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B.K. said:
I don't like asking for help. I used almost an entire stack of Prism Powder trying to get there.

There's the problem, undead aggro sound. =D Go back with silent oils too. If your country owns Lower Elshimo you can also HP at the outpost.

Too bad you can't just use Monomi since you haven't been to Norg yet.
Mandoric said:
There's the problem, undead aggro sound. =D Go back with silent oils too. If your country owns Lower Elshimo you can also HP at the outpost.

Too bad you can't just use Monomi since you haven't been to Norg yet.

lol, he's going there TO unlock nin.


pancakesandsex said:
I actually tried to match it :/ I'm blind apparently.

Either you don't remember it as well as I do (but then again, i had the shell on me the longest of anyone) or you ARE color-blind. I can buy a shell sometime this week and get the original color on it if you want to see it again.
Shouta said:
Either you don't remember it as well as I do (but then again, i had the shell on me the longest of anyone) or you ARE color-blind. I can buy a shell sometime this week and get the original color on it if you want to see it again.

Lol actually it's hard to pick because the color looks different on the shell vs the pearl logo, if there is a color number you can give me or something ill use that.
Jbird34 said:
Well I can help any Bastokans with Rank Missions since I did them all way back in the day, so whenever you are working on them Tek just send me a msg and I will be there!

I'm available to help on that whenever as well. Just yell at me on aim and I'll pop on if I'm around. Gonna be FF13-ing a lot this week, but you can consider me "on call."

Sixtigers and I are both on mission 8-1, so once tek catches up we can probably 3-4 man to rank 9.


That Hitler video was amusing, but the comments are depressing.

I really don't get the whole MMO sour grapes thing, but I guess it's real.


Rodent Whores
All this talk of FF14 has made me do some reading and see how FF11 has changed since I quit so long ago.

Wow, "Call Wyvern" isn't a DRG's 2 hour ability anymore! And it seems they don't suck as much as they used to. Nice.

That was my main complaint as a lonely dragoon waiting for parties.

I see they nerfed pentathrust, though...that was like, pretty much all I had going for me back then :lol


Rentahamster said:
All this talk of FF14 has made me do some reading and see how FF11 has changed since I quit so long ago.

Wow, "Call Wyvern" isn't a DRG's 2 hour ability anymore! And it seems they don't suck as much as they used to. Nice.

That was my main complaint as a lonely dragoon waiting for parties.

I see they nerfed pentathrust, though...that was like, pretty much all I had going for me back then :lol

DRG is one of the best DD jobs in the game second to SAM, RNG and lower end MNK. They have new weapon skills and one of them called Drakesbane is the DRG's bread and butter.


Rodent Whores
Very nice. Good to see SAM has come along nicely as well - looks like it can solo well now that there's the dancer class.

Right after the JP Zilart expansion came out, it seemed like all the new classes were kinda crap for pick up parties except for ninja. Good to see more people using them.
Rentahamster said:
All this talk of FF14 has made me do some reading and see how FF11 has changed since I quit so long ago.

Wow, "Call Wyvern" isn't a DRG's 2 hour ability anymore! And it seems they don't suck as much as they used to. Nice.

That was my main complaint as a lonely dragoon waiting for parties.

I see they nerfed pentathrust, though...that was like, pretty much all I had going for me back then :lol

DRG 4x, 2x BRD party vs birds = :D


Rodent Whores
demosthenes said:
DRG 4x, 2x BRD party vs birds = :D
Ah, right, that must be like the all-monk skeleton raping party. Interesting...

I just downloaded and ran the FFXI benchmark 3 and got a score of 7700 :lol

That's quite an improvement from my Geforce Ti4200 back then :lol
I haven't played this game in ages, but I was thinking about maybe starting up again soon on the 360...how is that version? I always loathed the PC controls and I was (and am) too cheap to buy a controller.


anyone noticed an upswing in the # of ppl playing XI this past week?
2 ppl on my FL returned after two years and 5 from my LS

went from selling 0-3 items on AH a day, to clearing out all my inventories in the last few days
didn't expect this to happen until server merge
Rentahamster said:
A wired 360 controller is like 27 bucks on Amazon. That's too expensive for you?

Yah, pretty much. All the other games I play on PC make use the mouse and keyboard just fine, it's only FFXI that was not properly designed with m/kb controls in mind. I don't wanna buy a controller for just one game (and I don't need an extra 360 controller). I wish my 360 controller was wired, I would actually prefer it that way anyway, no need for batteries and such...oh well.


Tabris said:
DRG is one of the best DD jobs in the game second to SAM, RNG and lower end MNK. They have new weapon skills and one of them called Drakesbane is the DRG's bread and butter.

Look really nice too. Its like 3 impact points, then one stab that shatters them.

MadraptorMan said:
Yah, pretty much. All the other games I play on PC make use the mouse and keyboard just fine, it's only FFXI that was not properly designed with m/kb controls in mind. I don't wanna buy a controller for just one game (and I don't need an extra 360 controller). I wish my 360 controller was wired, I would actually prefer it that way anyway, no need for batteries and such...oh well.

Numpad works fine but yeah, gamepads are easier to use with XI.

Freyjadour said:
You sir are making me want to change my avatar permanently.

Edit: Done. Apologies in advance.

:lol no prob. Grandia series is great, and I just started playing 1 for the first time (PSN). Great soundtrack by Iwadare, and I really like the sense of adventure.
Teknoman said:
:lol no prob. Grandia series is great, and I just started playing 1 for the first time (PSN). Great soundtrack by Iwadare, and I really like the sense of adventure.

The first is my favorite game :D


Anyone here have the 360 version of FFXI Ultimate Collection who doesn't want their SE Members code? I'm asking in the buy/sell thread, but no responses yet. Thought I would give this thread a try since this is the FF XI thread. PM me if you are looking to trade or sell it please!


Rodent Whores
So I guess most of you are on Fairy, huh? That was the new server that I worldshifted to from Siren when Fairy first went online many moons ago.

I remember coming up with a plan with one of my friends - we would logout in the area where a valuable NM popped (forget which one it was) so that when we log back in on the newly created server Fairy, we would be the only ones there to go kill it and possibly get some cool loot.

As you can probably guess, when the new server came online, we immediately logged in, only to find a whole crapload of other players appearing in the room too :lol Apparently we hadn't thought our cunning plan all the way through.

Goddamnit, I'm not seriously thinking about playing this game again, am I?

Rawk Hawk

MadraptorMan said:
I haven't played this game in ages, but I was thinking about maybe starting up again soon on the 360...how is that version? I always loathed the PC controls and I was (and am) too cheap to buy a controller.

I have the 360 version, play mainly on my PC still. The only issue I have with the 360 version is lagging out during some events (besieged comes to mind). Other than that it runs fine, and I much prefer the controller to a keyboard, feel like I'm better with my macros and everything. The PC just offers more, so I force myself to use that if I'm doing anything of importance.


Rodent Whores
So has soloing gotten any easier in the past 7 years?

It seems like the soloing potential of DRGs has gone up a bit. A class that does pretty well soloing should do okay in a duo and trio, right?

How would a DRG/WHM, DRG/WHM, SAM/DNC trio work out, in your guys' opinions?

Seems like it could do a lot of damage, heal (healing breath x2), and buff/debuff fairly effectively with the chance to do a lot of weapon skills.


Neo Member
Rentahamster said:
So has soloing gotten any easier in the past 7 years?

Absolutely. When I started back up quite awhile ago I soloed my Bard from 74 to 75.

BLU was leveled on my own or with one or two friends from 33 to 75.

DRK I have leveled on my own or with one or two friends from 50 to 72.


looking for some advice.

i had to start over.. currently an 18 war/18 monk

i'm on the garuda server, none of my old friends seem to be playing. (if anyone here ever played on garuda maybe you remember my old characters Bronxrepresenter and LordRaoh) 57 BST and a 60 BST

my question is it worth starting over at this point? garuda seems a bit empty.. should i switch servers? i'm low enough that starting on another server won't do any harm.

i was playing all weekend leveled up from 15 to 18 and then i got the rank 3 mission when it hit me that without a guild or network of friends i'm pretty much stuck


Rentahamster said:
So has soloing gotten any easier in the past 7 years?

It seems like the soloing potential of DRGs has gone up a bit. A class that does pretty well soloing should do okay in a duo and trio, right?

How would a DRG/WHM, DRG/WHM, SAM/DNC trio work out, in your guys' opinions?

Seems like it could do a lot of damage, heal (healing breath x2), and buff/debuff fairly effectively with the chance to do a lot of weapon skills.

I duo'd with a DRG the other day doing some campaign, with me being a 75 Sam/Nin and her (it was a Mithra so probably a he...) being a 75 Drg/Whm and I never even came close to dying. At one point it looked like we were done for thanks to the Taru Smn that decided he was going to solo a Yag right next to us and when he died who got the aggro??? Me of course :lol but seriously Drg/Whm was pretty awesome.

Raoh said:
looking for some advice.

i had to start over.. currently an 18 war/18 monk

i'm on the garuda server, none of my old friends seem to be playing. (if anyone here ever played on garuda maybe you remember my old characters Bronxrepresenter and LordRaoh) 57 BST and a 60 BST

my question is it worth starting over at this point? garuda seems a bit empty.. should i switch servers? i'm low enough that starting on another server won't do any harm.

i was playing all weekend leveled up from 15 to 18 and then i got the rank 3 mission when it hit me that without a guild or network of friends i'm pretty much stuck

Dude seriously come to Fairy you will get back to level 18 in no time


Ack seeing all these FFXIV screenshots really makes me want to get back into XI. I had a 75 DRK and 60-something BLU back in the day.

How hard is it to farm enough gil to get the staple equips (Hauby, Scorp Harness)? I think I gave them away when I left.


Rodent Whores
So have the mechanics of farming changed any? When I used to play 7 years ago I remember running around low level zones making a huge train of monsters, then doing the AoE staff WS earthcrusher and killing them all in one shot.

I never leveled my THF higher than 25, so I didn't get to try it with the AoE dagger WS cyclone, though I always wanted to. I had also always wondered if I could party with a BLM, gather a train, cyclone, then use a ga spell to finish them off for some fast farming goodness. Never got to do that, either.





We've killed him with 4 people before, didn't drop shit! Although the mat was worth 1m.

SE just flockblocked everyone that wanted to create a new character on the servers that are merging. They only mentioned suspension of reactivating characters on those servers, now you won't be able to create new characters until the update/merging is complete.


Jbird34 said:
Dude seriously come to Fairy you will get back to level 18 in no time
is this where everyone from gaf is playing?

for ffxiv and other mmorpg's i might start tagging along the shadowing (or stalking take your pick) the gaf community to be a part of a larger in game community

cause could start this week on fairy.. i would lose the 400k i have though.. world transfer would be $25 :( that's just insane

are people doing missions still or are people so far up that helping on low rank missions too much of a chore for the community at large?

sorry for the questions.. its just a big deal starting over..

ahh, i could always start over with a new content id and if i dont like it i can go back to my old garuda server character..

is there a gaf guild i can join on fairy?


here is a pic of my old character taking on the shadow lord and some earlier level pics. i can find my pics but not my account info .. so sad










Rawk Hawk

Raoh said:
is this where everyone from gaf is playing?

for ffxiv and other mmorpg's i might start tagging along the shadowing (or stalking take your pick) the gaf community to be a part of a larger in game community

cause could start this week on fairy.. i would lose the 400k i have though.. world transfer would be $25 :( that's just insane

$25 may seem high, but at $13 a month, how long would it take you to get back where you are today? That's the pros and cons you have to look at. If you think being fairly new it would take you less than a month it would be cheaper for you just to restart.

Raoh said:
are people doing missions still or are people so far up that helping on low rank missions too much of a chore for the community at large?

There is a good amount of players who are not rank 10 yet (like me) and even when I get rank 10 I may switch cities and be back to rank 1 anyway. For the most part the GAF linkshell is willing to help out when they can.

Raoh said:
sorry for the questions.. its just a big deal starting over..

ahh, i could always start over with a new content id and if i dont like it i can go back to my old garuda server character..

is there a gaf guild i can join on fairy?

Yes, let us know if you come to Fairy (read: Sylph).


Fairy and Sylph are currently closed. Can't reactivate nor create new characters on either server. Can't transfer either. No idea when the update is due, probably next week.
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