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Final Fantasy XII screens


works for Gamestop (lol)
Probably old since it's Gamespot, but I don't care, still gonna post these


















I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Its going to be strange staying in the same "world" for battles
I'm looking foward to the change

In order to keep a series going changes have to happen, I just hope it turns out good


Suikoguy said:
Its going to be strange staying in the same "world" for battles
I'm looking foward to the change

In order to keep a series going changes have to happen, I just hope it turns out good

Not much of a change if you played the latest FF game :\


Anyone else looking at these and has played FFXI will be creaming to play this game. Its like a mix between the FFCC and FFXI battle style i love it. It will be mine first day it comes out no matter what and i'm not really into RPG's maybe its the Mithra hole (whore) goodness that most people like but i'm gonna play it for the little rabbit looking dudes.

Wario Answer you PM fool


Looks awesome, and Fran's got some heels on her :)

I wonder if the whole game is set in a desert landscape,though...I'm getting the feeling that they're trying to continue FFTA

White Man

Shit. This game can't come soon enough. I haven't been this hyped for a Square game since VS or FF9.

I still want DQ8 more, but I'm immeasurably happy that the FF series is going to be trying something brand new for a JRPG. I only hope that the FF series decides to go in an innovative direction, and only trots out the classic ATB once in a while.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
B'z-chan said:
Anyone else looking at these and has played FFXI will be creaming to play this game. Its like a mix between the FFCC and FFXI battle style i love it. It will be mine first day it comes out no matter what and i'm not really into RPG's maybe its the Mithra hole (whore) goodness that most people like but i'm gonna play it for the little rabbit looking dudes.

Are the battles faster paced the FFXI?
Other then that, the hurdles of Online only (Lack of Story, Focus, and Characters) Will not be a problem with FF12.


Suikoguy said:
Are the battles faster paced in FFXI?
Other then that, the hurdles of Online only (Lack of Story, Focus, and Characters) Will not be a problem with FF12.
Yes i would say for the most part they are but some times battles take minutes and probably cause of linking it makes it harder. But as long as you can see monsters before engaging them in FFX12 i will be all over this game cause of the fact that it will have Focus Story and the like.

But FFXI is a community game more than anything, a social thing i would say and that might make playing FFX12 a chore to me once i dont have friends to kill stuff with

Ranger X

I REALLY hope that battle system will be just as versatile and strategic as the one of FF7 or ff10 one or i'll be deceived...


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
My thoughts on FFXII:

Semi-realtime fighting + Vagrant Story team members = Horrible memories, serious doubts in FFXII :(

I like turn-based systems, they are cool and exciting yet at the same time relaxing. I don't want my RPG's to not feel like an RPG.

Please tell me the British looking guy with the pistol is the protagonist.
He really should be, he is SO COOL (being serious, not sarcastic)

Who's that on the left?
Ken Masters?
Environments look great. If they're all part of a contiguous world, I'll be so incredibly happy. FFX shot itself in the foot by not having an overworld.


The AI of your party members better be perfect or you better have the ability to pause and give orders, or this might be the first Final Fantasy game I don't buy (at least not until it becomes a Greatest Hit). I like real-time RPG's, but I don't like having to fight and babysit the computer at the same time.


Looks great, but I have my doubts.

If I want to play with a bunch of people I don't control I'll play FFXI, not with a bunch of lifeless computer controlled characters.


of course, nothing will beat DQ8, but FF12 certainly looks interesting. the semi-realtime battle is more or less overdue, as PC RPGs have been using systems like that for years now. "active time" turn based systems can finally die now.


I'm wary about this, but it is Final Fantasy, none of which have disappointed me.
I'm looking forward the most to Suikoden IV though, but I'm not touching any media on that one. I want to go in completely ignorant on that one. I just hope they didn't tweak the battles too much from III, but I think I'm the only one who liked them.
The FFXII battle reeks a little too much KOTOR for my tastes from what I've seen, but...
<-Squeenix fanboy


Can someone tell me what makes DQ8 (or DQ in general) apparently so superior to FF? I mean, it has turn-based battles too as far as I know. Aside from just having more micro-management, what's so different about it?


teiresias said:
Can someone tell me what makes DQ8 (or DQ in general) apparently so superior to FF? I mean, it has turn-based battles too as far as I know. Aside from just having more micro-management, what's so different about it?



Dengeki Update Jul 30 2004
The following details were revealed in this month's Dengeki.

- The Kingdom of Dalmasca is situated in a peninsula. To the north, the Archadia Empire expands their territory by conquering small neighbouring countries. The Rosalia Empire lies in the west and also tries to expand.
The area in the south is called "yakuto" or neutral areas where nations do not have control.
- The origin of magic comes from crystals. This is why we see magic energy used throughout Ivalice.
- The Fortress of Nalbina, in the Capital of Rabanastre, is used as a prision by the Archadians.
- The Archadia and Rosalia Empires have differences in ideas and religion, that is why they've been at war for so long. To strengthen their empires for a great war, both seek to conquer smaller countries, one of which is Dalmasca.
- The setting is war, but the story isn't neccessarily about war. The relationship of the characters is set off by their motives for freedom.
- There is a country where Humes are not dominant in race, territory, or power

Pretty cool info. Leave it to Matsuno to create a complex, politically-charged backstory.

I am excited.


Zilch said:
Pretty cool info. Leave it to Matsuno to create a complex, politically-charged backstory.

I am excited.

Let's hope the solution to every problem doesn't end in half the cast getting stabbed like in the last two games he directed


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Gattsu25 said:
*Looks at Vaan*

I would actually like that tradition to continue :b
Yes, kill the protagonist. It will make everyone happy and it's something that hasn't been done before (that I know of).

You CAN give them order but they move and do basic attacks on their own...


B'z-chan said:
Anyone else looking at these and has played FFXI will be creaming to play this game. Its like a mix between the FFCC and FFXI battle style i love it. It will be mine first day it comes out no matter what and i'm not really into RPG's maybe its the Mithra hole (whore) goodness that most people like but i'm gonna play it for the little rabbit looking dudes.

Wario Answer you PM fool

PRECISELY. I don't know how anybody else feels about the new battle system, but considering my experience with FFXI, it looks better and better by the day. :) Its like FFXI except you control the actions of all the characters and its probably polished even more.


Belfast said:
PRECISELY. I don't know how anybody else feels about the new battle system, but considering my experience with FFXI, it looks better and better by the day. :) Its like FFXI except you control the actions of all the characters and its probably polished even more.

I'm finding perplexing why people are trashing this game for having an auto-battle system but are hyping Tales of Symphonia despite the fact that it's almost the same thing


belgurdo said:
I'm finding perplexing why people are trashing this game for having an auto-battle system but are hyping Tales of Symphonia despite the fact that it's almost the same thing

Nintendo console


somedude said:
Vagrant story sucks
Ferrio said:
I concur!

I also agree, it's just not that fun of a game really. Cumbersome battle system that takes way to long to do anything in, unnessicarilly complex weapon and item building. It's like a turn based diablo , which is a fucking awful game in and of itself.


Pachinko said:
I also agree, it's just not that fun of a game really. Cumbersome battle system that takes way to long to do anything in, unnessicarilly complex weapon and item building. It's like a turn based diablo , which is a fucking awful game in and of itself.

I couldn't get past the weapon affinity shit myself

I mean, if I have a big fucking broadsword in my hands I expect to do more than 2 damage to a goddamn bat or mouse with it without having to hit a straw dummy for half an hour


I particularly like how you can see the reflection of the distant mountains and hills in the water in some of the pics. Like this one:

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