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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


I know someone posted a good strategy in here to win the first blitz tournament. I can't find it though...

Please lend me your secrets so I can beat the stupid Aurochs once in my life.


Cool, I just met Trema in the Iutycyr Tower and he destroyed all my items/dresspheres and sent me back to floor 1. Cool cool cool.


Made sure I didn't do anything stupid today and now I have all monsters caught ten times. Yeee. Now onto overkilling Kotos because I'm out of Power Spheres. He gave me 2 Power Spheres on the first overkill.

Can some body give tips about finding Machea in Omega ruins ?

I encountered them twice over the course of many, many hours. :v
I run into them all the time. Just stay near the save point.


Made sure I didn't do anything stupid today and now I have all monsters caught ten times. Yeee. Now onto overkilling Kotos because I'm out of Power Spheres. He gave me 2 Power Spheres on the first overkill.

I run into them all the time. Just stay near the save point.

It's because his rare drop is 2 Dark Matter, you usually get 40 spheres.
Got to 50 something lightning bolts last night, then the cycle broke somehow. Was able to dodge a random one, then the cycle reset, but I missed the next one. Almost threw my controller. Easily the most annoying thing in this game, if not FF history.
I'm having a lot of trouble with the Via Infinito level 60 boss. Concherer that looks like a big snail. When I cleared this dungeon in the PS2 version I just used Cat Nip accessory to cheese my way through it.

I've tried just using all Beserkers and throwing Phoenix Downs like a mad man, I can last a while, but eventually I always get behind to the point where I'm just throwing items and doing no damage. My girls dont really do much damage to him anyway since he has auto-protect. Out of ideas here.


The neat thing about Dark Knight's Darkness ability is that it doesn't do physical or magical damage and is considered non-elemental. (Which is why it's so useful against Angra Mainyu because his left arm is immune to magic and right arm immune to physical which is why Darkness spam is optimal for preventing from casting Perditiion's Flame)

It's damage is derived from a characters Strength so accessories like Kaiser Knuckles or Champions Belt may help.

If you are strong enough you could go through the Fiend Arena Tournament in the Creature Creator and get to the Farplane Cup where you can win Iron Dukes and Key to Successes.

Iron Duke gives 100 STR and bunch of other stats. Key to Success is 100 Luck which increases your Critical rate much like in FFX plus 100% HP, MP and Double EXP, AP, GIL gain.

With an Iron Duke and Key to Success combined with a Garment Grid that provides Break Damage Limit you should hopefully have a Strength and Luck stat so high that your physical hits should be breaking the 9999 barrier.

Paine's Mascot Cacling Gun with this strategy can deal 60,000k damage. I hope this information helps you take out Concherer.

Son Of D

Hours of grinding just to be rewarded with sleepy boss fights sucks, regardless of there being worse out there.
Curious of what games you mean though. FFX probably has the worst post-game content I've experienced.

FFXII's can be bad if you want to get all pieces of equipment. Having to grind rare spawning enemies in hopes that they drop their rare drop (which is a low %).


I never did get Grand Armor and Grand Helm. And not for lack of trying.

Though with a Trophy attached I'd still be going at it, haha.
The neat thing about Dark Knight's Darkness ability is that it doesn't do physical or magical damage and is considered non-elemental. (Which is why it's so useful against Angra Mainyu because his left arm is immune to magic and right arm immune to physical which is why Darkness spam is optimal for preventing from casting Perditiion's Flame)

It's damage is derived from a characters Strength so accessories like Kaiser Knuckles or Champions Belt may help.

If you are strong enough you could go through the Fiend Arena Tournament in the Creature Creator and get to the Farplane Cup where you can win Iron Dukes and Key to Successes.

Iron Duke gives 100 STR and bunch of other stats. Key to Success is 100 Luck which increases your Critical rate much like in FFX plus 100% HP, MP and Double EXP, AP, GIL gain.

With an Iron Duke and Key to Success combined with a Garment Grid that provides Break Damage Limit you should hopefully have a Strength and Luck stat so high that your physical hits should be breaking the 9999 barrier.

Paine's Mascot Cacling Gun with this strategy can deal 60,000k damage. I hope this information helps you take out Concherer.

Thanks for taking the time to help.

I'm sure this is great advice for someone who likes to take pride in there accomplishments, however I am lazy and discovered an easy way to beat him that doesn't require any special items (other than the ones you acquired to get to Concherer) I don't even think your level would really matter.

For anyone else stuck on Concherer, here is how I did it.

Yuna - Thief Dressphere - Cat Nip/Doesn't matter
Rikku - Alchemist with Items LVL 2 ability learned - Haste Bangle/Doesn't Matter
Paine - Beserker Dressphere - Speed Bracer/ Doesn't Matter

Of course which girl you use for each job doesn't matter.


Never ever use attack or abilities, the only thing you will do is throw Phoenix Downs (make sure you have a bunch). Once Yuna/whoever you have as Thief hits critical life they will hit for 9999x2 damage every turn, they will be berserked. Paine/berserker's job is to keep Thief alive, Alchemist's job is to keep beserker alive.

You may be able to throw Phoenix's at your thief with your alchemist, I could not because I learned the ability that increased the effect of healing items, and it would take thief out of cat nip mode when I revived her. It seems weird to just fight a battle by sitting there, but it doesnt take long at all. Do not attempt to attack or use any ability, you may get caught with a KO'd girl and no one's turn up to throw a phoenix. Just wait, someone will die soon.


Damn, I am burned out with blitzball. I am sick of it. I am finally making progress through the league for the sigil. After this I can finally move on with my life. XD


Damn, I am burned out with blitzball. I am sick of it. I am finally making progress through the league for the sigil. After this I can finally move on with my life. XD

I was in the exact same spot a week ago.
Hang in there.
The last few games are the worst: you know it's soon over, but you still HAVE to play


Is it just me, or does inputting Auron's Bushido commands seem a lot a hard then it used to be? I was eleven when FF X first came out and I could input the Bushido commands no problem. Now it took 5 tries just to get it once. Maybe I'm just getting old?

Oh and I'm sorry people but I didn't take you advice on not overgrinding. I'm on the first stretch of Mihen and Tidus just learned Blitz Ace :-D
I finally captured 10 of everything for the monster arena. Now it's on to maxing out the sphere grid.

What's the fastest way to kill Kottos and Juggernaut? They have alot of HP, so a one on one battle will take a long time, and I can only rely on Attack Reels a few times before it runs out and I have to build up my gauge again.

Also, how many spheres of each type (Strength, Magic etc) do I need to farm to max my stats?
I finally captured 10 of everything for the monster arena. Now it's on to maxing out the sphere grid.

What's the fastest way to kill Kottos and Juggernaut? They have alot of HP, so a one on one battle will take a long time, and I can only rely on Attack Reels a few times before it runs out and I have to build up my gauge again.

Also, how many spheres of each type (Strength, Magic etc) do I need to farm to max my stats?
Personally, at this point, I stomp through Kottos with Magus Sisters.


I finally captured 10 of everything for the monster arena. Now it's on to maxing out the sphere grid.

What's the fastest way to kill Kottos and Juggernaut? They have alot of HP, so a one on one battle will take a long time, and I can only rely on Attack Reels a few times before it runs out and I have to build up my gauge again.

Also, how many spheres of each type (Strength, Magic etc) do I need to farm to max my stats?
Kottos = just summon Magus Sisters and let them do their thing.
I finally captured 10 of everything for the monster arena. Now it's on to maxing out the sphere grid.

What's the fastest way to kill Kottos and Juggernaut? They have alot of HP, so a one on one battle will take a long time, and I can only rely on Attack Reels a few times before it runs out and I have to build up my gauge again.

Also, how many spheres of each type (Strength, Magic etc) do I need to farm to max my stats?

You can build OD cauges for your team extremely fast by enabling Victor mode for your team and having their Celestial Weapons (or any weapon with Triple OD). Your OD gets full from 2 victories. At arena you can fight besaid dingo 2 times to get em full, kill whatever you want (hopefully) with Attack Reels x3 with entrust and then kill dingo once and your OD is full again.

Max Wakka STR first for easy time farming really. After you get high STR with him stuff like Kottos become a joke and you can easily max others.

^^If 3X AR doesn't cut it then yeah, do Magus Sisters.


Also I just tried to do the Grand Cup in Fiend Arena, what the hell is up with this Giant Tonberry. He's doing like 45,000 and 50,000 damage with Chef's Knife and is insanely fast like auto-haste...It's like this enemy wasn't meant for FFX2 doing that kind of damage, but rather belongs with the FFX level of insane arena creatures.

I just came here to ask about the Tonberry plus the Shady Duo. I'm trying to unlock the Youth League tournament so I can get Mascot. (It turns out that I missed a single commsphere scene in chapter 4 which prevents Isaaru from showing up in Bevelle in chapter five.)

I did the Grand Cup (Hard) four times with zero difficulty. I literally just held down the X button as two characters used Darkness while the third used Alchemist's Stash of Mega Potions. But now I always run into the Tonberry or the Shady Duo. Tonberry does about 14,000 HP to my characters who have about 4000-5000 and the Shady Duo assholes use Ultima right away. Even with Shell up, it does about 5000-6000 damage, so I end up with a single character in triple digit HP, and then the mushroom uses that sleep/stop/stone/etc spell. I can't boost my magic defense AND every one of those statuses, even with Dark Knight and all of its immunities.


I finished the Sphere Grid with every character last night. I need to make some armor for everyone, and then I can get back to finishing the game. I still have to kill Omega, kill the Arena monsters, and kill the Dark Aeons and Penance before I beat the game.

Son Of D

You can defeat the Tonberry safely with an Amorphous or Protean Gel and a Tonberry. They have to have Darkness ability as well as Vigor (Life is a good idea as well). Give them defence and strength boosting accessories (I highly recommend Adamantite on the Tonberry). Because of the good strength and defence stats both fiends have as well as their HP, you can slowly defeat the Mega Tonberry by making them abuse Darkness. Just change the stars with L3/R3 to 5 stars during the animation for Darkness and 1 star immediately after you see the damage numbers appear.

As for Shady Duo, they both have 9999 HP (unless they Oversoul, then they have 10998 HP). Fixed damage attacks are very good here. If you have an Alchemist use Mix to combine a Holy Water and an Elemental Gem for White Hole, which should do about 6000+ in total then have a Dark Knight use Darkness to hopefully kill one of them. There's luck involved since the Mushroom Cloud can use that powder attack that lowers your offensive stats by 10 stages (I think that's about 60%) which means that Darkness could only do about 1000. Having 2 characters immune to Berserk is a good idea as well, since the Elemental can cast Berserk. Another idea is to have Gunners with high strength use Table Turner on the Elemental since it does higher damage on enemies with high defence, and the Elemental has 250 Def.


Hunky Nostradamus
Reposting this from the other thread:

Do we know the LTD for X/X-2 HD? 200+K for two weeks in NA is really good right? How well did it do in Japan and Europe?


Reposting this from the other thread:

Do we know the LTD for X/X-2 HD? 200+K for two weeks in NA is really good right? How well did it do in Japan and Europe?
Square-Enix's financial report is due in a few weeks, they'll say how much it sold worldwide then. Minimum is 800k, I'd say.
Last the PS3 version charted on Media Create was the week ending 2/2/14, selling 6,913 for a total of 273,084.

Vita was on 1/26/14 selling 7,033 for a total of 214,245.

Probably safe to say it cleared a combined 500k there at this point, though I doubt any higher than 550k.
Ok, almost done with FFX now, enjoyed the game more than when I first played it years ago. One question, I want to start FFX-2 (I bought the physical copy (EU)) but I play everything with my US account.
I didn't inquire prior to buying the game as a result I didn't know that FFX-2 came in the form of a redeemable code... which of course doesn't work with my US account.
I guess there isn't anyway to play it with that account ???


Last the PS3 version charted on Media Create was the week ending 2/2/14, selling 6,913 for a total of 273,084.

Vita was on 1/26/14 selling 7,033 for a total of 214,245.

Probably safe to say it cleared a combined 500k there at this point, though I doubt any higher than 550k.

Famitsu had both games at 517k at the end of January (retail + digital) and FFX stand alone had sold around 40k at retail at the end of January.

The game is over 550k for sure.


That's actually pretty common. Lots of people have come up with all sorts of weird and different limitations. No Sphere Grid (NSG) is usually the base on top of which people will add No Summons, initial equipment, lots of things.


this guy is insane. he's going through the game without using the sphere grid.


Don't sell him short, he's doing NSGNSNCNONENNENBB! NSG on its own is pretty simple. :p Anyone know if the challenge has been beaten? AFAIK only one person has claimed to have beaten the final boss, and it's not proven.

I've been trying to come up with a challenge run for myself actually. Not really a fan of NSG-runs, much prefer Ability Nodes Only.
Don't sell him short, he's doing NSGNSNCNONENNENBB! NSG on its own is pretty simple. :p Anyone know if the challenge has been beaten? AFAIK only one person has claimed to have beaten the final boss, and it's not proven.

I've been trying to come up with a challenge run for myself actually. Not really a fan of NSG-runs, much prefer Ability Nodes Only.

but its impossible to die to the final boss unless you mean
Braskas Final Aeon aka Jecht

Son Of D

Don't sell him short, he's doing NSGNSNCNONENNENBB! NSG on its own is pretty simple. :p Anyone know if the challenge has been beaten? AFAIK only one person has claimed to have beaten the final boss, and it's not proven.

I've been trying to come up with a challenge run for myself actually. Not really a fan of NSG-runs, much prefer Ability Nodes Only.

Still hasn't been defeated. The one person who claimed it had a write up that didn't seem feasible (IIRC Rikku was getting more turns than she should have even under Haste). I actually tried NSGNSNCNONENNENBB and gave up at the end. Was surprisingly fun. Better than doing a level 1 run in FFIX (but that's a rant for another day).

I'd want to try a FFX-2 run sometime. Thinking either solo run (maybe even limit certain dresspheres and accessories) or a single dressphere run with limitations (as in that YRP have to use the same dressphere).


The NSGNSNCNONENNENBB run sounds kinda fun, actually. Capturing the monsters could be a pain, but I kinda like gimped runs. Some are a bit insane, but this one doesn't look all that aggravating. May have to give it a shot some time.


I just came here to ask about the Tonberry plus the Shady Duo. I'm trying to unlock the Youth League tournament so I can get Mascot. (It turns out that I missed a single commsphere scene in chapter 4 which prevents Isaaru from showing up in Bevelle in chapter five.)

I did the Grand Cup (Hard) four times with zero difficulty. I literally just held down the X button as two characters used Darkness while the third used Alchemist's Stash of Mega Potions. But now I always run into the Tonberry or the Shady Duo. Tonberry does about 14,000 HP to my characters who have about 4000-5000 and the Shady Duo assholes use Ultima right away. Even with Shell up, it does about 5000-6000 damage, so I end up with a single character in triple digit HP, and then the mushroom uses that sleep/stop/stone/etc spell. I can't boost my magic defense AND every one of those statuses, even with Dark Knight and all of its immunities.

If you have the Abominable Garment Grid and go through all of the gates it will give you the Ribbon status so you can spare an accessory slot for extra magic defense.


Dot Hacked
I finally got to the first town and there's a loading screen exiting outta every room/building? That's kinda painful! I dunno what Tidus is so pumped up over victory for cause unless its automatic or ultra easy there's no way I can win a sports game! Can ya ever go back in the first dungeon? Felt like there might've been more to it but I accidentally got through it the right way. An about the screen shatter when entering battles its alil strong isn't it?! It... it's not like I'm easily spooked or anything but it always catches me off guard >.<;

btw from what I've gathered so far theres no traditional level ups in this game? All the grinding in the world will be for naught unless I use the spheres correctly? Is there specific paths I gotta follow to simplify things since I picked standard mode?


I finally got to the first town and there's a loading screen exiting outta every room/building? That's kinda painful! I dunno what Tidus is so pumped up over victory for cause unless its automatic or ultra easy there's no way I can win a sports game! Can ya ever go back in the first dungeon? Felt like there might've been more to it but I accidentally got through it the right way. An about the screen shatter when entering battles its alil strong isn't it?! It... it's not like I'm easily spooked or anything but it always catches me off guard >.<;

btw from what I've gathered so far theres no traditional level ups in this game? All the grinding in the world will be for naught unless I use the spheres correctly? Is there specific paths I gotta follow to simplify things since I picked standard mode?
There are unlimited spheres, so you can't really screw yourself over - you just have to get more if you run out (unlikely until the post-game grinding). You'll be fine.

With the exception of Kimahri, everyone has a "set" path in the Standard Sphere Grid. Just follow each one to the finish, then branch out to the nearby ones. As far as the story goes, you should be fine just by following each character'a path.

Kimahri is a wild card - you can send him anywhere. Some people like to wait until they get unlock spheres and send him down Rikku's path so he can get Steal/Use, though.
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