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Final Fantasy XII screens





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first two screens scare me :(

more metaphysical philosiphical diarhea in a japanese RPG? I guess I should be suprised


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Has problems recognising girls
belgurdo said:
Vaan's probably got more muscles than 95% of GAF
So fucking true. :lol

I still stand by my viewpoint that Vaan = Ashley Riot's and Ramza's younger brother, even if they are totally unconnected :D



"Uh... thanks for the flowers, but I'm a dude."

"You think I didn't know that? White clothes, pale white skin, and all this glitter? I'm Michael Jackson."


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Because muscles negate any regard to femininity? Not to mention that he Vaan still has quite a girlish frame.

Exactly. What makes him feminine is his facial bone structure and the lack of facial hair.

The way he dresses and styles is hair is simply flaming...
Damn, I'm looking forward to this game, but the character design for the lead (anyway) is absolutely horrid.

Square should license Aerosmith's "Dude Looks Like a Lady" for the soundtrack.


If Square loves the feminine look so much, why not just make the main character a woman for a change? I'd love see another Terra like character as the lead, anything is better than this. Stupidest looking main character ever.


hobbitx said:
If Square loves the feminine look so much, why not just make the main character a woman for a change? I'd love see another Terra like character as the lead, anything is better than this. Stupidest looking main character ever.

God, I so agree with this. I really can't think of a lead character any more absurdly feminine like this.


I think it's to appeal to the female crowd. I bet a lot of girls think Vaan looks "cute" and all that...there are many rabid FF fangirls out there, I tells ya! Signs to look for include "kawaiiiiii!!" and "^_^".



Japanese culture has just a slightly different set of standards for what makes something masculine and what makes something feminine. You must realize that not everyone on planet Earth goes by the same Westernized 'manly man' archetype, and that they (the Japanese) view things just a tad bit differently. That pretty much explains why there are so many androgynous lead characters in RPGs.


The game is made to appeal to the Japanese population(one of the developer said so in an old interview at gameform). So his look isn't completely out of the ordinary, in entertainment media anyway.

For someone so hated, there sure are alot of attention fixated on him. There is a girl with bunny ears running around in a thong along with, what looks like, another FF pedo jailbait to gawk at.
Do people really care so much about whether the characters look masculine enough or not? I'm genuinely curious about this. Is it just that it's a convenient pretext for a knee-jerk response, or are people seriously bothered by this? Seems like an awfully minor point, whether you like it or not.
I'm not seeing what's wrong myself actually, then again I'm absolutely loving the way this game is heading so far. Especially the art style. Too long of a wait though, almost.


Has problems recognising girls
Hey at least they stopped with the cross-dressing shenanigans that was Cloud. I also knew he was a homosexual.


hobbitx said:
If Square loves the feminine look so much, why not just make the main character a woman for a change? I'd love see another Terra like character as the lead, anything is better than this. Stupidest looking main character ever.

Ummmm FFX2 had all an female cast.
I don't really take issue with the so called feminine look of Vaan. What I do take issue with in role-playing games as of late is the vague "bad ass" angst-ridden character that's always put in.


damn, this gets complained about so many times already. they might as make all the lead characters from a genderless race, or moogles, or something for FFXIII :D

Kweh said:
However, I'd like to erase FFX2 from my memory



Unconfirmed Member
Amir0x said:

Japanese culture has just a slightly different set of standards for what makes something masculine and what makes something feminine. You must realize that not everyone on planet Earth goes by the same Westernized 'manly man' archetype, and that they (the Japanese) view things just a tad bit differently. That pretty much explains why there are so many androgynous lead characters in RPGs.
Social genius and sexual commentator. Perhaps we can come to you with our future questions about girls? And ‘that’ stuff…


Scary Euro Man
hirokazu said:
damn, this gets complained about so many times already. they might as make all the lead characters from a genderless race, or moogles, or something for FFXIII :D

Nah, they just appreciate the irony of all the whiney little bitches complaining about it. :D
Not much love for FFXII here? 1 page thread. I have to say that considering how 9 + 10 were busts for me. And I skipped X-2 cause I hated the crew from X. I'm really hoping that 12 will be the magically FF and play great + look beautiful. I'm quite a huge FFTA fan and I think that the judge/FFTA universe will be a great place to base this story. Can't wait! :)
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