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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Great Interview Kagari and AP, thanks for all your hard work.

To me Cocoon's locations in XIII looked a lot nicer overall when compared to Pulse. Pulse was fairly low texture work. However it still looked great, regardless of the low res textures.

I don't think the engine is as good when it tries to render more natural, detailed and open environments.

Versus looks better overall at this stage, but even with that the smaller and urban areas looked a lot nicer, compared to the large outdoor section.

graphics are the last thing we should be complaining about with these games lol


Crystal Bearer
M_Night said:
Great Interview Kagari and AP, thanks for all your hard work.

To me Cocoon's locations in XIII looked a lot nicer overall when compared to Pulse. Pulse was fairly low texture work. However it still looked great, regardless of the low res textures.

I don't think the engine is as good when it tries to render more natural, detailed and open environments.

Versus looks better overall at this stage, but even with that the smaller and urban areas, looked a lot nicer, compared to the large outdoor section.

graphics are the last thing we should be complaining about with these games lol

I'm still bitter over the 2006 target render, lol. I might try and see the game one last time today... anything specific you guys want me to check out?
M_Night said:
To me Cocoon's locations in XIII looked a lot nicer overall when compared to Pulse. Pulse was fairly low texture work. However it still looked great, regardless of the low res textures.
Ehh... that really depends. Some areas on Cocoon looked amazing and much nicer than Pulse (like the crystallized lake or that grassy area by the sunset and the shore), others not so much (like that area that was essentially a series of circles connected by bridges). There's a continuum there, and Pulse is more or less in the middle of it.
Kagari said:
I'm still bitter over the 2006 target render, lol. I might try and see the game one last time today... anything specific you guys want me to check out?
I'm more bitter about the loss of Overclock than about any change to the graphics. Suspension of gravity could've made for a really cool addition to the game's juggle mechanics, and would've been a lot more interesting than the one-per-character super-attack that we ended up with in the final game. FF13 is still an extremely pretty game (with a few glaring exceptions, like getting stepped on by an Adamantoise out in the field) is just monstrously polished when it comes to things like avoiding geometry clipping.


Kagari said:
I'm still bitter over the 2006 target render, lol. I might try and see the game one last time today... anything specific you guys want me to check out?

So the menu is disabled or not implemented right? I guess check out what some of the NPC's say.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Sorry if I missed anything from the interviews but did they make any mention of returning back to locations in XIII-2 (meaning you can return to a map that was previously completed unlike in XIII)?
ULTROS! said:
Sorry if I missed anything from the interviews but did they make any mention of returning back to locations in XIII-2 (meaning you can return to a map that was previously completed unlike in XIII)?
It's confirmed that this is in the game, yes. REJOICE

edit: E3 still isn't over by the way, there's still time for Versus to show up ;)


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
badcrumble said:
It's confirmed that this is in the game, yes. REJOICE

That's nice to hear but I hope the 360 version won't have disc swapping ala SO4 though.

badcrumble said:
edit: E3 still isn't over by the way, there's still time for Versus to show up ;)

Ahaha. :(


Crystal Bearer
badcrumble said:
It's confirmed that this is in the game, yes. REJOICE

edit: E3 still isn't over by the way, there's still time for Versus to show up ;)

Versus isn't going to show up. Nomura isn't even here even though Hashimoto said he would be last year.


To be fair about towns being boring, most of those PS1 towns are not that essential to the game itself other than waste time talking to useless NPCs and stock up on items. Most of the time you can just go straight to town elders(or equivalent) to advance.

I'd rather have a few story-heavy, dynamic towns that changes overtime depends on the story progression, oh and in HD.
ULTROS! said:
That's nice to hear but I hope the 360 version won't have disc swapping ala SO4 though.
Hopefully not, but if it comes down to choosing between disc swapping and limiting the scope of the game's world, I hope they'd choose disc swapping.
Kagari said:
Versus isn't going to show up. Nomura isn't even here even though Hashimoto said he would be last year.
My sister who lives in Hawaii said she saw what looked like a winged man in an expensive suit zooming past Oahu at supersonic speeds last night. There's still time for Lord Nomura-sama to arrive!!!
Wilsongt said:
The funny thing about that statement is... I love SRPGs, and in most cases, all of the characters are generic save a few. Heh.

Depends on a few factors:

1) Generic humans are easier to relate to than monsters.

2) Generic characters are not as disposable.

3) They also tend to get minor/implied personalities and a few lines of dialogue. Some people even tend to use these personalities as a base to imagine how generics would react to the story.

4) Last, and most important, they tend to have a much higher level of customization. That guy who has been with your party since the beginning and is just as(if not more) useful in a fight as your special characters is much easier to connect with.
Magnus said:
I think I've finally lost faith in the team's ability to create something as compelling as any of the FFs previous to XIII. The answers to so many questions in so many interviews are evasive, sometimes self-contradictory or just plain awful.

This HD town debacle is still such a laugh. And I love when FF devs add a new unique and obtuse name to a game feature that makes it sound like so much more than what it is ("Live triggers!" which are just fucking dialogue moments, lol)

Or when they introduce a 'new' gameplay concept that's so broad and obvious that it's a miracle that they think they're coming up with it for the first time. "Player-driven" gameplay. Like, fuck, what have you been doing this whole time instead? It's like they're learning gameplay lessons now that you'd learn in your first class on game design a decade before you to get to a project of this scale.

I never dreamed my little FF-fanboy heart would yearn for a WRPG more than the next FF. Skyrim makes me excited in a way I don't think another FF ever will. Christ.
It really is sad. I use to jump for joy when a new FF was announced. Sigh.

How long have these guys been making RPG's? My god.


Magnus said:
I think I've finally lost faith in the team's ability to create something as compelling as any of the FFs previous to XIII. The answers to so many questions in so many interviews are evasive, sometimes self-contradictory or just plain awful.

This HD town debacle is still such a laugh. And I love when FF devs add a new unique and obtuse name to a game feature that makes it sound like so much more than what it is ("Live triggers!" which are just fucking dialogue moments, lol)

Or when they introduce a 'new' gameplay concept that's so broad and obvious that it's a miracle that they think they're coming up with it for the first time. "Player-driven" gameplay. Like, fuck, what have you been doing this whole time instead? It's like they're learning gameplay lessons now that you'd learn in your first class on game design a decade before you to get to a project of this scale.

I never dreamed my little FF-fanboy heart would yearn for a WRPG more than the next FF. Skyrim makes me excited in a way I don't think another FF ever will. Christ.

they need better writers and scenario planners. period. the characters are just not interesting or memorable anymore. people ohh and ahh the designs and graphics/music but no one cares about the stories anymore.
By the way, the fact that Serah's moogle transforms into her weapon (.......) suggests that the equipment system will likely be different; at the very least, I doubt she'll be finding and/or buying new weapons. Leveling your weapons up will still likely make a comeback, though; we'll see.


badcrumble said:
By the way, the fact that Serah's moogle transforms into her weapon (.......) suggests that the equipment system will likely be different; at the very least, I doubt she'll be finding and/or buying new weapons. Leveling your weapons up will still likely make a comeback, though; we'll see.
I don't think so. If anything, most of the time this team throws stuff in because they think it will be "cool" rather than to think of a good game mechanic or system to support their idiosyncrasies. Transforming weapons in the original game, for instance, affects piss all in combat. Serah's super abilities in this case might just be her ability to have monsters on the team and the Moogle.

Which begs the question: does the Mog Clock still exist if Serah is not in the current party (i.e. Lightning in the past/in an alternate universe/in Inception)?


Kagari said:
The real game looks a lot rougher than those screenshots will have you believe. The engine is really showing its age, or Toriyama's team might not know how to maximize it... who knows.

Maybe S-E Japan will start using that new Luminous Engine after they've finished with XIII-2.
dramatis said:
Which begs the question: does the Mog Clock still exist if Serah is not in the current party (i.e. Lightning in the past/in an alternate universe/in Inception)?

I doubt we'll be playing as Lightning within normal gameplay until very late in the story.

At best there will be some setpieces to show what she's doing in Chaos land.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Oh yeah, did they make any mention if the demos would be released on PSN/XBLA?

Again, if mentioned in the interviews, I apologize.
ULTROS! said:
Oh yeah, did they make any mention if the demos would be released on PSN/XBLA?

Again, if mentioned in the interviews, I apologize.
It's not too late to attach a demo to the console versions of Deus Ex, assuming they can get a newer build out that doesn't have the graphical issues Kagari has described. I can't see Square-Enix releasing the demo for free when they've often had success selling other products with FF demos.
FFXIII was Kitase's first real critical -not commercial- failure (maybe 'failure' is too harsh of a word?) with main line FF- so it's good to see there's some significant attention being given to improvements.

Looking forward to the final project, but I kind of hope Kitase works with someone other than Toriyama for FFXV if Division 1 or whatever the hell they're called now are actually doing it...

Maybe Kitase should reteam with Itou, ala FFVI? :p
TheJollyCorner said:
FFXIII was Kitase's first real critical -not commercial- failure (maybe 'failure' is too harsh of a word?) with main line FF- so it's good to see there's some significant attention being given to improvements.

Kitase has made some great games. I am not too up to speed with who did what, but I believe he directed FF6, FF7, FF8, and had a pretty significant role in FF10. Yeah, FF13 is his first mess-up. FF13 is a good game, but compared to that legacy, eh. I blame Toriyama, though. It's much easier. :D


Kagari said:
I'm still bitter over the 2006 target render, lol. I might try and see the game one last time today... anything specific you guys want me to check out?

If you see any more writing (Cocoon or Pulse), get a screenshot!


Hey everyone, I'm finally back..... What's going on in here anyhow?

Looks like they took a look at my list about the story continuation and the expansion of pulse.... Do you think they can pull it off correctly?
A good interview, thanks for that Kagari and Apzrunner.

Its definitely sounding that they are rectifying many of the issues with the first game, my hype is starting to rise with this one. I wish you had mentioned criticisms of the story, however. Apart from linearity, thats the other large aspect I want them to improve upon.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Dunan said:
If you see any more writing (Cocoon or Pulse), get a screenshot!
I hope Noel tries to read Cocoonian if we ever see any.

Why do I get the feeling that we won't see this happen?

Great interview, thanks Kagari & APZonerunner. It's nice to know that they seem to be addressing the issues that I, and a lot of other people and fans of FF, seemed to have with FFXIII. To be honest, their answers seemed a little vague, however.

I still don't know how to feel about FFXIII-2, but like I said, it seems like they're trying. It remains to be seen if they can create a cohesive, enjoyable product. It's weird not really being excited about the prospect of a new FF game, but only being interested in the features and development (outside of Final Fantasy Type-0, of course--it's really too bad we aren't getting info about it with respect of a North American release at E3).


Kagari said:
They refuse to comment, unfortunately.

Damn.... I didn't really like FFXIII leveling system because there was no place to make your characters different than everyones in the world... just go up the main tree.

I like the ability to customize!!!
XIII's was pretty shit, it only gave the illusion of choice which I find more frustrating that no choice at all. I mean, the designers practically knew what I was going to do with my points (for a majority of the game) so why make me sit in that terrible eye straining menu and have me slooooowly fill up a a line segment to get my +50 HP.

I honestly would have preferred to see 'you have levelled up, your stats are better now'


toasty_T said:
XIII's was pretty shit, it only gave the illusion of choice which I find more frustrating that no choice at all. I mean, the designers practically knew what I was going to do with my points (for a majority of the game) so why make me sit in that terrible eye straining menu and have me slooooowly fill up a a line segment to get my +50 HP.

I honestly would have preferred to see 'you have levelled up, your stats are better now'

Yes, filling up those bars took FOREVER, was stupid.

I dunno, I would like to see a new system, in line with ff X where you could do ANYTHING (almost) I remember all of my guys had hastega, I loved being able to cast that with everyone, healing too.

Also, a system like ff VII ( I know its been said before) but I liked how certain spells would increase other stats like attack, it really made leveling up and setting everything up fun. Also adds to the strategy.

I'm sure that by having a simpler level up system, they make the game easier for less hardcore gamers: you can't make a useless spec. if there are no options.


toasty_T said:
XIII's was pretty shit, it only gave the illusion of choice which I find more frustrating that no choice at all. I mean, the designers practically knew what I was going to do with my points (for a majority of the game) so why make me sit in that terrible eye straining menu and have me slooooowly fill up a a line segment to get my +50 HP.

I honestly would have preferred to see 'you have levelled up, your stats are better now'

Same here.

I had a similar issue with X's system, but that was much better designed.
toasty_T said:
XIII's was pretty shit, it only gave the illusion of choice which I find more frustrating that no choice at all. I mean, the designers practically knew what I was going to do with my points (for a majority of the game) so why make me sit in that terrible eye straining menu and have me slooooowly fill up a a line segment to get my +50 HP.

I honestly would have preferred to see 'you have levelled up, your stats are better now'
The Crystarium was visually really good looking, I don't get where this 'eye straining' bullshit is. The menu is easily the sleekest I have EVER seen in an RPG.

I really do hope this sequel is more like what X-2 did for the series: Provide something truly and ridiculously fun.


ZephyrFate said:
The Crystarium was visually really good looking, I don't get where this 'eye straining' bullshit is. The menu is easily the sleekest I have EVER seen in an RPG.

I really do hope this sequel is more like what X-2 did for the series: Provide something truly and ridiculously fun.
The Crystarium was pretty useless. Hold X till you're out of CP. Sometimes deviate and pick another ability. Repeat.
Gvaz said:
The Crystarium was pretty useless. Hold X till you're out of CP. Sometimes deviate and pick another ability. Repeat.
I never said it was a good system, I just said that visually it is very appealing. I don't like too much customization, either. I'd like characters to be naturally inclined towards general skillsets.


All of the characters are already inclined to specific sets each person has a different tree.

You can just play a character in a different way if you so choose. I prefer that to linear leveling.

In fact I'd say that's one of the few things FF13 did correctly. It's better to give the player choice, even if it's a bad one than to take away all choices entirely.
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