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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!

Huh. I think it's literally impossible to take out jecht with my no side quests stuff.

Even with trio of 9999, the second forms basic swipe wipes my party at full health.

But I feel like it should be doable. Hmmmmm. I don't like how they chose your starting formation. And can't fucking skip the stupid collect 10 things and the long cutscene.
Huh. I think it's literally impossible to take out jecht with my no side quests stuff.

Nah. Last time I played (back awhile, on the PS2) I took on BFA without using any key spheres, moving anyone off their starting path, or activating any celestial weapons. It is tough though!

(I mean, putting aside all the nuts who do, like, No Sphere Grid No Summon No Customise No Overdrive No Escape No [No Encounters] No Blitzball runs.)


Yeah did you do a 100% run on FFX-2? If yes, I dont believe you that Gun Mage and Triara are the magical tools for all the other superbosses. Via Infinito is the most annoying place in the history of Final Fantasy it is just stupid. Any tips for Level 80 or rather for Level 100 in advance? Or tipps for Tournament Spoiler
Allmighty Shinra
Cause, I would just get him and annihalte everything in my way. Have 4 teams with level 99 and even mascot ds and max stat as good as I can and even have 11 adamants for defense and everything... but nothing is enough for him. I just dont know anymore. This game has the hardest superbosses in any Final Fantasy ever, and yes I killed the tedious FF12 Superbosses, they were just long - nothing else.

gun mage lv99 and triara was for last mission.


I did a 100% run in FF X-2, no NG+.
Mainly used Yuna as Songstress and Psychic, Rikku as Lady Luck and Paine as Dark Knight, till I got Mascot Dresspheres.
After that I used Yuna and Paine as Mascot and Rikku as Alchemist/Gun Mage. I totally ignored the Creature Creator, just played one tournament to get Psychic.
In Via Infinito I used Yuna and Paine as LAdy Luck (for double XP) and Rikku as Thief (first strike to flee battles with oversouls)

Gun Mage with the blue magic from the Al bhed 5/5/5 Boss is very good early on.

Via Infinito was easy, just long, I usually stayed in a floor, till I've seen all monsters oversouled, and killed all other monstes (not-oversoulable) so I could level up. On Chac I earned the Lv99 Combo with 3x Gunner, it's also a good method to beat her.

Via Infinito Boss is easy:
Bribe the first boss with ~1.2m Gil to aquire those items you need for hero drinks ("dunkelkristall" in german, dunno the english name right now). For the final boss
, use Yuna and Paine as Mascots nad Rikku als Alchemist.
Use a Hero Drink to make everyone invincible, then move across the garment grid to unlock Break Damage Limit and use Moogle Beam and Cactling Gun for Damage, Alchemist for healing and renewing Invincibility if needed. You can also use Songstress to buff the party first and only use either Moogle Beam or Cactling Gun, because of the very long animations of both attacks, 2 characters can attack with "normal attacks" the whole animation time and
is just looking.


is no easy, no matter what you say, it's one of hardest bosses ever.
Also by 100% you mean, story 100%, because I'm pretty sure it's not possible to do everything in one run in FFX-2, especially fiend arena, as some catching possibilities appear only in ng+, that's what I was told, at least.


is no easy, no matter what you say, it's one of hardest bosses ever.
Also by 100% you mean, story 100%, because I'm pretty sure it's not possible to do everything in one run in FFX-2, especially fiend arena, as some catching possibilities appear only in ng+, that's what I was told, at least.

Everything is not doable cause of the New Yevon and the Youth League, but a 100% Story Run is possible. I beat Monster Creature Spoiler
Almighty Shinra
yesterday with a cheap tactic and cat nip lol. Will finish Via Infinito today.


Everything is not doable cause of the New Yevon and the Youth League, but a 100% Story Run is possible. I beat Monster Creature Spoiler
Almighty Shinra
yesterday with a cheap tactic and cat nip lol. Will finish Via Infinito today.

Ya, that too.
It's far away for me still, as I'm in chapter 3 right now.

BTW do you get anything for releasing characters from fiend arena? I haven't released any of them yet.
oh, and Brother is totally insane! (><)


is no easy, no matter what you say, it's one of hardest bosses ever.
Also by 100% you mean, story 100%, because I'm pretty sure it's not possible to do everything in one run in FFX-2, especially fiend arena, as some catching possibilities appear only in ng+, that's what I was told, at least.

story 100% and trophies 100% is what I've meant. doing everything in one go is impossible, alone for the garment grids and one special sphere, which you can only get by sacrificing story-percentages
(rin as the culprit)

was easy... after the initial setup (as described before) you can fight him by spamming "x" (cursor on remind position)


story 100% and trophies 100% is what I've meant. doing everything in one go is impossible, alone for the garment grids and one special sphere, which you can only get by sacrificing story-percentages
(rin as the culprit)

and Trema was easy... after the initial setup (as described before) you can fight him by spamming "x" (cursor on remind position)

I really find hard to believe that, I mean that Trema is just easy. When I first time played X-2, decade ago, it gave me such a headache. I don't remember more frustrating boss, seriously, in any game. Let's say I decide to try some strategy on him, 99% of the time he used to kill my party still in preparation, I mean without even starting the battle, changing dresspheres and all that, he's that fast and vicious. I can't say how many tries I needed to finally kill it, as I don't remember, but I still remember frustration, that means many!


Ya, that too.
It's far away for me still, as I'm in chapter 3 right now.

BTW do you get anything for releasing characters from fiend arena? I haven't released any of them yet.
oh, and Brother is totally insane! (><)

If their fiend tale is complete you'll get a little cutscene and a random trap pod. Some of them come with bonus minor rewards like accessories or new fiend arena opponents.

I really find hard to believe that, I mean that Trema is just easy. When I first time played X-2, decade ago, it gave me such a headache. I don't remember more frustrating boss, seriously, in any game. Let's say I decide to try some strategy on him, 99% of the time he used to kill my party still in preparation, I mean without even starting the battle, changing dresspheres and all that, he's that fast and vicious. I can't say how many tries I needed to finally kill it, as I don't remember, but I still remember frustration, that means many!

As I've said before, fiends are generally much more powerful than YRP, so you may want to develop some if you're having trouble with the superbosses. My fiend team beat Trema easily at level 75 or so with 200+ DEF/MAGDEF, and without reliance on Hero's Drinks or anything similar.


If their fiend tale is complete you'll get a little cutscene and a random trap pod. Some of them come with bonus minor rewards like accessories or new fiend arena opponents.

As I've said before, fiends are generally much more powerful than YRP, so you may want to develop some if you're having trouble with the superbosses. My fiend team beat Trema easily at level 75 or so with 200+ DEF/MAGDEF, and without reliance on Hero's Drinks or anything similar.

I know that, I don't mean regular fiends, but characters like
Brother or Emma

When I played it the first time it was version without fiend arena. So that wasn't an option. This time around I might try that. All cups I did so far I did with fiends, especially those that have all status immunities are useful.


I really find hard to believe that, I mean that Trema is just easy. When I first time played X-2, decade ago, it gave me such a headache. I don't remember more frustrating boss, seriously, in any game. Let's say I decide to try some strategy on him, 99% of the time he used to kill my party still in preparation, I mean without even starting the battle, changing dresspheres and all that, he's that fast and vicious. I can't say how many tries I needed to finally kill it, as I don't remember, but I still remember frustration, that means many!

hmm.. weird. maybe I was just "over-leveled"?

dunno, but here is my setup: (the HP and Def values are not accurate, but they should be almost correct, with mascots everything is almost maxed out anyway. same with adamant. HP are with Stamina Tonic

Yuna: Lv99 ~230Def, ~15k HP
GG: Higher Power
Dress: Mascot
Accessoires: +60 Defence; Ragnarok (0 MP cost)

Rikku: Lv99 255Def, ~16k HP
GG: Higher Power
Dress: Alchemist
Accessoires: Adamant; +100% HP

Paine: Lv99, ~235Def, ~39k HP
GG: Higher Power
Dress: Mascot
Accessoires: +60 Def; +100% HP


First Round:
Rikku -> Miracle Drink (Dark Matter + Potion) <-- it's not really needed, just to keep Yuna alive during Songstress Buffing, which speeds up the battle
Paine -> Chocobo Wing (Haste for group)
Yuna -> Stamina Tonic

Next few rounds:
Rikku -> Heals with Mix, normal Attacks
Paine -> move around sphere grid for Break Dmg Limit
Yuna -> switch to Songstress, then Battle Cry and if finished move around sphere grid for Break Dmg Limit

Rounds till the End:
Rikku -> Mix Miracle Drink and/or Ultra Potions or normal attacks or Ether to fill up Paines MP
Yuna -> Moogle Beam
Paine -> Cactling Gun or normal Attacks

barely did over ~600 dmg with his attacks, only his magic did way more damage, because I haven't focused on mDefence, but thanks to Adamant, Rikkus mDef was 255.
I think Yuna died twice, while in Songstress (lowest stats of every dresses on lv99 I think), but other then that no deaths.


I know that, I don't mean regular fiends, but characters like
Brother or Emma

When I played it the first time it was version without fiend arena. So that wasn't an option. This time around I might try that. All cups I did so far I did with fiends, especially those that have all status immunities are useful.

I think the only human "fiends" that have fiend tales are the Goons. The rest (e.g. Brother) don't, so no, you don't get anything for releasing them.



ya, I somehow forgot to mention, my characters weren't maxed , I still killed him, but it was damn hard to do. (><)
sorry about that

I think the only human "fiends" that have fiend tales are the Goons. The rest (e.g. Brother) don't, so no, you don't get anything for releasing them.

Thanks, thought so. I'll keep them for a while, for laughs and I taught them some good skills.


ya, I somehow forgot to mention, my characters weren't maxed , I still killed him, but it was damn hard to do. (><)
sorry about that

Thanks, thought so. I'll keep them for a while, for laughs and I taught them some good skills.

heh' ok, mystery solved ;D

but I didn't even grinded for levels, other then equipping Lady Lucks Double EXP, what boosted me to lv99 was Shinras Monster Lexikon Trophy


heh' ok, mystery solved ;D

but I didn't even grinded for levels, other then equipping Lady Lucks Double EXP, what boosted me to lv99 was Shinras Monster Lexikon Trophy

I guess it depends how you play, I did some runs of X-2 and ended up with lvl 30 characters. I did that for things I missed, but that's what you basically get without fighting too many battles.
This time around I keep my girls low level by decision, because of fiend arena, so in chapter 3 none of my girls is even level 20.
I'll get some levels in chapter 5, it would be insane to run via Infinito with those kinds of levels, although somewhat tempting. I remember I tried it once, it was not much fun, but maybe I should try again. (><)
about that boosting by Shinras Monster Lexikon, is it full list of fiend bestiary, or is it finishing all arena cups? And what do you mean by boost, you get xp for it or some accessory for high xp?


about that boosting by Shinras Monster Lexikon, is it full list of fiend bestiary, or is it finishing all arena cups? And what do you mean by boost, you get xp for it or some accessory for high xp?

for the trophy Monster Master - Complete Shinra's Bestiary you have to see every monster and every ouversoulable monster on Spira, it has nothing to do with the arena stuff.

But what I did was basically fight every monster till the species oversouls, then flee the battles. And killing all other monsters, which cannot be oversould, but I encountered while "hunting" for ouversoulable monsters. This way you level up pretty "fast" (I think i had 20h+ only in Via Infinitor for this)


for the trophy Monster Master - Complete Shinra's Bestiary you have to see every monster and every ouversoulable monster on Spira, it has nothing to do with the arena stuff.

But what I did was basically fight every monster till the species oversouls, then flee the battles. And killing all other monsters, which cannot be oversould, but I encountered while "hunting" for ouversoulable monsters. This way you level up pretty "fast" (I think i had 20h+ only in Via Infinitor for this)

oh that one! I need to do it this time, don't I? I dread the thought (><)


oh that one! I need to do it this time, don't I? I dread the thought (><)

if you want the trophy, yes ^^

just get sure to have fought
chocobo eater, King VERMON! and the Guardian Beast look-a-like in the farplane
before entering Via Infinto, since they'll only appear if you've at least seen them (in a battle) before.

Then go through Via Infinito floor by floor, oversouling every fiend and leave them in oversoul. So in the higher floors you should only need to see a lot of the fiends for the first time and they are automatically oversouled, since you've reached the kill count for the species already.
The Only Fiend, which is random to oversoul is the Mega Tonberry, since it's always together with a normal Tonberry, only one can oversoul per fight, it's random which one and you can't flee that battle


if you want the trophy, yes ^^

just get sure to have fought
chocobo eater, King VERMON! and the Guardian Beast look-a-like in the farplane
before entering Via Infinto, since they'll only appear if you've at least seen them (in a battle) before.

Then go through Via Infinito floor by floor, oversouling every fiend and leave them in oversoul. So in the higher floors you should only need to see a lot of the fiends for the first time and they are automatically oversouled, since you've reached the kill count for the species already.
The Only Fiend, which is random to oversoul is the Mega Tonberry, since it's always together with a normal Tonberry, only one can oversoul per fight, it's random which one and you can't flee that battle
Thanks, it seems such a chore, I hope I'll have patience for it. (><)


Mega Tonberry appears alone in the fiend arena. If you're trying to ensure that you oversoul it, you should fight it there after counting out the correct number of regular tonberries (or after simply killing it repeatedly in the arena).
Nah. Last time I played (back awhile, on the PS2) I took on BFA without using any key spheres, moving anyone off their starting path, or activating any celestial weapons. It is tough though!

(I mean, putting aside all the nuts who do, like, No Sphere Grid No Summon No Customise No Overdrive No Escape No [No Encounters] No Blitzball runs.)

i feel like BFA got buffed in international, or my party is just awful lol.


its a pain in the butt keeping power break on and one of the floaty things down, otherwise his second form wipes my party with its normal swing (does over 3k damage).
You can try Cheer, which cuts physical damage by 1/3 if you cast it 5 times. Focus works the same, except against magic damage. They don't wear off unless you get KO'd or if the battle ends.

Also, I don't really remember, but are you sure you're applying Power Break properly? Breaks don't work 100%. If the target is immune, it will say Immune. But if the target has any resistance (like 95%), Break can fail but you won't know unless you feel it or if Sensor tells you. If the enemy has super high resistance to that particular Break, it can take a while to apply unless you use stuff like Auron's Banishing Blade (applies all Breaks 100% unless immune).
i get break on, but sometimes turns get wonky and the totems revive heal debuffs before i get to move. think ill try trio 9999 and lulu dual cast the 2 totems.


just not a fan of the difficulty jump from any of the previous non side bosses in this game to the final. id thought they would have fixed that in the internationl release.


i get break on, but sometimes turns get wonky and the totems revive heal debuffs before i get to move. think ill try trio 9999 and lulu dual cast the 2 totems.


just not a fan of the difficulty jump from any of the previous non side bosses in this game to the final. id thought they would have fixed that in the internationl release.

Do Trio 9999, have Tidus do his multi hit Limit Break, and that should be enough to kill the first form, then basically summon Anima and the Magus Sisters and boom.

That was basically my strategy. And I didn't have any celestial weapon or anything special (other than the Magus Sisters).
Depending on his situation, it's possible that he has neither Anima nor Magus Sisters. He'll probably be too strong for the final boss by the time he gets those two.


Do Trio 9999, have Tidus do his multi hit Limit Break, and that should be enough to kill the first form, then basically summon Anima and the Magus Sisters and boom.

That was basically my strategy. And I didn't have any celestial weapon or anything special (other than the Magus Sisters).

He doesn't have Anima or Magus sisters.

As for whether they should have "fixed" BFA for the re-release...I dunno, it seems like an odd and specific request. His difficulty typically not a sticking point for many people. At least not compared to the chores of minigames, or the lack of reserve members getting exp. Just don't see "man, if only BFA was easier" very often.
He doesn't have Anima or Magus sisters.

As for whether they should have "fixed" BFA for the re-release...I dunno, it seems like an odd and specific request. His difficulty typically not a sticking point for many people. At least not compared to the chores of minigames, or the lack of reserve members getting exp. Just don't see "man, if only BFA was easier" very often.

its brought up in threads about 'games that you haven't beaten' where people got frustrated at BFA and feel underleveled and at no point of return (Can you get back to airship from that last save point?)

idk if BFA was changed, but many of the bosses in this do feel a bit different, yunevesca definitely cast her zombie move way more often and randomly instead of just when all your guys are nonzombies.


Hmm. I suppose I just haven't encountered that.

Yeah, it's impossible to lock yourself out of being able to go back to the airship. There's no save point that places you past the point of no return.
its just annoying redoing the stupid as fuck collect 9 glowy things and the long cutscene before the boss fight. I'm sure i can take him out atm, but it probably requires a fair bit of luck.

What are some easy/short sidequests worth dabbling in with good return?


This chocobo race is killing my will to live... 16sec is the best i've managed to get after 40min of retries. Now my score just gets worse and worse every try.
This chocobo race is killing my will to live... 16sec is the best i've managed to get after 40min of retries. Now my score just gets worse and worse every try.
Chocobo race is some major bullshit, if only because I feel a lot of it is based on the position of the balloons which can determine how badly you are gonna get assaulted by birds. I was lucky enough to complete it in one sitting, but luck shouldn't be such a large factor to begin with.
its just annoying redoing the stupid as fuck collect 9 glowy things and the long cutscene before the boss fight. I'm sure i can take him out atm, but it probably requires a fair bit of luck.

What are some easy/short sidequests worth dabbling in with good return?

Get Yojimbo. You can haggle him down to ~180k, I think, and then zanmato EVERYTHING.
Get Yojimbo. You can haggle him down to ~180k, I think, and then zanmato EVERYTHING.

thats what i did on my first playthrough of ffx lol. pcsx2. quicksave quick load, eventually killed final boss lol.

for what its worth, it is pretty dope that the final boss of a jrpg is vulnerable to about every status ailment in the game.
thats what i did on my first playthrough of ffx lol. pcsx2. quicksave quick load, eventually killed final boss lol.

for what its worth, it is pretty dope that the final boss of a jrpg is vulnerable to about every status ailment in the game.

The Yu Pagodas are constantly healing him of just about any *negative* status effects, but yeah. If you fight the final boss at the actual appropriate level (finishing each character's main Sphere Grid, no more, no less), it's a fantastically strategic but totally beatable fight, but you need to use just about every trick in the book (lots of buffing your characters and debuffing the boss, target management, and so on).

I wish there were an ultra-hard unlockable version of the final boss fight, because fundamentally the Jecht battle is just much more *interesting* than the Penance or Nemesis fight. There's so much more variety and strategy to it, but his stats are low enough that the fight quickly becomes trivial if you powerlevel even a little bit.
The Yu Pagodas are constantly healing him of just about any *negative* status effects, but yeah. If you fight the final boss at the actual appropriate level (finishing each character's main Sphere Grid, no more, no less), it's a fantastically strategic but totally beatable fight, but you need to use just about every trick in the book (lots of buffing your characters and debuffing the boss, target management, and so on).

I wish there were an ultra-hard unlockable version of the final boss fight, because fundamentally the Jecht battle is just much more *interesting* than the Penance or Nemesis fight. There's so much more variety and strategy to it, but his stats are low enough that the fight quickly becomes trivial if you powerlevel even a little bit.

are there any 'normal' grinding spots? End game locations have way too much hp for the exp gain.

when i say normal i mean not tonberry or other fancy smancy stuff.
are there any 'normal' grinding spots? End game locations have way too much hp for the exp gain.

when i say normal i mean not tonberry or other fancy smancy stuff.

If you're finding it too troublesome to grind in the final dungeon because you're currently underpowered for that, the dome in Zanarkand is your best bet.

Make sure you get every single party member to participate in every single battle, even if it's just to defend. You'll level up much, much faster than simply doing a greater number of encounters and killing them in the smallest possible number of turns.
If you're finding it too troublesome to grind in the final dungeon because you're currently underpowered for that, the dome in Zanarkand is your best bet.

Make sure you get every single party member to participate in every single battle, even if it's just to defend. You'll level up much, much faster than simply doing a greater number of encounters and killing them in the smallest possible number of turns.
Defend counts as participation? Didn't know that.


Just started playing FFX on my Vita. I have beaten every FF except X and XII (got to about halfway then my disk broke), so this is all new to me. I'm really liking it. I'm especially liking how Tidus doesn't instantly fall in love with Yuna, because it really bugs me how in jRPGs the characters go from nothing to omgiluvu.

I stubbornly wouldn't switch my characters either because I wanted to simply max three, but then I finally let that go and now battles are becoming much more enjoyable.
I stubbornly wouldn't switch my characters either because I wanted to simply max three, but then I finally let that go and now battles are becoming much more enjoyable.

omg that's such a bad idea nooo

FFX pretty much breaks if you DON'T switch between characters, and switching more characters into a battle doesn't make them get less experience - it doesn't get divided up. There's an experience total for a battle, and every single character who took at least one turn and is alive at the end of the battle gets the *full* experience number. So the best way to level everyone up is to make sure every single character participates in every single battle, to try to Overkill every single boss (it doubles the amount of AP you get from beating them, as well as doubling the number of items dropped), and hopefully to Overkill all ordinary enemies too.
Not switching just makes everything so so much slower. There's really no reason not to switch when needed.


Right before you get to a save sphere to heal you get ambuished all process from two hours lost


Let me guess... Omega Ruins?


Hmm, I think farming Ultima Buster for weapons is faster with Anima. I love just how fast he attacks, and the super short Overdrive that deals 1.6m to everything. I'll have to try this with other bulky enemies. Does Anima's OD have other effects? The enemies always glow purple/violet with after it ends.


omg that's such a bad idea nooo

FFX pretty much breaks if you DON'T switch between characters, and switching more characters into a battle doesn't make them get less experience - it doesn't get divided up. There's an experience total for a battle, and every single character who took at least one turn and is alive at the end of the battle gets the *full* experience number. So the best way to level everyone up is to make sure every single character participates in every single battle, to try to Overkill every single boss (it doubles the amount of AP you get from beating them, as well as doubling the number of items dropped), and hopefully to Overkill all ordinary enemies too.
That's what I mean. I'm switching now. I wasn't before.


I'm thinking about picking this up for the Vita. Just a question though since I can't remember a lot about the game. Did it age well, and is it a slog to get through or does it have a good momentum? I remember only getting to a crystal cave or something on the PS2 version.
I'm thinking about picking this up for the Vita. Just a question though since I can't remember a lot about the game. Did it age well, and is it a slog to get through or does it have a good momentum? I remember only getting to a crystal cave or something on the PS2 version.

I haven't played FFX since I first played it on my PS2 around 2005. I still greatly enjoyed it, and I'm actually playing right now.
I'm thinking about picking this up for the Vita. Just a question though since I can't remember a lot about the game. Did it age well, and is it a slog to get through or does it have a good momentum? I remember only getting to a crystal cave or something on the PS2 version.

its fine. its quite well balanced for the most part. end game stuff still suck, but there is a bunch to do so value is value.

the writing/localization is still kinda bad, but the actual story still holds up. The world is quite fascinating.
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