Thoughts so far, just got past the Bhejurba segment and got my full party:
-Story is much better than I remember, maybe because I've matured since high school or had my expectations changed since modern FFs lowered the bar.
-New job system/license boards are so much more organized. Still haven't gotten much out of any jobs other than new weapons and some stat boosts, but the potential is there for an engaging mid/endgame, especially once the second jobs become available.
-Love the desert setting. I used to be disappointed we only saw a tiny segment of such a huge world, but really, Dalmasca and its surrounding territories are already as big as some other Final Fantasy games, and bigger than, say, Spira. So what if we don't see Rozarria? The game is plenty big enough. I think by presenting it as a slice of the world it gives the false impression of being smaller than it is, something I didn't necessarily fully realize back in 2006.
-Game is gorgeous, especially people's hair. So, typical Final Fantasy I suppose.
-Dungeons and battles are... about the same as before, unique but not very fun. I was never a fan of the gambit system before, and I feel the same about it now. Back in the day I was impressed by having no battle transitions, having total control of movement in a Final Fantasy game, and seeing the influence from FFXI transfer over to a single player game, but all of that novelty is gone now. I don't dislike it, but I don't necessarily like it either. Subject to change once the license boards start filling out.