Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Not a bad first trailer, I definitely need to see more though. It looks like from the screens posted here Square is at least displaying that they're putting effort into making some new, better design decisions rather than treat this like a cheap cash in. I like the Noel guy, digging his design and voice actor. After being disappointed with XIII, I'm watching this one very carefully but I'm still on-board so far.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The Xtortionist said:
Story is the usual Toriyama bullshit. Characters look ridiculous. Dialogue is cringe-worthy. They're still not localizing out those Japanese exclamations (gasps etc...).

Maybe I'm just over Final Fantasy. We'll see.

Yup, they should really start localizing out those Japanese exclamations with grunts and generic military dialogue (tangos sighted!), in order to succeed in the west...
Well, based on what's being said, it certainly sounds like they're not just releasing XIII with some new dungeons. This is sounding like a pretty different type of game to what this team has done in the past, which is very interesting.


"Time flows without pause"

I can at least say I had fun with the first one, so I'll probably get this. They seemed to show a lot of friendly NPCs in the trailer, so that leaves me a little hopeful that they'll address some of the problems with the first game.

I wonder if this is an excuse for Square to use some of their unused content from the first game.


rhfb said:
Can't wait. I'm in the minority in that I actually enjoyed FFXIII. Probably won't get this day 1 (waiting for the drop to $40 isn't that hard), but I'll be picking it up for sure.

I liked XIII's
  • Characters (Vanille could've worked with a better voice)
  • Music
  • Enemy design
  • Environment art style

But the final boss needs to be something worthy of the FF name. I'm sick of these little measly bosses we've had to fight at the end of the game. X had it, XII and XIII as well. X-2 actually had a decent looking final boss, and XI had Shadowlord, Promathia, and more.

Also glad we FINALLY get gil for killing things again, as it should be. Hopefully with the lack of super high tech stuff on Pulse, there will be actual shops, and not online stores via save points.
Honestly, kinda looks like Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World HD. Male main character, female main character, monsters.

Kinda disappointed. Will probably buy it anyway.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Kagari said:
I'm still at the Sony event. Impressions will be up later tonight.

You win the bet... Again. :(

*ready for his avatar*


Mildly curious to see if this can somehow suck more than XIII.

djtiesto said:
Yup, they should really start localizing out those Japanese exclamations with grunts and generic military dialogue (tangos sighted!), in order to succeed in the west...
I'd seriously rather have that than the tripe FFXIII actually tried to pass off as dialogue.



-Level/area design that isn't a super repetitive line?
-We get Gil from all battles?
-Somewhat interesting addition to combat?
-We can recruit monsters (if it's anything like the monster capture system of FFX-2 International, I expect something awesome)?
-Enhanced monster encounter system?

Dammit, I'm kinda hyped. All I need to see is a Crystarium system and Weapon Upgrade system that don't suck.
Teknoman said:
I liked XIII's
  • Characters (Vanille could've worked with a better voice)
  • Music
  • Enemy design
  • Environment art style
Vanille was just a badly written character. A better voice actress would have helped, but only so much.


Rpgmonkey said:

-Level/area design that isn't a super repetitive line?
-We get Gil from all battles?
-Somewhat interesting addition to combat?
-We can recruit monsters (if it's anything like the monster capture system of FFX-2 International, I expect something awesome)?
-Enhanced monster encounter system?

Dammit, I'm kinda hyped. All I need to see is a Crystarium system and Weapon Upgrade system that don't suck.

And a story that makes isn't melodramatic, interesting antagonists, likeable protagonists, etc...

But we need to see more.


ninj4junpei said:
Vanille was just a badly written character. A better voice actress would have helped, but only so much.

Yeah probably.

Rpgmonkey said:

-Level/area design that isn't a super repetitive line?
-We get Gil from all battles?
-Somewhat interesting addition to combat?
-We can recruit monsters (if it's anything like the monster capture system of FFX-2 International, I expect something awesome)?
-Enhanced monster encounter system?

Dammit, I'm kinda hyped. All I need to see is a Crystarium system and Weapon Upgrade system that don't suck.

I'll say. I just hope we can buy lots of weapons and armor at decent prices, and actually have to get legendary weapons to drop via killing some crazy monster or completing an actual quest. Not just grinding materials.
My main concern has now shifted entirely to the amount of playable characters. I really don't want it to consist of just Serah and Noel with some random monsters.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Rpgmonkey said:

-Level/area design that isn't a super repetitive line?
-We get Gil from all battles?
-Somewhat interesting addition to combat?
-We can recruit monsters (if it's anything like the monster capture system of FFX-2 International, I expect something awesome)?
-Enhanced monster encounter system?

Dammit, I'm kinda hyped. All I need to see is a Crystarium system and Weapon Upgrade system that don't suck.
...I know. The QTE stuff is kind of odd for me, but I'm interested in what role it'll play. I hope the narrative doesn't get irritating after a while.

Against my better judgement, I'm getting a little hyped for this. I need to ground myself and try to be more realistic somehow.
Gunloc said:
My main concern has now shifted entirely to the amount of playable characters. I really don't want it to consist of just Serah and Noel with some random monsters.
Lightning is playable too, see the trailer.

ZephyrFate said:
Honestly, kinda looks like Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World HD. Male main character, female main character, monsters.

Kinda disappointed. Will probably buy it anyway.
DotNW was just a terrible game, and not just because of its party setup... It was far worse than the original in every way.

This actually looks like it improves upon the original, so looking forward to it.


Something tells me this game is full of fail. Square-Enix could redeem themselves and make XIII-2 a proper FF, but I have a feeling it will be more of the same.
Seda said:
And a story that makes isn't melodramatic, interesting antagonists, likeable protagonists, etc...

But we need to see more.
The story's going to be shit, just like its predecessor; but shitty stories have hardly prevented past FF games from being fun. The battle system only needs a few tweaks to it; give me a good explorable world, better-differentiated characters, and a bunch of fun sidequests in addition to the main game and I'll be pleased as punch. Oh, and a leveling and weapon upgrade system that isn't literally "pour the points into the bucket until it's full."

Leery about QTE and dialog choice - seems like focus-group-driven flailing about - but those features won't hurt the game, they just bespeak a possible lack of courage in direction.




Way too early to pass off-putting judgement on the characters. We've probably only seen one 15-minute chunk of the entire game in that trailer out of a game that will at least probably be 30+ hours (YMMV).


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Seda said:
What was the bet? I want to know how foolish you were.

Versus XIII having a presence at E3 (even a slight).


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
It looks like Yuna and Fang's lovechild.
darkhunger said:
Lightning is playable too, see the trailer.
Yeah, I saw that. But it seems her parts will be separate, at least at the beginning.

But even that isn't enough. FFXIII's small cast of playable characters was an issue for me, and I'm worried that this may have an even smaller group of party members. I'm probably getting ahead of myself, but not seeing any of the original main cast besides Lightning is a bit troublesome.

I'd really just like to see everyone return (though Hope can stay home), with some new characters added in. (And make Gadot and Lebreau permanent.)

But I'm actually feeling hopeful for the game, it's just that the selection of playable characters in an RPG is important to me.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Those are some stupid looking pants. My dad also thought Tidus's pants were stupid.

Definitely looks like a combo of FFX Yuna and Fang.

And Sora's hair, only if Sora had a shag or something.

badcrumble said:
Leery about QTE and dialog choice - seems like focus-group-driven flailing about - but those features won't hurt the game, they just bespeak a possible lack of courage in direction.
Yes, they're kind of bothering me a little. It's like SE saw what was in current blockbuster games like ME, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, etc and decided to throw it all in there.

I don't it'll hurt the game, but it just doesn't seem like SE has a clear cohesive product that has decided what type of game it wants to be. I really need to see more to be sure.

But dammit, I'm... I'm looking forward to it. Cautiously optimistic.
badcrumble said:
Leery about QTE and dialog choice - seems like focus-group-driven flailing about - but those features won't hurt the game, they just bespeak a possible lack of courage in direction.
Whatever it is they are doing, SE has been far too out-of-touch as of late, so its nice to see that they are actually learning about what their fans like to see in an FF game (i.e. being inspired by Call of Duty is not one of those things)...

RPGCrazied said:
Noel is hot though at least. :p

I hope he is over 18? if not I retract my statement. lol
The site calls him a "seinen", so he's probably over 18. Older teens at the very least.


The music is soooooo Hamauzu and sooooo good. So hyped for the soundtrack.

But I want to know what happened to the sexy Australian accent that I thought Noel would have, assuming he's from Pulse. I don't think I can get over this.
Gunloc said:
Yeah, I saw that. But it seems her parts will be separate, at least at the beginning.

But even that isn't enough. FFXIII's small cast of playable characters was an issue for me, and I'm worried that this may have an even smaller group of party members. I'm probably getting ahead of myself, but not seeing any of the original main cast besides Lightning is a bit troublesome.

I'd really just like to see everyone return (though Hope can stay home), with some new characters added in. And make Gadot and Lebreau permanent.

This is just a single segment of the game, though. It's way too early to start presuming anything about the overall cast based on a short trailer from one portion of the game.


badcrumble said:
The story's going to be shit, just like its predecessor; but shitty stories have hardly prevented past FF games from being fun. The battle system only needs a few tweaks to it; give me a good explorable world, better-differentiated characters, and a bunch of fun sidequests in addition to the main game and I'll be pleased as punch. Oh, and a leveling and weapon upgrade system that isn't literally "pour the points into the bucket until it's full."

Leery about QTE and dialog choice - seems like focus-group-driven flailing about - but those features won't hurt the game, they just bespeak a possible lack of courage in direction.

Yeah... it's interesting the subjective definement of 'fun'. Pressing one button while walking a path from cutscene to cutscene in the most brutally linear way, some people would define as 'fun'.
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