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Final Fantasy XI 2014 |OT| Kumhau, The Blackthorne Coven, and the Mog Wardrobe.


Picked up some of the trusts on my lunch break. I got these:

FoV/GoV: Koru-Moru & Sakura
CP: Rahal
Sparks: Cid & Qultada

As for the ones I'm missing:

I traded in vouchers for AN. I'm assuming AN: Adelheid is bought in White Gate?

Assault: Mnejing & Ovjang. The sparks vendor had different assault currencies. Any idea which ones and where to buy these?

Coalition: Amchuchu. I'm assuming this is with Bayld and in Adoulin. (edit* sold by Ujlei Zelekko Eastern Adoulin F-7)


As for the ones I'm missing:

I traded in vouchers for AN. I'm assuming AN: Adelheid is bought in White Gate?

Assault: Mnejing & Ovjang. The sparks vendor had different assault currencies. Any idea which ones and where to buy these?

Any assault points work, as long as you have enough from a single assault. So you could use different assault points for Mnejing and Ovjang, but not two types for just Mnejing, for example.

The bgwiki page has great detail on how to get all of the older trusts.
New folks:
- join guildwork and "apply" to ihop. I'll add you so you have site access.
- what do you all do on Tuesdays at 9 est? It's event night and we get group things done.
- I want to set up skcnm for drops and for chapters for new folk. Work on clearing up through zilart to make sure you can access the necessary areas.


wow...+2 stones at 2k points...that is tempting

and I gotta pick up that pupils set

EDIT: And I just noticed the HQ kings pops there too, thats a first isnt it?

+2 stones are 3k.

And the HQ pops were there for the 11th campaign. This is the 22nd one, ie the second 11th, ergo price shifts and special items. I wouldn't get used to them.
+2 stones are 3k.

And the HQ pops were there for the 11th campaign. This is the 22nd one, ie the second 11th, ergo price shifts and special items. I wouldn't get used to them.
yea I just laid on the 2 apparently. That whole section is the safest money though. I forgot about the 11th being special


Well I just started playing again recently. I haven't played in several years, so pretty much everything is new to me. It almost a little overwhelming.

I don't know anyone that plays anymore, so if anyone here plays on Asura, I could use some friends and a linkshell. My character's name is Thicade.

Joe T.

Well I just started playing again recently. I haven't played in several years, so pretty much everything is new to me. It almost a little overwhelming.

I don't know anyone that plays anymore, so if anyone here plays on Asura, I could use some friends and a linkshell. My character's name is Thicade.

I created a new character on Asura a few months ago since my girlfriend decided to move there with some of her friends and I was unwilling to transfer servers (didn't want to leave my friends either), so if you ever see someone by the name of Diav around feel free to send me a tell. I don't have the greatest of gear there, but short of high tier BCNMs and Vagary I was able to get through everything else including Adoulin without any issue.

I'm in the same boat as you, though, no linkshell at the moment. The social linkshell my girlfriend had hooked me up with there split in two after some drama between leaders and I never went looking for a new one.


I have a new character on Asura. I'm duoing with another NeoGAF member. We don't have the most stable schedules though and can go days without playing.

You'll probably overtake us in level soon if not already but we're always willing to help if we can. My name there is Haruruu.

One thing I noticed on the new character is that it set both of us to show as offline by default. We had to set our online status to available for the friends list to work properly.

We haven't bothered to find a LS yet. Not sure we will with how casual our schedules are.
I just bought this game having never actually played it before. It's.. very confusing.

EDIT: Actually I did buy it way back in 2004, but never got past the massive patching process (well, it was massive back then). Always been curious though.. so here I am! It's also nice to see the adorable PlayOnline Viewer again. I swear it looks exactly the same as back then. Love that whole client soundtrack too.


Because it is the same as back then, they haven't changed it, lol.

Login Campaign starts today, right? If so, I need to login and get MAH POINTS


I see, well that's fine with me considering how much I like the music.

Would you recommend playing with a gamepad or keyboard for PC?

I played for a couple years on keyboard, and have not looked back since switching to gamepad years ago. It is a PS2 game, after all.

If you jump in on Sylph, you're welcome to join us in IHOP.
Since the March announcements I've finally committed to this game after trying it on and off here and there over the last few years. I've been doing ok solo with all the new assist features but I can't figure out how to do the Castle Oztroja part of LB3 (Whence Blows the Wind) on my own.

I've gotten the other two crests after some mishaps but this one just seems too tough with too many necessary interactions (and thus dropping invisible) before getting to the room with the Yagudo crest.

I'm on Carbuncle so I doubt I can do it with any gaffers but does anyone have tips for this? Even my trusts can't quite get me through the VT enemies around the torches (currently RDM 58. WHM is subjob but not quite leveled to match, maybe I should work on that?). I tried shouting in Ru'lude Gardens but I doubt anyone is interested in this quest nowadays.


Edit: Nevermind, I misread.

If I remember correctly, I don't think you actually have to fight anything. Maybe abuse re-raise?
Use some Tank Trusts or something and let them provoke, activate torch, then run through the door and re-raise when you die on the other side.
Since the March announcements I've finally committed to this game after trying it on and off here and there over the last few years. I've been doing ok solo with all the new assist features but I can't figure out how to do the Castle Oztroja part of LB3 (Whence Blows the Wind) on my own.

I've gotten the other two crests after some mishaps but this one just seems too tough with too many necessary interactions (and thus dropping invisible) before getting to the room with the Yagudo crest.

I'm on Carbuncle so I doubt I can do it with any gaffers but does anyone have tips for this? Even my trusts can't quite get me through the VT enemies around the torches (currently RDM 58. WHM is subjob but not quite leveled to match, maybe I should work on that?). I tried shouting in Ru'lude Gardens but I doubt anyone is interested in this quest nowadays.
I assume you have the torch key item for opening the final door (which you get from progressing far enough in your nation's story missions)?

Doing it solo is very difficult because you don't have time to apply Invisible after lighting a torch, you need to run as the door doesn't stay open long enough. One suggestion would be leveling up to the 60 cap (either in Crawlers Nest or Labyrinth of Onzozo EDIT: and YES, it makes a big difference having a leveled subjob, you get stat bonuses and passive traits, level WHM to at least 30!!) and trying to Sleep the mobs around the torch, and seeing if you can make it through the door. Sleeping one and letting any others go after a tank Trust makes frequency's suggestion of just running for it and Reraising on the other side a viable approach.

I'd also highly recommend checking the zone and asking any other high levels to at least open that final door for you (there are a surprising number of folks who run through Oztroja for artifact armor, quests, or just farming, keep checking /sea and remember you can specific the area to search--so you can see if anyone is in Oztroja even if you're in a different zone). Again though, grabbing an Instant Reraise scroll for 10 or so Conquest Points and using that is not a bad idea.

The good news is the rest of the Limit Breaks aren't bad except for Shattering Stars, which I did as a RDM almost a decade ago...and you'll need a lot more preparation and luck for that than LB3.

Good luck!!


Here's a cross post from the "Future of FFXI" thread, I figure more people will find this interesting over here:


These maps are always fascinating to me, so I went through and translated what I could read. Really hard to make out some of Kato's chickenscratch, but this should give a better idea of this early world draft.

A lot of interesting areas here that seem to end up getting scrapped before the design was finalized. And there's the rail line that people have found in that one beta zone.

Might try to decipher more of it later this week, depending on how busy they keep me at work~

On another note, I just jumped back into the game after 2 years of absence and there's so much new stuff. It feels like when I jumped back into the game in the middle of Abyssea, and suddenly the level cap was 90. Name's Mikahki from
I checked some of the Linkshell Concierges last night while figuring out trusts, but I didn't see any pearls for IHOP around. I'll see if I can hunt down someone tonight for a pearl.


On another note, I just jumped back into the game after 2 years of absence and there's so much new stuff. It feels like when I jumped back into the game in the middle of Abyssea, and suddenly the level cap was 90. Name's Mikahki from
I checked some of the Linkshell Concierges last night while figuring out trusts, but I didn't see any pearls for IHOP around. I'll see if I can hunt down someone tonight for a pearl.

Cool, nice work on the map!

If there aren't any pearls on the concierge anymore (I think they expire after a week or something), we'll definitely get you a pearl tonight. Welcome back to
Thanks for the feedback! I made a cute BLM on Sylph called Gerstmann.

Which starter area would you recommend?

EDIT: Went with Windurst, hopefully not a mistake. ^_^


The only potential problem I can think about for Windurst is that one mission where you have to have a WHM, BLM, and RDM open a door.

It's a optional (and repeatable) mission you can skip by trading enough crystals to a guard. But you can't drop missions once you accept them so if you aren't paying attention or don't know and accept it, you're kind of stuck until way later when you can go through the canal the long way after doing the quest chain that leads to getting the ribbon to kill that NM in the necropolis.

I think the mission is "Written in the Stars".

Might not be a problem if you're in the GAF LS though if people can help.


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
I'm also on Asura. All of my friends used to play on Asura too, but none are active anymore. Planning on looking for people to run through Seekers of Adoulin and maybe some other stuff (Abyssea story, Captain rank mercenary) with me during the next couple months before Heavensward comes out.

I have access to all pre Adoulin missions if people need help with those. I'll probably start in a few weeks.

Name is Mutekimaru. ilvl 117 MNK. Only really interested in story missions, not raiding.
What are pearls for? LS? /clueless

Also.. how do I get more spells as BLM? I've seen a few on the auction house, but they all seem really expensive.. o-o


What are pearls for? LS? /clueless

LinkShells are the FFXI equivalent of guilds/chat channels, and to be used they require items which are "equipped" in an in-game menu to be able to talk with people using compatible ones from the same group.
I'm not sure if with recent updates they've been changed not to require an inventory slot though, I've been away from the game for a few months.

Also.. how do I get more spells as BLM? I've seen a few on the auction house, but they all seem really expensive.. o-o

Most are bought from NPCs, some are quested and others are drops, but they can all usually be found at the auction house (every major city in the game has a couple of zones where you can access these).
I like the questing path, since it gets you in touch with the story bits, and farming can save you money while getting you some, but it can take a while, and it less viable at higher levels.

This might help - although outdated (lacks anything above level 90), it should be more than enough to get you started: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Black_Mage_Spells_and_Abilities

This can also help: http://www.ffxiah.com/browse/29/black-magic - lists all spells, and in the site you can change which server it applies to to match yours.
And for each item there, you can find the corresponding link to other resources, but a very handy one is ffxidb.com - if you search an item there, it'll provide the corresponding drop info, if applicable, so you can find if it drops from something you can kill. If it drops off a regular mob, you can then click that mob for info on where to find it - it's pretty neat.
Reminds me of early Sea combined with Voidwatch. Neat stuff. Are melee in lower demand than normal now, or was that just how you guys like to run the event?

It's actually a pretty mage heavy event. Which is different from everything else relevant atm.

There's 3 different chambers each with different rules, clearing the 3 gets you a set of KI's that can be traded in for a 4th. 4th is Perifiden, the human looking winged boss, which pops after fulfilling his conditions. Killing him nets you a 5th ki, this lets you pop Plouton, the robot looking boss after fulfilling HIS conditions.

We went in with KI 4 and 5 ready, so we popped both, then went and tried the normal boss of the zone, who wrecked us for some reason.

Boss 4 and 5 have the same mechanics but one is nastier than the other. They cycle elemental weaknesses and if you hit the opposite element to the weakness, you get encumbered and heal the boss, if you hit the sweet spot you can magic burst that element for ridiculous numbers.

It starts with a 45 minute time limit and you can get 15 minute extensions by killing boss 4 and 5.
LinkShells are the FFXI equivalent of guilds/chat channels, and to be used they require items which are "equipped" in an in-game menu to be able to talk with people using compatible ones from the same group.
I'm not sure if with recent updates they've been changed not to require an inventory slot though, I've been away from the game for a few months.

Most are bought from NPCs, some are quested and others are drops, but they can all usually be found at the auction house (every major city in the game has a couple of zones where you can access these).
I like the questing path, since it gets you in touch with the story bits, and farming can save you money while getting you some, but it can take a while, and it less viable at higher levels.

This might help - although outdated (lacks anything above level 90), it should be more than enough to get you started: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Black_Mage_Spells_and_Abilities

This can also help: http://www.ffxiah.com/browse/29/black-magic - lists all spells, and in the site you can change which server it applies to to match yours.
And for each item there, you can find the corresponding link to other resources, but a very handy one is ffxidb.com - if you search an item there, it'll provide the corresponding drop info, if applicable, so you can find if it drops from something you can kill. If it drops off a regular mob, you can then click that mob for info on where to find it - it's pretty neat.

They still need a slot but you can have them in in your satchel or storage and still equip them.
What are pearls for? LS? /clueless

Also.. how do I get more spells as BLM? I've seen a few on the auction house, but they all seem really expensive.. o-o

I have not managed to catch you online yet. Do you have a time you typically play? I'd like to get you in the linkshell.


I reactivated yesterday and I'm trying to get my bearings again. Every time I return to this game, it's a weird feeling of so much being super familiar and lots of things being foreign at the same time. And then there's remembering how to play my jobs again, which of my equipment is good and which I was just holding onto because I'm a hoarder, and also coming to terms with new addons. And now all of that gear I was working toward last time seems to be basically useless. (._. )


Been awhile since I've played. How hard is getting the mats to reforge empy gear?

Reforging Empyrean gear is going to be a pain. You have to beat bosses in Vagary before you can upgrade the gear to 119 and you can't get into Vagary parties unless you're a mage.


Thanks guys. I have a fairly well-geared WHM and BLM, so that shouldn't be a problem. Would a relic RNG be wanted for any of that content?
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