulls out of it. I'm so jelly since I could have used either of them. RNG is so cruel.
He has no idea how lucky he is to get those great relics.
I still need 13 more mythrils for a 2nd pull.