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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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I just started this game, and so far it's really shitty and not fun at all :/

I heard it's like this for the first 25 hours or so? Just about the only thing I like are the pretty backgrounds. Maybe I'll just go back and finish FFXII, that game was a lot of fun. Although I've been in more of a Harvest Moon mood lately.
Amir0x said:
I just enjoy hearing the ever more elaborate ways people find to defend certain things. I learn a lot from the process. I enjoy these discussions.

I don't have an opinion unless I believe it's 100% right, so it's not about winning or losing. It's about learning.
I just saw this... really? Are you equating opinion with fact, here, or are you just really confident and sure in your opinions? Do you never change your mind about anything in argument? I'm just having a hard time grasping that kind of POV. I don't even know why you'd argue with others of varying opinions about anything, in that case.


--in the beginning, everyone is talking about how awesome the battle system is and all of us are jumping on the hype train. "Those importers have no idea what they're talking about." "The voice acting is actually decent." "Snow is awesome!!!!111!!!" (that was me).

--as more people play on past chapters four and five, some people start talking about all the complaints about forced linearity. Some lulz are had about chapter five and the lights guiding you through the 'maze.'

--I find out that Serah's design is from a hentai character.

--More people keep jumping on the hype train. Even Himuro likes the game: boss fights are awesome! he says. I'd dig up the quote but that's so far back.

--People hit chapter 7. Some people talk about how awesome it all was. "Snow is so fucking cool, I'd have sex with him!" (that was me) Some people complain about how awful the story, as it was presented, was.

--I start looking for Vanille hentai. Not much luck. Japan does not come through for me.

--People hit chapter 9 and the game reveals just how shit it is.

--I grind through chapters 9 and 10. I hit 11. I stand atop a hill like Moses overlooking the promised land. The time of tribulation is over. I can explore, I can quest, I can RPG!

--But it's all so fucking boring and I really don't feel like grinding for traps and shit. I still do it because I'm a fucking sop and I paid for the goddamn game. Some of the missions are fun, I guess. But maybe I shouldn't have hyped myself up so goddamn much.

--I stop looking for Vanille hentai and start looking for a chainsaw.

--I push on. I beat the game. Pretty cutscenes. Or they would be pretty if the video quality wasn't so awful. I fully understand by this point why the asshole I called 'friend' sold me his copy for forty bucks. It was because Gamestop only offered him thirty. Dick.

--After I beat the game, I sit there and soak it all in. Disappointment. It was still a good game, I tell myself. But it wasn't Final Fantasy. Then I think about the last Final Fantasy that was truly a great game, and that's like ten years ago.

--I trade the game for Resonance of Fate.

--All is well with the world. God is in his heaven. But I'm an atheist. I'm so confused.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I'm completely lost as to how I should approach customization. I don't want a definitive guide, but I'd like some pointers.

I'm in chapter 5, and I've upgraded everyone's weapons up to level 3.

Now, I don't see any rhyme nor reason as to why some components give more xp to a weapon/item than others. Is there any logic to this?

Should I be saving up my high-XP components to use later? Should I be buying more weapons and upgrading those as well? Should I be selling off my 8-20 xp worth components and using the gil to buy higher-yield xp components from the store? Do the store items work better with some equipment than with others? When should I break down an item into components?
Amir0x said:
ME2 keeps getting mentioned, I think, because it is similarly linear to FFXIII, and it is similarly character-driven to FFXIII.

Ignoring the storyline as I haven't touched that much of it, the comparisons to ME2 are amazingly obvious. The combat systems are as close to each other as a third person shooter and an menu-based rpg can be. They both completely toss out stuff from their respective genres that (doesn't work or defines the damn genre, insert opinion here). And they both have pretty much identical level design.

cosmicblizzard said:
It's official. Final Fantasy XIII is the JRPG for JRPG haters,
I wouldn't say that I hate jrpgs. I can't really help it if they haven't been the hottest of shit lately. This game feels like a breath of fresh air compared to pretty much every contemporary, all of them either satisfied with remaking games from the 90s or are far too indulgent with the foreign foreignocity.

ScrabbleDude said:
I'm into chapter 4 now and still loving it. Wish I was playing the game when it was first released and before everyone in the thread was a hater.
You've got me. I'm pretty sure I'm more sane than anyone who actually finished Tales of Vesperia.


FlyinJ said:
I'm completely lost as to how I should approach customization. I don't want a definitive guide, but I'd like some pointers.

I'm in chapter 5, and I've upgraded everyone's weapons up to level 3.

Now, I don't see any rhyme nor reason as to why some components give more xp to a weapon/item than others. Is there any logic to this?

Should I be saving up my high-XP components to use later? Should I be buying more weapons and upgrading those as well? Should I be selling off my 8-20 xp worth items and using the gil to buy higher-yield xp components from the store? Do the store items work better with some equipment than with others? When should I break down an item into components?
Just save everything up and dump them in at chapter 11. Build up multipliers then go hog-wild on xp.


Dresden said:
--in the beginning, everyone is talking about how awesome the battle system is and all of us are jumping on the hype train. "Those importers have no idea what they're talking about." "The voice acting is actually decent." "Snow is awesome!!!!111!!!" (that was me).

--as more people play on past chapters four and five, some people start talking about all the complaints about forced linearity. Some lulz are had about chapter five and the lights guiding you through the 'maze.'

--I find out that Serah's design is from a hentai character.

--More people keep jumping on the hype train. Even Himuro likes the game: boss fights are awesome! he says. I'd dig up the quote but that's so far back.

--People hit chapter 7. Some people talk about how awesome it all was. "Snow is so fucking cool, I'd have sex with him!" (that was me) Some people complain about how awful the story, as it was presented, was.

--I start looking for Vanille hentai. Not much luck. Japan does not come through for me.

--People hit chapter 9 and the game reveals just how shit it is.

--I grind through chapters 9 and 10. I hit 11. I stand atop a hill like Moses overlooking the promised land. The time of tribulation is over. I can explore, I can quest, I can RPG!

--But it's all so fucking boring and I really don't feel like grinding for traps and shit. I still do it because I'm a fucking sop and I paid for the goddamn game. Some of the missions are fun, I guess. But maybe I shouldn't have hyped myself up so goddamn much.

--I stop looking for Vanille hentai and start looking for a chainsaw.

--I push on. I beat the game. Pretty cutscenes. Or they would be pretty if the video quality wasn't so awful. I fully understand by this point why the asshole I called 'friend' sold me his copy for forty bucks. It was because Gamestop only offered him thirty. Dick.

--After I beat the game, I sit there and soak it all in. Disappointment. It was still a good game, I tell myself. But it wasn't Final Fantasy. Then I think about the last Final Fantasy that was truly a great game, and that's like ten years ago.

--I trade the game for Resonance of Fate.

--All is well with the world. God is in his heaven. But I'm an atheist. I'm so confused.

:lol :lol :lol

Me too


How do people on message boards make statements like, "Most of the fanbase flat out hates it" when it is highly unlikely "most" of the fanbase even posts on the internet, let alone on neogaf?

<3 FF12

Favorite main entry. Would play FF13, but just got a DSI XL and Valkyrie Profile is pretty awesome.


WickedLaharl said:

RoF is so much better than this game it isn't even funny.

Actually, it is pretty funny. I lost faith in Tri-Ace after IU and SO4, but hearing RoF is good makes me :lol :lol with joy. I'll pick it up soon.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
icarus-daedelus said:
Part of the overall schizophrenia of this game is that the story delivery changes pretty radically during Pulse, and by that I mean that in comparison with the rest of the game there are hardly any cutscenes at all. It's a jarring shift, to be sure, probably even more so if you were 'into' the story. And for me, it's not an overall hate of anime that makes me dislike the anime-ish parts of the storyline - I'm mature enough not to hate on an entire medium for whatever reason - it's more that the game takes inspiration from the worst cliches of anime characterization (particularly with Snow and Vanille).
I definitely understand the Snow/Vanille complaints by this point..

One thing about the way people have phrased that argument over the last month, though: People are always saying "they are adhering to an anime cliche".. as if genki girls, shounen heroes and such are some sort of meme that was created out of thin air, and no one actually likes, but they are just some sort of stock TV character that we are doomed to copy over and over again. I think that's kind of a foreign view of it, though I could be wrong. I believe they are making these characters in Japan because they think people (Japanese people, but in their minds just "people") will actually like these characters. They don't go to their drawing boards and say "ok, make a genki girl because that's what we do in anime stories"... it's just that there is a long tradition of cutesy characters in their history, so it probably seems perfectly natural to make characters like that. That's a viable protagonist in the mind of a Japanese fiction creator.

We can label it a terrible cliche after the fact... but I don't think they set out to specifically make characters that adhere to some standard character trope. That's just what they end up designing when you ask them to create a young girl character. We might label it a genki girl. We're especially sensetive to objectifying it as some "type" of character if we aren't actually in the culture which might have seen these characters as normal occurances.

It's like if a Japanese person was talking about Gears of War, and he said "Marcus Fenix is an non-realistic character, because those Americans were trying to make one of those "Macho" characters again. They're trying to copy Hollywood action films which feature the "Macho" style of character."
^ A foreign observer could objectify strong, macho characters as some sort of "type" that Americans are silly enough to keep remaking over and over.... but in reality, this is just what an American will create when you ask him to make a male hero.

Just some musing on that topic. It's not a defense of these anime stereotypes at all... I was just thinking about how this argument was presented to me over and over again by different people who seem to be more familiar with "anime types" than I ever was.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
WickedLaharl said:

RoF is so much better than this game it isn't even funny.

You know what? And I've said this a lot of times already:

I had more fun with SO4. :p

I don't hate FFXIII, it's just that it's very very very mainstreamed.
Dresden said:
--in the beginning, everyone is talking about how awesome the battle system is and all of us are jumping on the hype train. "Those importers have no idea what they're talking about." "The voice acting is actually decent." "Snow is awesome!!!!111!!!" (that was me).

--as more people play on past chapters four and five, some people start talking about all the complaints about forced linearity. Some lulz are had about chapter five and the lights guiding you through the 'maze.'

--I find out that Serah's design is from a hentai character.

--More people keep jumping on the hype train. Even Himuro likes the game: boss fights are awesome! he says. I'd dig up the quote but that's so far back.

--People hit chapter 7. Some people talk about how awesome it all was. "Snow is so fucking cool, I'd have sex with him!" (that was me) Some people complain about how awful the story, as it was presented, was.

--I start looking for Vanille hentai. Not much luck. Japan does not come through for me.

--People hit chapter 9 and the game reveals just how shit it is.

--I grind through chapters 9 and 10. I hit 11. I stand atop a hill like Moses overlooking the promised land. The time of tribulation is over. I can explore, I can quest, I can RPG!

--But it's all so fucking boring and I really don't feel like grinding for traps and shit. I still do it because I'm a fucking sop and I paid for the goddamn game. Some of the missions are fun, I guess. But maybe I shouldn't have hyped myself up so goddamn much.

--I stop looking for Vanille hentai and start looking for a chainsaw.

--I push on. I beat the game. Pretty cutscenes. Or they would be pretty if the video quality wasn't so awful. I fully understand by this point why the asshole I called 'friend' sold me his copy for forty bucks. It was because Gamestop only offered him thirty. Dick.

--After I beat the game, I sit there and soak it all in. Disappointment. It was still a good game, I tell myself. But it wasn't Final Fantasy. Then I think about the last Final Fantasy that was truly a great game, and that's like ten years ago.

--I trade the game for Resonance of Fate.

--All is well with the world. God is in his heaven. But I'm an atheist. I'm so confused.

I just want to say that I love you and this post :lol
WickedLaharl said:

RoF is so much better than this game it isn't even funny.
No it really isn't. I wanted to try it out so bad because it looked so crazy and I walked away having more conviction in my hate against Tri Ace. But hey the dress up part was cool.


Rahxephon91 said:
No it really isn't. I wanted to try it out so bad because it looked so crazy and I walked away having more conviction in my hate against Tri Ace. But hey the dress up part was cool.
To each his own.
I really can't believe there's no Vanille hentai on the internet, though. I mean, considering Rule 34 and all.

And the voice acting is pretty decent. Aside from you know who.


Rahxephon91 said:
No it really isn't. I wanted to try it out so bad because it looked so crazy and I walked away having more conviction in my hate against Tri Ace. But hey the dress up part was cool.

This is the part where I quote your tag AND your avatar.


icarus-daedelus said:
I really can't believe there's no Vanille hentai on the internet, though. I mean, considering Rule 34 and all.

And the voice acting is pretty decent. Aside from you know who.
That was sneaky of you, linking to tvtropes like that. I've built up an immunity though.

There's a surprising lack of fanart and crap for XIII. It mostly seems to be Lightning and Hope noodling each other and stuff. And that's wrong for many reasons.


icarus-daedelus said:
I really can't believe there's no Vanille hentai on the internet, though. I mean, considering Rule 34 and all.

And the voice acting is pretty decent. Aside from you know who.

Yeah, VA is pretty standard for the gen.

Meaning not too great, but nothing ear-bleeding either.

Rule 34 + Japan means there are tons of hardcore Doujin somewhere, y'all are just not looking hard enough.
Dresden said:
That was sneaky of you, linking to tvtropes like that. I've built up an immunity though.

There's a surprising lack of fanart and crap for XIII. It mostly seems to be Lightning and Hope noodling each other and stuff. And that's wrong for many reasons.

That's...eww. Really? Lightning and Hope? I would have thought all of the creepy fanart would be for Fang and Vanille. And Jihl. And Rygdea. Not that I care, of course!

And then it wouldn't make any sense because you haven't played RoF.
That's what we call a burn, son.


icarus-daedelus said:

That's...eww. Really? Lightning and Hope? I would have thought all of the creepy fanart would be for Fang and Vanille. And Jihl. And Rygdea. Not that I care, of course!

Well, Fang and Vanille wouldn't be creepy, it would be a beautiful thing.


icarus-daedelus said:

That's...eww. Really? Lightning and Hope? I would have thought all of the creepy fanart would be for Fang and Vanille. And Jihl. And Rygdea. Not that I care, of course!

That's what we call a burn, son.

Liar! :p
well since i've played both...

I have bad taste


Rahxephon91 said:
Then wouldn't you know if it was good...

From playing the demo? Not necessarily. I know I enjoyed what I played, but I enjoyed the FF13 demo as well and, well, look how that's turned out.

I guess, to be more accurate, I should say I'm glad to hear the quality of the game is consistent with the time I spent playing the demo. But I don't see many people in the RoF thread saying, "You have to play for 25 hours before the game lets you play," so I have faith.
Well if not liking Tri Ace means I have bad taste. I think I can life with that.

One more thing. I'll never understand the takes 25 hours to be fun complaint. The game was fun the moment you got your classes and the Vannille forest part was actually pretty fun on my 2nd playthough.
icarus-daedelus said:

That's...eww. Really? Lightning and Hope? I would have thought all of the creepy fanart would be for Fang and Vanille. And Jihl. And Rygdea. Not that I care, of course!

Oh god, now I can't think of you as anything but a hentai/fanart tsundere. What has anime done to me!?


Cep said:
Lay off, if we are going to crush someone (something I wholly endorse), let us do it legitimately.
It always annoys me when Rahxephon gets his tag quoted. It's like the worst tag ever. People just fall back and quote that thing like they were trying to Godwin that shit.

icarus-daedelus said:
Sadly, I cannot disagree with either of these posts.

I don't know what you guys are on about with Snow, though. As far as pretty boys go he's not even on Kuja levels.
To be honest, it's the voice.


Rahxephon91 said:
Well if not liking Tri Ace means I have bad taste. I think I can life with that.

Well I think it is the entire not liking RoF/VP1 thing.

Other than those, TA is a truly awful developer.


Dresden said:
It always annoys me when Rahxephon gets his tag quoted. It's like the worst tag ever. People just fall back and quote that thing like they were trying to Godwin that shit.

Anybody that dislikes Valkyrie Profile has bad taste, imo. :p


Skilletor said:
Anybody that dislikes Valkyrie Profile has bad taste, imo. :p

Well then:

Hi, my name is Cep and I have bad taste.

Though in my defense, if your game's combat is not rocking my socks off, then in my book, the game is probably bad.
cosmicblizzard said:
Oh god, now I can't think of you as anything but a hentai/fanart tsundere. What has anime done to me!?
I am proud to say that I have no idea what "tsundere" means.

Dresden said:
To be honest, it's the voice.
Ah, so it's your Troy Baker obsession. :p Gotcha. I hope the same doesn't apply to Serah because of Laura Bailey, though...

Cep said:
Well I think it is the entire not liking RoF/VP1 thing.

Other than those, TA is a truly awful developer.
They've got separate teams within Tri-Ace, right? Because I can't fathom how VP1 (and even 2) and an apparently solid game such as RoF could come from the Star Ocean/Infinite Undiscovery people.
cosmicblizzard said:
How did he get his tag anyway?
I think I said someone had bad taste for disliking Vann from FFXII's character design and saying I had good taste. I don't really know. Its ok. Around my friends I'm known for being pretty crazy with what I like and don't. I really enjoy Code Geass for instance and I've spent the day defending FFXIII all the while playing Alone in the Dark and kind of enjoying it.
Dresden said:
Pretty sure it was one of those many JRPG threads that popped up around FFXIII's release. He was defending XIII and that was that.

That's all? Good thing I already have a tag that could be seen as neutral for those who don't know the story behind it.

icarus-daedelus said:
I am proud to say that I have no idea what "tsundere" means.

You don't want to know. DON'T WIKI IT!


icarus-daedelus said:
I am proud to say that I have no idea what "tsundere" means.

Ah, so it's your Troy Baker obsession. :p Gotcha. I hope the same doesn't apply to Serah because of Laura Bailey, though...

They've got separate teams within Tri-Ace, right? Because I can't fathom how VP1 (and even 2) and an apparently solid game such as RoF could come from the Star Ocean/Infinite Undiscovery people.
I'm kind of sad I know this, but tsundere is when someone is tsun for someone when they're actually dere for them.

And yes, that was very, very helpful.

As for Troy Baker, I blame Persona 4. Only game where I actually bothered finding out about the VAs and I just remember all the names from that game.
Rahxephon91 said:
I think I said someone had bad taste for disliking Vann from FFXII's character design and saying I had good taste. I don't really know. Its ok. Around my friends I'm known for being pretty crazy with what I like and don't. I really enjoy Code Geass for instance and I've spent the day defending FFXIII all the while playing Alone in the Dark and kind of enjoying it.

It's okay. Tags don't define someone around here. I also like Code Geass.


cosmicblizzard said:
That was a hilarious moment. Every sunday was Geass sunday, I miss the days when I was really enthusiastic about anime.

And yeah, I thought bloody Euphie fit the mood better. No one who didn't watch the show would get the reference, anyways.
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