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Final Fantasy XII screens

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
belgurdo said:
I'm finding perplexing why people are trashing this game for having an auto-battle system but are hyping Tales of Symphonia despite the fact that it's almost the same thing

Wow. Have you played FFXI? Then please, tell me, since i've played both FFXI for months and completed ToS, what similarity they have between them other than the word "real-time", and in FFXII's case, its a big big stretch to call it real-time combat since you'll be selecting a target, tell your character to attack and he'll attack on his own, automatically, just like FFXI, or kotor. ToS is also linear, as in mimic'ind 2d, you move forward and backward on the level, always related to which enemy you have, unlike FFXI and FFXII where you're roaming entirely freely around the targets. ToS is more of a fighter philosophy in that respect.

And i certainly aint the one thats trashing this game, FFXII is the evolution the franchise should of taken EONS ago. The fact that its using many elements from FFXI such as equipping armor and weapons and have it shown, a graphic engine that i believe is the same as FFXI (improved obviously), which likely means very very large levels, has me very excited. The only retarded thing i've seen of the battle system, and pretty much the only complaint i've read of peoples bashing it, are the stupid attack lines.


belgurdo said:
I'm finding perplexing why people are trashing this game for having an auto-battle system but are hyping Tales of Symphonia despite the fact that it's almost the same thing

Maybe because it's not the same people. Belgurdo what's up with your double standards towards Nintendo products/products on Nintendo's consoles. If people didn't know any better they'd suspect you of being a close-minded hater.


Nope, haven't played XI. I used Symphonia in my statement because it's the current "hot property on the block" that has semi-real time battles that feature character babysitting, and I know that KOTOR/Sudeki/XI and its ilk are more comparable

And Shoryuken, questioning peoples' opinions doesn't make me a "company hater" or however you want to put it. If I didn't like Symphonia personally I would have sold it days ago, plus the things in Symphonia I complain about (the story and characters) have been problematic in all Tales games, so it being on a Nintendo console suddenly didn't make me formulate my opinion


Buggy Loop said:
The only retarded thing i've seen of the battle system, and pretty much the only complaint i've read of peoples bashing it, are the stupid attack lines.

character movement during battles, to one who played FFXI, is almost painful to watch in FFXII...but I've lightened up to the game...actually anticipatng it now but DW8 is still tops of the must have (RPG) list

Shoryuken said:
Maybe because it's not the same people. Belgurdo what's up with your double standards towards Nintendo products/products on Nintendo's consoles. If people didn't know any better they'd suspect you of being a close-minded hater.

huh? Nintendo didn't exactly make ToS so that right there adds some big wholes to your theory...


I don't like those targeting lines at all....

And why can't they make a FF look as good as Cyrstal Chronicles does. Art direction aside (which I happen to think FFXII has over FF:CC) it doesn't look as good.


belgurdo said:
And Shoryuken, questioning peoples' opinions doesn't make me a "company hater" or however you want to put it. If I didn't like Symphonia personally I would have sold it days ago, plus the things in Symphonia I complain about (the story and characters) have been problematic in all Tales games, so it being on a Nintendo console suddenly didn't make me formulate my opinion

I don't want to derail this thread, but I'm not referring just to this incident. A good deal of your negative posts are directed towards Nintendo and their "fanboys", while often ignoring other fanboys/company's mishaps. Although don't get me wrong I'm not saying you solely direct your negative attention towards Nintendo, you also direct numerous negative posts towards so-called "Japanophiles".


Gattsu25 said:
huh? Nintendo didn't exactly make ToS so that right there adds some big wholes to your theory...

That's why I said Nintendo/Products on Nintendo consoles. Or was I mistaken, was that not a subtle jab towards "Nintendo" fans.

Back on topic. I really like what I've seen from this game so far. I do have a question for anyone whom knows, is their going to be an overworld map like there has been in the past or is it set up like FFXI (i.e. one continuous area)?


Shoryuken said:
I don't want to derail this thread, but I'm not referring just to this incident. A good deal of your negative posts are directed towards Nintendo and their "fanboys", while often ignoring other fanboys/company's mishaps. Although don't get me wrong I'm not saying you solely direct your negative attention towards Nintendo, you also direct numerous negative posts towards so-called "Japanophiles".

Um, no. The only Nintendo games I openly hate is Wind Waker and Golden Sun (which isn't a Nintendo game in the first place) ; hell, for a time, I was defending stuff that people didn't even like Custom Robo (until I played it for myself.) I also don't recall talking about fanboys much either since I detest those kinds of threads. If I truly hated certain companies, then why would I have all four current systems and a full library for each? Or am I not allowed to say bad things about the things I buy because the companies will crumble if I do?


Mashing said:
I don't like those targeting lines at all....

And why can't they make a FF look as good as Cyrstal Chronicles does. Art direction aside (which I happen to think FFXII has over FF:CC) it doesn't look as good.

MUCH bigger areas, likely. I'm guessing, with all of the analogies to FFXI, that the world will be handled in a similar structure, as well. They've already said the world is huge and you'll have to traverse it as such, right? That should make it pretty kick-ass, because the FFXI world is pretty big and, on foot, would probably take at least an hour to go from one side to the other. The scale here would be impressive and it'd be even more impressive if they can keep or eliminate area loading times.
RevenantKioku said:
I'm looking forward the most to Suikoden IV though, but I'm not touching any media on that one. I want to go in completely ignorant on that one. I just hope they didn't tweak the battles too much from III, but I think I'm the only one who liked them.

No, I liked them too


blah, blah the game will come on to DVD's. ;)

I wonder which game is going to be overlooked next year.

(which all are being released next year)

Kingdom Hearts 2
Dragon Quest 8
Final Fantasy 12
Zelda GC
neptunes said:
blah, blah the game will come on to DVD's. ;)

I wonder which game is going to be overlooked next year.

(which all are being released next year)

Kingdom Hearts 2
Dragon Quest 8
Final Fantasy 12
Zelda GC

I'm guessing you're talking about in the US since DQ8 is being released this year in Japan. That'll also be the one that'll be overlooked if any are overlooked. Zelda and FF are obviously going to get alot of attention and KH2 is likely going to end up with the biggest marketing campaign out of all of them.


SolidSnakex said:
I'm guessing you're talking about in the US since DQ8 is being released this year in Japan. That'll also be the one that'll be overlooked if any are overlooked. Zelda and FF are obviously going to get alot of attention and KH2 is likely going to end up with the biggest marketing campaign out of all of them.

I agree that of the 4 DQ8 would probably be the most overlooked;however, based on Square- Enix's willingness to put significant marketing dollars behind lower tier titles, like Drankengard, I'm pretty sure DQ8 will get a very healthy marketing campaign and end up selling pretty well.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
The story tidbits sound good. Matsuno and politics and religion and countries = get. In the last shot Tereisias showed you see this small fox thingie under the tree. Maybe it's wondering wether to attack or not or something?


belgurdo said:
I'm finding perplexing why people are trashing this game for having an auto-battle system but are hyping Tales of Symphonia despite the fact that it's almost the same thing

While I have yet to touch Symphonia, there are reasons I play the FF series, and reasons I play the Tales series.
Personally I like the occasional game with the ATB system or a variation thereof (FFX/X-2 for example). Not getting that in the next FF installment is sort of disappointing.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The environments look really nice, but character design is pretty weak... Looks even worse than Nomura's generic designs. BRING BACK AMANO!!! The battle system... I dunno, I'd have to see it in action. Sounsd like the Elfaria 2 battle system, which was OK I guess. I don't really care much for Matsuno's politically charged storylines, nor did I like Vagrant Story, so I'm having some doubts... But there's no way it can be as bad as X2. Ohhhh, why won't Square make an FF5-2...


djtiesto said:
The environments look really nice, but character design is pretty weak... Looks even worse than Nomura's generic designs. BRING BACK AMANO!!!

Changing one set of characters that all look the same for another?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
belgurdo said:
Changing one set of characters that all look the same for another?

Oh, you mean Nomura? Look at Tifa, Rinoa, Garnet and Yuna... how many slightly Asian looking girls with black hair can we have?
djtiesto said:
Oh, you mean Nomura? Look at Tifa, Rinoa, Garnet and Yuna... how many slightly Asian looking girls with black hair can we have?

No he means Amano who's character designs suffer from the same problems people complain about with Nomura. Feminine looking male characters and characters that look quite a bit the same. They just get overlooked with Amano for some reason.
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