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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
miladesn said:
Oh, I missed this one.

Well, that's... kinda like Lotus Juice. But it isn't as polished as the P3 battle themes--though we're probably in the prototype phase when it comes to music. It's interesting to hear, and I really don't mind it. But I have to wonder if Hamauzu is collaborating with someone else on this soundtrack. It's like they said, "Hamauzu-san, here's a checklist. Do it. Now." because some of the stuff sounds like a bit of a departure from his usual style. I don't want to pass proper judgement until I get the music on its own, though.

I'd love for another Nakano/Hamauzu experience, myself. (DO IT, SE, and add Ishimoto to it!)

I really like Noel's English voice--Jason Marsden, was it? Perhaps they might have better scripts to work with this time. (Hahahaha.)


I don't like the lyrical parts of the boss theme much, but I kind of like the "rain" song. It isn't corny-great like MadWorld, but at least it is inoffensive rather than outright bad. The prospect of a middle-aged Japanese dude writing english rap lyrics cracks me up though. I wonder how much the inclusion of rap will play off on the closeted racism within anime geek culture.

You know, I don't think Moogles need to say Kupo constantly. Like, SE shouldn't feel they need to do it. At the very least, it should be a sound, not someone saying "kupo".


It's possible that Hamauzu is collaborating with another composer, although it seems like they're recycling some old tracks so he shouldn't have to compose as much. Rap or not, the track on the official site is 100% Hamauzu; I don't doubt he's composing. The 13 games are probably his bases for odd experiments.


Moogles have always talked and then said "kupo" at the end of sentences. This is just the first time they've been voiced.

Personally I think it's ADORABLE.
Game looks really good from the Gamespot preview, actually considering it now despite how badly I was burned by XIII.

One thing that has me peeved is the outfits. Maybe it's because I was spoiled by my Resonance of Fate party being dressed like normal people but the ridiculousness of Serah's and Noel's outfits is overwhelming.

Give me an option to have them both wear pinstripe suits SE!


I like how the camera moves in and rotates, all of it is realtime too, there is a good sense of scale in this one, the background looks great too.

like they said, looks like they can do more in realtime cutscenes this time.

Let me in

aceface said:
Moogles have always talked and then said "kupo" at the end of sentences. This is just the first time they've been voiced.

Personally I think it's ADORABLE.
Even more recent than IX.

I can handle this after every sentence, it's even kind of cute.

See, "kupo" is onomatopoeia, which they don't seem to get. Cats don't actually say MEOW. Moogles don't actually say KUPO.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Let me in said:
See, "kupo" is onomatopoeia, which they don't seem to get. Cats don't actually say MEOW. Moogles don't actually say KUPO.

Agreed 100%

This would be like having Chocobos actually say "Kweh" like its a word :/

It is not supposed to be something Moogles just say at the end of a sentence. It's not fucking "desu" for Moogles!

Fimbulvetr said:
Oh, also both this rap and the rap in persona is pretty eh.
Yeah... it's all English rapping from Japanese people who don't understand the words... and don't understand the hardness required of hip-hop. They just say the words in time to the music... they don't spit rhymes.

It sounds like beatnik spoken word poetry in Engrish.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Let me in said:
See, "kupo" is onomatopoeia, which they don't seem to get. Cats don't actually say MEOW. Moogles don't actually say KUPO.
This. It truly is a little jarring hearing them outright say KUPO with a human-like enunciation/phonetics. I always thought kupo/wark/kweh were animal-like sounds whenever I read them in the past FF games.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
lol @ the rap that plays in that boss fight. At least it's not at Knuckles rap levels of bad I guess.

I'm also partial to kupo being a sound. I think the most recent instance of it being like that is Dissidia.

Game is looking great. Only thing I'm not looking forward to is the monster recruiting shenanigans but I'll live. Even if the world in the game is supposed to be "darker and more mysterious" I still hope it will still not take itself too seriously somehow (one of the best things about X-2 is how self-aware it was of all of its tropes). I'd love to hear a linear/corridor joke at some point.
Fuu said:
lol @ the rap that plays in that boss fight. At least it's not at Knuckles rap levels of bad I guess.

Unlike Lightning I don't chuckle....

They should have hired the people who worked on the Mad World OST for the rap parts.

Let me in

Fuu said:
lol @ the rap that plays in that boss fight. At least it's not at Knuckles rap levels of bad I guess.
I was thinking about this comparison. I actually think Knuckles rap sounds better, or not as out of place.

This is just... I don't know. Strange. Maybe they think it adds to their supposed vision of a "darker" sequel.

Dark Schala said:
This. It truly is a little jarring hearing them outright say KUPO with a human-like enunciation/phonetics. I always thought kupo/wark/kweh were animal-like sounds whenever I read them in the past FF games.
Maybe we'll get a personified Chocobo character who will say WARK WARK WARK. That won't be grating at all.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Discotheque said:
I want a street hip hop/anime fusion jrpg now. The only good thing to come out of that video for me was this idea.
I was dreaming about this as a teenager back in 1998... Lots of FFVII and 2Pac getting mixed up in my mind..


Don't really like the music heard so far in the videos. Is that rock track the official battle theme?

Moogle looks a bit odd, but still cute.. but I wanna hear a cute kupo sound. I even have the FF9 mognet sound as my sms tone. lol.


Fuu said:
lol @ the rap that plays in that boss fight. At least it's not at Knuckles rap levels of bad I guess.
Oh no, I know you aren't referring to SA2's glorious Pumpkin Hill theme!


Its cool, I ain't even mad. I ain't gonna let it get to me, I'm just gonna lurk.


needs 2 extra inches
How much time will this game be in development when it launches in Japan (presumably Q4, right?): closer to 18 months or 2 years?

I have no problem with reusing assets, but I'm slightly worried about how focused, and cohesive the narrative and events will be, and whether it'll end up being a jumbled mess (even by modern FF's standard) or not.


Crystal Bearer
Jinfash said:
How much time will this game be in development when it launches in Japan (presumably Q4, right?): closer to 18 months or 2 years?

I have no problem with reusing assets, but I'm slightly worried about how focused, and cohesive the narrative and events will be, and whether it'll end up being a jumbled mess (even by modern FF's standard) or not.

Read my interview. They said since the worldwide launch of FFXIII... so about 18 months.


needs 2 extra inches
Kagari said:
Read my interview. They said since the worldwide launch of FFXIII... so about 18 months.
Link please?

Edit: Never mind found it. That is one massive interview. Good job, sister.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
FTH said:
Oh no, I know you aren't referring to SA2's glorious Pumpkin Hill theme!

Its cool, I ain't even mad. I ain't gonna let it get to me, I'm just gonna lurk.
BROFIST. Death Chamber is great too.

I don't mind lyrical content in games at all--I love it (Sonic, Persona, etc). It's just... the theme itself is a little strange. It's probably because I can't listen to it myself out of that video. Hamauzu is usually so melodic if he's not composing ambience or electronic stuff, so I guess that's why it strikes me as something a little uncharacteristic/experimental (and it's more likely because I can't really hear much of the instrumentation or backing vocals if they exist).

Either that, or I'm so used to Meguro/Sonic stuff having rapping in it and Hamauzu's stuff being so melodic and pretty or ambient.


I like the rock battle music, as well as the voices, generally. Script could be better, but obviously this only a very small segment we've seen so far.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Kagari said:
I played that demo about 6 times... never want to play that section again.

Did you enjoy the demo more than FFXIII though? :p

By the way, is the battle system restricted to one character ala FFXIII's battle system?


Dark Schala said:
BROFIST. Death Chamber is great too.

I don't mind lyrical content in games at all--I love it (Sonic, Persona, etc). It's just... the theme itself is a little strange. It's probably because I can't listen to it myself out of that video. Hamauzu is usually so melodic if he's not composing ambience or electronic stuff, so I guess that's why it strikes me as something a little uncharacteristic/experimental (and it's more likely because I can't really hear much of the instrumentation or backing vocals if they exist).

Either that, or I'm so used to Meguro/Sonic stuff having rapping in it and Hamauzu's stuff being so melodic and pretty or ambient.
/so good. That melody mmhmm. Loved Sonic Adventure 2's soundtrack.

And I agree, this XIII-2 rap seems a little out of place to me. I don't really mind it though.


Crystal Bearer
ULTROS! said:
Did you enjoy the demo more than FFXIII though? :p

By the way, is the battle system restricted to one character ala FFXIII's battle system?

One character, right. And also, if your party leader dies... game over.

And I don't know yet... it's hard to tell when you could only play as Noel. I definitely don't feel they changed the battle system as much as they should have though.


Kagari said:
One character, right. And also, if your party leader dies... game over.

And I don't know yet... it's hard to tell when you could only play as Noel. I definitely don't feel they changed the battle system as much as they should have though.

Now that is a huge minus for me.


Crystal Bearer
AgentChris said:
FFXIII-2 didn't get one mention during Sony's or Microsoft's conference; that was kinda of strange for a Final Fantasy title.

It was in the montages in the Sony one, and then on the after-conference show floor, however. But yeah, surprised they didn't show the PV or something. BUT the PV was looping in Sony's booth on the big screen and not in MS's.


AgentChris said:
FFXIII-2 didn't get one mention during Sony's or Microsoft's conference; that was kinda of strange for a Final Fantasy title.

It was shown in the opening demo reel of Sony's conference briefly but that's it.

EDIT : Boo beaten :(
Kagari said:
It was in the montages in the Sony one, and then on the after-conference show floor, however. But yeah, surprised they didn't show the PV or something. BUT the PV was looping in Sony's booth on the big screen and not in MS's.
Vamphuntr said:
It was shown in the opening demo reel of Sony's conference briefly but that's it.

EDIT : Boo beaten :(
Oh yeah, I forgot. Lighting with the feathers.
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