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Final Fantasy XI 2014 |OT| Kumhau, The Blackthorne Coven, and the Mog Wardrobe.

I have a question.
Long ago (back in 2004) me and my brother played FFXI. We only had one PC at home at that time, so we played two different characters in the same account, beacuse we couldn´t play together anyway.
Since then, we quit long ago too, but sometimes, I've returned a numer of times to the game for some months, and quit again later.
But this time, we are both interested in returning back. Do you know if there's a way we could bring one of those characters to a new account, so one of us doesn't have to start again and lose all progress, gear, quests, items, gil, etc?
I'm almost sure the answer is NO, but I'm not really sure. So before asking Square Enix I thought I'll ask here if there's some kind of character migration from one account to another.


Geo is tons of fun. I can't wait for the empy gear datmining.

I really wish they were around during the old exp party days. I'm looking for a job to "settle" on and it's hard to get a feel for them outside of solo play, but I've always gravitated toward support type jobs.

Also, do they do repeat login campaigns every month?
I really wish they were around during the old exp party days. I'm looking for a job to "settle" on and it's hard to get a feel for them outside of solo play, but I've always gravitated toward support type jobs.

Also, do they do repeat login campaigns every month?

I think the answer is don't settle. its a multi job game for a reason. Versatility is encouraged and makes it easier to do content. Having one dd one support and one healing job would go a long way.

I know in ihop we don't have any Cors who play regularly. We always need whms. And having someone else around besides me and Choco who could stun on geo sch or rdm would open up a lot of possibilities.

Yeah it's been monthly for the last year and a half or so.
I have a question.
Long ago (back in 2004) me and my brother played FFXI. We only had one PC at home at that time, so we played two different characters in the same account, beacuse we couldn´t play together anyway.
Since then, we quit long ago too, but sometimes, I've returned a numer of times to the game for some months, and quit again later.
But this time, we are both interested in returning back. Do you know if there's a way we could bring one of those characters to a new account, so one of us doesn't have to start again and lose all progress, gear, quests, items, gil, etc?
I'm almost sure the answer is NO, but I'm not really sure. So before asking Square Enix I thought I'll ask here if there's some kind of character migration from one account to another.

It's worth asking but honestly how far in were you? It might be less hassle to re roll and join us on sylph.


As for a good way to make gil, consider buying Eudaemon Swords or something (500 login points). Those usually sell fast on the AH and will give you a decent amount of gil to start with (they sell for around 150,000 G here). Yorcia Visage I (300 points) is decent too. But at least on my server, Eudaemon Sword is the best point to gil conversion item that will sell within a day.
I wish I knew this earlier. I had been buying some of the 2000 point items and selling them for ~100k, but it was such a pain that I wasn't even bothering with it for the last two months.


I wish I knew this earlier. I had been buying some of the 2000 point items and selling them for ~100k, but it was such a pain that I wasn't even bothering with it for the last two months.

I don't know what server you're on, but on Sylph, Yorcia Visage IIIs and Faithful's Torso IIIs are AHing for about 260,000gil each and they cost 1,000 points each. They're decent ways to get gil.
I would get the Ciphers since it'll be a while before you see those specific ones again.
But if you really need more bag space, the Stew isn't a terrible choice. I would at least get Karaha though. He's a pretty good healer. If nothing else he'll Protect/Shell you AND Haste.
Mayakov is kind of terrible.
I like collecting Trusts though.
Thank you very much for the advice, I just figured "more Trusts = more options" which is likely true, but there is also likely a big disparity in usefulness between Ciphers, so knowing how they actually play is very helpful. Passing on one Cipher is a free Gobbiebag upgrade in its place (or a Eudaemon Sword).

As for a good way to make gil, consider buying Eudaemon Swords or something (500 login points). Those usually sell fast on the AH and will give you a decent amount of gil to start with (they sell for around 150,000 G here). Yorcia Visage I (300 points) is decent too. But at least on my server, Eudaemon Sword is the best point to gil conversion item that will sell within a day.
I did look into these but apparently you can't sell them on the AH? At least, I didn't see a listing for Eudaemon Sword, could be I missed it. If so, do people Bazaar them?

And also thank you for the RoE Sparks -> gil idea, after reading your post I was able to snag an IHOP Linkshell pearl and that was suggested by the members online as well. Was able to turn 6000 Sparks into enough gil to buy the vendor black magic spells from 1-34 or so with change to spare, big help!!

People also buy the skill up tomes. So you can check which ones are popular on your server and buy them with Sparks to sell. Check the city yells. There's usually always someone yelling about wanting skill up tomes.
I checked on this too, it seems skill tomes either don't sell or average around 10k gil a stack (a couple were closer to 20k), but neither seemed to be worth it on Sylph.

Now I just need to figure out how to get the important NON-vendor utility spells like Warp (40-60k, yikes), Refresh, and the like...the AH has some of them for 300k and up, I assume people just farm these spells themselves these days?

Glad to be part of IHOP and playing again though, and the community--while certainly far smaller in size--has been friendly and welcoming. :)
Thank you very much for the advice, I just figured "more Trusts = more options" which is likely true, but there is also likely a big disparity in usefulness between Ciphers, so knowing how they actually play is very helpful. Passing on one Cipher is a free Gobbiebag upgrade in its place (or a Eudaemon Sword).

I did look into these but apparently you can't sell them on the AH? At least, I didn't see a listing for Eudaemon Sword, could be I missed it. If so, do people Bazaar them?

And also thank you for the RoE Sparks -> gil idea, after reading your post I was able to snag an IHOP Linkshell pearl and that was suggested by the members online as well. Was able to turn 6000 Sparks into enough gil to buy the vendor black magic spells from 1-34 or so with change to spare, big help!!

I checked on this too, it seems skill tomes either don't sell or average around 10k gil a stack (a couple were closer to 20k), but neither seemed to be worth it on Sylph.

Now I just need to figure out how to get the important NON-vendor utility spells like Warp (40-60k, yikes), Refresh, and the like...the AH has some of them for 300k and up, I assume people just farm these spells themselves these days?

Glad to be part of IHOP and playing again though, and the community--while certainly far smaller in size--has been friendly and welcoming. :)

Warp and stuff are quested. The various wiki's will point you in the right direction fast.


I did look into these but apparently you can't sell them on the AH? At least, I didn't see a listing for Eudaemon Sword, could be I missed it. If so, do people Bazaar them?

They are indeed AHable, and sell very fast:

I'd guess that it's more cost effective to use points to get sellable items and then buy the gobbiebag materials, since they're likely cheaper, particularly the earlier ones. Convenience could be a factor though, if they need materials that just aren't readily available anymore.

Now I just need to figure out how to get the important NON-vendor utility spells like Warp (40-60k, yikes), Refresh, and the like...the AH has some of them for 300k and up, I assume people just farm these spells themselves these days?

Some of them are quested, so make sure you check before dropping a bunch of gil on them. They drop from a bunch of common content now too, and can come from the mog garden flotsam, as well. So I think it's less people farming them, and just having a ton of money to buy for convenience.


As ZetaEpyon, Eudaemon Blades are AHable. I think they're in the Misc. 2 category on the AH. Note that once you go into a AH page, you can check the menu on the top right to "Sort". I think it's the last option in the menu. It'll sort the AH page alphabetically for easier searching.

If you actually want absolute best conversion of login points to gil, there are items worth more that are not AHable. You'd have to Bazaar them. Eudaemon Blades are just AHable and sell really fast so are more reliable and you don't have to keep your character logged in sitting in some corner all day. Note that the blades sell best at the beginning or a few days after the end of a login campaign. During the campaign and especially near the end is when the market is most flooded with competition.

Too bad about tomes on Sylph. They go for like 60k a stack on my server last time I saw yells for them.
Thanks ZetaEpyon and frequency (and pancakes of course!), your advice was spot on (I kept looking for Eudaemon Blades under Weapons, they do indeed sell for ~120k and quite frequently) making it a heck of a deal. I also did some rough math, and one of those is enough to afford the first 4 Gobbiebag upgrades, so really looking forward to that!

And also will be checking all the spells for quest availability too, one thing about a game as mature as FFXI is that the wikis do cover absolutely everything. Already bought enough Moss to get rank 2 in Bastok for the Warp scroll quest, starting to get some momentum now...

Might have to log in and grab one.
Just a heads up, there were two Linkshell Concierges (at least in Windurst), they each held different Pearls so make sure you check both if the first one doesn't have IHOP.
In case you want to see what people DO with those eudaemon blades, we're going to be streaming alluvion skirmish later.

Will likely be at work, but if there's an archive of it I'll definitely check it out afterwards! (I did just skim the wiki for Alluvion Skirmish, it's a mountain of unfamiliar terms and locations but I think I get the gist of it). Is there a reason the Eudaemon Blade is sought after in particular, rather than, say, the Cape or Shield?
Will likely be at work, but if there's an archive of it I'll definitely check it out afterwards! (I did just skim the wiki for Alluvion Skirmish, it's a mountain of unfamiliar terms and locations but I think I get the gist of it). Is there a reason the Eudaemon Blade is sought after in particular, rather than, say, the Cape or Shield?

The eudaemon item type influences the drops and DD's are going nuts on the augments so DD stones are the ones that sell the most and for the most money. Sword favors those drops.


I'm too low level to comment on the 99 stuff, but:

If these conditions are fulfilled, players are able to display even equipment that is not usable by their current job. The new conditions for /lockstyle are as follows.
•The player must be in possession of the piece.
•The player must fulfill the conditions to equip the piece on at least one job they have acquired.

Never expected them to make it so flexible. Kind of wish they wouldn't allow other jobs to lockstyle JSE and AF gear though, guess that would be too much work.

The max bonus increase on exp rings is very nice too.
I'm too low level to comment on the 99 stuff, but:

Never expected them to make it so flexible. Kind of wish they wouldn't allow other jobs to lockstyle JSE and AF gear though, guess that would be too much work.

The max bonus increase on exp rings is very nice too.

Yay cp rings will last more than 30 seconds now. Lol.


Never expected them to make it so flexible. Kind of wish they wouldn't allow other jobs to lockstyle JSE and AF gear though, guess that would be too much work.

Yep, it's preeeetty awesome:

This is on dancer, "wearing" WHM head, RUN body, PLD legs...


Can the Emperor Band only be recharged once per week (tally) still? Lot of outdated info out there on the web, so sorry for some dumb questions.
Can the Emperor Band only be recharged once per week (tally) still? Lot of outdated info out there on the web, so sorry for some dumb questions.

Yeah once per week. Cp rings don't recharge you just buy new ones.

Bg wiki has the most up to date info. Wikia has some more extensive stuff on legacy content but if there is a discrepancy trust bg.


Yeah once per week. Cp rings don't recharge you just buy new ones.

Bg wiki has the most up to date info. Wikia has some more extensive stuff on legacy content but if there is a discrepancy trust bg.

Thanks as always. I think I used to use alla the most back in the day, but it seems very outdated now.

BG and AH the most used forums?


Can you buy +1 Empyrean seals from log in campaigns or is it time to do some more Abyssea farming?

Between you me and talym we should have no problem farming sets up for stuff.

Yeah, plus people will actually be doing stuff now to get to the boss drops for upgrading things, so I'd think it shouldn't be that bad.

Thanks as always. I think I used to use alla the most back in the day, but it seems very outdated now.

BG and AH the most used forums?

Yeah, probably. bgwiki is probably the resource I use most, falling back to wikia when bg doesn't have complete information on something. Super new stuff often ends up only documented in the BG forums, which can be a little annoying at times. The job forums on AH pretty much all have stickied guides if you need information on gearing and stuff. Some are better than others, naturally. :)

Reddit has a fairly active thing too, that I check from time to time.


I got all of my body slots filled with i117 using the Sparks of Eminence I got yesterday + catching up in Records of Eminence quest I already had done. I even got myself a the i115 Animator too and I still have more to go. I guess I'll upgrade WHM and then maybe figure out a support job.

Shooting bullets with COR still takes ammo right? That sounded like fun but shooting money sux.


I got all of my body slots filled with i117 using the Sparks of Eminence I got yesterday + catching up in Records of Eminence quest I already had done. I even got myself a the i115 Animator too and I still have more to go. I guess I'll upgrade WHM and then maybe figure out a support job.

Shooting bullets with COR still takes ammo right? That sounded like fun but shooting money sux.
Oh wow youre back?, nice!

Lockstyle sounds like fun, does it work if you have the gear locked in an npc?, please say yes.


Oh wow youre back?, nice!

Lockstyle sounds like fun, does it work if you have the gear locked in an npc?, please say yes.

It has to be accessible to you from one of the various inventories. So, inventory, mog safe, storage, locker, satchel, sack, case, wardrobe are all good to go, but stuff on storage slips or other item storage NPCs is not available.
Does Spark ammo come by the 99 stack?
Yes, and there is also delve bullets later that cost like nothing once you've run a few delves.

COR is more about just spamming WS now anyway, you really are just shooting for filler. Just make sure you have some kind of macro/script for the MAB bullets.

I got forced to go COR to every delve before I stopped and all I did was spam WS and help heal. :( Oh and light shot Dia because yeah. Thankfully I got GEO up and geared so I could go as something else.


It has to be accessible to you from one of the various inventories. So, inventory, mog safe, storage, locker, satchel, sack, case, wardrobe are all good to go, but stuff on storage slips or other item storage NPCs is not available.

Awww, still cool I guess, thanks.

Edit: Also, lolpup.
Spam WS and help heal? I'd rather do that on PUP if I'm not providing buffs, lol
Haha, I was kinda exaggerating, you do hand out buffs but they made rolling to 11 really easy and they last quite a while with a perfect roll. So you aren't rolling buffs too often.

In any case, just cleared my delivery boxes. Here I come Sylph. Whenever I get the transfer done I'm Yerko.


Haha, I was kinda exaggerating, you do hand out buffs but they made rolling to 11 really easy and they last quite a while with a perfect roll. So you aren't rolling buffs too often.

In any case, just cleared my delivery boxes. Here I come Sylph. Whenever I get the transfer done I'm Yerko.

Sweet, there should still be pearls on the linkshell concierge, so grab one when you get on!


They must've nerfed Maat because I just set the BST record for beating him. Thankfully didn't buy anything for it. I just hopped in to see what would happen.


I think when I beat Maat I set the record for DRK on Sylph. I was pretty stoked until I was told that records reset after one week.
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