Final Fantasy VII Rebirth | PC Review Thread


No ultrawide.
120 FPS cap during gameplay, 60 during cutscenes.

Sounds like a console experience. Square-Enix needs to get with it.
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Gold Member
No ultrawide.
Jerry Seinfeld Reaction GIF


Compared to what the doom-posters were predicting pre-release, I think this will probably do 'decent' numbers on the PC. Decent for Square Enix and JRPG titles in general on PC anyway.

A solid PC port, a really good review score within a few percentage points of the base console version, been charting consistently in the top 20 on Steam for the last 6 weeks, and is now #1 for paid titles prior to release with an aggressive sales strategy for both Remake and Rebirth.

I predict both Remake AND Rebirth will do 1m - 1.2m on PC in 2025 with 80% of those being for Rebirth.
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I bought this on PS5 but haven't got around to it yet... I'd definitely rather play it on PC, but not sure I can stomach a double dip. Think I'll wait for a sale. Might be too tempted if it pops up on Geforce Now tomorrow though.
I double dipped on Remake. Mods is fun.
This time I waited on the PC version. Can’t wait to play it!
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No ultrawide.
120 FPS cap during gameplay, 60 during cutscenes.

Sounds like a console experience. Square-Enix needs to get with it.
Ultrawide will get modded within a day or two.

120fps cap is still double what you'll get on the best console version, aka the PS5 Pro.


Yea for sure

But still, why is it so fucking hard for Japanese devs to support it. A script kiddie implements it in the span of 24h usually. How is it hard for devs.
Agreed. It would be a very low effort feature to implement for them with the resources they have.
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Can I get away with playing this without finishing Remake? I could just download it and try and get through it again on PS Plus but damn that game is the definition of unavoidable padding.


Can’t Git Gud
Waiting for ps5 pro versitality mode .png screenshots comparison to pc version.
But getting ready for 150kb jpg base ps5 screenshots from performance mode vs pc


Yea for sure

But still, why is it so fucking hard for Japanese devs to support it. A script kiddie implements it in the span of 24h usually. How is it hard for devs.
Because the hacks are just hacks. Remake's cutscenes have missing doors and props that are supposed to be out of frame. It's a load more work to go through and fix up every single in game cutscenes from a dev perspective, than just putting together a simple fix with known issues that most UW mods get away with.

The map screen basically doesn't work in Remake if you use Flawless Wide-screen to fix it.
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Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Because the hacks are just hacks. Remake's cutscenes have missing doors and props that are supposed to be out of frame. It's a load more work to go through and fix up every single in game cutscenes from a dev perspective, than just putting together a simple fix with known issues that most UW mods get away with.

The map screen in remake basically doesn't work in Remake if you use Flawless Wide-screen to fix it.
Several games have cutscenes locked to 16:9 but changes to 21+:9 in gameplay, so not an excuse.


Several games have cutscenes locked to 16:9 but changes to 21+:9 in gameplay, so not an excuse.
Gameplay wise I agree. But most people who want Ultrawide want full Ultrawide, including the in-engine cutscenes. The pre-rendered ones, fair enough keep them at 16:9. We most definitely want the real time ones in 21:9 though. They are what I'm talking about. They require a load more work than the script kiddie hacks.


60 during cutscenes.
I actually prefer this. There is no reason cutscenes, whether re-rendered or in-game should be running 60+ because there is 0 benefit. Anything over 60 means a hotter GPU and wasted energy.

Now, it will annoy me if the transition from cutscene to gameplay is smooth enough. Sometimes there are noticeable judders - that's shitty.
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I have never played a FF game. How does this game works? Seems there is always a whole group involved. Are you controlling the whole group, or just one of them, or do you switch between them (in and out of combat)?


Can’t Git Gud
Is there a preload on steam?

DLSS is there, but looks like its only upscaling/AA which is pretty disappointing given how dlss3 has been a thing for a long time now.
oh that's fine then. Nobody will have trouble getting to 120 with this game


I have never played a FF game. How does this game works? Seems there is always a whole group involved. Are you controlling the whole group, or just one of them, or do you switch between them (in and out of combat)?
You have a party of up to three characters when in battle. You control one at a time - the game controls the other two. You can switch characters with the press of a button.

Out of combat, you control a predetermined character (usually Cloud) and you cannot switch.

Combat is a mix of hack and slash, but the combat slows down to 1% when you are trying to pick a special ability to use / item to consume / spell to cast and choose the target of that action. There is strategy needed, as well as reflexes.

You begin with a party of five characters, but as the story goes, more will be added to the gang (in this game specifically, you get three more, I think). The final part of the trilogy will add two more.
While the team begins with five characters, you can only have up to three when entering combat.
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I have never played a FF game. How does this game works? Seems there is always a whole group involved. Are you controlling the whole group, or just one of them, or do you switch between them (in and out of combat)?
For most of the exploration period you control one character (mostly Cloud the main protag). Two further member are part of your team while the others just run about a bit further back.

During combat you initially control whomever you have assigned as 'leader'. This can be any of the main three members (one has to be Cloud though unless it's specific sequences).

You do standard attacks, block, and dodges until you build up a segmented meter. Once a segment is full you can effectively pause the game and choose an ability or spell to expend that meter. At any time you can switch to a different member of the 3 by hitting a left or right on the dpad. You'll then be directly controlling them and the meter thing continues. Non player controlled characters grow meter too but much slower.

You can also hit a trigger button to do the pause thing on another party member to trigger an ability/spell for them. Once that is confirmed you stay on your originally selected character.

Occasionally the extra non party members do stuff in combat, but not enough to care about.

You can have upto three teams of three. You can freely switch between these teams when exploring by pressing confirm to open the little menu then a bumper button. Once you initiate combat though, you team is set.


Can’t Git Gud
At the 4:00 minute mark you can see a horrific stutter when the boss comes out the water, also at 4:48 when the chocobo shits some magic, and again at 7:54 several times in succession when Cloud and Sephiroth perform the special attack.

And the lighting still sucks:


Another shit PC port to throw in the trash.
Noticing this in real time when batshit fight is happening... it's just a glimpse.
Stop It Michael Jordan GIF

The game looks breathtaking IN GENERAL. Just don't deconstruct it


Noticing this in real time when batshit fight is happening... it's just a glimpse.
Stop It Michael Jordan GIF

The game looks breathtaking IN GENERAL. Just don't deconstruct it

That's the problem - "it's just a glimpse" ie. it's a 10 minute video already showing the exact same issues which countless Unreal Engine games have had on PC already. Imagine how annoying it will be over the course of a 100 hour game.

I'm so done with this shit. There always has to be a catch. I can't even be bothered waiting for Digital Foundry and DSO Gaming to bring out the #stutterstruggle cattle brand to confirm.


Noticing this in real time when batshit fight is happening... it's just a glimpse.
Stop It Michael Jordan GIF

The game looks breathtaking IN GENERAL. Just don't deconstruct it
As much as I detest his hyperboles ... he's correct in saying there is indeed stutter. But this could be due to the YTuber enabling dynamic resolution, which causes stuttering in the Remake. Perhaps deactivating it will deactivate the stuttering as well.

But I am not worried, because the community will patch it.


There's literally people playing the PC version of Rebirth on Twitch now, and there's very little stutter, if any, at all.
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At the 4:00 minute mark you can see a horrific stutter when the boss comes out the water, also at 4:48 when the chocobo shits some magic, and again at 7:54 several times in succession when Cloud and Sephiroth perform the special attack.

And the lighting still sucks:


Another shit PC port to throw in the trash.
Not sure I would call it a shit port for that. Sure, stuff like lighting or texures are kinda shit in some parts, but that's the game itself and not the port and it's even supposedly improved from the console release. I'd wait for DF to make sure there is no major stuttering issues, but it looks like a decent port all things considering with room for improvement. From everything I've seen so far, biggest issues seem to be with how DLSS works and how there's no FSR or XESS.

It's cloudy at that part. The fuck did you expect?
Pun intended?
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I was going to play it on PC but wife bought me a PS5 Pro for Christmas and we already owned it so didn't want to wait. Already have a little over 20 hours in @ Costa del Sol and not starting over. It's a great game so hope everyone jumping in for the first time on PC have a great experience!


Good to see. Now sell well so that you don't get stingy on the final one!

And the lighting still sucks:


They are pushing an ancient engine beyond its capacity. Anyone expecting major lighting overhaul during gameplay were being over optimistic. I'm pleasantly surprised that they could at least reduce pop-in. They better switch to UE 5.5+ for the next one
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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
To each their own. I played it on PS5, PS5 Pro, and I will play it again on PC tomorrow.

This is the only "collection fest" game that was released for me in the last year so i'm down to spend 70 hours picking up ore and lifestream fragments.

Gonna be glorious...again...but just in 4k at >145fps this time.

Also, do not play this game on a keyboard...disgusting.
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