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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


its fine. its quite well balanced for the most part. end game stuff still suck, but there is a bunch to do so value is value.

the writing/localization is still kinda bad, but the actual story still holds up. The world is quite fascinating.

This is the most positive I've seen you talk about the game in the last month, haha.

The only thing that I was really soured on the replay was the grindy end-game stuff. The monster arena is boring and time consuming. The primary game outside of that was still really enjoyable to me, linearity and all. It was a little more straight-forward than I remembered, which was disappointing.
Ok I'm almost at the end of chapter 3 of FFX-2 and I'm getting sorta pissed that
there has been barely any mention of Tidus when I thought this game was going to be about getting him back or something. Complete let down. =\
The only thing that I was really soured on the replay was the grindy end-game stuff. The monster arena is boring and time consuming. The primary game outside of that was still really enjoyable to me, linearity and all. It was a little more straight-forward than I remembered, which was disappointing.

You tell me. I've spent 55 hours on post-game content. I still haven't done blitzball, lightning dodge, butterflies, Chocobo Remiem, nor have I collected all Celestial Weapons. My main party is beefed although only Tidus has beefed up Luck. I'm currently grinding HP Spheres (25,000HP right now). Every non-party member has base stats and don't have end-game armor yet. I still have so much grinding to do.


Almost done with Chapter 1 of FFX-2. Running through doing all of the Publicity and Matchmaking before I head to Zanarkand.

I really gotta lay off the Creature Creator stuff. I keep finding myself grinding just so I can see all of the Fiend Tales, since it's pretty easy to level them from 6-11.


In the meantime, I've made some progress.

Three complete celestial weapons, a bunch of crests/sigils, nine Jecht's Spheres, and all of the monsters from the first ten locations in the Monster Arena.

Not sure what to do next, though. My party is still way too weak for the Dark Aeons. I spent some time in the Omega Ruins, fighting Tonberries for AP, but it's really time-consuming. Triple AP would be useful, but the fiend who drops it has 150k HP.. I don't even need to try.

I guess my next goal would be obtaining Anima, followed by playing some Blitzball for Wakka's celestial weapon. The Magus Sisters have 103k HP in total, so fighting them would be a waste of time as well.
was super surprised that i got anima with little trouble. you'd think id have missed some destruction spheres doing the trials without guides. only one i missed was the last one where you have to go back.


idk if BFA was changed, but many of the bosses in this do feel a bit different, yunevesca definitely cast her zombie move way more often and randomly instead of just when all your guys are nonzombies.

Yunalesca has the same attack pattern she's always had. She chooses between three actions on her Hellbiter turns though.

I completely agree with badcrumble that BFA is an amazing boss fight. It's a great send off to the fun and tactical boss fights of the main quest before you decide to tackle to extremely boring optional boss fights. :p

Let me guess... Omega Ruins?

Should've titled the thread "EQUIP FIRST STRIKE IN THE OMEGA RUINS".
Yunalesca has the same attack pattern she's always had. She chooses between three actions on her Hellbiter turns though.

I completely agree with badcrumble that BFA is an amazing boss fight. It's a great send off to the fun and tactical boss fights of the main quest before you decide to tackle to extremely boring optional boss fights. :p

Yeah, the optional boss fights are sadly not very tactical at all; they're mostly about coming prepared with the right equipment (or overwhelming the boss with high stats) or spamming whatever pumps out a ton of damage in a short amount of time.


Yeah, the optional boss fights are sadly not very tactical at all; they're mostly about coming prepared with the right equipment (or overwhelming the boss with high stats) or spamming whatever pumps out a ton of damage in a short amount of time.

Exactly, the game devolves very quickly after the characters start to expand out of their grid sections.

Probably not a popular opinion, but the post game would've been a lot more enjoyable if the characters were confined to their grid sections.
Exactly, the game devolves very quickly after the characters start to expand out of their grid sections.

Probably not a popular opinion, but the post game would've been a lot more enjoyable if the characters were confined to their grid sections.

Eh, as far as enemy design is concerned, I think simply involving status effects or elemental vulnerability or whatever a lot more would have made it much more interesting. As it is, just about every single superboss is all about using Quick Hit and Overdrives and not a whole lot else.

As far as the characters themselves are concerned, I would've just done more to differentiate them on a base level beyond their Overdrives (some of which are wholly useless anyway and ought to have been beefed up considerably so they'd remain useful in the endgame - cough, cough, Lulu) and their ultimate weapon abilities (Tidus and Lulu and Auron get well-themed ones that fit their usual character role, but everyone else kinda gets Double AP in place of something interesting).

Outside of Celestial Weapon abilities and Overdrives (both of which could use improvement), the only things differentiating any of the characters are Wakka's long-range ability and Yuna's ability to summon.

I'd do something like:

-give Kimahri Jump as an ordinary ability instead of an Overdrive, with the traditional Dragoon delay effect
-give Lulu the unique ability to cast white/black magic on multiple targets

And maybe one or two other small things that'd make the characters feel more distinct in a way that's actually tactically important.


FFX-2, how many fucking times do I have to battle those three awful characters? And I'm only near the end of chapter 2.
also those are no-brainer/super easy fights, I just press X and win.


FFX-2, how many fucking times do I have to battle those three awful characters? And I'm only near the end of chapter 2.
also those are no-brainer/super easy fights, I just press X and win.

Unfortunately, that's FFX-2 for you. Great system, just too easy.
Unfortunately, that's FFX-2 for you. Great system, just too easy.

FFX-2's got challenge to it but yeah, the more you complete sidequests (and especially the more you mess around with monster capture) the more you get way more powerful than whatever the game's throwing at you.


When is the best time to start on the sidequest stuff? I'm only at the Calm Lands and the only one I've really tried s the Chocobo race. Btw that is frustrating. My best time is only 18.1 seconds after 2 hours.


When is the best time to start on the sidequest stuff? I'm only at the Calm Lands and the only one I've really tried s the Chocobo race. Btw that is frustrating. My best time is only 18.1 seconds after 2 hours.

Right before the last chapter/location of the game, you'll be able to re-visit almost all locations without having to walk all the way back, so that's the best time, I think.

As for the race: Focus on avoiding birds and ignore the other racer. Try to get at least four of of the five balloons in the first part (the slope). If I recall correctly, you need at least 14 balloons in total (if you avoided all birds).
Focus on getting a good amount of balloons before the first turn, but that also requires some luck. It's better to avoid getting hit, rather than getting a balloon and a bird.


seriously I was fighting penance and took away a lot of his life.

Suddenly mid-fight I lost the will to go on and got through with Zanmato.

I love FFX so much and I legitimately grinded and beat everything in the game.I just got sick of the how tedious post game is when it came to freaking penance.


Right before the last chapter/location of the game, you'll be able to re-visit almost all locations without having to walk all the way back, so that's the best time, I think.

As for the race: Focus on avoiding birds and ignore the other racer. Try to get at least four of of the five balloons in the first part (the slope). If I recall correctly, you need at least 14 balloons in total (if you avoided all birds).

Focus on getting a good amount of balloons before the first turn, but that also requires some luck. It's better to avoid getting hit, rather than getting a balloon and a bird.

Yeah, I haven't been getting lucky on the first part. It always seems like she shoots out first and faster, even when I ignore her and go to the side. I was trying to get most on the second part, but I'm gonna work harder on that first part instead, Thanks!


Yeah, I haven't been getting lucky on the first part. It always seems like she shoots out first and faster, even when I ignore her and go to the side. I was trying to get most on the second part, but I'm gonna work harder on that first part instead, Thanks!

I was only able to get the first few balloons whenever they spawned on the right half on the track. If they spawned left, she'd get them every single time, so I used to just give up and restart.
This might sound like a dumb question, but is there a way to get Ghosts and Tonberrys to show up in the Cavern of Stolen Fayth? Been in here for about 20 minutes trying to get 10 of each and not a single one has shown up.


This might sound like a dumb question, but is there a way to get Ghosts and Tonberrys to show up in the Cavern of Stolen Fayth? Been in here for about 20 minutes trying to get 10 of each and not a single one has shown up.

There's certain areas where they are more prominent. I'll see if I can find the map that people have posted.

Edit: Maybe will help :



This might sound like a dumb question, but is there a way to get Ghosts and Tonberrys to show up in the Cavern of Stolen Fayth? Been in here for about 20 minutes trying to get 10 of each and not a single one has shown up.

I got all my Tonberrys at to the right of the first intersection. It leaks to a dead end with a circular green room. That seems to be the place where Tonberrys spawn the most. You can reset the spawn rate as well by doing a Soft reboot (shoulder buttons + Select + Start at the same time)


When I set the overdrive of two characters to Comrade and the third one gets hit, do they both receive the full amount or is it split evenly?


I won some sort of FFX painting the other day from the PS Forums. Should be arriving at my house today. Going to post pics when it gets here :p
I'm happy that I accomplished my no-Zanmato goal, but honestly, it was a lot of preparation for what was ultimately a pretty boring fight.

Yeah, that's kinda the thing: Penance is basically all about preparation and then the fight is about executing a very, very boring pattern over and over again. It's not whatsoever a *fun* battle, it's just one where you have to rigidly execute a certain set of things without wasting a single turn.


Just started the game and I'm trying to figure out how the battle system works.

What are the different shades of pink?
Sometimes they are filled and sometimes their not. Why?


This game looks great on the Vita. I can't wait to play this on the go. I surprised how much I remember of the beginning of this game.
Just started the game and I'm trying to figure out how the battle system works.

What are the different shades of pink?
Sometimes they are filled and sometimes their not. Why?

It just shows how long until the character's next turn relative to other characters in battle. Just imagine it as a frozen ATB gauge. Certain moves can take longer or shorter (eg Overdrives). The CTB window (the sidebar on the right with pinks) displayed will adjust when you highlight a target with those moves. Eg if you select an Overdrive for Tidus then target an enemy, you'll probably see Tidus' next icon get pushed down a bit.

You can just disregard all those and focus at the order of turns. Take note that certain abilities can disregard the order of turns; eg counterattacks.


The Cactuar King trick for leveling up (Overdrive -> AP) really is amazing. When I did it the first time, he only attacked Lulu and she ended up with 50 Sphere Levels.

In the meantime, I've obtained Auto-Phoenix armor for all characters, so the only thing I have to do is keep pressing the Triangle button while my left hand is free to browse GAF on my phone.


Defeat One-Eye a couple of times.

Still too weak for him.

edit: Maybe I do actually have a chance now. Last time I actually fought against fiends (not him), Auron was already doing 7000-11000 damage. And now his Strength is 20 points higher. Also, I didn't have Anima when I last fought him.
Stats? I grossly overestimated him back then. I thought I couldnt win because he was hitting everyone for over 10k each and was difficult to hit. Turns out I only needed Overdrives, and maybe Magus/Anima.


Does Attack Reels make farming Nemesis much faster? I still don't have it. My problem is that the fight takes so damn long that I can't keep on spamming Quick Hits, since I need a LOT of MP for Auto-Lifes. I spend so many turns recasting the spell because both Ultra Spark and Armageddon one shots everyone (even with 255 stats). I can survive his basic attack, but everyone's usually so low and I don't know if I should bother healing just for the occasional basic attack, or just stick to Auto Lifes.

I'm not sure if it's faster to just farm Shinryu for Wings to Discovery for BHPL.


It just shows how long until the character's next turn relative to other characters in battle. Just imagine it as a frozen ATB gauge. Certain moves can take longer or shorter (eg Overdrives). The CTB window (the sidebar on the right with pinks) displayed will adjust when you highlight a target with those moves. Eg if you select an Overdrive for Tidus then target an enemy, you'll probably see Tidus' next icon get pushed down a bit.

You can just disregard all those and focus at the order of turns. Take note that certain abilities can disregard the order of turns; eg counterattacks.



Stats? I grossly overestimated him back then. I thought I couldnt win because he was hitting everyone for over 10k each and was difficult to hit. Turns out I only needed Overdrives, and maybe Magus/Anima.


Does Attack Reels make farming Nemesis much faster? I still don't have it. My problem is that the fight takes so damn long that I can't keep on spamming Quick Hits, since I need a LOT of MP for Auto-Lifes. I spend so many turns recasting the spell because both Ultra Spark and Armageddon one shots everyone (even with 255 stats). I can survive his basic attack, but everyone's usually so low and I don't know if I should bother healing just for the occasional basic attack, or just stick to Auto Lifes.

I'm not sure if it's faster to just farm Shinryu for Wings to Discovery for BHPL.

Can't you get Auto-Potion on there?
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