Well, for all of its linearity, characters had clear-cut roles and I found that to be much better coming off of FF12 and its too-much-freedom.
Kagari said:RPGSite: Do you feel that fans were disappointed with the original Final Fantasy XIII? Are there any features in Final Fantasy XIII-2 that were direct actions based on fan feedback and fans of the original?
Kitase: I think that XIII was criticized by other people we think because it was meant to be story-driven. But it was so much so, that people thought it was quite linear, which people didnt like. So before we started making XIII-2, we decided that we were determined to take all the negative comments seriously, and rectify every single one of them fairly and properly. So this new game is more player driven, than story driven, so that the player will have very active involvement. Theres a lot more things you can do and explore, like towns and other things, and also you can choose what you want to say to a NPC.
I gotta disagree with this. I personally can't stand open world games and much prefer linear games. With games like ME and DA, I find it annoying that I'm having to make a dialog choice in nearly every conversation I get into. I really don't feel that having choice is always a good thing (choice for the sake of having it).Gvaz said:In fact I'd say that's one of the few things FF13 did correctly. It's better to give the player choice, even if it's a bad one than to take away all choices entirely.
ZephyrFate said:The Crystarium was visually really good looking, I don't get where this 'eye straining' bullshit is. The menu is easily the sleekest I have EVER seen in an RPG.
Pressing buttons and sometimes moving forward is kind of endemic of the entire franchise.Gvaz said:I like Open World games such as new vegas because they're open world (and if doing so, I better be able to make my character ME or as much of the me I want to be as possible) and you can do anything within the constraints of the game design.
I don't like that they're not nearly as directed, but it makes up for it by having the story be driven by the player. It's up to you, you choose.
I like Linear games because they're heavily story driven, allowing for a concise path.
I don't like linear games because your choices are so tied down. It feels like you're playing with a menu screen of a movie, I especially got that feeling with FF13. I wasn't actually doing anything. I was just pressing some buttons sometimes and holding forward. This does not engage me. You do not choose anything of significance.
I thought they were pretty practical, though. Vanille was a pretty awesome Sentinel (good for Mission 64 before you max your Crystarium), and Snow/Sazh made for okay Saboteurs (good for killing off some Long Guis). The secondary roles, even though they were not ideal for some of the characters, were useful in terms of the skills that they provide to the characters. Vanille/Hope's Com felt useless, though.Xilium said:and even post game, it was more just cause you can than actually providing any practical use.
The best thing about XII was that you could choose their roles and customize to you heart's desire. If you wanted to have each character represent a class archetype all you had to do was pick the right licenses. Even better, ZJS does that for you (which I liked better).ZephyrFate said:Well, for all of its linearity, characters had clear-cut roles and I found that to be much better coming off of FF12 and its too-much-freedom.
How were they not? Characters that were fighters clearly were attuned to Commando/Sentinel/etc., and characters that were mages were clearly attuned to Medic or Ravager.Let me in said:The best thing about XII was that you could choose their roles and customize to you heart's desire. If you wanted to have each character represent a class archetype all you had to do was pick the right licenses. Even better, ZJS does that for you (which I liked better).
I didn't think the characters in XIII were that differentiated. It was all an illusion anyway since everyone's role was predetermined.
They might be fairly better at one thing, but they're all interchangeable. Most of them share similar skills. Does is matter if it's Fira or Blizzara?ZephyrFate said:How were they not? Characters that were fighters clearly were attuned to Commando/Sentinel/etc., and characters that were mages were clearly attuned to Medic or Ravager.
I enjoyed the fact that XIII had pre-determined roles. It made characters less walking avatars of unlimited customization and made them unique.
That's not true, though. The weapon system actually changes what roles your characters specialize in. You can have characters go all offense to increase their role as a Commando, or all magic to make them better Ravagers. This is best seen in Lightning, whose weapon paths can either make her very good at fighting, good at magic, or a jack-of-all-trades.Let me in said:They might be fairly better at one thing, but they're all interchangeable. Most of them share similar skills. Does is matter if it's Fira or Blizzara?
And no matter what you do, these characters won't grow in any other way that what has already been written into the game. That limits my imagination right from the word go.
Once all the characters learn all roles, I will say it was interesting to have the full array of role combinations available. Too bad it occurs way too late in the game to have been any use.
Your argument that characters were attuned specifically to one thing makes it even worse for me; the developer's invisible hand is always present predetermining, in large part, how the battles are going to go. Everything is planned because they know exactly how your characters are developed at any given time, so boss battles are tailored to that.
So, this is a good point. Except I really hated the weapon leveling system :/ I managed to play through this game twice and that system never grabbed me. I usually just equipped them with what the game seemed to want me to (i.e. boost Lightning, Fang in attack, Vanille in magic etc.).ZephyrFate said:That's not true, though. The weapon system actually changes what roles your characters specialize in. You can have characters go all offense to increase their role as a Commando, or all magic to make them better Ravagers. This is best seen in Lightning, whose weapon paths can either make her very good at fighting, good at magic, or a jack-of-all-trades.
There IS difference between the characters, it's up to you to make it happen.
Rahxephon91 said:Final Fantasy XII's role custimization is pretty terrible. Everyone becomes the same with little difference in other then weapons. They all learn the same skills and just playing the story gives you more then enough skills. It's a real boring system. By the end of the game I just stop buying skills for the sake of having diffrent characters but even then there's no point.
Let me in said:By comparison I found holding down X at the crystarium screen akin to having a frontal lobotomy. Totally mindless. But... it was pretty!
I think ZJS was really the best of both worlds between freedom and predetermination. Each character could be a different class, or if you're feeling nuts they could all be white mages.
So, this is a good point. Except I really hated the weapon leveling system :/ I managed to play through this game twice and that system never grabbed me. I usually just equipped them with what the game seemed to want me to (i.e. boost Lightning, Fang in attack, Vanille in magic etc.).
Needs more Lotus Juice. I don't think it's too bad, though I'm listening to it out of context so I can't make a proper judgement.Droplet said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGkPFiTSvl0&feature=channel_video_title
Demo video with clear audio. I don't think the rap music is that bad but I can already see that Mog isn't going to be the most popular character kupo~
Yes, this sums things up pretty well.ZephyrFate said:The rap doesn't sound too bad, it's like a lo-fi Persona rap song; the fact that the battle theme is buttrock also seems to be another riff off of Meguro's work.
Droplet said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGkPFiTSvl0&feature=channel_video_title
Demo video with clear audio. I don't think the rap music is that bad but I can already see that Mog isn't going to be the most popular character kupo~
My JP save does not work on my US copy and vice-versa, so no.robertsan21 said:a little of topic here but as FF XIII-2 is in the making I need to finish XIII.
I sold my FF XIII before I even completed it, but I have saved the game save file from my last play session with FF XIII.
now I need to know if a game save works on a different region FF XIII.
let say I played the PAL version of FF XIII, would the US version work with my game save file and vice versa?
"It almost feels like I'm in a movie"Vect said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CMkdXp42pc&feature=channel_video_title Here's another video, there is more exploration in this one.
Dark Schala said:My JP save does not work on my US copy and vice-versa, so no.
MooMoo said:I wonder if they'll improve the 360 version (yes yes, I bought itonly system I own). With promises of towns and whatnot, I can't help but think of the frame rate dips in Pulse and that Chocobo festival place. I'm liking what I'm hearing and seeing so far though! Also liking the new battle theme.
No way..! That's actually pretty cool. I've been thinking of getting a friend to send me the Korean ver...duckroll said:Yeah the JP and US saves are not compatible, but strangely enough they actually made the US and JP saves compatible with the Asian English PS3 release of the game (with Japanese voice and English/Chinese text options).
Eh. Looks too similar to FF13. I might play it but not for full price. I wish they'd make the battle system more engaging. Quick time events are NOT the way to do so.Droplet said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGkPFiTSvl0&feature=channel_video_title
Demo video with clear audio. I don't think the rap music is that bad but I can already see that Mog isn't going to be the most popular character kupo~
Vect said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CMkdXp42pc&feature=channel_video_title Here's another video, there is more exploration in this one.
It's already been discussed; it sounds like Jason Marsden.RPGCrazied said:Anyone know who is voicing Noel? Not sounding familiar. The other's sound decent, but I can tell Mog is going to get on my nerves pretty quickly. The rap music as I thought isn't as bad as IGN made it out to be. Though I noticed a couple reused tracks from XIII, specially the fanfare. Surely it'll be changed up.
Ahhhh Spirited Away and KOTOR, that's where I remember him from.ninj4junpei said:It's already been discussed; it sounds like Jason Marsden.
ninj4junpei said:It's already been discussed; it sounds like Jason Marsden.