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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


Gonna have about 75 mythril in time for banner 4. Might try my hand at a 3 pull for banner 3 and see what happens. Doesn't look like ill have enough for 2 pulls on banner 4, which is the only one that matters to me at the moment.
How often does Nemesis on 180 level start casting his Last Stand invoking move, if at all? Making progress each time more synergy comes around. Got him down to around 30-40 percent today. Didnt see his move that wallops a character.

Also read that his MAG attacks are NAT. So does that mean Magic Breaks do nothing to him?

Will stand a better chance once IV and IX synergy come online.

Edit-It appears he doesnt cast the move u need Last Stand for on Descent 180 difficulty. Im quite certain I'll beat this now, eventually.
Wanted: Bartz/Gilgamesh OSB, Raines/Refia/Golbez BSB.

150 mythril later - 2x Sirius, 2x Chocobo Brush, Sabin bracelet and Fire Whip.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ Gacha games


Bartz OSB, Noels SSB and a dupe Firelash. Noel's any good for a ssb? Haven't seen anything about it.

Still no healer bssb. I await banner 5. This one has too many dupes now.
2 11 pulls got me: Sabin's Armlet and Zeromus Shard...two of each of those. I could pull a third time but I'm worried I'm going to end up with a third one of those and dupe fire lash.

Well FFVI medica for the cid mission which was one of my aims and I kinda got one. Sabin is now a bizarre support character as I have his attack boosting unique and his heal and def boosting super.

It's also nice to have a second darkness boosting weapon so darkness meta can live on. Shame I don't have the en-dark SB for Golbez.


Landed Cid's BSB with an 11 pull. It was the only item I was really interested in all the banners so I'm pretty much done pulling until Squall's BSB2 and if there's some good medica BSB's coming up.

Plus I'm sitting on over 450 mythril.
Gilga OSB, Krile Sheepsong, and the one I really wanted, Metamorphose for Cid. YES.

I did a salty pull after 2/23 earlier being 2x Sabin Armlets. I got the same pull as you, all new.
Except I didn't get Cid's BSB. :(

At zero mythril now, so no more planned pulls until the XI banner and Squall's BSB2 banner.


1st pull - Sheepsong and Shura Glove
2nd pull - Shura Glove.......,


Let a friend do the 3rd - Greg OSB, that gun I forgot the name and fucking Raines BSB

I still can't believe omg. And he just got two event units in Fire Emblem in a row too


Morning Guys.

It is crazy that I love this game (and another by Netmarble) so much that I play them everyday and treat it almost as if it's an EQ or WoW addiction.

On topic, my 100gem pull was Relm's Magical Brush. Really happy to get that, a 5 star I didn't have and it's a medica to boot. The phase3 banner that is.

That's two 5star 100gem pulls in a row!

This d160 fight was harder than the last two d160 fights (for that Nemesis dungeon), that isn't saying much though, they seem easier than U+ fights. Probably just because of synergy.

Alexander was who gave me fits, he hits hard and goes on a rampage at the end!


Against better judgement I dumped the rest of my mythril to try and get Cid Raines BSB...

More Krile SSB and Noel SSBs..... That's 400 mythril gone wooohoooo. The salt is real


1st pull on Banner 3...

3 x Shura Gloves which is a dupe for me unfortunately. What are the chances of that? Maxed one, reforged it and now have a spare left over.

2nd pull on Banner 3, really hoping for Relm's BSB...

1x Laguna SSB
1x Golbez BSB
1x Sabin SSB

Holding out till Banner 4 now.
Trying to figure out if I can reach 100 Mythrils by end of Phase 4. At 75 right now. 12 from the IX event tonight, 5 from the Material phase of the fest, that's 92. 4 from Daily Login, 2 from Hall of Betrayal, that's 98. I think that's it.
Well FFVI medica for the cid mission which was one of my aims and I kinda got one. Sabin is now a bizarre support character as I have his attack boosting unique and his heal and def boosting super.
How did the Cid mission go? I underestimated how quickly I would enter weak phase so used the attacking boosting unique then didn't have SB gague to use the super...then Sabin weak from Ultima went down to meteor.

I didn't even equip the bracers because they had inferior res to my other options (so basically I kind of want a third now so I can at least do something with them occasionally) so totally not a SSB I needed or will use.
I have no intention on doing the cid missions. All the fucking clicking it would take to switch the characters, their equipment, the record materias, the battles...over and over...no thanks.
Trying to figure out if I can reach 100 Mythrils by end of Phase 4. At 75 right now. 12 from the IX event tonight, 5 from the Material phase of the fest, that's 92. 4 from Daily Login, 2 from Hall of Betrayal, that's 98. I think that's it.

Did you get the one for 1k greens recently from chocobo shop? That could potentially be 99!


So after my abysmal luck here I go and pull in FE heroes and get Marth and Bunny Xander (he kinda sucks but fuck it he's a 5*) in the same pull. What the hell at this gatcha games


Aaaaaaand i got Camilla in another rage pull and all without spending a single euro. Fuck

Sorry for the rant and for going off topic, but I got very pissed off this morning xD


Aaaaaaand i got Camilla in another rage pull and all without spending a single euro. Fuck

Sorry for the rant and for going off topic, but I got very pissed off this morning xD
I decided to start FEH yesterday and I'm still rerolling to get some good heroes. At least the RNG gods blessed you in another game.


Finally got to master Nemesis with the new synergy (previous attemp was just expert).


Sad trombone for my mythril count.


I have no intention on doing the cid missions. All the fucking clicking it would take to switch the characters, their equipment, the record materias, the battles...over and over...no thanks.

I ended up making preset teams for each game to handle that.

You can have the same skills, equipment, etc on multiple characters without ever switching it up.

Of course you'd still have to change abilities if you need to me a boss requirement, but yeah.


Haul so far (from dungeon lucky to now):








Meanwhile, 100 orbs in FEH got me one freaking useless Chrome


I have no intention on doing the cid missions. All the fucking clicking it would take to switch the characters, their equipment, the record materias, the battles...over and over...no thanks.

Agreed. It's why I only have like 4 or 5 of them done. Even though I feel guilty about it since it's basically free mythril.

On the plus, they're so easy, that once you select the right characters, you can hit optimize and whatever it gives you, even if its something stupid like Exp RM to a 99 char.... you'll still win pretty easily.

(Just watch out for if it wants 4 people, and optimize tries to give you a 5th)



3x Wedding Dresses
1x Shield
2x Spears
1x Quina Armor (my first support BSB so I'll take it)

Didn't get what I really wanted - Garnet's BSB2. Will do another pull in a few days.


100 gem = 3*.

Salt pulled my budgeted IX elsewhere so going to hold off for the next IX event; nothing here is a must have for me outside of wanting Beatrix relics and her next banner is a better one-stop shop for it all.


Stage 3 - 2/11 - Sheepsong and Golbez BSB, both new

So I have Braska's, Krile's, and Papa's Mag+ boostga, but still no mixed boostga to stack with any of them for mage meta. Also FF IV is now one of my best synergy realms despite me never pulling on a realm banner for it with native medica, hastega, and 2 BSBs.
Did 2 3 pulls in past couple days. Hit on both.

VI-2 Mog's Bell. Good cuz I dont have anything for Setzer.

IX-1 Beatrix's Shield.

That vest from IX, Survival Vest(max power) has better synergy stats than my shield. Lol. Like 200/200 when the shield is 200/140.
Stolen from Reddit posting here for convenience.

Level 99 RM

BLK attacks deal 30% more damage when equipping a staff

ATK +15%, DEF -15%

Dark Knight Cecil
Darkness abilities deal 40% more damage

MAG and RES +13% when equipping a heavy armor

24% chance to turn Attack into Rapid Fire

ATK and MAG +10%, grants Physical Blink 1 at the beginning of the battle

Shooter abilities deal 40% more damage

60% chance to turn Attack into Drain Strike

PHY attacks deal 30% more damage when equipping a blitzball

DEF and RES +20% when equipping a shield

MAG +15% when equipping a fist weapon

Do SB or burst abilities count as ability damage or just the two craftable slots?

Basch's, Dark Knight's, Irvine's jump out to me.
Got Kuja BSB (Terra's Legacy) from my 100 gem which is just great! Was pretty bummed after yesterdays draws, swings and roundabouts i guess!


Stolen from Reddit posting here for convenience.

Level 99 RM

BLK attacks deal 30% more damage when equipping a staff

ATK +15%, DEF -15%

Dark Knight Cecil
Darkness abilities deal 40% more damage

MAG and RES +13% when equipping a heavy armor

24% chance to turn Attack into Rapid Fire

ATK and MAG +10%, grants Physical Blink 1 at the beginning of the battle

Shooter abilities deal 40% more damage

60% chance to turn Attack into Drain Strike

PHY attacks deal 30% more damage when equipping a blitzball

DEF and RES +20% when equipping a shield

MAG +15% when equipping a fist weapon

Do SB or burst abilities count as ability damage or just the two craftable slots?

Basch's, Dark Knight's, Irvine's jump out to me.

Do the "ability" buff RMs count for Burst commands, or strictly the slotted abilities?


So I'm thinking of changing my style a bit to keep things fresh in the game. As I've stated, my one claim to fame is having everybody at max level and always using a synergy-based team for that whole "it's the right way!" thing that keeps each realm special to me in my head.

But! I've been playing this game since Aug/Sep of 2015 and it's time to mix it up.

You people (hah) with your specialized teams or meta teams, do you have different teams based on each element as well? I like excel, I like lists, I was thinking of typing out things like "Holy Team" "Fire Weakness" "Ranged needed" etc.

Mostly just based around what relics I have. One of the things that led me to this is not being able to beat Nemesis, not even close right now.
well, done with the farming/exp phase of orb fest. all characters capped except for 1 MC3 (Minwu, level 89) and 3 cores (Ninja, Red Mage, Summoner). Tempted to drop the eggs for those guys just to have all of them taken care of. I'm sitting on over 108m in eggs.

Next MC3s go to:
Cid Raines
Exdeath (have his runic)

Bahamut to r4 and chaingas to r3 are the best results here for me. very tempted to r4 Ultra Cure. Still need to take on Nemesis, likely monday or tuesday when I have some alone time.
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