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Final Fantasy XI 2014 |OT| Kumhau, The Blackthorne Coven, and the Mog Wardrobe.

SE is going into rhapsodies prep mode. Nice campaigns starting for you returners.

Announcing a Campaign Celebrating the First Chapter of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel!

Don't miss these exciting campaigns, running from April 27 to May 30!

The campaign will be divided into two halves, each featuring different campaigns.

First Half - From April 27 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to May 11 at the same hour
- Assault - Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey Mysterious Item Campaign
- Campaign Festa

Second Half - From May 11 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to May 30 at 8:00 a.m.
- Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign
- Double Unity Accolade Campaign

Both Halves (Continuous) - From April 27 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to May 30 at 8:00 a.m.
- Double Capacity & Experience Point Campaign
- Abyssea Campaign

Read on for more on these campaigns.


All dat XP! Good timing since I haven't been able to play with SRW and busy with event planning. Still logging in for points though.


I'm really going to miss this game. I know it's not, like, ending service but regardless, I feel like an idiot for abandoning it so many times. I just assumed it would always be there when I felt like playing, and I missed so much stuff being added so I end up having to play catchup every time I reactivate. Would've been nice to be around while more of this stuff was added. Lots of the best moments I ever had in this game were when new content was added and everybody rushed to try to figure out what got added or how to do something, etc. All started with the subjob quest being added shortly after launch, there wasn't any resource like Allakahzam for the game at the time, just 2ch discussions. Lots of mystery and discovery.

Even most recently, I was playing when Adoulin launched and that evening when we all got on at server up and explored the new city and all of the quests was a really great time.
I played this game way back in the PS2 beta and then quit shortly after release. I do miss a lot of things about this game like the difficulty and atmosphere.

I have a few questions:
  • Is there a main story like in FFXIV?
  • If so how long would it take to complete it?
  • Given the recent announcements about the last expansion is there a guess as to the life of the remainder of the game?
I'm going through all the FF games and want to make sure I get the full story of this game in before they shut the servers off one day.
I played this game way back in the PS2 beta and then quit shortly after release. I do miss a lot of things about this game like the difficulty and atmosphere.

I have a few questions:
  • Is there a main story like in FFXIV?
  • If so how long would it take to complete it?
  • Given the recent announcements about the last expansion is there a guess as to the life of the remainder of the game?
I'm going through all the FF games and want to make sure I get the full story of this game in before they shut the servers off one day.

- there is s main story but it's structure is very different than 14.
- 3-6 months to get through the main story depending on play style and frequency and such. There's gonna be other stuff you want to do in between though.
- updates end in November and there won't be a merge till then. Won't really know till after nov. I'm going down with the ship though.
- it's only "major" updates ending. We don't know exactly what that means yet in terms of content


Is there a main story like in FFXIV?

Technically, that would be the one for the nation you start in, I guess.
FFXI makes a distinction between quests and missions, where missions tend to be sequential and associated with a starting city or expansion; quests tend to be more scattered, but a few tie into the stories from the missions, and some even require specific mission progress.

The game started with 3 mission lines, one for each starting nation, with a few common sections between them, and used to end in the same fight.

When the 1st expansion, Rise of the Zilart was released, it brought its own new mission line, which required completion of the previous nation mission progress, but also expanded the nation mission lines (I think this is what FFXIV's been doing?...).
So, at this point, you could focus on your nation missions, and after working your way through half of it you could get started on the Zilart ones - along the way you need to unlock some transportation options, but that's probably a lot easier nowadays.
Also, nowadays you can change nations, so if you want you can complete a nation's missions, change nation, and do a new set for a different storyline, while retreading some previous steps - at that point, if you've finished a nation's missions, the early ones for the new nation will be incredibly easy and mostly legwork, unless you're using a lower-level job.

The 2nd expansion was Chains of Promathia, whose missions require only entering a specific zone to start, and unlike RotZ, were meant to be started at a relatively lower level - on the other hand, they used to enforce level caps in its specific areas, but now with a high enough level you can steamroll through most by yourself.
RotZ and CoP actually share a common finale when you end both.

The 3rd one, Treasures of Aht Urghan, like CoP, requires only some talking to the right NPC and travelling to its specific zone to start.

Same for the following one, Wings of the Goddess. this one, however, has nation-based quest lines which you must progress through to be able to proceed with the missions - you can do all of them for more story, but you must complete at least one.

All of these you can pretty much solo to the end at a high enough level - I finished WotG solo with an underleveled weapon, so anything older than it should be viable.

there are also the 3 mini expansions: Crystalline Prophecy, Moogle Kupo d'Etat and Shantotto Ascension - these are mostly self-contained, but the later 2 have fun scenes.

After that the Abyssea stuff was released - it's basically bout beating bosses, nothing fancy, but the areas it takes place in can be nice to help you level and gear up.

And now there's the Seekers of Adoulin, which by the end might require some help, as it was deisgned around more recent levelling practices and gear..
Wow, thanks for the great answers Loona and pancakesandsex. Based on what you've said I'm definitely in. Going to try to see how much I can complete before the FFXIV expansion Heavensward is released.

I have to somehow find my PlayOnline ID...
Wow, thanks for the great answers Loona and pancakesandsex. Based on what you've said I'm definitely in. Going to try to see how much I can complete before the FFXIV expansion Heavensward is released.

I have to somehow find my PlayOnline ID...

If the last time you played was launch, just re roll on sylph with a new account. You can eke out the same progress you lost in a few days.
If the last time you played was launch, just re roll on sylph with a new account. You can eke out the same progress you lost in a few days.

Holy crap. I actually was able to recover my account I used from the PS2 days. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'll just reroll on Sylph. See you all online.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Alright, I re-subbed and the combination of RoE and Trusts among other niceties added has the game keeping my attention this time.

I got a Thief to 30, but I'm now overwhelmed in choosing an advanced job to work towards.
My primary objective is to checkout the story before the game goes offline, see the interesting parts of the world. Mainly, hit as much content as possible, before I out-level beyond easy prey. It's a little bit boring if it gets to the point where I'm just face rolling everything.

Any suggestions for a job that would fit that objective?

I enjoyed nuking things with my Black Mage, but the way the trusts work make that frustrating as that alone does not seem to trigger them. Thief was not bad to level, but it was just kinda simple, I found the Monk more interesting, but I read a couple suggestions to hit Thief to 30 first so I did that so I could start working towards advanced jobs. Other classes that seem interesting to me: Summoner, Dragoon, Blue Mage and Puppetmaster.

I've read Puppetmaster to be quite complicated to really play well, and if I ever do want to party it will be difficult to find a group for it. Blue mage has a ton of versatility but a rather large time sink to learn the abilities/magic. Dragoon sounds cool with jump alone, add in the Wyvern and it might be a blast. Lastly, I just always liked Summoners :)

Dragoon seems like a good choice for the above criteria because it should be able to off tank, when you end up with adds.
Alright, I re-subbed and the combination of RoE and Trusts among other niceties added has the game keeping my attention this time.

I got a Thief to 30, but I'm now overwhelmed in choosing an advanced job to work towards.
My primary objective is to checkout the story before the game goes offline, see the interesting parts of the world. Mainly, hit as much content as possible, before I out-level beyond easy prey. It's a little bit boring if it gets to the point where I'm just face rolling everything.

Any suggestions for a job that would fit that objective?

I enjoyed nuking things with my Black Mage, but the way the trusts work make that frustrating as that alone does not seem to trigger them. Thief was not bad to level, but it was just kinda simple, I found the Monk more interesting, but I read a couple suggestions to hit Thief to 30 first so I did that so I could start working towards advanced jobs. Other classes that seem interesting to me: Summoner, Dragoon, Blue Mage and Puppetmaster.

I've read Puppetmaster to be quite complicated to really play well, and if I ever do want to party it will be difficult to find a group for it. Blue mage has a ton of versatility but a rather large time sink to learn the abilities/magic. Dragoon sounds cool with jump alone, add in the Wyvern and it might be a blast. Lastly, I just always liked Summoners :)

Dragoon seems like a good choice for the above criteria because it should be able to off tank, when you end up with adds.

The most solo friendly of the jobs you listed are Blu and pup. You'll definitely want to have something more party friendly than pup if you're planning to do pugs. Blu is probably the most versatile option and hunting spells will give you a ton to do. Are you on sylph btw?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The most solo friendly of the jobs you listed are Blu and pup. You'll definitely want to have something more party friendly than pup if you're planning to do pugs. Blu is probably the most versatile option and hunting spells will give you a ton to do. Are you on sylph btw?

Yeah, character name is Suikosword

Going to unlock Blue and Dragoon for now.


Not in your list but you may want to also consider Dancer.

Even if not as main, it's a pretty nice sub for sambas and spectral jig.

Spectral jig will make your soloing life so much more manageable.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not in your list but you may want to also consider Dancer.

Even if not as main, it's a pretty nice sub for sambas and spectral jig.

Spectral jig will make your soloing life so much more manageable.

Yeah, it sounds somewhat interesting. Apparently it's super popular as a subjob, so I'll probably end up unlocking it as a priority anyway.


Dancer is so radddd. I love it. I'm not a melee/DD person but dancer is so cool, love their ability to heal via TP.
DNC is my secondary job after DRK, and probably the coolest designed job in an MMO. If only it didn't spend so much time being useless. I'm glad it's a good job now


My only problem with Dancer is that it gets a bit tiring for me. It's a bit spammy with the short cooldown on the steps.

Amazing utility though.
My only problem with Dancer is that it gets a bit tiring for me. It's a bit spammy with the short cooldown on the steps.

Amazing utility though.
as a DNC main, spamming is usually a bad idea. Set up self skillchains and climactic flourish using no foot rise and presto steps. Spamming steps slows down your damage


as a DNC main, spamming is usually a bad idea. Set up self skillchains and climactic flourish using no foot rise and presto steps. Spamming steps slows down your damage

I usually play DNC as more support/healer (I'm duoing with someone). So I usually step to 5 then reverse flourish for the TP. I have trouble keeping up TP to heal through harder hitting stuff if I don't.
I usually play DNC as more support/healer (I'm duoing with someone). So I usually step to 5 then reverse flourish for the TP. I have trouble keeping up TP to heal through harder hitting stuff if I don't.
it only takes 2 steps to hit 5 though, and you can use no foot rise to skip steps periodically


it only takes 2 steps to hit 5 though, and you can use no foot rise to skip steps periodically

You only get 1 finishing move when you've capped the debuff thing? No foot rise is nice but on I think 3 minutes cooldown.

It's not that bad. It's just one of the more active jobs I've played in FFXI and I get tired playing it over a longer period of time.

I'm no expert though so I could very well just be doing it wrong.
You only get 1 finishing move when you've capped the debuff thing? No foot rise is nice but on I think 3 minutes cooldown.

It's not that bad. It's just one of the more active jobs I've played in FFXI and I get tired playing it over a longer period of time.

I'm no expert though so I could very well just be doing it wrong.
It was patched so you dont get stuck with 1, either way, I dont think I ever cap. Especially since they doubld the cap.

Just do this if you are healing and not WSing
Presto > Box Step > Box Step
Hold finishing moves. Use TP generated normally for healing, only reverse flourish if you are sitting low, then repeat Presto > Box Step > Box Step.

You are right it is more active, especially if damaging, but if you are healing, it should actually be very passive

EDIT: Also, do you have 1000TP return on reverse flourish and full merits for no foot rise?


Things can get pretty hectic for us and I find myself short on TP often in more difficult encounters. But I'll take your advice to heart for next time.

As for your edit, no, not yet. DNC isn't one of my main jobs. It's just something to use for harder stuff where we need a human healer but not hard enough to justify going full WHM or if we want to spectral jig our way passed things to save time.
Things can get pretty hectic for us and I find myself short on TP often in more difficult encounters. But I'll take your advice to heart for next time.

As for your edit, no, not yet. DNC isn't one of my main jobs. It's just something to use for harder stuff where we need a human healer but not hard enough to justify going full WHM or if we want to spectral jig our way passed things to save time.
ah, ok, that makes it a lot easier. I have a good Waltz Potency Set, as well as reverse flourish empy, and full no foot rise merits.

The last thing I need for healing is the head from a moogle kupo d'etat for waltz recast time -

Havent felt like doing those missions on my DNC yet


I got tired of the FFXIDB minimap thing being zoomed either too far in or too far out due to the mismatched scaling, so I wrote a quick addon that automatically sets the zoom level based on whether you're in a town or not. It's really simple and doesn't require any configuration unless you prefer different zoom levels than I do, but it does require that the FFXIDB addon is loaded. Here it is.
Does anyone know if they ever took out the minimum player entry requirements for Assaults?

Like you needed 3 people to get in, is that still there?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I got tired of the FFXIDB minimap thing being zoomed either too far in or too far out due to the mismatched scaling, so I wrote a quick addon that automatically sets the zoom level based on whether you're in a town or not. It's really simple and doesn't require any configuration unless you prefer different zoom levels than I do, but it does require that the FFXIDB addon is loaded. Here it is.

Yeah, it can get frustrating. Thanks for taking the time to patch it up :)
No, you can now do them with any number of players 1-6. See here

Thank you! I wish to get to Captain for the Achievement on Xbox 360 but I really didn't want to have to deal with dragging other people along all the time too. It sounds like some of them are still pretty tricky but maybe.

The dream of 100% FFXI Achievements before it shuts down still lives!

It shall be my crowning glory lol.


Meant to ask this before, but what is the plugin you're using to track cooldowns/buffs?
This is the Timers plugin.

Thank you! I wish to get to Captain for the Achievement on Xbox 360 but I really didn't want to have to deal with dragging other people along all the time too. It sounds like some of them are still pretty tricky but maybe.

The dream of 100% FFXI Achievements before it shuts down still lives!

It shall be my crowning glory lol.

Yeah, you can enter solo now for all of that stuff. They're also going to be adjusting a few of them in the next update so that they're not quite as difficult to do by yourself, too. We'll see how effective the changes actually are.


Will have to poke around and find the documentation for that. Mine's just a bunch of white text on the left screen edge.


Will have to poke around and find the documentation for that. Mine's just a bunch of white text on the left screen edge.

If it's text based, that's probably the very old Recast plugin, rather than the newer Timers one. Should be able to just turn Timers on in the Windower launcher.


Turned out some of the settings in the xml file were wonky, and the Graphic mode was turned off. I wonder if it just tried to inherit some settings from back when I used Recast.


Is there any way to change which Reive necklace you have from The Charlatan mission? I got the regain one when I probably should have got the one with auto-reraise.


I bought a Savory Shank so I could fight the King Behemoth and try to get a Defending Ring. Is the King Behemoth soloable at 119 with trusts? I've never fought it before.
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