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Boss Man

Baloonatic said:
Is the starting city ring you get not really worth it? I was going to play Galka and you need to be in Bastok for the ring.

I'm off to work now, thanks though. I'll start tomorrow.
It's kinda cool to have early on, but you'll only be using it on your jobs until level 14 anyway. Also, you can "purchase" them with nation credits if you want. I assume that you're able to do that in your home nation as any race.

I've always picked the "correct" nation for my race, but that's because I'm OCD. It's definitely not worth deciding which nation you want to start in though. Having said that, Bastok is the best so start there.


Mailman 007 said:


Grats :D


I'll probably cancel my content id and start giving away my equipment in a few days. I never get to play anymore anyway.


Well I might not go as far as giving stuff away (dont really have much that isnt rare/ex anyway for now :lol) but i'll probably be canceling and leaving my character in prep for XIV. Looking at the calendar made me release just how close it was.


Teknoman said:
Well I might not go as far as giving stuff away

I've got enough low and mid level equipment that I might as well give it away to some of the new people that just started. No point in it going to waste.


Kills Photobucket
FFXIV is a new MMO. I don't plan in ditching FFXI for a while. I can't imagine FFXIV will have enough content for a while to keep people busy.


Teknoman said:
Well I might not go as far as giving stuff away (dont really have much that isnt rare/ex anyway for now :lol) but i'll probably be canceling and leaving my character in prep for XIV. Looking at the calendar made me release just how close it was.
Good to know, that way i wont screw up next Omega drops :D

Rawk Hawk

I'll probably stay with FFXI at least until a friend of mine (Yeshua for those who remember him) gets 14. Think he is going to was to play on the PS3, at that point I may start moving over.. but who knows. He may decide not to get it as well, who knows.

Unfortunately right now I haven't been able to log on as many hours as I'd like too.


Me and a friend want to start playing FFXI on 360 and was wondering whats a good world for two nnovices to start out on. also we can Party Chat with each other right?

Rawk Hawk

Redd said:
Me and a friend want to start playing FFXI on 360 and was wondering whats a good world for two nnovices to start out on. also we can Party Chat with each other right?

Most of us play on Sylph, although activity levels have been down recently. As for party chat, I'm not sure what is allowed between xbox users, but text chatting is by in larger the most dominate form of communication in the game. I played on the xbox for a while, but never tried chatting while playing, most of the linkshell plays from PCs I believe, but maybe someone else from the xbox will know if you can.

Should you join Sylph, post up a message with your names in game so one of us can hunt you down to give you a pearl to the linkshell.


Rawk Hawk said:
Most of us play on Sylph, although activity levels have been down recently. As for party chat, I'm not sure what is allowed between xbox users, but text chatting is by in larger the most dominate form of communication in the game. I played on the xbox for a while, but never tried chatting while playing, most of the linkshell plays from PCs I believe, but maybe someone else from the xbox will know if you can.

Should you join Sylph, post up a message with your names in game so one of us can hunt you down to give you a pearl to the linkshell.

Sounds good. He's played Final Fantasy XI before way back on the PS2 and I played it very little when it first came out. We should be up there on Friday hopefully once he gets his copy and does the whole downloading and updating process. Took me about 5 hours to get it all done myself.

Any advice which class to start out with to make it easier for a Novice?
Redd said:
Sounds good. He's played Final Fantasy XI before way back on the PS2 and I played it very little when it first came out. We should be up there on Friday hopefully once he gets his copy and does the whole downloading and updating process. Took me about 5 hours to get it all done myself.

Any advice which class to start out with to make it easier for a Novice?

Melee classes are cheaper!

Rawk Hawk

pancakesandsex said:
Melee classes are cheaper!

Basically this. I always thought Warrior was a good starter, so many other jobs use it as a sub-job in the early going. Plus you'll likely need Ninja once you can afford to level it, and Warrior is the main sub-job for that.

Although mage jobs can be very fun as well, scrolls can be pricey, but nothing out of the realm of possibility.


Rawk Hawk said:
Basically this. I always thought Warrior was a good starter, so many other jobs use it as a sub-job in the early going. Plus you'll likely need Ninja once you can afford to level it, and Warrior is the main sub-job for that.

I was leaning towards starting out as a Thief then decide from there what my sub would be but if Warrior is good I might just go with that instead.


Kills Photobucket
pancakesandsex said:
Melee classes are cheaper!

How in the world are melee classes cheaper? You're constantly buying gear at lower levels. Mage jobs you can use gear for a very long time and just have to buy magic scrolls for new spells, most of which are very cheap.
DrForester said:
How in the world are melee classes cheaper? You're constantly buying gear at lower levels. Mage jobs you can use gear for a very long time and just have to buy magic scrolls for new spells, most of which are very cheap.

You really only need new toys every 10 levels or so, and you can get npc gear most the time. Once you hit 50 you'll be questing AF, and after that you can upgrade whatever you can afford till you start doing campaign, endgame events, or can upgrade to pearle or aurore.


Redd said:
Me and a friend want to start playing FFXI on 360 and was wondering whats a good world for two nnovices to start out on. also we can Party Chat with each other right?

yeah you should be able to party chat while playing XI on 360. Depending on your connection you can have like 8 people if not more in party chat no matter what game each person is playing.

I have XI on both 360 and PC but I play primarily on PC. If you need any help Id be glad to join your party chat on 360. I actually prefer that to text chat. Much quicker and less limited.

Ive actually been absent from XI here recently but am planning on getting back into the swing of things soon.
Trial of the Magians to Usher in Additions, Improvements (08/20/2010)

Are you one of the many adventurers testing your limits through Trial of the Magians? If so, you'll be pleased to know that a host of additions and improvements are on the way, promising to make this system more rewarding than ever!

Introduction of Armor Trials

To this point, Trial of the Magians has focused on the enhancement of weapons. New trials to be introduced in the coming version update, however, will be centered on a new series of armor that will be obtainable in Abyssea. A unique set will exist for each job, and when augmented through trials, their powers will truly be a sight to behold!

Additional Weapon Trials

Along with the all-new armor trials, additional weapon trials will also see their debut. Through these, weapons obtained via past trials, including Empyrean weapons, may be augmented to heretofore-uncharted levels of power. These weapons will not only boast improved attributes, but also allow their wielders to unleash new weapon skills.

The Marvelous Magian Spectacles

Is there anything these stylish and practical specs can't do? With the next version update, the tome summoned forth by this item will provide you with a two-day weather forecast for your current area.

Objective Adjustments

The objectives of certain trials, including monster types, weather/weekday conditions and finishing blows are scheduled to receive refinements.


Getting back into this game is one of those things that I keep wanting to do, but hating myself for wanting to. I've been playing off and on since NA PC launch, and most recently canceled my content ID last month cause I hadn't logged in in 3 months and the money was wasting. Also most of the people I used to play with waaaay back in the day have quit so I have nothing tying me down to my server (Quetz) anymore.

I'm toying with the idea of jumping into a GAF-heavy server and seeing if that picks it up a bit more for me. I remember you guys were mostly in Fairy a while back... did that get merged into Sylph? My progress is still pretty low (only got 1 advanced job and only up to lvl20). I remember that it was having friends to play with and give you a hand that really made the game so much fun way back when... but lately when I can only play by turning on LFG and sitting for 2 hours it just sucks. Getting that community feel back would make coming back more than worthwhile I think.

Rawk Hawk

Kandinsky said:
Theres no such thing, everybody and their moms quitted.

Agreed, whenever I get on I'm the only one in SoD. Did get my Moonlight Medal!

I'll probably be offline for the next 10 days or so. Going to be out of town all next week.


I'm on from time to time but no people as before. Doesn't help my play times are usually the total opposite of most folks though.
Finally SE is giving some love to us Puppetmasters!

Job Adjustments Part II (09/03/2010)

- The puppetmaster ability "Deus Ex Automata" will be added.
- Deus Ex Automata (PUP Lv.5 / Ability Delay: 1 min.)
Calls forth your automaton in an unsound state.

- When level restriction results in a puppetmaster's automaton
being deactivated in a state of full or nearly full health, the
ability "Activate" will become immediately usable.

- The following items usable with the puppetmaster ability
"Repair" will provide immediate HP restoration in addition
to their existing Regen effect. Their purchase price will also be
Automaton Oil / Automaton Oil +1 / Automaton Oil +2

That cost use Oil +2 was a 1k hit each time. Burning money. I'm a full out Melee Puppetmaster with a RDM pup. I don't use the RNG or PLD one. Sometimes the BLM but it's always been RDM due to campaigns and the ability to heal and convert so it's MP is never down. Those oil costs were bs. I would dump in 100k and get 9 stacks of oil (I just did this 2 days ago). "Deus Ex Automata" I have no clue what that is. Some people are saying it's a "undead" puppet that has it's wires crossed and does anything it wants lol. Now if SE could give us the pup's TP on-screen it would be the best.

On a side note. I know there's not to many people playing FFXI anymore due to 14 beta and the official release in a couple of weeks. I'm only going to try 14 when it goes on the PS3 in 2011 (I'm still in FFXI until that time). I wanted to try to get that pup weapon skill "Stringing Pummel" from the Nyzul Isle Investigation.

I have never done 1 "floor" or even entered the area Since it requires 3 to 6 people I think I'm out of luck. :( From what I read you need to defeat a boss on the floor to drop the h2h item then use weapon skills to get points on the h2h for it to unlock. If you know of a group or want to start a Nyzul floor party I'm good to go. With the level cap increase it might be easy to defeat those mobs?

I've been hitting campaign big time for the last 2 weeks or so getting to level 80 (I'm 40k to Level 80) so I'll be looking for some skillup partys. Anybody willing to go?


Kills Photobucket
- Summoners level 76 and above will see a decrease in the amount of MP required to sustain summoned avatars.

- The following blood pacts will have their effect duration lengthened commensurate with summoning magic skill, regardless of whether or not the skill has been increased to its maximum:
Shining Ruby / Glittering Ruby / Hastega / Crimson Howl / Frost Armor / Rolling Thunder / Lightning Armor / Ecliptic Growl / Ecliptic Howl / Noctoshield / Dream Shroud

- The maximum amount of MP drainable using the summoner ability "Elemental Siphon" will be increased.

I love you SE
I'll be back soon...just trying to settle into my new work schedule. Won't be playing FFXIV so once the hunger returns I'll be playing more often. :D

Edit: Holy fuck this update is crazy. :lol See you guys this week.


69% finished downloading the update. I'm just worried about getting the 5 kindred crests for Genkai 7. Every 70+ area will be crawling with people getting crests.
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