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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!



100% the story, PR and marriage side-quests, getting all monsters and their oversouled versions, paying off O'aka's debt, etc and then there's the Last Mission as well.

My suggestion is that you keep the vita version.

None of those things are really a grind, though. Well, except the monster thing that I never bothered with because I don't care. :p The only thing that's kind of a grind is digging up machine parts in Bikanel Desert, and that's not nearly as bad as the FFX stuff like filling the sphere grid and Blitzball.

You can pay off O'aka's debt in like a minute with some luck in the Guadosalam data exchange.
Oh and seeing the paths on the sphere grid is a bitch on the vita.

Yeah, I had to look really closely at the screen. It was a bit weird.


now that im doing DonTonberry I'm running out of power/speed/magic/ability spheres fast. thinking about trying Kottos but i'm not sure if im strong enough yet. each character has gone through 2-3 character paths so far.

I just kept fighting the first Monster from Besaid Island in the monster arena because that gave you like 2 str spheres per battle. Kept grinding that until I had filled enough Str spheres to grind out Kottos which is when I switched to fighting it for the spheres
I just kept fighting the first Monster from Besaid Island in the monster arena because that gave you like 2 str spheres per battle. Kept grinding that until I had filled enough Str spheres to grind out Kottos which is when I switched to fighting it for the spheres

High Level Magus Sisters can curbstomp Kottos
hell 1 Passado kills him with mine
Once I reach everyone's natural end for their sphere grids (standard), wouldn't it be faster to level them up on the rest of the grid by also using the time to fill in the empty nodes with HP, Luck, DEF spheres etc at the same time as the normal stat spheres like power etc as I went along?

However I can't see this happening because you'd have to be pretty powerful to farm for empty stat spheres from the arena right? Which would also mean you'd have to some way into the grids for the characters and have to end up going back to fill in the empty nodes? What's the best fastest way to do all this?


I shouldn't forgot to pay attention. Take out Auron for one fight, and the next fight is ambushed by a Great Marlboro. Luckily I only 'lost' one captured monster.


i need help with Penance.

i have Wakka, Tidus and Rikku with 255 in everything.
24.500 HP and 999 MP

i have this on my main characters. and celestial weapons.

Break HP Limit
defense 20%



Once I reach everyone's natural end for their sphere grids (standard), wouldn't it be faster to level them up on the rest of the grid by also using the time to fill in the empty nodes with HP, Luck, DEF spheres etc at the same time as the normal stat spheres like power etc as I went along?

However I can't see this happening because you'd have to be pretty powerful to farm for empty stat spheres from the arena right? Which would also mean you'd have to some way into the grids for the characters and have to end up going back to fill in the empty nodes? What's the best fastest way to do all this?

Do the monster capturing quest, including Sin and Omega Ruins.
Your three mains should be pretty powerfull by then.


I shouldn't forgot to pay attention. Take out Auron for one fight, and the next fight is ambushed by a Great Marlboro. Luckily I only 'lost' one captured monster.

Damn it. I have had it with those Greats. I lost three Master Tonberry and two Great Marlboro because I switched from Masamune to Beastmaster and forgot to switch back. Fuck it. I was almost finished hunting those Masters and I was done with Great. And of course I lost a lot of progress on the Sphere Grid. The worst part: I actually took down that stupid Marlboro with a Berserked Yuna. She died delivering the final hit.


Damn it. I have had it with those Greats. I lost three Master Tonberry and two Great Marlboro because I switched from Masamune to Beastmaster and forgot to switch back. Fuck it. I was almost finished hunting those Masters and I was done with Great. And of course I lost a lot of progress on the Sphere Grid. The worst part: I actually took down that stupid Marlboro with a Berserked Yuna. She died delivering the final hit.

Your life would've been much easier if you had put First Strike on Beastmaster or any other capture weapon.
i need help with Penance.

i have Wakka, Tidus and Rikku with 255 in everything.
24.500 HP and 999 MP

i have this on my main characters. and celestial weapons.

Break HP Limit
defense 20%

I beat him earlier, second attempt. My set up was a little different to yours

Tidus, Caladbolg
HP 9999, MP 999

Rikku, Godhand
HP 21260, MP 999
Break HP Limit

Auron, Masamune
HP 9999, MP 999

Had 99 Phoenix Downs, 88 Megalixers and 15 Elixers and then every single input was either Quick-Hit or Quick-Pockets (except the very beginning where I used Rikku's overdrive for Hyper NulAll to get through his first phase) , if either arm was active I attacked that every time. Took ages but it was basically repeating the same input for an hour.


Took ages but it was basically repeating the same input for an hour.

Sounds similar to my case taking out Angra Mainyu in FFX-2

Rikku uses Star Curtain and Chocobo Wing

from that point on just spams Alchemist Mega Potion

Yuna and Paine non-stop Darkness over and over.

Angra Mainyu won't cast Flare on anyone who has Reflect, hence why Star Curtain, and well the benefit of full-party Haste is obvious.

I used the Abominable Garment Grid for the Ribbon ability, that way I can use my accessory slots on STR boosters to maximize Darkness damage.

Fight took me almost 45 minutes, but I won in the end.


i need help with Penance.

i have Wakka, Tidus and Rikku with 255 in everything.
24.500 HP and 999 MP

i have this on my main characters. and celestial weapons.

Break HP Limit
defense 20%


You're probably going to want to make some new armor. Without Auto-Regen or Auto-Potion (Depends if you're using BHPL or not) you're going to waste turns healing, which is going to slow down on already long and boring fight.

Kill arms, dispel things that need removing, kill body. Throw in a Three Stars and an Ultra Nul All in there to speed things up.

Sounds similar to my case taking out Angra Mainyu in FFX-2

Rikku uses Star Curtain and Chocobo Wing

from that point on just spams Alchemist Mega Potion

Yuna and Paine non-stop Darkness over and over.

Angra Mainyu won't cast Flare on anyone who has Reflect, hence why Star Curtain, and well the benefit of full-party Haste is obvious.

I used the Abominable Garment Grid for the Ribbon ability, that way I can use my accessory slots on STR boosters to maximize Darkness damage.

Fight took me almost 45 minutes, but I won in the end.

I'm pretty sure the guide I followed when I first played FFX-2 had every boss fight listed as "The boss does this, this, and this so what you're gonna want to do is make one girl a White Mage/Alchemist and the other two Dark Knights!" for every boss fight after Chapter 2. Half hilarious, half sad.


I'm starting to feel like the whole endgame to ffx is the worst thing ever.

I made mention of this earlier in the thread. It really is just an awful experience all around.

Oh come on FFX is pretty tame in comparison to some things out there.

Hours of grinding just to be rewarded with sleepy boss fights sucks, regardless of there being worse out there.
Curious of what games you mean though. FFX probably has the worst post-game content I've experienced.


Try Disgaea.

Most of Disgaea IS a grind even during the normal story game.

A particularly grindy game would be Star Ocean 4 and trying to get all 800 Battle Trophies. We are talking 400 to 500 hours consisted of multple replays using all 8 characters doing various tasks and the reward is just unlocking the characters level limit from 200 to 255.

At least all of FFX's content can be done in a single playthrough under 110 hours.

I wish the same could be said for trying to do everything in Disgaea or Star Ocean 3 or 4.


I'm having a bit of difficulty with Last Mission. Or rather, I find that there's so much going on and I'm not really sure on what I'm doing. The game sort of just throws you inside the tower and doesn't really explain how to play at all. Can someone provide me some tips? The English-speaking part of the Internet doesn't really have much info or advice on the matter.

I made it to floor 15 and I have some questions/concerns. How do I remove curse? My white mage dressphere and a dressphere fusion book (2) are cursed and I want to remove it and use it, respectively.

What are good dresspheres to use? I have a Warrior lv. 7 that I've been using only because I've been finding Warrior dresspheres, but I'm sure there are better ones?

And is there a way to increase my inventory size? There's like a limit of 15 items, which includes dresspheres and accessories. That's just ridiculous.

Also, how do I get the Tonberry treasure? I read somewhere I have to do something on floors 61, 63 and 65, but I'm not sure what?


A particularly grindy game would be Star Ocean 4 and trying to get all 800 Battle Trophies. We are talking 400 to 500 hours consisted of multple replays using all 8 characters doing various tasks and the reward is just unlocking the characters level limit from 200 to 255.

Ugh, this game totally slipped my mind. (Or should I say I blocked it from memory?) The thing is though, you can kill everything in Star Ocean without even bothering with them, the same cannot be said of FFX and its tedious stat grinding. Even Zanmato doesn't save you completely thanks to Dark Yojimbo.

I guess it depends on what your definition of "finishing" the post-game is. FFX is much easier to plat, but completing the post game dungeons/bosses in Star Ocean is a lot quicker and less tedious.


Ugh, this game totally slipped my mind. (Or should I say I blocked it from memory?) The thing is though, you can kill everything in Star Ocean without even bothering with them, the same cannot be said of FFX and its tedious stat grinding. Even Zanmato doesn't save you completely thanks to Dark Yojimbo.

I guess it depends on what your definition of "finishing" the post-game is. FFX is much easier to plat, but completing the post game dungeons/bosses in Star Ocean is a lot quicker and less tedious.

You actually need to go out of your way in SO4 to clear
all 8 floors of the Cavern of the Seven Stars
, and well preparing for the
6 Wing Ethereal Queen in the Wandering Dungeon
requires almost max level party (thus grinding to level 200+ and getting the ingredients to customize your ultimate weapons and armors. Even at max level it's not about stats but rather the right strategy, much like Penance, The
Etheral Queen has 60 Million HP and resists all elemental damage requiring basically non-elemental damage or physicals to defeat. The worst part is her Supernova attack is much like Penance's Judgement Day move which is basically an instant game over.
God it was annoying just getting to her, letting alone beating her, nevermind prepping the right gear for your party just to survive and win the fight.


You actually need to go out of your way in SO4 to clear
all 8 floors of the Cavern of the Seven Stars
, and well preparing for the
6 Wing Ethereal Queen in the Wandering Dungeon
requires almost max level party (thus grinding to level 200+ and getting the ingredients to customize your ultimate weapons and armors. Even at max level it's not about stats but rather the right strategy, much like Penance, The
Etheral Queen has 60 Million HP and resists all elemental damage requiring basically non-elemental damage or physicals to defeat. The worst part is her Supernova attack is much like Penance's Judgement Day move which is basically an instant game over.
God it was annoying just getting to her, letting alone beating her.

You don't need any synthesis or grinding to beat her, just use a Spriggan Jewel to easily get your ATK to max. Then just juggle her in Blindside with Meracle until she dies, she might not even get an attack off. Even though the Wandering Dungeon sucks, clearing a post-game only dungeon is a lot more fun than grinding on Earth Eater. (Clearing both Seven Star and WD is probably faster than stat grinding as well, even if you're just doing the minimum)

Penance is a very long and boring, but there's not much strategy there. Sure, you need the right armor, but the actual fight uses what, three skills MAX?


I never remember boss strategies and stuff like like after a month passes or so. I did all that stuff in SO4 but remember none of it, haha


You actually need to go out of your way in SO4 to clear
all 8 floors of the Cavern of the Seven Stars
, and well preparing for the
6 Wing Ethereal Queen in the Wandering Dungeon
requires almost max level party (thus grinding to level 200+ and getting the ingredients to customize your ultimate weapons and armors. Even at max level it's not about stats but rather the right strategy, much like Penance, The
Etheral Queen has 60 Million HP and resists all elemental damage requiring basically non-elemental damage or physicals to defeat. The worst part is her Supernova attack is much like Penance's Judgement Day move which is basically an instant game over.
God it was annoying just getting to her, letting alone beating her, nevermind prepping the right gear for your party just to survive and win the fight.
Maxing a team was easy due to the Goblin Theif method in the Cot7Stars if you had a full bonus board of EXP+. Bacchus with a scumbag killer weapon, have him use his blackhole attack. Kills them. have Meracle use Ocarina to summon them again, rinse, repeat. About as efficient as the tonberry trick in FFX.

i enjoyed SO4 (and SO, 2, and 3.) lol

LEVYNE!!!!! Where did you find your strategies for VI bosses!????? lol

How much of the PR campaign do you have to do to get the % completion?

You have to get at least 1 company to 400 points BEFORE you ENTER the Calm Lands in Chapter 4. I didn't start until chapter 2 and still pulled it off.


I never remember boss strategies and stuff like like after a month passes or so. I did all that stuff in SO4 but remember none of it, haha

I can tell you a boss strategy for a game I beat years ago but god forbid if you ask me what I had for dinner last night.


LEVYNE!!!!! Where did you find your strategies for VI bosses!????? lol


Haha. This is kind of humorous considering the current memory conversation.

Anyways, I'm boring. I just used 2 Dark Knights and an Alchemist and threw up protect shell and stamina tonic. Darkness and stashed Mega potions (Item -> Megalixers in a pinch) and outlasted them.

IIRC, both Conqueror and Chac can miss with their regular attacks only if they are oversouled. Conqueror also doesn't use Megaton Press if oversouled, which is nice because you won't have to spam revives like I did. (He will use magic though, just reflect). Trema has some status inducing physical attacks that can miss so I made sure both Dark Knights had the Rabite's Foot.

Also, I simply bribe Paragons for his Dark Matters, which then mix into the Hero Drink which I used liberally on Trema. I was immune during both his Meteors and his one Ultima cast.

Edit: Oh, for Trema I also made sure that both Dark Knights had the Auto--Wall accesory so I wouldn't have to worry about placing it. My alchemist had the Adamantite and a Rabite's Foot. Using Items was still fast and having her mix the drink every once in awhile.


Curious, since you're not using Mascot, how long did Trema take? How was your hit rate?

Looking to improve my own strategy, and I really don't want to use Moogle Beam and Cactling Gun.


Haha. This is kind of humorous considering the current memory conversation.

Anyways, I'm boring. I just used 2 Dark Knights and an Alchemist and threw up protect shell and stamina tonic. Darkness and stashed Mega potions (Item -> Megalixers in a pinch) and outlasted them.

IIRC, both Conqueror and Chac can miss with their regular attacks only if they are oversouled. Conqueror also doesn't use Megaton Press if oversouled, which is nice because you won't have to spam revives like I did. (He will use magic though, just reflect). Trema has some status inducing physical attacks that can miss so I made sure both Dark Knights had the Rabite's Foot.

Also, I simply bribe Paragons for his Dark Matters, which then mix into the Hero Drink which I used liberally on Trema. I was immune during both his Meteors and his one Ultima cast.

Edit: Oh, for Trema I also made sure that both Dark Knights had the Auto--Wall accesory so I wouldn't have to worry about placing it. My alchemist had the Adamantite and a Rabite's Foot. Using Items was still fast and having her mix the drink every once in awhile.

Boring is right, my friend. but I guess we're going for effective here. If it works, it works lol
I'll guess I'll give this a try when I get there. Not sure about giving the main healer adamantite. Seems counterintuitive.


I don't remember, I actually was doing it during that Smash Bros direct, haha.

So less than 39 minutes :p. It may not have been fast but it was easy. It maybe took 20-25?

Also, as I learned when trying to get 99 chain on Chac and mimicing that video that was posted, 3 Thieves with the Speed Bracer and Rabite's foot can simply mow Chac down if you offset their attacks. I've been told the Haste isn't necessary but it seemed easier to me when they were.


I don't remember, I actually was doing it during that Smash Bros direct, haha.

So less than 39 minutes :p. It may not have been fast but it was easy. It maybe took 20-25?

Hah, I guess I'll have to do some experimenting then.


Also, as I learned when trying to get 99 chain on Chac and mimicing that video that was posted, 3 Thieves with the Speed Bracer and Rabite's foot can simply mow Chac down if you offset their attacks. I've been told the Haste isn't necessary but it seemed easier to me when they were.

Link by any chance?


I used three Gunners against Chac each using Trigger Happy. There's a lot of leeway between Trigger Happies, maybe about two seconds. So you don't have to start the next Trigger Happy right when one ends. It's how I got the 99 chain trophy, too.


That Thief strategy for taking down Chac and getting the 99 chain is ridiculous.

So does Luck have the same effect in FFX-2 as in FFX? Is that why the Rabite's Foot is so important?


That Thief strategy for taking down Chac and getting the 99 chain is ridiculous.

So does Luck have the same effect in FFX-2 as in FFX? Is that why the Rabite's Foot is so important?

I've noticed that my girls that have on Rabite's foot typical almost always do Critical hits and evade ALOT more. So I'd say pretty much, yes.


Iron Duke and Rabite's Foot seems like a good combination to steamroll through NG+ then.

Edit: Key to Success probably could replace Rabite's Foot as it does the same thing plus much more though.


Iron Duke and Rabite's Foot seems like a good combination to steamroll through NG+ then.

Edit: Key to Success probably could replace Rabite's Foot as it does the same thing plus much more though.

But you can't get that on a 100% single playthrough, unfortunately.


But you can't get that on a 100% single playthrough, unfortunately.

Farplane Cup in the Creature Capture Fiend Arena awards Iron Dukes and Key to Successes as potential prizes.

You could effectively have three of each for your entire team in a single playthough, but doing that requires getting past Almighty Shinra's cup to unlock the Farplane Cup..at that point you could probably take on Trema and all of the other major bads in the Via Infinito.

EDIT: Correction, beating Almighty Shinra's cup isn't required, You need to beat all of the other cups though. I think that might make things somewhat easier.

Also I just tried to do the Grand Cup in Fiend Arena, what the hell is up with this Giant Tonberry. He's doing like 45,000 and 50,000 damage with Chef's Knife and is insanely fast like auto-haste...It's like this enemy wasn't meant for FFX2 doing that kind of damage, but rather belongs with the FFX level of insane arena creatures.


Farplane Cup in the Creature Capture Fiend Arena awards Iron Dukes and Key to Successes as potential prizes.

You could effectively have three of each for your entire team in a single playthough, but doing that requires getting past Almighty Shinra's cup to unlock the Farplane Cup..at that point you could probably take on Trema and all of the other major bads in the Via Infinito.


I did not know that. Almost seems pointless though lol


So after weeks off due to finals, I am back to FFX end game.

The magus sisters are pretty much essential.They are helping me fight the monster arena so I can actually get items to level up my chars!!!!!!!!!


Also I just tried to do the Grand Cup in Fiend Arena, what the hell is up with this Giant Tonberry. He's doing like 45,000 and 50,000 damage with Chef's Knife and is insanely fast like auto-haste...It's like this enemy wasn't meant for FFX2 doing that kind of damage, but rather belongs with the FFX level of insane arena creatures.

It does considerably less damage to creatures/YRP with very high defense and/or Protect. Likely not worth the effort until late in the game unless you're looking to roll through the whole fiend arena before ever leaving the airship.

Alternatively, you can just hope he loses to Shady Duo, though that group presents its own difficulties.


It does considerably less damage to creatures/YRP with very high defense and/or Protect. Likely not worth the effort until late in the game unless you're looking to roll through the whole fiend arena before ever leaving the airship.

Alternatively, you can just hope he loses to Shady Duo, though that group presents its own difficulties.

Actually am at the very end of the game in Chapter 5, I just got Episode Completes everywhere and the Mascot Dressphere obtained.

My whole party is level 60.

Oddly I have two Festivalist Dresspheres and was toying around with having two of the same dressphere on the same Garment Grid.

I might actually beneficial to have multiples of the same Dressphere filled out on a Grid so you can pass through the Gates and get the unlocked benefits without actually changing your job.

Of course I doubt many people have the patience to go through the game multiple times just to get multiples of every Dressphere to use this strategy. Still it's nice to know this is actually possible to do.
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