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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


I just came here to ask about the Tonberry plus the Shady Duo. I'm trying to unlock the Youth League tournament so I can get Mascot. (It turns out that I missed a single commsphere scene in chapter 4 which prevents Isaaru from showing up in Bevelle in chapter five.)

I did the Grand Cup (Hard) four times with zero difficulty. I literally just held down the X button as two characters used Darkness while the third used Alchemist's Stash of Mega Potions. But now I always run into the Tonberry or the Shady Duo. Tonberry does about 14,000 HP to my characters who have about 4000-5000 and the Shady Duo assholes use Ultima right away. Even with Shell up, it does about 5000-6000 damage, so I end up with a single character in triple digit HP, and then the mushroom uses that sleep/stop/stone/etc spell. I can't boost my magic defense AND every one of those statuses, even with Dark Knight and all of its immunities.

Shady Duo has relatively low HP, so they're particularly vulnerable to defense-ignoring attacks. My level 45-ish Goon kills them in one hit with Fireworks. The Tonberry is generally a bigger headache and involves stacking tons of defense to survive Chef's Knife.


Junior Member
Square-Enix's financial report is due in a few weeks, they'll say how much it sold worldwide then. Minimum is 800k, I'd say.

So that's great for a remaster of a couple 10+ year-old games right?

That makes chances good for FFXII HD Remaster right?

But if so, they can't just put FFXII on a disc by itself for $40. They gotta bundle it with at least one other game, but which? I'm thinking War of the Lions would be the most sensible addition. It's tangentially related, and SE has already touched-up the game's assets for the iPad version which runs at a resolution higher than 1080p.


I know it's been discussed, but are we SURE that you only need to activate all nodes and empty nodes for the trophy? Not the roads in between right?
I've been scanning the grid over and over and can't figure out what nodes Tidus is missing (I have master spheres so I know I've at least activated all of the ones filled in).


Dot Hacked
There are unlimited spheres, so you can't really screw yourself over - you just have to get more if you run out (unlikely until the post-game grinding). You'll be fine.

With the exception of Kimahri, everyone has a "set" path in the Standard Sphere Grid. Just follow each one to the finish, then branch out to the nearby ones. As far as the story goes, you should be fine just by following each character'a path.

Kimahri is a wild card - you can send him anywhere. Some people like to wait until they get unlock spheres and send him down Rikku's path so he can get Steal/Use, though.
Hmmm so its idiotproof and later goes the materia route where everyone can master everything? Now that I could see myself digging!


Double cast Ultima + Copycat is the best I got. I suppose reflected Flares could work too. You don't really need to max Magic for anything, though.

Reflected Flares worked better for my situation. They did almost as much damage as Ultima (like 4k less) but they cost like 30 MP less. Used Auron, Wakka, and Tidus since they had the highest Magic


FFX-2 question:

In chapter 2, if I don't *minor spoiler*
sell all the tickets for the moonflow mission
, do I miss out on a dressphere or anything? I still got a garment grid for finishing it, but I just don't want to miss anything.


FFX-2 question:

In chapter 2, if I don't *minor spoiler*
sell all the tickets for the moonflow mission
, do I miss out on a dressphere or anything? I still got a garment grid for finishing it, but I just don't want to miss anything.

You don't have to sell them all, but you have to sell a certain number of them to get Episode Complete in that area in Chapter 5, which is part of getting the Mascot dressphere.


Guys, is it worth it if i go with a magic build for Kimahri? i'm getting close to the "-aga" spells in the SG...

For the Standard Grid, if you're going magical with Kimahri, it's best to get Steal/Use then follow the latter half of Yuna's section after breaking the Level 2 Lock next to Reflect. You can then teach Kimahri Black Magic with spheres.

Regardless, since you're already near the spheres, why not get them? You don't lose anything by picking them up.
Speaking of challenges, is NSG, No Mix, Ability and MP nodes only doable? I dislike Mix. It feels like cheating. I didn't like having 10MP on Wakka either.


Speaking of challenges, is NSG, No Mix, Ability and MP nodes only doable? I dislike Mix. It feels like cheating. I didn't like having 10MP on Wakka either.

Yes, very much so.

NTQ (No Trio/Quartet) is a pretty common challenge affix if you don't want to block off Mix entirely.


Dat feel when you're fighting Th'uban and it kills you after 15 minutes because it attacks twice in a row

edit: Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Zanmato'd because fuck fighting it again lol


Gaf, is there a
Destruction Sphere for the trials in Zanarkand? I dont want to miss this. I finished the four corner pedestals and can now fight the boss.


Gaf, is there a
Destruction Sphere for the trials in Zanarkand? I dont want to miss this. I finished the four corner pedestals and can now fight the boss.

Yes, but you can't get it the first time there. You have to come back later.


Gaf, is there a
Destruction Sphere for the trials in Zanarkand? I dont want to miss this. I finished the four corner pedestals and can now fight the boss.

You can't get it until your second visit though. It's impossible to obtain it on the first. While you're there don't forget to obtain the Sun Crest after defeating You know who in the final room


Anyone have any tips on how to get 2x2x2 on Attack Reels everytime?
Hahaha, thanks a lot guys! Can I comw back whenever I feel confident in

Dark Bahamut will DESTORY you if don't pick up the Sun Crest while you have the chance. It's in a chest in the back of the final room after you fight the final boss in that area.


Oh yeah I will be sure to get it! I forget, how do you get the Sigil and Crest for Yuna? Is it capturing? Is Auron's via Jecht Spheres?

Last time I played I never did the butterflies or the lightning :(




lol I'm just Hasting, Casting Shell on Tidus, a focus or two, Stealing, and then Fleeing from Nemesis for Level 4 key spheres


And the credits are rolling.


Wow, great ending, fantastic game. I will write my final thoughts after letting it sink in for a while, but let me say this, Final Fantasy X is among my favourite FFs now.

Son Of D

Course Magic would be Jumbo Flan. Anyone have any tips for Jumbo Flan?

Use Anima. Pain is a magical attack that uses the Strength stat to determine damage, and it pierces the Flan's defence.

lol I'm just Hasting, Casting Shell on Tidus, a focus or two, Stealing, and then Fleeing from Nemesis for Level 4 key spheres
If you have Mug, use it. Nemesis doesn't counter when mugged.
Damn, dat Vita is one hell of a good grind machine. It's quite nice to be able to play certain sections of the game with a handheld. Mind you, I think I went a little too far......


Infinite respawning sin spawn and slayer overdrive for the Pyrrhic victory!

Now onto making Lulu actively hate me to get the Rikku cutscene in Guadosalam; I never saw it back in the day, so to see something new in a game I once knew back to front is kinda cool. Even if it is just a short cut-scene (I especially loved how FFVII hid away a bunch of interesting character interactions behind the 3 party system; Tifa and Aerith in Gongaga springs to mind.)


What, you get a scene with Rikku in Guadosalam? WTF, didn't know that. How do you make Lulu hate you? Hitting her in battle?
What, you get a scene with Rikku in Guadosalam? WTF, didn't know that. How do you make Lulu hate you? Hitting her in battle?

Something like that; killing her in battle wouldn't hurt your chances either. Just type "FFX affection levels" in google to get a handy guide on how it's done. Instead of having a conversation with Lulu in Guadosalam, you'll have one with Rikku. I could look that scene up, but it wouldn't be the same, so I'll do it the old fashioned way.


Course Magic would be Jumbo Flan. Anyone have any tips for Jumbo Flan?
Use Anima. Teach her Haste and slow, dispel, and Cure-ra-aga if her Hp is low. Start by hasting her and slowing Jumbo flan. Spam Pain until it dies. When it casts reflect on you to bounce Regen onto itself, just dispel it. I was able to kill it without having to dispel (I was hitting for more than Regen was restoring).


I'm grinding battles for Wakka to get the Attack reels to appear as prizes. Does it count as a battle if he is just in the main party or does he have to do an action?
I've now filled out all the points on the sphere grid and now I'm grinding fortune spheres from Earth Eater. I've maxed out 4 characters on their sphere grids so only 3 to go. I really should have bought this on Vita... :p


I'm grinding battles for Wakka to get the Attack reels to appear as prizes. Does it count as a battle if he is just in the main party or does he have to do an action?
Attack Reels doesn't have a battle requirement. Status and Auroch are 250 and 450 respectively. He just has to perform an action in battle.


Gold Member
What is needed for the AP trick? I read somewhere that you needed Overdrive to AP, and double AP or triple AP. But I was wondering, does double overdrive or triple overdrive in conjunction with the other 2 work even better?


What is needed for the AP trick? I read somewhere that you needed Overdrive to AP, and double AP or triple AP. But I was wondering, does double overdrive or triple overdrive in conjunction with the other 2 work even better?

Yes - you get more sphere levels. You simply farm One-Eye in the arena until he drops Triple AP weapons and then you customise those with OD-AP and Double/Triple OD.
For the Standard Grid, if you're going magical with Kimahri, it's best to get Steal/Use then follow the latter half of Yuna's section after breaking the Level 2 Lock next to Reflect. You can then teach Kimahri Black Magic with spheres.

Regardless, since you're already near the spheres, why not get them? You don't lose anything by picking them up.

Thanks for the advice :B

Completely destroyed
btw, finished him off with a 11K Bahamut Overdrive and felt so good


Damn, dat Vita is one hell of a good grind machine. It's quite nice to be able to play certain sections of the game with a handheld. Mind you, I think I went a little too far......


Infinite respawning sin spawn and slayer overdrive for the Pyrrhic victory!

Now onto making Lulu actively hate me to get the Rikku cutscene in Guadosalam; I never saw it back in the day, so to see something new in a game I once knew back to front is kinda cool. Even if it is just a short cut-scene (I especially loved how FFVII hid away a bunch of interesting character interactions behind the 3 party system; Tifa and Aerith in Gongaga springs to mind.)

Ha, I never even got Blitz Ace, despite using Tidus' overdrive whenever it became available.


Anyone got any tips for taking on Dark Yojimbo using a non-max stat party team? Looking to use Yuna's Yojimbo (+typically 222222 gil for zanmato to trigger)...but I'm having some difficulty with getting the other characters to entrust their overdrives over after the first Yojimbo fight...

Should I incorporate some First Strike weapons or? (Cuz Yojim will usually nail the entire party with Wakizashi..any idea how should I use my other aeons so that they can tank the hit for me?)


Anyone got any tips for taking on Dark Yojimbo using a non-max stat party team? Looking to use Yuna's Yojimbo (+typically 222222 gil for zanmato to trigger)...but I'm having some difficulty with getting the other characters to entrust their overdrives over after the first Yojimbo fight...

Should I incorporate some First Strike weapons or? (Cuz Yojim will usually nail the entire party with Wakizashi..any idea how should I use my other aeons so that they can tank the hit for me?)

Getting Yojimbo to use Zanmato 5 times in a row isn't really that feasible. Ideally, you should have Celestial weapons for the party you'll be using against DY. Auron's celestial helps because it has First strike.

It has been discussed before, but since you don't have maxed stats (or at least you don't have maxed defense?) your best bet would be to buff up your party. So make sure everyone has Haste, then use Aim and Luck 5 times each which will enable you to get more hits on him.

Whenever he's about to get a turn summon an aeon to take the hit.


Guys, 2 questions about Besaid for late-game.

1. How do I get to the treasure chests up on the machine? I think its an airship search or password but I forget.

2. I am only finding Dingos, Water Flans, and Condors to capture. Where can I find the fourth one?


Guys, 2 questions about Besaid for late-game.

1. How do I get to the treasure chests up on the machine? I think its an airship search or password but I forget.

2. I am only finding Dingos, Water Flans, and Condors to capture. Where can I find the fourth one?

There are only three types of enemies you can capture in Besaid, not four.
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